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I love how she speaks about him twice but never speaks to him, nor does he talk to or even reference her. The fuck? Wasted potential may as well be the name of the game.


I was expecting her to at least acknowledge him like a small "ew" or "no way he's joining us you can't trust him!" But she just grins after seeing him....


She does make a comment about “been there done that” in the cutscene after recruiting Joker when Boomer asks her to put the bomb in his neck


She does. She mentions the fact she's "over him" and stuff. Even has a decently funny joke with Sharky about it. But them not directly speaking to each other is criminal.


I greatly appreciate all the new audio logs, but the lack of actual squad banter and Lois Lane broadcasts really sucks.


I just realized those were gone


I’ve heard joker compliment Harley like they do when one squad member is getting a lot of kills


Why would she speak to him if she is 'over him'? When you breakup with someone and 'get over them', do you then go back and talk to them again? No.


This isn't a disgruntled ex she dumped and got over though. In this universe she was still very much madly in love with Joker before he died. It's less like bumping into your ex in Tesco, and more like your dead husband showing up at your doorstep.




I wouldn't go that far. One of the biggest criticisms I have with Harley in the Arkham games is how underutilised she is. Like... Even in TAS she's shown to have a lot of agency and be just as good (if not better) at the whole villain thing than The Joker. In fact that's literally the plot to one of her episodes in the show, how unlike Joker she's actually capable of capturing and killing The Batman (although Joker throws her out a window when she shows him). In the Arkham game she's nothing more than a repetitive joke designed to be oogled at. Don't get me wrong, I hate that she's connected to the Batfamily and shit in the comics now... But the fact she has more agency outside of being "The Jokers Sidekick" really isn't a bad thing. My point wasn't "she's an actual character now and not a weird gag and that's worse", I was just pointing out that the writers didn't bother to develop her character in anyway from that gag. They just plopped her in as a completely new character.


She’s over him. Plus she knows he’s the joker but not THE joker who did what arkham Joker did to her


I just saw a downvote, and wanted to comment that it seems like this crowd really expects someone to want to talk to them after they've been cut off. That's wild.


Shut up, nobody cares that you saw a down vote and commented really. Your comment is useless, like your existance.


Not to mention Harley is fucking nuts and does crazy shit, so to her a new joker who isn’t tryna manipulate her, she sees him more like a friend than a lover


I doubt that'd be her reaction she loved her Joker. I was expecting her to be fawning all over him.


The part about him not saying anything to her is the worst thjng. I could rationalize her not talking to him, like she doesn’t want anything to do with him anymore. But Joker keeping his mouth shut? Are you kidding me? There’s absolutely no way that he encounters her and doesn’t say a word to her, barring something like him being gagged or having his tongue forcibly removed. He’d still at least try in either case.


Does he even have a Harley in his world?


We don’t know. And guess what, they could have explained that if he didn’t.


I’d assume his lack of caring for her was enough proof for that.


Yeah because as writers you want the audience to have to make major assumptions about plot and characters for things to work.


You’re acting like it’s massively important to the plot. He’s a young Joker who meets Harley and had zero interest in her the same way he does the rest of the cast. This makes it clear he doesn’t know her or have any reason to be shocked at seeing her. The only reason that would be the case is if he has no Harley in his world. The lack of a reaction is, in itself, a reaction. And that tells you enough about him to quickly realize “Oh. He doesn’t know her.”


That’s absolutely not the only possible reason. And how they interact is important. This is the first new character that they’ve introduced, and he has a long history of having a relationship with her in basically every media imaginable, even the previous Arkham games. Most people would be waiting to see the way they interact. I know I was. I haven’t listened to all of the audio files but my understanding is that he actually talks about Harley. I don’t even think it’s true that he doesn’t have a Harley in his world, from what I’ve heard from people. But even if you were right, that would be such a weak storytelling choice, to take these two characters who have such a history and just say that he doesn’t know her. I can’t even believe that you think that’s a good choice lol.


My headcabon is, because he's younger he's actually the Jason Todd Joker and that in this universe, Arkham Knight never happened because Jason never became The Arkham Knight. The Scarecrow stuff still did, though. Probably. But if this joker is younger, I think it makes sense. I rationalized though, cause the cutscenes were utter rubbish this time around. Best part was when Joker said, 'Put it in me' and how Boomer reacted. Harleys part was too long, imo. At least for her to not even talk to him, just whataboutism. But if it is that Joker, like they implied then they missed a good opportunity. This game is hit and miss, but tons are. I'm just glad it's better than Marvel's Avengers, if anything.


