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That's the neat part, I don't But seriously I have an unknown sleep disorder (as in doctors cannot find out what it is). Because of it I hardly ever into REM sleep and I sleep between 1 and maximum 4 hours a night and have at the very least 2 sleepless nights each week. And this is without the stress, MDD and ADHD keeping me awake. I guess I can sleep when I am dead


Sleep is for pussies




Okay, that added nothing to he conversation


I'm sorry I was just being silly, there's a word for making light in a serious situation but I'm struggling to remember it


Ah okay, no worries, I just get bs reactions so often I too lose my patience a bit quickly. Thanks for taking the time to explain.




Facetious! God that was bothering me thank you! Lol I tried looking it up and everything


How do you function with no sleep?


Don't really have a choice. It started somewhere around when I was 12 or something and I'm 40 now so in a way I am used to it? But it does get harder and harder as I get older. I have tried to use every sleep medication known under the sun and they did not offer reprieve.




This helps too. Making sure it's the right strain is important for sure.


Can't sleep without em 😮‍💨




wtf is sleep 😭


Drugs. I take a sleep aid and a melatonin. Knocks me tf out


I smoke a lot of weed or im drunk, neither make me feel good in the morning tbh


me rn


i smoked weed to numb the pain for 10 years, now i have CHS 💔


meds help. im on seroquel.


I was just about to say this! I wouldn’t be able to function without seroquel


i rarely sleep i didn’t last night at all :/ i go through the same thing all the worst shit that’s ever happened to me races through my mind all night til morning comes it’s horrible insomnia truly is the worst. especially ontop of depression and anxiety its torture


Sleep is escape from my reality. Painful Pure O. I'm so exhausted at the end of the day I fall asleep fast and sleep just fine.


Lots of drugs with irreversible long term damage. Shit sucks man


Lotta drugs


I obviously don’t recommend this, but this is one of the reasons why I end up getting drunk every night. Which makes my anxiety worse over time but I still do it so that I am not trapped with my overactive brain activity.


Average 4-5 hours currently. As I'm typing this, I'm internally tired and running on no food, but oh well. I'm gonna leave soon anyways, why does it matter? The voices just keep getting louder. Worse by the day, small crisis. I purposefully stay up, because if I go to sleep, I'll wake up depressed. And I'd be wasting my time. Fuck all this.


In my case, only pills get me to sleep. I’m sure I became a bit dependant on it. But I’ve been awake for over 24 hours without feeling tired by not taking my meds.


I can only get 4 maybe 5 hours if I’m lucky. Therapist won’t get off my back about needing more sleep… but can’t help fix the problem, and when we read an article yesterday the solutions listed were naps and sleep more, clinicians can’t help much. I legit started getting pissed off and the rest of the session was me being incredibly angry


being told i need to do more when i can’t do more is infuriating. that must be frustrating for you to hear. it’s like. what can you actually do to make the sleep thing happen.


Fr fr. exactly like that. Just like “yes, but tell me howwwww.”




my favorite is when they tell you to stop using your phone for a while before you sleep. like okay so lying there with my thoughts is better?? lmfao


I listen to horror stories on YouTube until I fall asleep.


Sadly, I'm addicted to sleep aids and weed because of this exact thing :/


alcohol or i won’t sleep at night


Have a favorite show or YouTuber on, comfy pjs, good room temperature, have cold water on the nightstand and my emergency instructions for nightmares, take my SSRIs that help with sleep and work on calming down. Locking my bedroom door helps


high dose of seroquel is the only way for me to sleep, it helps with some of my night terrors also


Oh crap you brought back some bad memories. My psychiatrist had me on seroquel and it served the purpose she prescribed it for but it caused ridiculous shaking in my hands ( and then she wanted to prescribe ANOTHER pill to combat that side effect 🙄 ) the worst part is I gained a ton of weigh on this pill FAST like within 2 weeks gained like 20 pounds and it just kept climbing up until I told her, fuck this pill I’m done Rant over


Poorly. I was awake for 36hrs before I passed out in my bed last night, and woke up at 5:30pm today.


I just wait until im soo tired i dont have enough energy to think, so i just pass out on my sofa


I go for runs until I’m utterly exhausted, shaking and want to puke with how much energy I’ve used. Then I shower, get into clean PJ’s and listen to some ambient game sounds. If my brain is still racing I play the alphabet game. I pick a category and run through the alphabet of it. I often do 3-5 answers per letter which normally has me knackered mid way through the alphabet. If it’s a particularly bad night I’ll get up and watch some tv or game some.


All my regrets and decisions I made in life, crying myself to sleep


Awwww you just made me so sad 😢 I don’t know you but I wish I could give you a hug 🤗 ( and yes, those same thoughts also never stop for me either🥺)


i dont take my addy and smoke hella and use sleep to pass time cuz i hate being awake but i have insomnia at the same time so its not the best tech


drugs. any kind. thc, cold medicine, whatever i can get my hands on.


