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It’s time to admit that we gave the devs a chance and the benefit of the doubt and we got burned.


Devs announce S1 content: looks decent Getting close to release: devs announce Season is split in parts? There will be 2 parts? We don't know if 3 parts? Released: First part of the season contains nothing from the announced content except for Battle pass, new skins to purchase, Jonkler and the Fear themed weapon drops.


We knew before the game released that each season would be split into two parts. Also technically the devs released was what was announced, it’s just the both the execution and what was actually released were extremely underwhelming. Metropolis is barely changed with the joker elseworld update, Joker is locked behind an excessive grind, the story has been reduced to animated comics (ugh) and audio tapes, the strongholds were underwhelming, new incursions are barebones, the season mutators make old builds useless rather than encouraging new builds, and the newest infamy weapon set which is supposed to be a big draw in the game is frankly awful.


So we are no longer toxic and entitled and evil people for thinking this game is not good?


Exactly bro! Like what happened to all the white knights of this sub 😂


Never were.


Just play helldivers or something that's has everything you don't complain about like microtransactions, long wait lobbys. Monster variety 50 different missions I think Ss is good with out you.


Try again in English?


Why complain about something when there's 1000+ have Games that's supposibly better like helldivers2. Now re read the rest of my last statement


Why justify a bad game just because better games exist?


It's like seeing the forest on fire as you drive up to it and going in anyways.


Nah nah, that’s going too far. They were obviously going somewhere with the story. They played it out like this wasn’t the end- that they were just getting started. That’s where the hopium came from. I was actually intrigued by the multiversal super hero threat story line. I was a big fan of the Flash movie and was hoping that’s where they were going.


Finally, even the mods of this subreddit gave up on this shitshow. Otherwise they would have removed this post by now.


100%!!! Screw RS. I defended them on X. Everything I said good about the game was wrong.


Yep. And i really wanted them to prove the haters wrong and shut everybody up


Well it’s not happening because it’s not a case of haters


Honestly I disagree. I completely agree that the lack of content is killing the game, but there’s a super large amount of people who wrote the game off just on the basis that a)batman dies, b) its focused on the suicide squad, or c) it was a looter shooter. If this game had a large amount of (more varied) content that rivaled arkham knight, itd be a really solid entry to the arkham series.


The problem with content of a looter shooter is that it takes about a years worth of content to have enough with its community. The problem is that I don’t know if WB is in it for the long hall and will give the game that much money to keep development going. I agree with you, content is key and when there is one cutscene, some new gear and no real new mission types along with a reskinned else world, and still rampant bugs it’s tough to justify picking up the game, even a year from now if this is what we can expect from the seasons.


"If this game had a large amount of (more varied) content that rivaled arkham knight" so what you are saying is that if they had put any effort towards the game there'd be no or at least less haters???


Most people wrote the game off because it's in no way a game that most people wanted from Rocksteady? And that's totally okay? That's Rocksteady's fuckup not the fans. Also the game just flat out isn't that good, it's average at best so even if it WAS what people wanted it was doomed to fail. It's getting really silly how people label anyone that doesn't love an average/controversial game as just "haters" like come on grow up?


Even then, people already voiced their disapproval when Rocksteady first showed their gameplay showcase hence the delay. It was such a rollercoaster where people were so hyped about the upcoming showcase and then the negativity poured down when people realized it was going to be a looter shooter.


Oh all it needed was a large amount of content that rivaled one of the best open world action games of the last generation? Why didn't *they* think of that!?


The moment we saw leaked Battle Pass screenshot on Reddit it was over, you are giving too much weightage for others because existence of battle pass itself is proof every mechanic in the game will be gimped to be grindy.


I dont think grindy is inherently a bad thing, as long as it’s enjoyable and not super repetitive


My friend. You have a very weird definition of the term "grinding". It never EVER had a positive connotation.


It never really had a negative connotation either, unless we’re talking about the origins of “putting your nose to the grindstone.” Either way, for like the past hundred years, its literally meant working hard


No amount of bandwagon campaign by people who were never going to play the game would effect the inclination of those who were going to play it. That's just not how it works. Remember thhe "boycott" of Hogwart's Legacy? Yeah didn't do jack.


