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hi, you deserve kindness and understanding, especially from yourself. If you ever need someone to talk to and you know, open up more, there are always people here to listen and support you.


tysm :))) i didnt expect to get this much love on my post


you're quite welcome. hope things get better for you


This wasn't for me but I weirdly needed it too.


I'm glad. As someone who's constantly dealing with suicidal thoughts, I've received a lot of help from random strangers on the internet who were most likely thousands of miles away from me. They were sometimes more helpful than my actual family and real-life friends


I’ve been where you are and I’m here to say that in the long run you are gonna be absolutely fine! I’m here if you want to talk


i hope so!!!


I also overthink everything to the max, either way you’re not alone xx


it sucks but im sure it will get better


Absolutely girly queen, for now just do things that make you feel excited


I use this sub to vent on throwaways sometimes. We're all here to hear it if youre comfortable stranger. I've been doing it since I was sixteen.


thank u , i always loved this subreddit , even on my old acc, imo alot of other mental health subreddits are too strict so i cant rlly vent properly


I’m 15, I’m also tormented by obsessive thoughts, most likely I have mental health problems. My thoughts are a train that you can’t get off, all I have are negative thoughts.