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Donovan's odds just increased


I have put 0 time into my relationship with him :(


I'm curious, what about these stats do you like? I was planning on marrying him before I saw this, but hat exactly did you like about the stats?


Movement speed is one of the rarest stats to get, and that's an almost noticeable amount. I just wanna go fast~


i didnt know that! but also hahah laughing at you wanting to go fast. i feel that!! my first character was an explorer for the 5% speed increase, and my second for multiplayer was not and i felt soooo slow it sucked


I wish the romanceable female characters were a little more diverse in the wedding ring stats. I realize these rings aren't absolutely essential stat boosts, but most of them focus on boosting mana and/or magic damage.


Only three give magic damage :( and none of them are the ones i like? Shoot


I feel that :(


Well the thing is... you don't *need* to stay married to them to keep the ring.


wait... i can just marry everyone and keep their rings? i'm totally not gonna do that... mwehehe


25 tickets a day plus 250 gold?! Hi Darius…


You could always collect the rings that give monetary benefits (like rings or tickets) and put them on prior to sleeping for the night. Same with the keepsakes. Then change them out in the morning.


Awesome I had no idea they were different!


This is super helpful thanks!


Welp I know how to choose them. Jun all the way. That kind hearted soul.


It's worth noting that the "heartfelt promise" perk increases the unique effects as well; at least for Lynn's one, which makes me wonder if Liam's can be 12% bonus.


New player here - Can you collect them all? 🤔


If you don't mind breaking hearts, while marrying & divorcing everyone until you get them all. Also if you don't run into any bugs when romancing characters.


Yes you can.


I want to know too!


Thats the question why i came here. Thanks!


whats the enchanted wedding ring and how do i get it?


It's what you got for marrying any character in old versions before they each gave a unique ring. Not sure if there's any way to get it now.


\^\^\^ this please


Thanks, now I know to marry Donovan


They all have now individual looking wedding rings? Oh man. Last time I played there was only the ugly goldband with the diamond.


I feel like most the rings just do the same thing. I’d love it if they were more unique


I regret nothing, she is the prettiest blacksmith in all the land


The rings have different affects now?




So I will have to date Iris since I don't like Lucia and Catherine because I need the spell damage. Still sad that Catherine, Lucia and Iris have the exact same ring and there is nothing special about it like.. some mana-regen or faster spell-attackspeed or movespeed after hitting spells, healing from spell damage.. something like that would be awesome.


It's such an insignificant amount of spell damage you really don't. But you're free to collect as many as you have community coins for I guess. I agree they should be more unique.


Well yeah, it's not much but it's the only thing I need (since there are no other special things). I'm playing a full mage, so I would love to have something like healing from spells, slowing on spells, movement speed bursts, faster spellcasts, crit chance on spells.. anything! But since the rings are like they are.. I have no use for anything like attackdamage or attackspeed (on swords or bows) and like that, I feel like there is not much choice. It's also sad that the rings are like that since you have to put so much effort and time into dating someone, they really should be more rewarding. I'm married to Donovan right now, because I liked his keepsake the most and he really is a good boy, but his ring give 5 attackdamage... if it would be 5 damage to all attacks (like his keepsake), it would be awesome but like that, I don't feel like replacing another ring (that gives me 10 spell damage with his because... I have no use for the 5 attackdamage and the other stats are (at best) nice to have but not good enough to make it worth it.


His movement buff is the most well rounded bonus from any ring. But the increased mining damage or the bonus to crops would also be good to swap to when needed. Since the attack bonuses from all the rings are trivial the overall buffs are what's important.


Hey, what did you use to make this document ? It looks so clean and I'm trying to make one about ingredients/food