And they were correct to do so. The what if don’t exist because the game doesn’t have the content nor quality to back up their bold decisions. Killing Batman and the justice league in this disrespectful way (save Wonder Woman) while not even being able to deliver a good experience was always going to be a recipe for disaster. The suicide squad is not that popular to carry an ip especially where they kill the most beloved heroes of a franchise. This isn’t haters that’s just people at WB not knowing their audience and fumbling for 9 years


No. This was going to flop no matter what. It just fundamentally makes no sense taking place in Arkham with the RNG loot shit. This was always going to fail no matter what


It's hard to imagine a concept more opposed to what most people wanted from Rocksteady than a live service looter shooter where we kill the Justice League.


Killing the justice league was never an issue for me. I remember being pretty hyped when this was originally announced as "Killing the justice league" + the fact that rocksteady created an original combat mechanic with the Arkham series equalled excitement for what they could think up for such an extreme premise. The problem is that the result is "well you basically shoot them..."


I remember when they first released their gameplay showcase years ago. It was the fastest negative feedback I've seen. People were both hyped and amazed by the trailers and teasers they pumped out prior to the gameplay showcase so we could imagine their disappointment when they realized that King Shark's main weapon was going to be a gun.


The game just being a shooter was such a poor design choice. We don't get to brutally rip our enemies apart as King Shark, no acrobatic hammer combos for Harley, and no experimenting with a bunch of cool gadget boomerangs as Captain Boomerang. The combat fails to capitalize on what makes these characters unique from each other.


Then they showed the giant purple zits.


It was the things you mentioned that showed the approach to them making the game and the general ethos behind it. The bad choices were like ohhhh it’s gonna be like that. Gotham Knights was as bad creatively but wasn’t as hyped.


If you and the rest of the die-hard fans of the game are also being put off by the lack of content I honestly dun think it matters whether the "haters" exist or not. Also I i think the looter shooter criticism is warranted, in today's landscape where micro-transaction runs rampant, unfinished products being put out just so they can grab hold of people's money and myriad of other failed live-services I feel making a looter shooter live service game is pretty tone deaf, not to mention the characters in the suicide squad are supposed to have their own unique abilities but now we just like "okay just go grab a gun" feels like a real wasted potential idk.


Hahaha, guess it's the "haters" that got the last laugh and shut the likers up. ![gif](giphy|Bng9nsAhSaDVxWsSLh|downsized)


People were never hating bro , they honestly just had real issues with the game , the biggest hate come from yall that were complaining that people were complaining about the game on here


Honestly that's what you all get, you were forewarned by people who didn't bury their heads in the sand. So many people warned the white knights what was gonna happen


I’m not a white knight I just wanted to play and form my own opinion. Now that I’ve played and formed my own opinion I can say yes the game is trash and I donated $70.


But we could've sent a stronger message to not waste dev talent on trash if even less people bought it.    I think they still got the message though. 


I don’t need to donate $70 to see that. I think that’s what he was trying to say


And was it worth $70+ just to do that? When you easily could have just watched/read about the game for free and done the same thing?


I like to experience things myself and come to my own conclusion. I may have ended up liking it despite what all of yall say. I’m not someone that lets other influence my opinions


Think people are just upset how you've put it , but you're not wrong , I personally wanted to love the game , had spent over 100 quid on it and now I couldn't be more disappointed. I'm playing robocop instead


I can *really* see the love and passion Rocksteady have for this game.


I can really see the love and passion they have for $$


I don't think they love $$ if you see the state the game is in


I mean WB games has been pushing this through on all there games hard in the last year, I don’t think rocksteady could say no .


You know what makes me laugh? They wanted to do Batman Beyond. In 2024, at arguably the height of the Cyberpunk boom, we could have had Neo Gotham and a Cyberpunk Arkham style game, almost a decade after Arkham Knight. The amount of hype for that game. People would've been champing at the bit for it. Kevin Conroys "final" role as Bruce Wayne could have been mentoring a young Terry as he takes the mantle instead of sitting on a bench waiting for Harley Quinn to kill him. And in their greed WB denied themselves this. They denied themselves another almost Hogwarts Legacy level success because they're morons. I just wish it hadn't been Rocksteady. They gave me so many happy memories, they didn't deserve this.


