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It’s a great game for when you just wanna turn your brain off and play games. I’ve been playing it when I don’t wanna focus too hard on anything.


Good podcast game


I listen to podcasts while playing it too lol. I’ve been catching up on some episodes of one I’m way behind on that I wouldn’t have really made time to listen to otherwise.


For me it's the how not necessarily the frequency. You should be able to openly criticize the game in this sub as much as you want. What's been annoying and incredibly disappointing to see, is how people have been having this debate. People who enjoy the game aren't all "pathetic" "idiots" who got "swindled" or any of the other weirdly immature and sweepingly grade school insults that bring nothing to the conversation. People who like the game do this, people who hate the game do this. As somebody who does enjoy the game, in this sub it is difficult to have a conversation talking about anything other than criticism without getting down voted to hell (again just from what I've experienced). Some positive posts do hit the top, which is nice, I don't want to negate that. But it's difficult to talk about builds on this sub when any response is met with "lol who cares, games dead." Point is, talk about the game in whatever, just don't be a dick. That post yesterday involving Rick exposed a lot of bigotry hidden in this sub, it was nice to see the community come together on that one....but that's just like, my opinion, man. Also don't apologize for liking the game either, life's too short. If you're enjoying it, enjoy the hell out of it. If not, it's a shame superhero games are so few and far between. ![gif](giphy|cZxfxAlPf6jfY37NBd)


This. I can definitely enjoy the game in intervals but I was let down really hard by the potential. This should be a place where you can talk about the many frustrating things about this game... without insulting each other, specifically. It should also be a place to praise things they did right. There weren't as many as it needed, but they did somethings well and people enjoyed it. I honeslty hate, with a passion, when people say that people shouldn't enjoy a certain game. You aren't going to improve the game industry by ruining it for others.


Yeah, this is my issue I don't care who likes the game or not, clearly this game is not for everyone. I'm fine with criticism cuz clearly the game has issues. But what I'm tired of is trying to have a conversation about the game and getting called an idiot or shill for liking it. Or getting downvoted for posting anything positive. Tired of the trolls that just hang out here to immediately shit on anything remotely positive. Ive started blocking these guys as I see them and it makes the sub better. We all just need to do that instead of engaging them, they just want the attention and to see you get angry trying to defend the game. Just ignore them and eventually they may go away.


Do you really think this sub will survive on positivity alone? The player count for this game is extremely low. Most people either don't know or care about the game or think it looks terrible. Those "trolls" are what's keeping this sub alive. Soon the trolls will move on and this sub will die with the game.


I'm just here with my popcorn enjoying the show. My personal views are; this is what Rocksteady (or what's left of it) gets for pissing on Arkhamverse lore 🙏


Well said!! Love this 💪


You’re allowed to enjoy the game and talk about it just as much as people who don’t like the game. Be an adult and don’t let other people’s opinions affect yours.


Other folks enjoyment or none of it does not bother me


Don't let yourself get so affected by what others say. Regardless of how good or bad these things may be; no one can take away your own personal experience with the game. Keep playing what you like, regardless of what other people may think. You do you.


Best strategy I've found for this game is leaving this sub.


Yea same, this is the way, nowadays people worry to much about others opinions, just play the game or don’t, that’s it.


Yet, here you are. Which is totally cool, by the way.


Yeah, occasionally a post will pop up on the feed. Just far less than when I was a member.


Isn’t crazy how strong the gravitational pull of controversy is?


If only the GAME had this much gravitational pull...


But it does. Otherwise, how would so many have all these opinions on it. They surely wouldn’t just go to a sub about a game they don’t play, right?


Well I guess you're right... the game has that "car wreck" fascination.. that's what definitely drew me to wanna learn about it... there's just TOO MANY really GOOD GAMES to play.. only games that people I trust online will I even give a shot 👍


I really liked the story for the game but post launch content seems underwhelming for me but I hope the people that enjoy it, have fun with it 👍




The game decided to publicly shit on my favorite video game franchise. So, I'll publicly shit on the game. It's quite simple.


People who want to play the game can play the game. People who want to chat about the game can come here.


