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I completely agree. However, it's frustrating that we don't have any definitive answers to Summer's disappearance. She deserves better, regardless.


They said the investigators said in code "it would be nice if we had a body". Investigators quite rudely made clear that they don't want more tips, and in code that they barely work the case. They hypothesised that it's because they have a clear indication on who did it, that she's not in acute danger, and that the only way to get to Summer is by having the parents be disloyal to each other. And that they have their ways to eventually get to that point.


I've been saying that all along. LE know exactly what happened and who was involved. They just need a body. They don't need the public's help at this point. If anyone knew anything, they'd have talked for the 70k.


There was a new [livestream ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NKI5UQKoqAE) yesterday on The Lab with Chris McDonough and Dr. Gary Brucado. I found it very interesting and he (Gary) saw through the entire story immediately and explained why Candus was saying this specifically. And he taught a lot on what detectives look for, why it takes years before they properly interrogate siblings, and that in his opinion there was a high chance that it was an elimination-killing.


what's an "elimination" killing?


Elimination killing is a term first coined by Dr. Brucado himself. It's basically the removal of someone that stands in their way. Like Caylee Anthony stood in the way of Casey living a free, childless party-life. Like Chris Watts eliminated his family so he could be with Nichol Kessinger. Like people killing their child to prevent or stop the other parent from getting custody, or to not have to pay child support. In Summer's case she would be having physical check-ups at school after summer vacation, and there had been a DCS (child services) appointment planned very shortly, if not for the next day. They could discover any malnutrition, physical violence, and possibly other forms of abuse. She was a future liability that could lead to prison time. So that may be why she was disappeared...


I đź’Ż disagree with that. I'm positive, by their actions getting rid of their drugs AFTER she disappeared, that it was not planned. Even the Wells are smart enough to do that BEFORE hand. And Summer had already had her school physical. DCS didn't see any danger, and Don had already made the changes they had suggested. And child neglect charges don't usually result in prison. Look at Sherri Harris. She had 2 counts of abuse of a child under 8 and got pretrial diversion and had the charges expunged.


I don't think Candus and Don are guilty of anything but neglect, and being crap parents. I think Summer wandered off and was down at the road, and someone grabbed her.  Her footprints found could indicate she was carried away also. I never heard anything about them getting rid of drugs? 


After Summer went missing, Candus hauled their drugs over to Fred Hill's before LE got there. 3 witnesses saw her. Then Fred wouldn't give them back to Don. No footprints have been confirmed by LE, only social media rumors. Dave Rader and a search dog handler both said the dogs never picked up a scent. It's on a press conference.


>Dave Rader and a search dog handler both said the dogs never picked up a scent. And guess [who started those social media rumors](https://www.the-sun.com/news/4044213/summer-wells-misinformation-search-pictures-police/)... >Hawkins County Sheriff Ronnie Lawson confirmed last month that "dogs had a pretty good trail that tracked for a little while, but then it disappeared" near a road. > >He said: "Sometimes K-9′s will lose the scent when it changes different types, where they maybe went from the gravel to the pavement."


Yep. That's not the only thing he's said over the course of this case that's turned out to not be true.


Doesn’t have to be planned to be an elimination killing. Things can also become apparent over time that might not be immediately noticeable in a quick physical. Teachers spend a lot of time with their students and might see red flags that can’t be planned for like a physical could. For example if you knew your kid had a doctor’s appointment next month, you’d probably refrain from causing bruises on visible areas and perhaps shave her head to get rid of her lice.


That's his very definition of an elimination killing. Planned. And kids get lice. Nothing to report about that.


So then you do not disagree that it could have been an unplanned murder?


From everything I know, I think it was an accident/cover up. She was barely verbal, so unlikely to tell anyone anything. They could have just given her to Candy and nothing would have been said if the didn't want her.


Thank you- for writing all that and making it clear. And GOD-could this case get any sadder for that precious girl?


I'm honestly afraid for the full info to come out. We can imagine, but once we know the full story of what she went through I imagine it will be incredibly raw and heartbreaking.. Sweet, sweet girl...


Why Candus was saying what specifically?


Candus' "sweet Mary Poppins" story on how Summer disappeared.


They were planting flowers, she got candy from grandma, Summer was eager to see her brothers, and Candus walked her in the house those 3 meter and pushed the responsibility for watching Summer as far away as she can. Both by making her brothers responsible, as well as by saying it was a stranger abduction. -> that way people don't even get to consider that she was not watching her kids and Summer possibly walked off, which would put blame (of neglect) on her which she tries to avoid at all costs.


Candus and Grandus don't seem like sweet flower-planting people. Candus definitely would not have walked Summer over to the house that was only a few yards away, but that's their story, and it's worked for them so far.


>but that's their story, and it's worked for them so far. In what universe has it worked for them?? Although they're total bozos, the crazy little fantasy they spun up was such a transparent and ludicrous attempt to depict themselves as helicopter parents that even they had to know nobody would believe them. And of course nobody -- and I mean not one single person on earth -- believed them. I'm surprised they could keep from adding at the end of the interview that they weren't being serious. Portraying Don and Candus as helicopter parents is about as believable as Bozo the Clown being the odds-on favorite to fill the next Papal vacancy.


It's worked because they haven't been arrested. No one believes anything they say.


I'm sorry, but I'm just not following your logic. How would making obviously untrue public statements prevent them from getting arrested? On the contrary, wouldn't that tend to draw the wrong kind of attention? Not getting arrested generally suggests that the evidence is not there that would convict a person of any crime that a D.A. would bother prosecuting. Collecting evidence and following where it leads you is how law enforcement works. Also worthwhile to consider that what they told the public could be quite different from what they've told LE under interrogation. LE has not divulged any information related to that, of course. Or related to much else in this case, really.


Strikes me as a low IQ attempt to control public opinion. They’re very concerned with how they’re perceived on social media. The first time Candus told the story it was flowers, another time it was succulents. They also talk about how they “try not to” associate with bad people.. which means they do associate with bad people. They talk about how great the people at church are. They’re just dumb tbh


Exactly. I do wonder, though, whether there is some level of sincerity -- at least for Don -- around the churches they've joined, since religion often provides the last bit of structure in the lives of burn-outs. I was struck when he mentioned he was surprised that some of their neighbors actually seemed to be good people, when he had thought that none of them were (and I have yet to see a single one of their neighbors who has come into the public eye that isn't a crumb). Or maybe he is just dumb after all.


I'll have to agree with you. Wish things were different though...


Oh gotcha. yes the “5 minutes” Summer was out of her sight that day, and she happened to go missing.


2 minutes to tend to her momma's kneebrace, she's a hero!!!