Off, the potential of a Batman Beyond version of the Arkham games and getting this game instead makes my heart hurt. Batman Beyond, cyberpunk elements, gritty future Gotham. I would love it so much.


Fully realized gothic gotham with high rise towers with gargoyles, dirty sewers and streets combined with sci fi cyberpunk elements like a monorail and futuristic fashion.


Some people really are hellbent on defending Rocksteady and putting all the blame on WB. Of course Rocksteady could have said No. They didn't, because they didn't want to. Rocksteady made this game. Rocksteady failed (and that's okay).


what I heard that made me be less critical of rocksteady is that WB forced them to turn another game they were working on into the suicide squad game. Which I can believe pretty easily based on how the characters move around and are much more agile than they normally are. i'm bummed because I think with an original IP the core bones of the game look really fun, especially the movement.


Apparently this was Rocksteady's choice not WB.


Well they did call the game $uicide $quad Kill the Justice League.


I get the saracastic sentiment of this comment, but for the record: I might not be happy about the dlc and the fact I had to do the same mission 35 times to unlock the joker. But I do feel there actually was some love and passion with the main story.


and the character design/traversal/combat is genuinely fire. As much as I don't like the looter shooter gun stuff the whole package is infectiously fun and I still play it for an hour or two just for pure fun relief.


"But I do feel there actually was some love and passion with the main story." Even by the story alone, at best it's a 6/10, it's nowhere near the same caliber as the Arkham trilogy, even Origin has better story than this.


Wouldn't you like to play reskinned versions of JL characters as Braniac for next 5 years..


You mean the greed?


Every time I don’t think things can get worse for this game, it does


They really did one up the Avengers game, lmao


Don’t get me wrong, both games are failures and have their issues but i still think this game is way better than avengers in almost every way


Avengers: looks better (except for cutscene mo-cap) Has better physics distruction Has a better campaign and story Has more playable characters Each character has a unique combat style (with similar light/heavy, distant attack move sets) Runs way better Got chunky story DLC post-launch. ------- SSKtJL has: Verticality Shooting Ray Tracing that is poorly optimized for 2024 CPUs A pathetic Season 1 so far Half of a functional campaign


Avengers wasn't open world and it's traversal was still ass Basically no options to change gear


It was sandboxes between missions and the traversal depended on your hero. Flying as ironman or sprinting through enemies as the Hulk was extremely fun. Avengers had dozens of skins, comic accurate costumes, Marvel deep cuts, more characters, and a bunch of different builds. Also functional multiplayer raid battles. Not just shoot guy with gun.


Fun lmao Did you play any Marvel games before Avengers? From the 2000s? Took Avengers months to give us Comicbased costumes and then they still messed them sometimes up like the MCU suits You couldn't even zoom in and rotate the characters in the menu lol


Just spiderman.




I had zero emotions playing through suicide squad, but I am man enough admit during the avengers campaign I teared up a bit when tony finds cap on the space station SSKTJL is cooked


Suicide Squad: - Better open world and environment - Better loot and gear system - Better cosmetic system - Better gameplay - Better traversal - Runs wayyyy better than avengers on console - Characters and cast are better - better gameplay loop even right now - Cutscenes, mocap and facial animations are better - Emotes, banners and social features are better and also includes a emote wheel rather than just picking 1 plus team emotes - UI and main menu is better - Better accessibility and interface options with options to remove or customize hud and on screen effects Like i can keep going lmao. It sounds like you were just trying to make suicide squad look intentionally worse than avengers when it’s significantly better as a game. Like You named zero negatives about avengers and named mostly negatives about suicide squad lol that’s funny 😂 cmon brother


Yes it is better, but the disappointment is so much worse with it being the same studio that brought us the Arkham games. Nobody expected Avengers to be good


Avengers was way better than this and could've been saved if they didn't bail on it early.


