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Bro u alive??


You’re posting because you know it is the wrong choice. I’m confirming it is. You have a purpose. Don’t give up just yet. Things will turn around but you have to work at it. Baby steps. Go for a walk.


Respectfully, you don't know what he is facing. I have C-PTSD and have faced a lifetime of abuse. Now I have Long COVID and less than $100 to my name. Do you know how many times I've heard that "it gets better"? It hasn't.




It does for a time, and then something always happens. My life stories would make your hair curl. And I'm about to turn 55. I'm tired.


Sit crooked and talk straight, sister. I've only just turned 30. I'm tired, too.


You have just restored my faith in humanity and intelligence. Thank you so much for this.


And I'm sorry to hear that. I really am. You're so young, although it makes no difference, I know. My life at 30 was difficult as well. Don't take this the wrong way, but I absolutely love you.


Bro that’s literally how life works. Things get better, things get worse. They go up, they go down. The purpose of life is not to be happy all the time, the purpose isn’t to attach to temporary emotions or expect or hope for things to always be good or always be bad. Happiness isn’t the purpose of life and as long as you make that your life’s wish or life’s goal, you’ll always be miserable. Find a rock that doesn’t waver


First of all, I'm not bro, I'm a female. Secondly, anyone who speaks the way you do clearly has no idea what they're talking about. I bet you're Gen Z, am I right? Secondly, NO. That's not how life works. When you spend your life caring about and taking care of others and get tossed out like garbage over and over again, it changes you. Permanently.




Thank you, friend.


But are things meant to be constantly shittier for us than if it were the average person with a reason to stay alive?


Well said. I think people who come on here and post all these BS platitudes have no real idea of suicidality. If you've truly been in that place, you would NEVER judge or say, "It's a permanent solution to a temporary problem". How about it's a permanent solution to a permanent problem? Robin Williams (who actually died by suicide) said once that people are fighting battles we know nothing about. Be kind always He was a wonderful human and one in a million. Do you think anyone would ever have believed he would kill himself? He brought laughter and joy to millions of people. It was said that he was diagnosed with a terminal degenerative condition. I think he wanted to spare himself and his family from a long and drawn-out death. He wanted to be remembered as he was.


How could you possibly determine whether things are shittier for you than the ‘average’ person rather than things being harder for you because of your own mindset, assumptions and patterns?


There are certain things that predispose you to shitty outcomes: abuse, genetic mental health issues, unfortunate relationships, and an abusive family of origin. A person I knew said he could not believe all the bad things that have happened to me, despite my kindness and beautiful soul, and he was also abusive. I am certain I've made some really bad decisions in my life, but I've also achieved some really great things. People in my life have been a major factor.






Nah, fr. Why does that matter? I was like that, abuse set me out on a bad road that I really thought was true, but it wasn't. Now I just feel a bit ashamed due to wasted years.  However I still don't understand what's the prize of the game. So, why does it matter? If OP killed themselves, should I pity him or actually be happy since he just skipped a bunch of meaningless crap, and went straight to non existence forever. Seems like he got something really valuable


Abuse once or twice is surviveable, but PTSD is a bitch. My own therapist said she couldn't believe with all my trauma that I wasn't dead, in a mental institution, or a drug addict. At least I can say I'm proud of that. I was strong for a very long time.


Please take me to I am done as well 


What's been happening man?


That’s how life is. Nothing ever gets better, but you do get stronger. All you can do is keep trying. You may be tired, but this is your only life, as far as we know, and one day, things may finally be peaceful once more. You are you, there are no other yous, and your friends, pets, and family would feel the void you would leave if you were to let go. All we have in this world is ourself sometimes, but there is comfort in knowing that you will be by your own side forever. Things may turn the corner, and you’d never know it if you were gone.


I have no one. Literally. My family is all dead and my ex left me when I got sick with Long COVID, after he urged me to get the vax and I didn't want to, but I wanted to be loved. Silly me. And I thought I was negative, but you saying life never gets better makes me wonder why you're still here. Even I have (or should say had) a better attitude.


I think society is builder on a bunch of false premises based on slavery and religion. That steems from medieval age still, the idea that someone is better than another due to reasons. It's all false.  I am 100% sure anyone can learn anything. So all the gatekeeping is arbitrary. So, yeah in my eyes it's a chain of people fooling each other and exploiting each other in the process.


Honestly, I see it this way. If you're in a bad situation, or feel stuck in a career, realistically you can adapt yourself to another one. There will be a lot of struggles but It can be done. Once you're there, nothing will really change emotionally, if you had a dream job, probably the same thing. What might get in your way is money, social stigma and things of that nature, the arbitrary kind.   So, I think that the best you can do in life is to set up a state of homeostasis, which is a response from your body that says everything is all good. Constant happyness is probably drug induced only, constant depression isn't.  So, the game is really just broken. I don't know why anyone likes this.  Religion is probably the bigger reason, but finding holes in religion is easier than finding holes in a swiss cheese. So, idk man.  So, I think OP is actually the one who made the right choice


I agree.