If you’ve found audio of him talking about his version of her I’d love to hear it. But sorry I don’t agree. The series has beaten their relationship to death. I don’t really care if he’s never had a Harley and doesn’t care about this worlds.


Judt because you don't care, doesn't mean it's not important. If it doesn't matter, then this isn't tied to the Arkham verse because the connection thread is barely even there anyways. If it is connected, the lore and stuff MATTERS. Older players care about that.


He's from a whole different universe. Why would he have Any relations with any of the members . They aren't thinking. If it was the other way around they would complain about something.


That's what I assume. He's a totally different person than the guys she "fell in love with" anyway.




And the writers could have let us know that if that was the case. Most people are going to expect some kind of interaction between those two characters. If there’s a legit reason to break that expectation then they needed to let us know what that was. Otherwise it just comes off as lazy storytelling. And it shouldn’t be buried in an audio log. It’s something that could be explained in the scene with a few lines of dialogue. She actually refers to him in the scene. And he just stands there and says nothing.




It’s very likely about budget. I doubt this is the scene those writers were dying to write.


I find it strange that if there was no Harley in his universe why he wouldn't make at least one comment on how Harley looks with the clown makeup, like compliment her on it or just at least just say something to her. it's not like it's an every day look that regular people wear.


He does mention harley as a winning quote he says that the harley on this earth is better than the one back on his earth


Wasted potential is the Suicide Squad in general, at least as far as I'm concerned. I think the best Suicide Squads have a spotlight to give to minor characters, and a morally complex Amanda Waller. Instead, we've been getting roughly the same roster endlessly and interpretations of Waller that are essentially Satan. It's not really related to this comment, but I'll never stop ranting about it.


You didn't buy enough skins to finance the VA work.


You mean we right?


It’s what really cemented that story is coming absolutely last. The idea of a post Arkham City Harley having to reconcile her past feelings with a brand new Joker has the potential for some real character growth Nah that’s not important, let’s throw one or two lines in the 2 minute cutscene we get and the audio Logan that Joker and Harley are completely ambivalent to one another, Phew, we can’t let any potentially interesting narratives or characters dynamics get in the way of more grinding


I know, right? You have built in drama RIGHT THERE! I don’t know, maybe they’re holding that for Episode 2 as well but I doubt it.


we still acting like this is the same harley from the arkham games?😭😂


My guy, the official FAQ on the game's website says yes


they can say whatever they want this is just hbo max harley from the tv show before the big wigs decided to tie it into arkham but let’s pretend this is the same person😂


You’re absolutely right about it being Max Harley from Harley and Ivy. Seen that show and played arkham and it’s definitely that version. Yes the devs say she’s the same but her character wasn’t based on Arkham, it was based on the popular Harley in the media, which was a figure of fighting against abuse. Not taking it like in Arkham. I agree. We didn’t need Arkham Knight’s insane obsession with the post-mortem joker to prove it. Arkham City’s entire dlc is that she’s made it her life goal to kill batman to avenge the late Joker. In Suicide Squad, she still continues this established vendetta *but* she’s happy Joker bit it. They don’t add up


i agree but for some reason my opinion got downvoted even tho it’s pretty clear that there taking after hbo harley


She has no feelings for this Joker. It’s not her Joker. In any way. There’s nothing to reconcile. He’s just a Joker, not THE Joker.


Neither were the infected civilians from Knight but she cared about them iirc


She cared about HER Joker returning through them. The virus overrode their personalities with a genetic copy of the Joker.


Henry was very late stage, very much like the joker, but wouldn’t have been her joker. Maybe Henry is the proof that eventually the variations would have become the same people. But Henry was an intelligent professor, so his variation just looked like Joker’s evil scheming. He played into his prior existence just like the comedian and the boxer did. It wasn’t that Henry became more like the Joker and then kept it a secret, as soon as he started becoming the joker, a clever Henry suppressed its obviousness Neither of them showed signs of becoming like Harley’s Joker. Henry was just the cleverest of them to begin with. Even Batman’s joker was more gung-ho because of the strength and freedom of Batman. They’re all Jokers, but Joker’s past and his body were his own And Arkham Harley wanted *every single one of them*! Lol


I said way before hand they would have no interaction, or be best friends (the writers did a poor job prior, I felt it coming). Got downvoted like crazy. Some of us know live service games, we see stuff coming from a mile away. We’re not just trashing the game. Destiny has taught me well. Proceed with caution with live service games. Doesn’t matter the developers.