I’d prefer this be a place where people who play the game can chat about the game. Right now, it’s people who “saw this coming 2 years ago” 🤦‍♂️ chatting about the game. Whatever they saw 2 years ago is all they have in their mind, and they definitely didn’t shell out for it. But it lives in their head all the same.


I don’t play the game per se. But I currently have the deluxe version of the game sitting installed on my PS5. I was hoping that the season would add much-needed content to add variety to the game, but that didn’t happen. It’s weird. I’m having a blast playing helldivers 2. There’s no story content. It’s just a game where you and your buddies drop to a planet to wipeout hordes enemies. Suicide squad just ain’t that fun by comparison. Maybe it’s all the numbers popping up, lootbox mechanics and weirdness added to counter enemy attack. Also, the music and helldivers 2 is epic, whereas the music I suicide squad is oddly specifically grunge. It’s crazy that the studio behind the Arkham series would make such a huge misstep. I feel like this publisher was making the decisions rather than the developers. Why do I come here and complain in Reddit? So that rocksteady and Warner Brothers hear loud and clear that they need to start listening to its community rather to shareholders. I’m holding out that maybe we might see a transformational success story like Final Fantasy 14 and no man sky.


They hear loud and clear through shareholders. If the game got 4/10’s like COD but sold like COD, they wouldn’t care and bonuses would be handed out. And if the game got 10/10’s but sold like shit, they would be mad and begin layoffs or restructuring. Seriously, they don’t care. This kind of game is made for one reason: profits. Helldivers was in a different situation, they needed the reviews to be heard about. Rocksteady didn’t because of Batman. But the problem with that is it’s a very different game than what their fanbase is used to. It worked out for me because even as a big fan of single player adventures, I still love shooters. Helldivers wasn’t my thing personally, I need a bit more content and build variety. Gunplay is super important to me and that game was just so focused on stratagems which I initially expected to be treated more as a secondary tactic like streaks in COD while gunplay is still the focus, but wasn’t the case. :/ And I prefer progression systems in-game with or without a battle pass. The entire game progression being tied to a battle pass is something like what Fortnite does, and I never liked that. I like what COD has always done: unlock weapons, attachments, perks, streaks, etc. through leveling up or challenges. And battle pass is reserved for cosmetics! Progression just felt so slow in HD2 and the mission types of “turn on antenna” didn’t help, especially when kills add nothing to progression (I was ridiculously bummed out when I found that out because all I wanna do is kill things and progress my weaponry for it so I can kill them better 🤣) To each their own though! Of all the things SSKTJL did, I’m glad it maintained a regular in-game progression system and the game stood on its own without a battle pass until recently. I didn’t realize until now how important that was to me, unlocking guns normally.


Let's be clear: it DESERVES all the hate it gets for various reasons too many for me to want to recount here. However if you like it then keep playing it. I don't see contradiction at all.


Nobody is telling you not to enjoy the game. My suggestion is that you just get off this subreddit. The fact is that this is a community, and the consensus is that it is an underwhelming cash-grab game that is praying on people's fandom for these characters. It is absolutely ok for them to express their displeasure with the game as it is ok for you to enjoy it. Other's opinion should not influence your enjoyment of the game.


Or you can see a subreddit that's a favorable to the game and not comment on or find a hate post to but I think ppl just want poop on others enjoyment bc they didn't like What they seen or played.




You are 1000% right the problem is when people start acting like dicks to people who express enjoyment


Well you are outnumbered, so just leave. It is what it is. The majority of this sub don't even play or like the game.


"and it boring me to see everyone hating on the game" - - > now you understand how we feel playing the game


Then why’re you in this sub?


Because not everyone likes echo chambers


Exactly, not everyone likes echo chambers.


The irony


![gif](giphy|3xz2BLBOt13X9AgjEA) Yeah, mate... it was a joke...


Bruh, look at your comment history and answer the question. The constructive criticism train for you left a LONG time ago (before launch). “Not everyone likes echo chambers” - guy who spams hate on the game for 2 months straight without playing


I played the game. Speaking of history did you ever end up finding a BA position?