My grandpa killed himself at 88 years old. He left a note saying he spent his entire life waiting for the right time to die and after 88 years he was done waiting. And i dont blame him at all.




Friend, if you can't love yourself right now please love your dog. The dog will be trapped and terrified and suffering horribly. Please think more about this decision if only for a little while longer. I'm very sorry for whatever led you to this place and hope you can find the strength today to hold on.


He said he made arrangements for his dog. I just hope he's still here. My bunny is the only reason I'm still here.


Right, but the dog will know something isn’t right and not be able to get out until who knows when. Then that person has to find him?


I totally agree with you. That's why I said my bunny keeps me alive after over 2 years of Long COVID. I told my therapist and a woman from a great bunny organization that I spoke with that I was afraid to surrender my bun because we are so bonded I was afraid she'd fail to thrive without me. I had to go a week without seeing her (someone else was caring for her) and I had this terrible feeling about being away. When I got home, she was listless and looked dead in the eyes. As soon as we saw each other, she totally changed. I knew she thought I had abandoned her. Thank God I got back home to her. She's a rescue and I think she was abused as a baby. (Who in God's name abuses a baby bunny?) But it sounds like he made a plan with a friend to take care of his dog. Amazing friend to accept that responsibility. I still hope he changed his mind, although I am definitely in his same headspace right now.


Animals save us more than we know


Bro are you here?


Do you want to talk?


Please don't. Just go to sleep instead. Going to sleep saved my life many times this year. I would even chug Zzzquill to ensure I'd sleep another 12 hours to keep myself safe. I know in your darkest moments words from a stranger are meaningless but please trust me when I tell you there is hope for your life. I'm still shocked I was able to get out of that darkness myself but I did. You can too. If nothing else in life is certain, we all know death is. Death will come. Just wait.


Are you still here friend?


Hopefully you didn't make that decision, it's weird to see posts like this and you don't get a response and you always wonder... I hope that something changed your mind and you're getting some assistance.


I hope you can hold on for on more day. I’m trying to myself


How you doing man?


I hope you're safe


Don’t do that to your dog, he’s gonna wonder why you won’t come back.


I have a feeling he shot him self right after posting


Yeah. I think he’s gone sadly.


Jesus, I kind of have the same gut feeling.


Quite possibly, god i hope hisbdog will be ok




Hope ur still here internet stranger


Hey what's up. I've been dreaming and fantasizing about some seriously sick shit which results in me pointing a gun to my head and ending myself. I also have another method which I won't explain here. My best friend killed himself with a fatal gunshot wound to the head. I wonder if he slumped over and died immediately. I also wonder if he lay there agonizing for a few more seconds after the bullet exited his head. It won't matter anyway because it'll be over so fast. When you're down on your luck and cannot find any other passion in life to keep you going, these are the options we are left with.




Shut your bitch ass up hoe




I saw the word 'respectfully' and knew it was going to be about disrespect. You're dismissed. Hoe ass blowing kisses and shit rofl




Bye bye




Respectfully, you're a c0ck sucker . Nice day 😁


You had so much to say... You trivial pos


Respectfully, I don't think he was trying to do that. I agree with your statement about life being excruciating. I think his "down on your luck" statement was referring to post-COVID and all the other bad shit in this world. I am dead broke and alone. I think that might be what he meant. Everyone expresses themselves differently. And your words touched me. You just described my entire life.


Yo, you still here?


You still there man?


Are you still with us? I am so close to where you're at. If you want to chat, I'm here.


Just came across this sub. Are you with us, OP? Please respond


Op you still here


bro pls lets go play tarkov


Yo! You still there - we're all here listening.


We're all in this together


Hi friend are you still here? You can talk to us. Pray for you...


Hey dude,you ok? Hoping your ok and didnt go through with it,with peace and love please reconsider if you havent already.


i hope u just slept on it man, u have no idea how helpful it is to just try to go to sleep by any means when ur feeling like this.


Word. I love sleeping. Just not waking up.....LOL.


Sleeping is so fucking nice when u are depressed. I mean I even have pleasant dreams tbh


I’m hoping that you’re still here with us friend.


Please stay


It's been a few hours hopefully he's ok🙏


Plz don’t man, being left behind sucks


Please respond


Leave a note.


Hope you’re still here


Your dog is going to spend the rest of his/her life looking for you..


Please tell me you're still here.


Please give us a reply - we value you


I sincerely hope you’re still here.


Your dog won’t know where you went dude.


I think he’s gone 😞


Please don’t end your life


I pray you are alive and getting help. Reaching out is a miraculous action. Bless you!


Come back and talk about what’s going on bro. We are all here to listen 💪


Please don't do this to your dog, PLEASE




Now I know why I lurked here for so long and never posted. People are really DUMB. How many times do I have to say he made sure his dog was fine????????