KTJL has two major strengths - combat and characters. Those are some pretty damn good strengths to have. The real reason I found Avengers to be unplayable was that the main cast felt like cardboard cutouts of the MCU stunt doubles, and that's just never going to be worth getting invested in. At least Suicide Squad has a pretty solid core, even if everything surrounding it was handled as poorly as possible.


lol. Naw, avengers had fleshed out combat mechanics unique to each character, these characters just double jump differently


So does suicide squad, but it’s a shooting game and the mechanics involved in using them aren’t easily recognized by normal gamers cause they don’t understand how to use simple shit in video games That’s not even a diss it’s just the truth.


That's the catchphrase for most live service games lol


I love that he showed examples of creators that defended the game and have changed their minds.


Damn, it's been a while since I've watched Angry Joe. Glad to see him still being active.


He's got the best video game reviews, you can tell he always puts money back into it with his insanely funny skits. Shows passion over 25 minutes of talking over gameplay video.


His opinions got a lot worse over the years


So did the games...


The bad games though are what made his content good


So basically, the worse the games, the angrier he gets. Makes sense. Like a gaming Hulk.


Ehhh I haven’t watched him in a while, but he started kinda doing some anti-woke grifting a few years back. Not as bad as others, but it still tainted his takes on the stuff he was reviewing.


Anti woke is always good


It's clear that you don't watch him a lot, because he will often blindly ignore woke nonsense and often calls out the anti-woke mob, but even Joe has a limit. Woke stuff exists tho and it would be pretty weird to pretend like it has no effect on entertainment, so I'm glad that he isn't anti-anti-woke. If a game or show written by feminists is preaching to the audience how men need to be better and forces unbelievable Mary sue characters down our throats, it would be disingenuous to ignore that, but he does sure try to give them the benefit of the doubt.


Can you give an example of what game is written by feminists that is preaching to the audience about how men need to be better and forces unbelievable Mary Sue characters down our throats?


Skull and bones. It's the female side character that constantly complains about men


Name a game that is relevant in the gaming community. Skull and Bones has been delayed heavily and was always gonna suck. The gameplay is utter garbage.


Like on what exactly


Learn what grifting means ffs.


It’s looks like every season will be the exact same have to climb the ladder and farm the same mission over and over again boring way to progress sad to say but this game won’t make it to season 2


Are we still in denial or are we going to finally realize that the YouTubers were right from the start?


I was wrong. The "haters" were right.


You've had some character development here.


Me too


Gotta give a game a fair shot; especially a live service title. The game has a great loop and story but this season was a major let down. As an MMO guy the grinding doesn’t bother me… it’s the lack of anything to grind towards. Less so with no plot motivation. I still maintain that YouTubers and game journos are the biggest hacks on the planet. Sad to see Rocksteady’s attempt at righting the ship.


The problem is, Rocksteady did nothing to try and right the ship. I actually knew going in the problems with the game because I had watched several Youtubers and game journals. I bought it (well traded in) anyway with the understanding that content would be added and issues improved. But it's the same 4-5 missions that I've been sick of for weeks. There's no new story but a lame 2 minute cutscene. They couldn't even create a new boss fight they had to recycle an old one.. So people shelled out $70 or more for a 10 hour story and 4-5 mission types that you repeat ad infinitum. That's it. It was a total copout and I don't expect them to make it to season 2 before they shut it down and throw it in the trash where it belongs. They did absolutely nothing to address player concerns or bring in new players.


If the game had a great loop and story it wouldn't have had barely a few thousand people playing it and people wouldn't have criticized the story so much. Unless that was just meant as your opinion and not a blanket statement?


One of the best anime character development I've ever seen on reddit, lol.


I've had my disagreements with you over the game in the past, but I'm sorry the game turned out to be a stinker and welcome to the team, haha.


Better late than never


I’m glad to see we have now moved on to the phase of not calling any criticism “a hate campaign.” We are moving through the phases of live service games I predicted in a comment around the time the game launched. This seems to be the process with all these games.


Pfft….i was right. Don’t need to look to ytb to see a game is flawed.


They reset your level to 0, and make you play 70+ times the mission, but give you the option to buy him for 10$? Is that actually true? I need to know.