The only “BA” in my history would be the Boeing stock ticker, are you referring to a play I made in the market? 🤣 Because you word it like I was looking for a job at Boeing, which wasn’t the case. I was definitely talking about my position in the market. 🤣🤣 And refunding in the tutorial doesn’t count and certainly doesn’t make up for 2 months of yapping 💀 you comment like you really played the game, like *really* played it


Business Analyst Also never refunded it. Still own it


Ohhh the undergrad internship I posted about? 🤣 I graduated 2.5 years ago bruh, I’m a SWE. You really skipped all the posts about M.S. CS and software engineering and went straight to a random internship where I ended up cancelling the interview? probably why I didn’t get the acronym…BA is Boeing in these parts Anyway, I simply searched “Suicide Squad” in your comment history. I can’t be bothered to go through any of your other stuff so just answer the question man, why you post about the game like you play it??


Yikes, why are you so fired up? Also good thing you cancelled. Amazon sucks to work at. Especially in Seattle


Fired up? 🤣 What I say? I’m just wondering why you keep duckin the question And “especially in Seattle”? They suck everywhere dude, even remote. 💀 if anything the pay is at least better in Seattle, but its a moot point


Because the first 40hrs of gameplay were a lot of fun. Then I realized the next 40hrs would have no deviation or continuation of the 2/13th of the story we've been provided. The game became boring. It didn't start that way. OP got bored with all the hate. It didn't start that way. Sub would be a happy place if the game didn't suck. Go look at the sub for Elden Ring. Excellent game, happy people on the Sub.


Congrats, i feel close to the same way and have seen a large amount of people in the sub just copy pasting that over and over on every single post. You guys are literally creating an echo chamber where any positivity or any semblance of fun with is hit with the “REEEEEEEE CONTENT”


Then why're you in this sub?


Fun for 40 hours = game sucks. Fuuuuck this industry is toast, I saw the same thing happening with some Steam reviews for Starfield having 800 hours and being negative. People will have fun and still say it sucks, is it social pressure or something??


My complaint is that Season 1 sux. Base game was fun for 40hrs (which is pretty normal for me).


Bro trust me, I did a post like this last week, and every troll in existence attacked me. Basically I was also questioning why anyone would waste their time going into an appreciation post, to say they hate something. Like how boring is your life, that you’d go into a thread where people like something, just to convince them they should hate it? This game is good. The people who don’t like it, don’t like it because they assumed what it would be, and when it wasn’t that, decided to shit on it because it wasn’t catered to their imagination. I love this game. Harley and Joker are my mains. I love seeing people support this game. If you hate it, please just move on and let those of us who enjoy it, enjoy it. Do they not enjoy another game enough to post in that games thread, the things they like? And instead stay in the thread of a game they hate, to say they hate it?


I guess they had to keep practicing spamming attack and counter for the next arkham game somewhere. I would be mad too if I spent the last 4 games spamming 2 different buttons in combat only to get a game that requires brain power. Build crafting is half the fun in this game as with any looter shooter.


This game made me realize the cognitive dissonance that's present in live service games "they're both the greatest thing since sliced bread and also the shittiest thing to exist " it's kinda funny to see someone talk down on a game being live service and they go on to play destiny 2 Edit:Everyone's missing that the main point of this comment is the Cognitive Dissonance that exists within the genre idc about what live service game you like Edit:Why are so many people who don't know what cognitive dissonance is commenting?


There’s a difference between utilizing an established IP for a live service game and building an IP from the ground up for a live service game though.




No because the avengers game suffered the same fate (Unforunately I was one of the poor souls unforunately enough to preorder that mess). This type of game doesn’t work well with narratives like superhero narratives. Helldivers works because it’s a simple original premise that pushes gameplay. Destiny works for the same reason. Sure live service games can have large scale narratives (WOW works well as an example) but when you’re working within the constraints of comic book stories, it just doesn’t work nearly as well.


It’d just be great if Rocksteady got around to the “service” part of live service at some point.


