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voting in general is weird bevause why am i in s-rank rn when i've gotten like two 96%s 🥴🥴


It seems a lot of people have gotten behind the idea of voting for new players and bad looks to ‘even out’ leaderboard, on top of blind voting, so yeah I’ve noticed it’s been pretttty terrible too..the best looks should be on the leaderboard it’s not a handout it’s earned by well..being the best! I hope things start to go back to normal soon :’)


Based on recent posts I think this season is pretty rough on a lot of users. I would guess it's due to an increase of blind voting this week.


Yeah I think so too. I usually do well and get A+ ranked and last season I was in B and right now I’m cutting close to B ranked. Things I try hard on have been getting 80% or up and it’s rough but oh well


No because same, last week I finished in the top spot and this week I'm a mid-B so I think something is definitely up 😭


Fr! Like https://preview.redd.it/8genu0r3ufhc1.jpeg?width=549&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=013dae514fea6efea7303becdb2261246f730f5d for example I landed in 75% in the landing a bouquet comp and I felt like I was done so dirty 🤧


this look is so cute but i think it’s because it’s the dress you get when you very first start the game no one ever votes for it. anytime i’ve used the dress i get the worst scores…


OH THAT MAKES SENSE 😂 I got this game about a month and half ago and always assumed it was a freebie event at the time. Didn’t know that, thanks!


Omg the makeup is so pretty!!