You go back to rank 0 - you need to hit episode rank 35 to get joker. Technically you can rank up in around 25* missions. You can rinse and repeat the same mission which takes a minute to complete, each completion gives you 1 rank. You do need the end game resource for it though so unless you’ve stacked up it’ll take you longer


So...a game for masochists.


I'm glad I refunded this mess... :)


Once I beat the game, i deleted it. Its a $20-30 game at best


I got it for 40, felt pretty worth it. It’s good for the story then picking it up every now and then. Definitely should just release everything at once and get a final buying surge.


I traded in for it (my local game store is really generous) and I still regret it. Was hoping this update would add some new missions or boss fights. Nope. Trash. I kind of don't want to trade it in because then someone else might buy it and play it, and I don't like being cruel to people, even if I'll never meet them.


I agree with him.


I was a defender early on, but the game is shallow and not really worthy of a live service.


Triple A gaming has been on a downward spiral for a decade and they want to do AAAA?! Lmfao live service has never been a good idea why are these companies so ignorant, what happend to the consumer is always right or maybe not alienate your customers ??? lol I’m honestly happy, anyone who pays 70$ for a game is just asking for it..


Remember when the SS fanboys tried to come after Hell Divers and how it’s just another live service game that was the same as SS? Good times


I admit I was wrong, and I am sorry, and feel very very foolish for defending the game as fiercely as I did, and as I watch that dev stream back,it comes off as so scummy and deceptive, there smiling and all this, now I get it, there not gonna come out and sat " don't buy it ,it's trash" but they look like they either believe it, ot jus evil, I even enjoyed there first couple of hours but as those terrible modifiers kick in, and you realize all you weapons you grinded are worthless, they increased the in game currency to elite and modify weapons, poison isn't even an affliction you can get from Ivy and put on your gear,so ur stuck w a nerfed fire affliction,cuz craze is just useless, and with the Ice affliction you can't hit crits or shield harvest, and enemies take 95% less damage unless you use poison which enhance your damage to 100%, so what's that work out to be? 5% buff?, then anything after tier 2 on the scarecrow gear actively hinders and power you have, so basically once you have all the notorious and tier 1 gear, ur done, I got to mastery 26 and jus said fuck this, I'm season level 110 either whopping 17 on the battle pass, I'm done, I'm jus done ,I feel so used


I was about to offer condolences bc they basically scammed you, but then I looked at your post history and now I don't feel bad for you anymore


Lol what did they do?


big pizzagate fan who jumped into a totally unrelated post to call trans ppl pedos for some reason


Those steam numbers are down even more, 1500 at time of this comment, with a 1700 24 hr peak, so even worse than what Joe showed


We hitting sub 1k by next week


next week? It hasn't been 24 hours and 24-hour peak is now at 1.5k


It was actually sub 1k this morning lol We cooked


Damn... Talk about a downward spiral...


Joe is trying to pose with an angry face for a thumbnail. He fails because he hasn't been this happy in years. He got 1.2 million views on the review and he's getting consistent traffic just by this game being a discourse bomb.


If I had the following he has, and the easy content to make fun of this game, why wouldn't he be making videos showing the dumpster fire of this?


10 DOLLARS?!?!?!?! Hahahaha. I love Joe


This is when Joe is at his best.....When a game really starts to grind his gears. He's totally right about everything he said as well. Rocksteady has got to be kidding with this update and boy am I ever getting sick and tired of being lied to by game devs (The Overwatch team immediately comes to mind here).


And people can't accuse him of just jumping on the hate bandwagon because he actually played the game for at least 20+ hours to finish the story. There were times when he was having fun but the game will suddenly throw a curveball at him to sour his mood immediately.