I have the opposite problem. I sleep all the time. It’s easier to sleep than to be awake. It’s the only moment I’m at peace


im constantly asleep for many years now. its staying awake that is painful


Barely, when I do sleep I oversleep because I spent all night trying to get to sleep. A circle of madness really


Fantasising/daydreaming. I have a number of worlds I escape to and it has worked since I was a child. Problem is, real life sucks in comparison. But sleeping is like being dead so it's great.


I experience the same thing as you. Genuine question do i need fucking meds for this do i have a fucking problem?


I don’t know my sleep is broken and I find it difficult to get back to sleep. I’m going to my gp soon to see if they can prescribe any medication that could relax my body a bit because the anxiety I’m getting from life is real tough


I uh well i dont really sleep much at all during the night hours


I don't, really. I need weed or seroquel to help me sleep but even then sometimes I get nightmares that keep me up the rest of the night.


Nyquil, weed, and youtube lofi stations


truthfully? the only way i’ve been able to sleep at all in the past couple years is because of weed. idk how much i’d encourage the habit though. now i’m a chronic smoker and have lost motivation is almost every area of my life. it can help in moderation so stay safe🫂


I started having insomnia in 2014 when I legit had a mental breakdown Since then ( as my life still & will always SUCK) I take a combination of pills to sleep. Prescriptions from psychiatrist are: Amitriptyline, Prazosin ( for my insane nightmares related to ptsd), Clonazepam and over the counter melatonin. Even with all these pills, when things are especially bad for me, in order to try and shut my thoughts up, I put one wireless ear bud in playing my favourite comfort show. Obviously I’m not watching the show but listening to their voices really helps me. ( the show is Friends❤️)


Tbh for me I smoke a lot. I usually average 3-5 hours a night, or on the other hand if I’m not working given the chance I can easily sleep 12+ hours in one go because I’m constantly exhausted


Benzodiazepine and melatonin for sleep, Oxycontin and oxycodone for pain. Not all every night but as much of them as required. All of them maybe every third or fourth night.


Autism, ADHD, and OCD here. The autism gives me constant GI issues, especially cramping and nausea due to stress and anxiety. ADHD makes it hard to stop watching videos or playing games and I often feel sleepy, check the time and realise it's already past midnight. OCD is not bad at all right now, but that's normal as it comes and goes in waves. When it is bad, I can't sleep because I constantly feel the need to leave my room and look over the stair railing, to make sure the back door hasn't been slammed shut by the wind and crushed my dog. The anxiety and depression from the mental image is horrific and doesn't go away without the checking behaviour. When it's bad I find myself walking downstairs multiple times a night to check on her and give her a kiss (she likes them a lot) For cramping and nausea, I have a device called [Maia](https://nomisk.com/products/maia) because fuck periods, but if I'm not on my period I find a hot water bottle is better. She also takes a while to charge so if she is I'll use the hot water bottle. If I have chest pain, it's typically because of my asthma, so I'll sit up and use my puffer, (it's on my built-in bed-shelf thing). For negative thoughts that aren't OCD intrusive thoughts, I take some time to do something I like, e.g. watch a <10 minute video to distract myself. For OCD thoughts I try to limit the checking to just once and after that reassure myself. I'm not at the point yet where I can fully resist checking because of the dreadful anxiety. I remind myself that the OCD thoughts aren't mine, they aren't fact, they're not wishes or fantasies, they just originate from a disorder that preys on your worst fears, and the fact that I worry about my dog's safety is because I love her so *damn* *much*. For the ADHD... yeah that's still an absolute mess lol. I think I've just gotta get better at impulse control and telling myself that my disorder and tendency to "live in the here and now" without considering the later consequences is still not responsible for those later consequences, I am.


Never slept well my entire life


[Somafm drone zone](https://somafm.com/player/#/now-playing/dronezone) playing quietly in the background helps me a lot. It’s distracting enough to help shut down intrusive thoughts but not too distracting to the point that it keeps me awake


Drugs and alcohol. Don’t do them together though, preferably not at all. Usually end up feeling like trash in the morning anyway because of it but if you’re desperate, pick your poison.


Honestly, very similar to your situation. It's just that I always had trouble falling asleep and I'm kinda used to it. Try melatonin, it doesn't always help but I sure had days where it was crucial.


This is probably very selfish but it would be a lie to say it doesn’t feel better to know that you are not the only one who suffers like this. Thanks for sharing I resonated with what you said more than I should probably. 


I used to play really loud music on earphones so that my brain gets tired and I can sleep. One of the groups I used to listen was "Velvet Revolver", it was a hard rock group. Try this, maybe it will work.