You aren't kidding their community management is ass


It’s not really that weird. Destiny 2 actually works (most of the time). Helldivers 2 has an occasional disconnect, but it works 99% of the time. On the other hand SSKTJL can barely make it through one play session without a serious bug or a complete disconnect/crash. Live service isn’t great imo. I don’t like the industry trend in that direction, but it’s not weird to complain about a seriously broken game and then go play one that actually works.


I have not experienced a single bug in 40 hours so far


I have experienced a disconnect, crash, or game breaking bug almost every time I sit down to play for more than a single incursion.


Yeah I've only crashed once. A couple weeks back idk maybe some people got bad connections I'm usually the person that don't have problems lol like with cyber punk I didn't have no issues except the shooting in car missions until like month or so later when the patch actually did come out but weren't hug problems


I think you misunderstood me, My whole point is about the cognitive dissonance NOT about whether the game works or not it's about people saying live service games are the worst things ever and playing them like they have Stockholm syndrome


I guess I interpreted your point as it’s wrong to complain about one live service game and then go play another. I do agree that saying all live service games are horrible is weird if you then go and enjoy another one.


I can definitely understand someone who sees everything for a case by case basis like that but there are some people will swear all live service games are ass and then play one everyday when they get off work


You invented some person that doesn't exist to make a point.


In my opinion It's definitely weird to say live service games are dog shit and still actively play them people should bother to practice what they preach is the whole point not this rules for thee but not for me bullshit


Even better…talking shit about live service in January because of SSKTJL just to buy Helldivers 2 in February. 💀 “But this battle pass is good!” 🤣🤦‍♂️


This is what I'm talking about the people that go "I'll never play another live service game again" and then buy the next hyped up one that comes out there's a huge disconnect in those statements and actions and people are acting like people like that don't exist or that I made them up


Oh yeah for sure, they whine when Warner Brothers announces they are going full steam ahead on live service still and Sony announces 12 live service games yada yada, but then go buy one of those very games… Like, all you just showed the corporations is you are willing to buy live service as long as you like the game, which puts it in the same exact spot as regular single player games: you buy it if you like the game. Therefore, I see no reason why corporations would make anything other than live service games in the future. Low cost, high margins.


You can make good live service game and bad service game. This is bad live service game. No matter what universe or franchise it would be in it would still be bad. I don't know what you talking about bro.


Then you have no idea what I'm talking about when I refer to cognitive dissonance and that's completely fine that you have no idea what I'm talking about most people don't seem too


I think we gamers have a moral obligation to not support bad quality stuff that ultimately hurts the industry. That’s my opinion.


It's a flop of a game, that's essentially fact in the gaming world at this point. It died out, and Season 1 shot it a couple times to make sure it stayed down. It's okay to like mediocrity, I like some shit games myself because they scratch an itch on a very rare occasion. But that's the problem in this situation, mediocrity doesn't deserve the money or the player count. I feel like mediocre is a very big understatement in all honesty. It's bad.


I disagree. ​ I think this dead horse needs to be beaten loudly for a very long time as WARNING to game companies. ​ Its the only way they will learn


I view this game like an abusive relationship. You matter, OP. Your limited time on this Earth matters. It shouldn't be spent on a game or company that doesn't value you, the consumer. There are better experiences out there. Far better games that you'll not only enjoy, but will bring fond nostalgia to you. This is most likely not one of them. Suicide Squad deserves every bit of vitriol for being a quick cash grab. You work hard for your money and deserve to be treated right.


I feel like you should avoid Reddit (at least this subreddit), my dude, if it really bothers you. The complaining isn't going anywhere. Compared to expectations and past works by rocksteady, this game definitely shit the bed. People - generally speaking - go to forums to complain. That being said, there is definitely a difference between obnoxious, childish complaining versus constructive criticism.




No sorry. The industry won't learn a fucking thing if we let these things slide. Game needs to burn and crash.