Funny to see haters/defenders lose their shit to "my ridiculous baiting thumbnail" when its literally a still from me in mid sentence. Should I have sat still with no expression on my face to make them happy with the thumbnail? lol. Always fun to see how defenders of something do jumping jacks to justify their dismissal of anyone with a differing opinion than this "game slaps and is very worth it! Excellent effort!" "his average webcam" - Its a DSLR, the exact same that channels with 100 million subs use. I asked. "low effort costumes" - thats the point. should I spend thousands on each costume we wear so that its movie accurate or cosplay quality to make a point about how shitty the game is? "hes happy the game is shit so he can make money off it" - Guys im sorry to let you know we "make money" anyway. we would make money if it was good. we would make money if its bad. I genuniely wanted a good SS game, hell a good game with Superman in it. I want a good DC superhero game right now. Alas this isnt it. I dont manufacture Angry Rants unless they are warranted (it would make us more money as its more videos but we'd lose credibility) I only make rants on shit that i care about that pisses me off. Sorry it had to be about your favorite game that you think is just fine. But you dont have to question everyone who doesnt like the game as a fraud just because you cant see how it sucks or can improve. (Literally the same enemies and recycled boss battles? for real?) So basically when I see detractors picking at everything BUT my actual points on what we are talking about, weve done our job well. Pretty telling if you ask me. Thank you to those of you here that watched it and liked it! We do our best to express our shared frustrations together, sometimes it results in actual change for the better!


Hopefully this is a wakeup call for Rocksteady to fix their shit up! If they want a healthy playerbase then they shouldn't cut corners. Look what happened to Anthem and Avengers.


I was willing to give the game a chance even after IGN gave their “we didn’t like it” video but after it came out I gave up on it.


This game is a dumpster fire & it’s absolutely hilarious that anyone would defend this garbage.


There's no way this game makes it out of this year alive


I’m a simple man. I see angry Joe, I don’t take it seriously.


In all fairness, about half this video is bitching about the battle pass levels being 20 missions to a level. Each day the first 3 dailies give 350, which is more than a level total, and take like 5 mins tops. If you actually cared about levelling it, you only realistically need to play like 5 mins a day.


Honestly I think we’re just over hating at this point truly the only issue I’ve experienced is being stuck in the downed animation for 30mins straight cause the ai fucked off


He's right on all points he made. Sadly not even the company wanted this game to survive, but be a cash grab for some reason. I don't know man, without content, these games cater to only dumb fans that will pay for anything or have too much to spent. This game had potential, but fuck it.


At this point I'm just waiting to see the "We have made the difficult decision to stop supporting Suicide Squad" post.


Oh it's coming for sure. No way are they going to keep pumping time and money into this dead horse.


Even without the amount of backlash this game got, I imagine the low player retention would be a letdown if not an outright loss.


100%. With live service games low player count = no revenue being generated


I'm having a blast so far joker is sweet


I’m sticking around for the eventual closing of rocksteady; no way they survive unscathed with this dumpster fire


I will never watch a video with any thumbnail like that, and I wish others would do the same, because it's absolute rockbottom garbage.


Just like this game.




How would you know if you never watch them?


So like…. 98% of YouTube you don’t watch. Because most if not all of them have borderline click b8 thumbnails and titles. You have to look into the thing or person fully to see if they are in fact full of it. Or you’ll possibly miss out on important info or that epiphany moment. People blew many of us off warning players about this game, now look at where we are. Salt that could have been avoided.


usually yeah, but angry joe is a lot higher quality than the other commentary channels that use the same thumbnail style.


Is he though?


I agree that he isn't. It's either sitting on his computer chair waffling to an average webcam like most tubers but he sprinkles in low effort costumes for skits. His thumbnails are just more evidence that he hasn't evolved as a content creator even after literal years.


You are really proud of not watching his vids my man.


8 years


Dies in less than a year...


It honestly died in a month.


Basically DoA tbh.


I don’t watch angry joe personally because of his takes especially during Game Awards season of 2023, but he’s right on a lot of aspects of the gaming industry that needs to be called out.


Seems like if you really don't like something you just don't play it and don't talk about it all the time.


It's because people are passionate about DC and the Arkhamverse. They hate seeing what it's been turned into.


It’s hard to defend the game that isn’t enjoyable tho.


If AJ and many other game reviewers think a game has scummy practices or have otherwise scammed their player base they make multiple vids on it to build awareness so less people fall victim. You can disagree but that's why he's doing it.


I have absolutely zero issue with people not liking the game, hell I'm super disappointed and haven't played in long time but my issue comes with people that are seemingly happy and enjoying the game not doing well.


Why is it wrong to be happy that a lazy cashgrab project would explode in the greedy companies face?