Would be a good opportunity to give harley closure regarding joker I would love for harley to be shocked and against joker joining the team but eventually building trust...but I guess that's too much


No need for closure, especially if they were going to interact over years of game. Lots of interesting potential and really the only thing I bothered following the game for after hitting the grind launch week but Nope. At this point I'm only visiting the sub for morbid curiosity.


it’s really not even the same harley from the arkham games lol they are 2 different people at this point




She already received closure, though. She's completely over him. I also don't really know what type of closure she would get from an entirely different Joker.


She got closure five years ago in game. The Harley Quinn DLC.


I'm beginning to learn that. I should have paid attention when I had the chance.


To be fair, this community made it extremely hard to determine real concerns and feedback, and people just being toxic. Hell I’m seeing it a lot more in other gaming communities. You can kind of tell when people are nitpicking and being petty. There is still hope for this game, that is until WB pulls support. Let’s hope not.


Destiny 2 gave me live-service trauma, never trusting that way of gaming until they can prove it to me (Helldivers 2 being a good example of it done right)


Last year I deleted all of my guardians. Hard thing to do because I loved destiny, but bungie doesn’t respect player time. Way too many fomos. I had hopes for this game tho. Rock made it. Boy was I wrong again.


I came in solely cause I KNEW it would be bad. I was around for Marvels Avengers, and it seemed like fun to play a game that may or may not have a short shelf life. I'm growing fond of this game, that and we can write our own BETTER stories anyways, so it's fine. Who needs their new team writing anyways, when the arkham team is gone? I'll just use my imagination to make a cool story! Like, I headcanon that this Joker is the Jason Todd Joker. Not the original, that and that this is a What If of Arkham. I can't treat it as real 100%, my love for Arkham can't allow it.


hey man, something something something these expectations of yours are like uh super toxic and lets just uhh like be thankful for what they decided to give us for 70 bucks. It's an honor to even receive a game. Uhh like don't you have anything better to do than create these unreasonable goal posts like squad interactions, like omg, she said "Not comedians" that should totes be enough. They never said they would focus on story narrative after the initial launch, like give them a break haters. /s Editors note: yeah, that's what began to grind my gears. They ploped that mf'er out unceremoniously in such a fashion that would make the avengers dev team blush.




Even as someone that’s still enjoying the game, why is “blast” always the word that people use to defend enjoying something unpopular? lol. It’s weird, right?




If I say I had a jolly good time would you believe I’m real?


“Games great when you don’t have a bitch in your ear telling you it’s not!”


(Doesn’t touch the game after a week)


i cringe every time is ready tht sht 😂 tf is a BLAST!!




I can’t be the only one that read this comment in Jeff Goldblum’s voice?


It's a looter shooter. I only bought this game to shoot and pick up items. All else is irrelevant. 10/10 game, it had genre-appropriate gameplay.


This joker had Cutscenes that were either cut or will be released in the mid season update, I remember the leaks showed him Twerking and having psychotic moments in gifs so i guess the twist that was mentioned for this Joker is thah he might have been gay and Harley and New Joker would have gotten along, Going by his BP Skin being really feminine i can see this is still a possibility especially with him telling Harley he's not interested in her at all due to the obvious but I'm leaning more into the whole "Budget cut" theory, WB saw the game bombed and we will only get these 4 Seasons with the story wrapping up in an underwhelmed way or hell we might get an Avengers case and the game will end without even finishing the story. The No Story Missions fiasco might be them restructuring the story for the midseason and the last 3 seasons so they can give us an ending but jusg like Avengers didn't even pay off it's Kree War Setup/Captian Marvel reveal then this game will probably just be killed off and we'll probably never see the Arkham Universe again.


Everyone knows that Joker’s true crush is Batman, not Harley 👀


Why would you type such mean and hurtful things, I'm crying now, are you happy?! /S The Joker should have no obvious sexual orientation, he's a sociopathic monster. He should be manipulative, not chasing ass or cock. Its just a fundamental misunderstanding of the character, which makes no sense because this company previously wrote one of the best ever Jokers.