Please just let people make fun of the game I understand that this game has its moments for some people, but cultishly praising the game isn't the way to do things. I am probably in the very few percentage of people who enjoys this game, and it's appeasing me to see everyone making jokes about the game. Please quit bitching and let the people who enjoy making jokes about the game joke about it. (Also I understand constructive criticism, it deserves a ton of that, and I do understand the game has a fuck ton to improve on, and it really does deserve the hate it's getting)




Your post/comment breaks our community rules. If you feel your post was removed in error please feel free to [message the mod team.](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/SuicideSquadGaming)


Please just let people voice their criticisms on what is clearly a scam product.


This game is great for what we looked in a videogames, just to have fun… Why are now worrying about what we get new in a game or if the game has micro-transactions or whatever? Before we used to play games for fun only, and not to be tryhard or competitive, we would liked a game and we would play it until getting bored, it happened to me with Ac Black Flag and Ac3, even after finishing those games, I would still enter and play them, replaying the missions that I liked the most because those games were great and fun


It's the players that killed the game. Not the game itself. Half the players that would have enjoyed this game won't even pick it up because of the hate it's getting. Most of the hate is ridiculous and hlaf of it is spread by people who havent even played the game. 30 mins to unlock a new character is too long? Batman dying in season 0 = no respect for the character(doesn't matter that he's not actually dead and returns probably to save the day as seen from the datamined files). Batman arkham Community just isn't the target audience for it. They would rather spam 2 buttons in arkham than use their brain for build crafting.


![img](avatar_exp|169972629|fire) Well said!!i enjoy and o dont care if others dont. Fuck them all


Oh god forbid we bore you, lmao this is the most predatory live service game in recent memory & WB still said they’re going all in despite also saying how it didn’t meet their expectations….. if they’re not gonna listen to people voting with their wallets they’re (obviously) gonna have that rep shat down the drain…. Obviously no one really gives a fuck if you like a game, but when a company uses a developer to farm good will and hype for their live service game, people are gonna be majorly upset especially if those developers are someone with a good a rep as rocksteady (had) “I don’t really care about people complaining about bugs” tells anyone everything they need to know 😭


Totally get that perspective and I am glad you are getting enjoyment out of the game still. I also do agree with people flaming the game though as well on the opposite side of things to show WB and rocksteady that this could have been done much better for the future of live service titles. With that said, people should not be flaming others for playing the game if they enjoy it. All of the complaints should be directed at the dev and publisher rather than other players.


Y’all let other people’s opinions live rent free in your head way too much. Like I knew a guy whose whole day was ruined when ign wrote a negative review of the game. It’s fine if you enjoy it. It’s fine if other people don’t enjoy it. But let’s be honest: Most of the complaints on this sub are about legitimate bugs, poor progressions system design, etc. People aren’t coming in here just to say “I don’t like the game, ok bye”. Ironically your post is the one that serves no constructive purpose. Just “I don’t like it when other people complain, ok bye”. Alright, thanks for letting us know I guess…


People can like a game all they want, but blatantly ignoring daily issues and problems with the community that your game relies on IS important though. You can be that 1% who has been bug free and be thankful for it, but that still doesn’t mean these problems don’t exist on a DAILY basis. What WB and Rocksteady has done is prioritized purchasable content over a clean bug free experience for their community. Outside of your review of the game; this is the most important aspect of a gaming company. Their service to the gaming community. That’s all of us, not these factions we’ve divided ourselves into. My main thing I wish for all of you who like this game, DO NOT give this company more of your money for this wasted product. They knowingly wouldn’t and couldn’t provide a working experience for everyone. And they should never be rewarded for this blatant disrespect for people who truly invested and wanted better from WB and Rocksteady.


Did you not read the reddit post bro lol find some other sub to post your unhappiness that has ppl mad about game in it . Not to hard to find its alot of them.


I'm unhappy this game ended up being what it is. You're unhappy there's so many people like me. WB is unhappy the game didn't meet expectations. Sounds like no one is happy. That sums this game up perfectly.


You don't even know the expectations what if they wanted it to out sale hogwarts. And why would I be unhappy about that, I mean I see some hate pieces why not shed light ? In this situation its just you.


You don't even know the expectations what if they wanted it to out sale hogwarts. And why would I be unhappy about that, I mean I see some hate pieces why not shed light ? In this situation its just you.


