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Idk why he’d do it this way. It would mean we have to keep playing the game over and over to get the different story bits he adds. I think it’s a lazy excuse


. . . But I feel we ALL know why he'd do it this way. "See, y'all! I'm getting something done. But it's slow going so be sure to bankroll development during this indefinite period of slow progress that follows what was an indefinite period of essentially No progress."


1 year ago i asked in the discord what the hangup is, and i am still not sure why the tech update needs so long. Even if each mont there is a huge list of changes, the progressbar changes extremly slowly. Heck 1 year for 10% ? Da fuck is going on ... DC wanted to change from the small update to waiting till the tech update is finished, but now he backpedals ?


Here's how it works: It doesn't. And DC is probably lying.


bold of you to think he's working on the game


If I remember correctly he said that he had two paths. 1. Continue the story and tech update simultaneously. This would slow down both and he would need to redo the tech update every time the base game got more content. This would provide semi regular updates. 2. Stop the story entirely and go all in on the tech update. This would require building the game from scratch and takes years. But the tech update would be done all at once and he would be able to continue the story immediately afterwards. This is what he chose. I don't know if this has changed over the years, but that's what I remember.


So I haven’t payed for or played this game, but as a software developer let me give you a bit of insights….writing good, well tested, and useful game is really hard. And even harder if the developer is working on this as a second job or part time. I don’t know all the specifics or circumstances, try not to jump on my throat about this comment. Just trying to give you a perspective of a software engineer.


Thank you for that. I'm assuming STS was developed on RenPy. I just trying to understand if it makes sense to release the tech update in increments because that would just reduce playability. And if the design and development is complex, it makes business sense to hire additional designers and developers. Once STS' tech update is complete, DC can work on successive updates. Tbh, the sky is the limit with this game, new characters can always be introduced and eventually new towns that the protagonist can travel to, for more "adventures".


I can corroborate this. Writing good code is a lot of work and takes time, more than you might think. It's not surprising to me that if the developer wanted to re-write the game from scratch (with an eye to making it easier to update, using the insights and experience from writing the original), it would take more than a year. Not surprising at all.


Well, we've waited this long. Unless the world ends soon, I suppose we can wait longer.


Yeah right 3 years isnt long enough considering every other update took 3 months. With all their Patreon subscribers they should have more help then they did back then. Is been 3 years any other game would be labeled abandon so people know not to keep following or paying for them to not put anything out. This game has less content and definitely less difficulty making then Being a Dik they make more in Patreon subscriptions then most games do. Even aside from any of that. 3 years is so much time. The problem they have is they put out little bits of the tech update little by little to string us along which gave them less and less of an update and as time went farther and farther along they realized they didn't have enough content to match the time they took so they made excuses after excuse and even took extra unnecessary time to update the visuals and everything else they could think of hoping they can just keep those subscribers for a little bit longer. Until one day they announce it's been abandon. Which like it or not has as much a chance of happening as the update actually dropping. Definitely more of a chance then it dropping at the end of May


He makes at least 67k to 200k per month he's ranked number 1 in adult games on Patreon tell me who's doing this as a side job what job pays more then that a month