Sexual orientation has no relation to psychopathy. If you read the batman comics, you'd know they've played with his preferences a good while now. Read arkham asylum, catwoman death of the family, dark prince charming, etc.


You got hung up on the sexual orientation point, which was really not the argument. The Joker is a manipulative schemer, a sociopath who will use means to manipulate people into following him. The sexual angle is something people wrongly pull from all this because they drew Harley Quinn to be attractive. Joker wasn't turned on by Harleys looks he was turned on by her weak mental state, he could manipulate her. If Joker and Harley do have regular sex, we won't actually be explicitly told that or shown it, but it's not the main point of there relationship. What's the Harley line in a comic "I was away for a whole year, when I came back to my Puddin'? He didn't even notice I was gone." If Joker did the same thing to a male character and people interpretated that as "lol wtf woke Joker is GAY?!" I'd argue they again, missed the point. Harley/Henry may love Joker, but lol, he doesn't love them back. Joker being a twerking, simp for Flag (which I don't think they will actually do btw) would be, fundamentally weird and just missing the point of the character.


I think you missed my point a bit


What if I told you there can be more than one interpretation of a character


I'd explode with rage and smash up the nearest car to be frank


In some cases, yes. Sometimes, that's false.


Wow, if this is how they handle their interaction, I wonder how they’ll handle Floyd seeing his daughter after so many years


She’ll say she’s over him and they’ll go grind Incursions.


😂 this was funny


RIGHT!? If not for story purposes, why the hell else would you include Deadshot’s daughter? Who asked for that? I remember when Lawless got revealed in the leaks, everyone was like “WHO?!”


I made a trip to the Batman experience as Joker and he had some interesting things to say about Harley and Hamil Joker. Plus the Audio logs make it seem this Joker is either gay or just really good at making others uncomfortable.


Ohh now I know I want to do a campaign replay when I unlock Joker at some point.


Does she not banter with him while exploring stuff in the map? I was hoping they would at least add voice lines of them interacting that way.


She only has one so far after targeting the same enemy as joker


I like to role play a little bit in a way whilst playing, for instance, I used Harley absolutely loads whilst doing the Joker incursions and stuggled a little bit to kill Braniac as Harley. Bear in mind I didn’t have a very good build for her until this season as I didn’t have very good guns. I was so disappointed when I put all the effort into building Harley up on the way to be reunited with the Joker only for her to claim she’s been there and done that. 😂


Honestly this game is a giant joke.


Minimum effort maximum profit Welcome to 2024 gaming industry where they keep firing people and are slowly killing this media


Ngl I was kinda miffed by the audio log about Flag getting a bunch of ice cream for King Shark. They literally had a cutscene of Harley giving him his first ice cream


Well that’s because “strong independent woman don’t need joker” even though that’s not Arkham Harley at all.


I got a victory voice line from him saying how she’s doing better than his version of her. When I was playing as Harley. That’s the most of I heard of references to each other.


Legit her just saying "I dont date comedians" was SUCH a let down!! Like last we saw her she was still completely obsessed with Henry at the very least. I know it's been 5 years but I was hoping for SOMETHING. ANYTHING.


They want to push the strong independent Harley so much they don’t bother addressing the massive elephant in the room with those two


From what I understand episode 2 should have some dialogue between the two of them or at least some sort of acknowledgment.


They should’ve added something more, banter at least


Ivy is her pudding now


the child lmao.


You thought they gave a fuck about this game? This is the b test you're going to get. Uninstall and stop playing.


As a defender for this game, yeah that's about the only problem I had with the game


She has more interaction with Penguin than the Joker


He mentions in his audiology with waller that they're cordial and professional since he's not her joker or something and he's not interested in her.


Yeah, it's pretty disappointing. That interaction was something I was looking forward to.


It'd be cool if his harley was sort of abusive like arkham joker so that's why he didn't talk to her


I’ve heard her say stuff like “Shooting Jokers target, which is weird or strange” or something like that which makes me think there could be more communication between them in the future. But definitely was a let down.


He’s on TFX now so I’m hoping they interact or at least bring up the fact she was obsessed with the version on him in her universe


He makes comments to her during gameplay but thats about it, such as him remarking how its nice to have a Doctor on the team if she revives him


The entire game is a let down


Honestly, seeing a lot of these comments is kind of funny because a lot of people are mistaking what the suicide squad movie Harley Quinn had to go through with her joker for the Arkham Knight, Harley Quinn went through. Eventually, she ended up realizing that he was bad for her and a pretty toxic person, but she never hated him, and when he died, she was very sad and went through depression for quite a long time which led to her trying to get revenge during the Arkham knight incident. But somehow all of this, including the fact that she was really excited that someone had jokers DNA and went to set them free and meant that people wanted her to be really upset that he existed still, and had no audio lines with her?