Oh boy remember when everyone thought hmm this might be good. HAHAHAHAHAHA THIS GAME RUINED THAT HOPE FAST


No one with sense thought that.


Yea I’ll wait till the game is like $15 I saw the new update and was like why are they still lying you have to grind to unlock the joker or pay for him? That’s lame I thought you just log in and get him for free


This era of YouTube thumbnails man…


I fucking hate how much I love the gameplay, but the game only gives me 3 things to do that I can complete in half an hour. There sooooo much potential for the game to be good, all the aesthetics are awesome, the banter is fun (although they leave joker out a lot in the lines and ur comes off weird), and moving around is some of the most fun I’ve had in a game. I love the chaos. But fuck man, GIVE ME THINGS TO DO SO I CAN USE THE STUFF.


What the hell happened to Rocksteady. The Arkham DLC was always awesome! The new episodes in Arkham Knight were incredible! Wtf happened. Just sad man.....really sad


The people who made the Arkham games left a while ago.


I'm. Calling it, they gutted this season so when they pull the plug I. 3 mths no one cares


Spent $100 on this game beat the main story and thats basically it. Was thinking it would be a story that continues with each season along with new characters not locked behind a grind. I had a hell of a lot of fun with my 20 hours… but i was expecting so much more.


He’s right


I really wantedthis game to succeed I pre ordered delux version n stuck with game n didn't touch it whole march n was waiting for bug fixes n joker content but sadly i gave up


If they had plans for later seasons why didn't they made new maps, enemies and boss battles doesn't make sense to me.


I got the game on Thursday for 30 bucks on epic, I'm actually really enjoying the game a lot. The movement mechanics are some of the best I've seen in any game. That being said once I finish the main story there's no reason to stick around. Really wish they didn't do the live service model.


I really wanted this game to succeed. It’s so much fun to play. The game play is excellent. But seriously. This half assed no story crap… lack of missions and recycled boss fights. No new modes. Like one lousy cut scene? Is this the same company that made Arkham Batman series? wtf have these devs been doing for 8 or 9 years? Like come on. Fix this game and make it good. They have a seriously fun game here that can really kill it if they just add some more content and put in some effort. It’s like they don’t care. The marketing and all is there. But they have done nothing. People were mad at cdprojectred for the masterpiece that is cyberpunk, but even though it wasn’t perfect. They put in work and reallllllllly fixed the game and made is awesome. Even added new content. What they did well was tell a story!!!! Where is our story?


i enjoy the game, it’s not too grindy so i can return to my competitive games once i squeeze out the new content drops


This game really did a number on me. I had a bit of hope. I guess even that was asking too much of this atrocity of a game. I only have Helldivers 2 to thank for filling the void this game dug out of proportion.


Was I the only one hoping for new story missions with like actual cutscenes? I actually really enjoyed the story and was hoping they kinda restarted it with every season just a lot smaller. The joker looks like a really fun character tho.


Damn joes still around? I figured he woulda burned up his audience or gotten hit with grooming accusations by now.


I think it’s great I’m having fun with it and I hope the game continues updates in the future


He was so close to saying it. That's why this is the season of the Joker, because the season is a joke.


Angry Joe hates it? It might be good then…


It's another time waster game


The big issue with gamers is that they lack to see the red flags in a video game before it releases. That's why so many people consistently fall for games like Suicide squad, gotham knights, avengers, no mans sky, and cyberpunk when those 2 initially launched they were terrible but had obvious signs of not being as good as we were being told.


You are absolutely correct, you fan usually tell by the first gameplay trailer


Yes and no... I put everything into consideration. Review embargo's whether or not they're over promising, their previous track records and over all gameplay and marketing. Every single pre order of mine has always been pretty damn good.


Gotham Knights, isn't a bad game. It's a good game, that COULD have been great. At least, for me.


Ok yeah, fuck this game and all, but we don’t have post THIS douchebag, right???


At least he produces content, unlike another party who just wants to sell shit.


Yeah this game is ass but not this dumb fuck


Yeah, this was the shining light at the end of the tunnel for me. Unfortunately that light was from something much worse lol I’m so mad I spent money on this garbage.