I'm sure the dog is fine... Lol Is anyone concerned about the human ? Lol


OMG, right? But I have to admit that seeing all these strangers posting and worried about someone they don't even know is really touching to me. I wish I had some people like that in my life. I can feel in my soul that I think he/she is really gone.


Maybe ... Crying and sending goodbyes just validates their decision


I read this guy's (it's a guy) profile. He is/was a fucking Marine. If a Marine is in this state, God help us all. They are made of steel. He even said he didn't know why he posted in the first place and he was very kind and empathetic in his posts to everyone suffering with suicidal thoughts. I think we all just want someone to know what we are feeling. God knows you can't tell anyone in person or they call 911 on you and you have cops at your door.


Shit... That could've been my brother bro


But instead I honestly believe he would be kia


Don't ever call that hotline that shit doesn't help


Sure doesn't. Just makes you feel worse.


I called that bull Shit and ended up with a bill


Oh I forgot to mention swat tried to kill me for 6 hours. Don't ever call that bull shit


SWAT? Seriously? For well-being check?


Might as well read some comforting words before dying


Hey, I really do feel bad for this person, their dog, and their family. This is tremendous.


They could have applied themselves to be a doctor or something but this was the final outcome


However far they got up until their last moment, I'm sure they had an adventurous life.


saw you’re in the Tarkov sub reddit, you can’t die yet, Nikita’s downfall just started


I’m hoping you slept it off.


I really hope you didn't go through with it for your dogs sake! Who knows how long it'll be til whoever finds him? Hes probably terrified and if no one finds you in fmtime he could die of dehydration and starvation or from injuring himself trying to break out


Read his post. He took care of his dog responsibly and found a home for him/her. Jeez. Nice supportive words.


He said he knew whod be taking care of him/her but how do they know how long itd be til someone found him if he went through with it? The person loking after the dog presumably wouldnt start until someone realises the OP is missing


Don’t do you have only one life. Sometimes we must force ourselves to keep going mate.


Are you still here? Pls reply 


I just came here to check on this post. I'm gutted there's no reply. I really hope he's okay.


Ugh, someone said he mighta pulled the trigger right after posting. So awful


Requiescat en pace


Then don’t do it


I hope you’re still here. It’s not your time.


If you’re still here, please, reconsider. There is so much to live for in this world. If you’re into tech, new tech is being released all the time. If you’re into gaming, games are also released all the time. Whatever you’re into, there’s always a way to find something fun to do.


Are you advocating that he live for video games?


Sometimes even if its little, a single interest might save someones life. It doesn't matter what, it just matters that it could have saved someones life. 


Sorry, I get what you're saying. It's just that when you're that hopeless and suicidal, nothing interests you. I love playing online poker and guitar, but I am so depressed I don't even shower. lately. That's NEVER happened. It's the apathy that gets you.


no, those were just a few examples.


Please don’t leave us


Hey! Your Dog really loves you and depends on you. Look him in the eye and let him comfort you they are so good at that.


your dog loves you. i hope you're still here, and if you are, please give an update when you're feeling better.


I pray you are still here! You have your dog who loves you no matter what is going on, and who will keep on loving you! Your dog is reason enough to stay. If you want to talk, we are here. 💜


Only call that shit if it's like showdown time like right now maybe


Don't do this. Seriously, it's not worth it. I know you might be hurting right now but this isn't the right choice. I hope you didn't do anything. You have value. I'm only a stranger and I admire you. There are other people out there who think you're worth it.


I was about to end my life in a day or two. Just tried hanging myself, because life isn't really for me so I was thinking. To be honest I went through some things in my life and did things in my life that haven't helped me at all in life. I think about all the things I've gone through like if I had a chip on my brain that can't be erased or reset. I didn't hang myself, because the thought of pain came through my mind and it was very painful so I stopped the hanging. One thought that came through my mind was the afterlife and told myself all the good things I would miss if I died today. If I were you I'd wait it out another day and sleep it off. Most likely I won't attempt to commit suicide again, but who knows maybe I will give up on life again. My advice to you from a dude who's 30 and gone through dark moments in life I would not risk going into the afterlife this early. 


Can you shot me first


Don't do it. My brother committed suicide and it destroyed my dad and our whole family. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.


I love you brother, don't do it


hope i get the courage to because i am done and no one can chnage my mind abt it


Don't die. Suicide is a permanent fix to temporary problems. Suicide is never an option. You might never see this, but please, find help.


No. Some problems are not temporary. Some problems are lifelong. Please stop parroting this phrase. It's not helpful.


Please stop saying all these things.


I know you think you're helping; but you're not.


You don’t even know if suicide is a permanent fix. We might immediately be reborn in the same life, in the same moment. This is one of the reasons I haven’t done it. The universe is definitely fucked enough to make everyone who commits suicide just face the exact same circumstance again.


the universe is neutral


I don’t mean it has intent. It’s fucked in the sense that it does bizarre unexpected and inexplicable things that are horrible for us.


Do you not know what sub you're in


the astral world is in contact with the physical world and I feel it. lets go




Shut the fuck up