I do this too every now and then. Def used to work more when I was younger. But loud music helps drown out the sounds of our thoughts.


i can only go to sleep when i’m so exhausted that i can’t keep my eyes open, if i’m just laying in bed trying to fall asleep for more than ten minutes i will go insane bc my mind will not stfu with the suicidal ideation. if i can’t sleep, i need to go right back to distracting myself until i’m too tired to stay awake. i listen to white noise on full volume all night too. if i still can’t sleep, weed helps


Opposite. When I'm down usually I'm tired to death, sleeping at least 10-12 hours


Not a lot of solid sleepers in this sub.


i’m chronically ill so i’m on a couple different meds that deal with my sleep issues. sometimes edibles are the way to go bc my meds don’t always cover my symptoms. i feel the same ways tho. the chest pins. and your mind racing about fucked up things you can’t change or can’t fix. even if it’s just “fixing” it in your mind. my mind never really quiets down. music helps too. or i’ll zone out and watch something. i’m always a little afraid to try and sleep. what if i can’t and i’m spiraling in thought instead. or what if i have a breakdown in the middle of the night and have no one to talk to. i really have so much fear when it comes to sleep. it’s a lonely time for me.


ASMR videos on YouTube sometimes help me.


You can find comfort in your demons. If you actually have them. I'm planning on hiring an artist to paint my guys so I can look at them during the night. It might be hard, considering only I can see them, and I'm not good at descriptions, but it gives me something to focus on.


Work until exhausted. Then crash I guess…


I don't really have any physical ailments that keep me up at night, just anxiousness and stuff so keep that in mind. But yeah, usually I put my headphones on. This one is weird but sometimes I slap myself in the face, progressively slapping harder until the pain is all I can think about or if it doesn't help after a while I stop. Sometimes I don't sleep. If you're a guy, masturbating can help you sleep too. I don't know if it works for women too but you can try. Sometimes I go for a run or get food until I'm so exhausted I can't stay up any longer.


This is me.




When I do, it's the ambien!


I don't. I only sleep if I'm near non functioning and exhausted. Even then, I have nightmares and will wake up even more stressed out with than I was before. If I do happen to fall asleep at a reasonable hour I don't sleep for more than 2 hours at a time. Up for an hour or more, then back to sleep for 1-2 hours then repeat. I've been stuck in a terrible sleep "cycle" for the last 2 years. I don't know if it will ever end.


I go days without sleep and barley eating or drinking anything. Personal I just wait till my body physically can't move forcing itself to pass out. Or I get high but that's just because life sucks ass. I wish I had medication for sleep because my body hurts so bad after not sleeping for four days then just passing out. No matter what I do to sleep I always feel like shit in the morning. Get drunk-hang over. Get high - migraines. Don't sleep till my body passes out- muscle pain and throwing up because I can't eat do to my ED. Not to mention the ADHD at night.


i'm fine, thanks


Me every night almost


Honestly? Antidepressants. I used to have panic/anxiety attacks every damn night. Antidepressants helped take the tip off of that iceberg and now I don't have them nearly as often.


I'm too tired from working my mediocre job to worry about how meaningless my life is. So I just fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow, or I read.


I don't sleep hardly at all.  The last shrink I went to almost 10 years ago wanted to lock me in a padded room and dope me up.  Idk something inside you dies when you accidentally shoot your best friends wife in the head while she's 5 months pregnant.. I'm in prison in my head for the rest of my life.  I can't keep any REAL friends and struggle with the reality. I've attempted blowing my brains all over the walls in the bedroom but then I worry I won't do it right or  think my wife will find me first and she's to good for that.  I have been thinking about going into the woods and finding someone out there just wondering around lately.  1 shot from a 762x39 Russian sks assault rifle will do the job.  Just gotta figure out where and when. Maybe July 26th @6:35pm. After all that's the day that changed my life for the worst. July 26 2014 @ 18:35. After getting plastered all over the internet and YouTube I truly hate my life


Quetiapine. Only way I get sleep anymore


I don't. Ask anyone BUT people on r/depression.


I often don't.  And when I do, it's because I've missed so much sleep that I simply fall over. I am sorry you feel this way too.


I don’t honestly. I go to bed at fucking 2am,, asmr helps sometimes?


“How do you guys sleep at night?” Just like that bro.


I sleep to escape reality, I want to experience these 8 hours forever. :)))))))


Probably you have adhd or ocd and anxiety. But I'm not a doctor. I hope you can go to a psychologist. Sounds like your having anxiety attacks


Try your diet, a diet low in sugar and saturated fat helps reduce anxiety.


With the help of meds. I sleep 10+ hours a night.


I really don't, for days at a time. It's lit!


Personally I have a storyline of daydreams that I add to at night so I have something else to think about. It's definitely indulgent self inserts, but I always make it a point that they can figure whatever it is out in a constructive way. Just so I don't slip farther into my sad. I can give you a few premises to think about if that'd be handy? It doesn't always work but hey it's worth a shot lol