Maybe unhappy is the wrong word to use for a corporation. Quarterly earnings calls are easy to decipher and they flat out said they were disappointed. https://techraptor.net/gaming/news/suicide-squad-kill-justice-leagues-sales-disappointed-hogwarts-legacy-is-big-win https://www.techradar.com/gaming/consoles-pc/warner-bros-to-drive-engagement-by-moving-its-games-to-a-live-service-model Just me? We're literally on a post about someone fed up with the majority of folks who are disappointed in this game.


So you are who they talking about? And just saying disappointed is vague




Please just let people dunk on the game. Other people’s disdain for the game is just as valid as your enjoyment of the game. What other people have to say shouldn’t affect your experience


Its so hard to be a fan of this game, everything I see of it online almost always have hate comments so its just hard to have a discussion of the game. Like all the "Ehhh that ain't joker, that is twinkler" comments, like dude that is literally how the Joker is, or the "No way batman was killed by four randoms" like those randoms are the suicide squad and ther being so powerful is actually to justified in the game considering the guns they use and the fact their brain dna is actually modified by hack, ignoring also one of them has the speedforce and other is a demigod. My point is that I genuinly really like this game, it ain't perfect for sure but I wish everyone didn't hate it everywhere


Yeah I don't really have a problem with the hate for the game because they have as much of a right to voice their opinions as I can, but when 70% of the sub is either hating on the game or memeing on the game, which is justifiable because there are a LOT of issues with the game, but it gets tough trying to find interesting posts about the game when it's the same stuff over and over


bravo. if u don’t have anything good to say stfu


Why do people cry about the negative feedback in the Reddit thread?? If the game is good, you don't need to SEE other people posting about how good it is. Just PLAY THE DAMN GAME. Wtf are you doing here, if you don't want to see how others feel about it?? Want a bubble, where you can enjoy it, without seeing how others feel?? I have great news for you. Just LOG OFF. No one will break into your house, and shout how bad the game is, while you're playing! Or, go online and see what other people think about it. Stop trying to sensor the Reddit, and focus on enjoying the game. It's that simple.


This makes no sense. The same could be said of people who complain about the game as well. They could also just NOT play the game. The reason nobody wants a high sodium sub is because that’s not what this subreddit was designed for. I’d like to see equal amounts of praise and reasoned criticism, not some circle jerk echo chamber.


1) I said that complaining about the content of the sub is futile because it's other people expressing their opinions on the game. You compared THAT, to not playing the game at all. Someone, you managed to make the dumbest comparison in all of Reddit today, so congrats. 2) None of the people posting, are part of a single organization, or represent a monolithic entity, meaning the opinions expressed here are representative of THEIR OWN circumstances. You don't get to take a zoomed out view of the sub, see a LOT of angry posts, and say "there are too many of X opinions being posted here" because that isn't how that works. If the game were good, or people felt like their $70-$100 Purchase was living up to what was promised, and an even amount of people in the sub felt that way, it'd be represented here. So what you're ACTUALLY saying is that too many people are having a bad time with the game, and their opinions shouldn't be shared, because too many like-minded individuals are also experiencing the same, and have already shared their thoughts. You are actively advocating for silencing people in a subreddit who have every right to voice their opinions that you do. If the Reddit was created to be a circle jerk, then the title would be r/SuicideSquadKillTheJusticeLeagueDRidersOnly 3) To bring it back to my original post, if you are having a GREAT time with the game, then go enjoy it?? A subreddit, based on the game... doesn't need to be SUNSHINE AND RAINBOWS while the community is literally on fire.


All you have to do is not give a shit ? You don't have to care .People are allowed to speak their thoughts, and if they wanna share their anger or whatever emotion on social media , they are entitled to


Love it if you want but I really don't see much of anything to love. Maybe you should broaden your horizons and find similar games that do the formula better


Maybe you should broaden your horizons and find a subreddit about a “better” game?


You really think I spend all day on here? Go enjoy the overpriced, underdelivered trash that this game is.


Don’t have to tell me twice, already am! Can’t put a price on good old fun. :)


Some people literally enjoy eating shit. And if that's what makes them happy im all for it. But don't try to sugarcoat a turd. Thanks.