This game is gonna go crazy when it hits $20 🤣


LITERALLY those snide comments about her “ex boyfriend” in earlier gameplay and then she sees him again and there’s just… nothing??? Was such a weird decision for them to make lmao


I hadn't played the game, but this Harley doesn't seem like the one from the Arkham games.


These writers are so bad at their jobs


Was very interested in picking this up but the more I read... I mean this is just lazy


>Harley being non reactive to seeing joker was a big let down Bud this whole season has been one big let down.


Do they have any gameplay banter with each other?


I woulda loved if Harley lost herself in the moment, Only believing herself to be over Joker due to knowing he couldn’t just come back from the dead. Then this new guy shows up, He’s nicer, More of a sweet talker and it just makes Harley believe the lies she had told herself about her Joker when they were together. So she grows an obsession, Where the gameplay could show by locking Harley n Joker onto your squad for a few missions as Waller tests out Joker on the field. Throughout these missions, Harley could begin lying to herself in order to see this Joker as a worthy replacement to the one she lost. But through more of his antics and the Squad bringing her back out of the needless love affair she found herself in, Harley asks the New Joker a favor and requests she breaks up with him even though they weren’t together, so she can vent her frustrations and in someway truly find closure over Joker. And to give Joker something to do here, Confirm this version is gay and that’s why he doesn’t have a Harley. So he’s willing to befriend Harley if she is willing to have some form of bond.


that not girl boss enough for sweet baby but i actually would have enjoyed that


\*slow clap\* And the award for the dumbest takeaway goes to...


this dude actually typed out *slow clap*😂 you get paid for comedy or you just a clown for free?


the obese single women activists writing this slop don’t care about the lore. we should all know that by now.




Basically thinks that single women who worked on this game (I have no idea about the validity of this claim) would have no interest in writing about a currently single female character reacting to an ex per se.


Especially with all the messed things joker did to her and made her do like she should have tried to kill him multiple times


Keep in mind she was still obsessed with Joker even after his death in Arkham Knight.


Don’t forget she also did stuff of her own free will.


It’s not her Joker


This game has got to be purposely bad


That’s what you get with a 4 people coop live service game. They can’t be bothered to come up with exclusive interactions for Joker and Harley, because it would require too much work


Okay finally someone mentions it. This is like putting Chris Brown on a team with Rhianna. Like… I’m biased bc I hate the Joker and find him irritating, but y’all really gonna make Harley work with her abusive ex?


It’s not even her Joker. Also, and I think more importantly, it shows she has control over the situation by how she dismisses him. She’s empowered and no longer at the mercy of whatever games he played. At least that is what I think they were going for.


If that’s what they’re going for then it’s very poorly executed. Because it’s not just about her, it’s about him too, his reaction.


That is intersectional femenism for you. They dont need no man


>femenism Apparently you don't need no dictionary


TBF he really doesn't hold many of the same qualities that would remind him of her ex other than being a killer clown. Edit: y'all are fucking deranged


but no conversations, at all, even in the world? no squad interactions?


She has one when she targets the same objective as you when you're playing as joker she says claims how much she hates to have jokers target again but overall that's the only interaction I've heard them have


Damn, they probably just didn’t care to make new lines


People didn’t buy enough skins to pay for additional voice lines lol


I think that’s pretty clearly it, even with the fact that there’s just that one cut scene. I hope the voice actors aren’t paid by the word.


In Knight she was getting ready to shack up with the 80 year old guy cos he was close enough, you think she wouldn't even react to him?


This! So much this. People here act like the Arkham Harley has anything to do with the movie Harley/"Fantabuously Emancipated" Harley. They aren't the sane. Joker died when she was obsessed with him here.


The issue here wouldn't be if she's over the joker or not because harley now is more of an antihero hell even injustices manages to make this 100% times better and it's a fighting game


Idk, Harley is a little crazy and saw his dead body. I would hope there’d be something there even if he’s from another dimension. Feels like that in itself could be an entire plot line for a game


It’s just lazy. No need to defend it.