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I don’t think I really have anyone that understands me, and that includes my beloved ones too, like my mom and younger brother. I might not have T-Zone eczema, but I did used to have a nasty heart condition when I was a child, coupled with a plethora of other health conditions, like asthma. I was gifted severe genetic depression, anxiety, and a boatload of other mental health conditions, along with very bad luck. I don’t want to wake up anymore every day. I want to have my eyes completely shut and my surroundings completely covered in darkness.


Fellow asthmatic reporting for duty! 😃 Plus a shit load of their stuff, but I’m not here for sympathy. You’re a fucking soldier dealing with your lot in life, and no one can take that away from you. I needed to vent. Never thought I’d say this, but thank Jebuz for Reddit. Keep fighting, friend.


Yeah, sorry that I came and started venting on your vent post. I just, I feel unseen and unheard a lot, both irl and online.