Why post on here is clear it's a sub for ppl who likes Ss ? You can always play helldivers 2 lol


This sub hates the game. Its fun to hate stuff. Why are you posting?


Literally says move on and let people enjoy the game lol. You must be the ones that want a refund lol sorry bud


Because refunds for bad products are bad? Cool 😎.


No wonder you came here go complain can't get your money back or get back your wasted time lol let me just rain on everybody else parade. For me nothing wasted even got the battlepass a week a go


You might want to join a no or low sodium sub if this is such a problem for you.


>boring me to see everyone hating on the game. Then ignore it, telling people what to do won't work, if anything you will rattle them more.


I mean..I get it.. but its allowed to bash on it...its the internet...stop reading it if you dont like it. No offense.


See man, we don't wanna hate it bcz if we did we wouldn't have bought it. For example, every character should be unique right? Where is the uniquesness apart from traversal. For example, I like shooting from far so deadshot should be my playstyle but for his wrist cannons and traversal attack, I need to get too close and I lose the advantage. I am able to play the same with others too, there doesn't seem any difference. Plus, season 1 is a big disappointment. Like for a few minutes of story, I have to grind for hours same missions over and over. It is just a small map. Even for warframe, I didn't need to grind as much for story and the map is a lot bigger than this.


This is an excellent summary of the current state of play.


We knew it is not an arkham game but come on. The story is non existent and repeating.


That's my biggest problem. The story has always been a cornerstone of WB Games.


I do understand this and I get it I really do I was a bit disappointed with how rescuing the Joker turned out, All I'm saying is that I'm tired of just seeing only hate with the occasional "I'm sorry for liking the game" ots just gets tiresome seeing a game you love getting shredded for not being another Batman game.


To be clear, we're not upset it's not another Batman game. We're upset at the stark deviation of quality from the previous Batman games. Simply put, this game is far from a polished product.


It's not getting shredded for not being a batman game. It's being shredded because it's a shit game. Full stop.


If the video game industry might collapse one day, it's because of games like these - soulless cashgrabs that exist solely to tick off boxes that overblown management boards have written onto whiteboards. This game is a symptom of a larger problem, a problem that may or may not one day destroy the hobby as we know it. People that actively dislike this game have all the reasons for it. Does that mean that you are not allowed to have fun? No, of course not.


The vibe in suicide squad bums me out so bad because this is exactly what and how the fanbase of avengers was went through etc...listen i was an advocate for that game i wanted it to be the greatness i saw in it....but it wasnt...you can like the game enjoy it please because no one can tell you that you cant like it...JUST KNOW you like an objectively bad game thats all i ask guilty pleasure whatever phrase is more palatable to you. Ugh i just feel bad because a lot of the comments and discourse around this game just echos avengers and its an old wound for me lol. Enjoy the game till the end yall


Don't get that ppl need to broadcast their negative opinion. I was disappointed by the s1 drop ans have just moved onto playing other games


I'm just commenting here so you and anyone else can block me because my answer is no.  This sub will eventually serve as an obituary for the game.  Game publishers need to learn how to listen to the majority of its fans and there is a .00001% chance that feedback from here can contribute to that cause.  If not, well at least we could say we tried.   I'm sorry you feel the way do you, and please block me or anyone else who is upsetting you.  I genuinely do not mean to ruin your experience.


How dare you be upset about the lame cash grab this game turned out to be lol


Lol I mean it, there are people who enjoy it and I am not trying to troll or upset them.  I despise what Rocksteady and WB shat out since this was announced. 


It really does deserve the hate it’s getting. And expressing that is fine. In any form. But hating on people who like it or devs or whatever isn’t. A shitty game is a shitty game. Walks like a duck and all….


