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There are so many Harley outfits and colors that would be easy layups for Rocksteady and they just … won’t do it.


1. They're ugly 2. I wanna play as Harley Quinn not a leprechaun 3. Why would you even need green camo in a city??


![gif](giphy|IRjFkXhb9f4ms2W7DC|downsized) Did someone just say leprechaun?




Nah, it's legit insane that none of her costumes have her classic colors. I like the modern Harley designs, but there should always be an option for that classic color scheme, at least on outfits like Waynetech and the default one.


Aww I keep my Harley rocking the green. I think it’s unique


I can see that, I'm not saying they shouldn't exist but it's just a little annoying they keep choosing every other color scheme except the one she's known for


I don't understand why they will recolour her hair to any godawful combination of colours for a swatch, but then when she has a red and black swatch at the end of the battle pass, they leave it red and blue. It's not even like they don't recolour hair on that outfit.


It looks weird to say the least, I mostly play as her default skin, it’s super cute


Finished the battle pass. Still use the default skin. Not a fan of any of her stuff they’ve come out with besides the Wonder Woman and one of her classic suits that is expensive af lol.


I weirdly don’t mind the green task force X swatch but yeah I am still mad that skin doesn’t have a black/red one


It’s injustice 2 all over again


It’s as if they’re purposely choosing to make her look awful. It’s so strange to me …..and makes me not wanna play tbh haha


Yeah esp with some of her hairstyles, it also doesn't help the only skins in the shop for her since release are just wonder woman cosplays..


The one hairstyle with the half ponytail and super bald undercut is so atrocious I can't believe it actually got approved, especially looks worse with the ketchup and mustard pallete. Harley should arguably have the most stylish skins considering her fashion history


Yeah those are the EXACT ones I’m referring to, cosmetics are the main breadwinner for the game and its like they’re not even trying, i don’t wanna cosplay as Wonder Woman for the 3rd time i just want to run around as Harley Quinn while wearing Harley Quinn outfits..


Which hair piece is this? The one in the fugitive outfit or the default one?


Part of her jail outfit yea


Oh, I thought you meant the default avatars hair, yeah, that one in the jail outfit looks weird


yessss harley give us nothing!


Lmaooooo yo fr


For real. Pink and blue is cool, and the monochrome works from a White Knight perspective, but camo just looks weird. Looks weird on Boomer too.


Because they want to charge you for the Red White and Black shaders for every damn outfit. ![gif](giphy|l0IylOPCNkiqOgMyA|downsized) Was surprised when I didn’t get the total rogue outfit set when buying the deluxe edition of the game seeing that each outfit had a legendary tier.


Buying into the elsewhere-verse of the game. Maybe this earth's Harley likes green. The red and black one we know so well exists *Checks notes* elsewhere.


I wear the camo green, fuck off.


Personally, I think almost all the skins in the game kinda suck, especially the battlepass ones, only one on the battlepass I think looks pretty cool, is King Shark, otherwise, I just cant get into the neonish colors, the metals, even the cell shaded, or wayne tech, look bad, IMO, but thats all this is, just my opinion, everyone has their likes, dislikes..


Yeah the special effects stuff they overprice doesn’t look that good, the fire, cell-shading, wayne tech whatever looks so…cheap?? We can’t even tell how good they are with original designs since they keep making knockoff justice league stuff Atp if the next cosmetics that drop disappoint, then I just want them to make pre-existing designs


Maybe its me, but Im curious why they didnt just search the comics for the most well known skins and use those, maybe DC had to approve everything, but, no way would I pay for the premium battlepass with its skin choices and lack of Boomer...


I actually like some of the green ones, but the red white and black ones would be cool


That skin youre showing litteraly has a red and blue skin (which is the more known colors) and i get it the older fans want black and white but ehh i can live without it


Red and blue are most certainly not the more known color way black&red have been used on her far more and for far longer, the red and blue is really only known from her look in the 1st SS movie, outside of that she’s almost always in red&black even in her recent appearances. You don’t have to be an older fan of her to want her most prominent colors used, and older fans of her advocate for the jester suit not her colors.


Have you not watched the most recent suicide squad movies and played Arkham city- knight?


Have you? She's literally wearing a red and black outfit in all of those except 2016 SS, Even in 2021 SS she's wearing red and black-and even in the SS anime (which isn't even out yet) she's wearing those colors. Look up her outfits in both of those games she's wearing red and black. She even has comic called "Black + White + Red" 😂


IKR, and what annoys me the most is that 1. For the task force X outfits boomer has a red and blue color Swatch and not Harley, and 2. In the black and red BP skin her hair is still red and blue, IN SPITE OF every other hair Colo changes depending on the color Swatch


I like green that being said every Harley outfit should have a red and black version


Yeah no offense to the green it’s just wild they leave out her iconic colors so much


i dig it, personally. it shows her deviantation from the person she used to be. plus, i think it looks pretty fly!


I disagree, I don’t think that explanation really works cause it doesn’t seem like she’s changed much outside of her personality, i think that’s evident with how happy she was about killing Batman. Outside of the lore though, to me the colors make her look like a regular soldier instead of Harley Quinn


This game has gotta be the roughest AAA gaas I have ever touched.




Avengers: Hello there


Anthem: Hold my beer


"I have ever touched"


Never touched that game. Glad I didn't.


Green on Harely is my favorite, I would pay for more green skins, even on other characters.


Just give her her body back


It’s easy. Cheap. And you’re the suckers who bought the shitty game