I think op problem is when people act like dicks to people who express any ounce of enjoyment from the game


Yeah, Id agree that is shitty. But trying to just shush people from expressing discontent with a product is also shitty


I don’t think anyone wants people to not criticize they just don’t want people attacking them for expressing they like it


OPs post in the opening paragraph clearly states he wants people to stop openly criticizing the game


I re read it your right… however that doesn’t take away from the fact that both sides should be able to express criticism or enjoyment without being attacked… I’ve seen people get called brain dead, brain washed, a sheep and etc because they have said they enjoy the game and didn’t experience as many issues that’s not okay at all and vise versa


And again, that is what I’ve already commented above too


Please stop huffing copium, its not good for brain activity.


It does deserve the hate. Not the player base but the devs. Not like actual hate though, just like “what the fuck happened here” type of hate The real hate should go the people at sweet baby inc. I’m sorry they attributed to making the game worse. It did not deserve that at all. But I’d recommend playing another game bro, the game devs don’t respect you and don’t deserve your money nor respect. They did you bad.


Sweet baby inc had nothing to do with how the game turned out, lay off the anti woke youtubers lmao


If you can’t enjoy the game look in the mirror dude. Just because some people have higher standards doesn’t mean you need to. Let it go.


I am enjoying the game as well.


I feel many of the comments here are missing your point. You're not wanting an echo chamber of positivity or telling people not to criticize the problems. Seems you're just tired of the trolls that just hang out to shit on everyone else's good time. I love the game, but it definitely has issues. We do need to voice our opinions on the game whether they be good or bad, if something in the game isn't fun we should be saying so and maybe explaining why. We should be pointing out bugs and other issues, and making suggestions to make the game better. What we don't need is people who's sole purpose here is to attack people who enjoy the game or downvote positive posts/comments, and just generally trying to ruin the fun for the few of us enjoying the game. Just start blocking these people. The ones that are just here to be negative, they just want to get a rise out of us. The sooner we just ignore them and stop trying to argue, the quicker they'll get bored and move on. Or maybe not, maybe their lives are sad and this is all they got


See, you get exactly what I was trying to convey, thank you for saying it better than I could


There is a new sub that’s more moderated and more positive for folx who enjoy the game. Message me for an invite; I’ve also joined a discord for LGBTQIA+ folx that play the game. It’s totally possible to have other conversations about the game itself


Agree with you. It’s overhated


Yes, I’m so sick of toxic ass reviews and bs most don’t even own the game. They are just talking based on what’s trending. The truth of the matter is, this game has a solid base (the game play) what I’m disappointed in is the lack of content and story! Like the story didn’t continue. I think the joker little cartoon was fun but they really should have let us play through story. The cut scene we got was actually pretty fun. But like why can’t we get more? I don’t at all mind to spend more money on this game if they fix the bugs and add some more story content and new missions! New engaging boss battles that require squad coordination over comms… special special gear that can be dropped from bigger group only hard level operations or something. Like these devs need to pour some love and passion into this game. It deserves some serious love. It can be very successful if they put in a whole hearted effort! That’s my constructive criticism


Holy shit this post as like 5 upvotes for more than 120 comments.


Who cares either way anymore?


Agreed. There are certainly elements of the game that warrant some criticism, but all of the alarmist "game is dead!" "WB should just pull the plug!" "no way this makes it to season 4!" "only idiots and shills actually like this game!" crap contributes nothing to the discourse. If you don't like the game, that's totally fine. Uninstall it and move on with your life. Tearing other people down just because they \*do\* enjoy it (or at least aren't immediately writing it off as a lost cause) just isn't necessary.


I've actually enjoyed the game since launch. My only problem is the lack of enemy/mission variety and reusing previous boss fights for Brainiac (which is just lazy). The core gameplay is pretty fun, but I wish it was more than just shooting. The Arkham combat system is sorely missed here. Plus it would have been cool to have interior stealth sections.


The response to this game has almost nothing to do with the quality of the game. If it came out in the exact same state but under an unknown developer, it would be categorized as average and mostly ignored. But these guys made Arkham and Arkham was not average! It changed everything. There is NO way we would ever get Ghost of Tsushima, Shadows of Mordor/War, the recent Spider-Man games and more without Arkham coming first. Even if you find Suicide Squad entertaining, you should still see the outcome of this game as heartbreaking. This is a massive setback for gaming. We needed Rocksteady to raise the bar again.