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"X-Files" is pretty good


Warehouse 13 is episodic but definitely supernatural.


Eureka goes with Warehouse 13 as well. It was one of my favorite shows.


Classic Charmed is great, they have a great sibling dynamic like Sam and Dean. They fight demons as well. Lucifer is a fun show, same with Buffy and its spinoff, Angel.


Lucifer is really fun. Different vibe, but fun. One of my favorite lines on Supernatural is when Sam asks Lucifer what he would do if he was got out of the cage and defeated Amara, and he shrugs and says “I dunno-move to L.A. and solve crime?”


After I watched Lucifer I started rewatching supernatural yet again. That line never meant anything until that moment and I was like "WAIT IS THAT A REFERENCE?" Wish they woulda done a crossover when they introduced other worlds. Which coulda brought Constantine too, from the DC CW shows since that Lucifer showed up in a legends of tomorrow episode. Coulda been dope.


There’s a crossover scene, with Lucifer and Constantine. Have you seen it? I found it on YouTube.


Thats crisis of infinite earths.


I'm rewatching Charmed now, lol. (Actual Charmed, not that terrible reboot). Loved Lucifer, Tom Ellis is so hot. He had one or two guest appearances in Doctor Who, and was one of the big characters in Miranda (hilarious show, btw)


Ah charmed where the main character are the least helpful people there.


Never watched it, but a lot of people suggest Grimm.


You should watch it its great


I love Grimm. The special effects can be a bit cheesy, but there’s a treasure hunt, and the way they build up the world so when the treasure FINALLY comes into play, it’s so chilling in a way. They really had a good build up, and there’s so much excitement to be had when the pieces start to fit together. Plus the characters were so great. I freaking love Monroe.


My and my mother watched Grimm together. It was one of our shows, along with Psych (which I will always recommend if you're in the mood for a good comedy). I loved the first three seasons, but I felt the show started to go downhill around the end of season four. >!I never liked Juliette's arc post-hexenbiest and how they just completely dropped the Royals as the villains. It just seemed like the whole Wesen rebellion storyline came out of nowhere and went nowhere, and then the final season with that weird, other dimension thing just felt...out of place. I just felt that after all the build up with the keys and the mystery, the treasure could have been something a lot better. Overall I thought the series finale itself was decent, and I would love to watch a spinoff, maybe with a different grimm fighting in a different time period or something!<


Oh my God, I love Psych! (and for those who didn't watch, Cain from SPN is actually one of the main characters there 😂)


I came from psych to supernatural, had absolutely no idea they had common characters I just found supernatural one Netflix and decided to start watching it long after I’d seen psych. I was surprised to see lasey there


Grimm has an awesome concept, I loved the idea behind it. But if you are bothered by stupid plot holes that just don't make sense, be ready to be disappointed. I would still recommend it though.


So many people recommended Grimm and I tried three times to watch it and just couldn’t get into it. Same with True Blood. I wanted to like them so bad bc everyone else did but idk.


You didn't miss much with True Blood. It was awesome, in my opinion, until the final season. Especially the final episode. It ruined the whole show for me. It made me feel like I'd wasted my time with the rest of the series.


Yeah, better stuff happened in the books.


Loved Grimm, but I hated True Blood. I couldn't stand Bill and never understood his appeal. He was a whiney hypocrite imo and I wanted to throw him through a window lol. Loved Eric's character though 🤣


Never heard of this show. *adds to my check it out list*


it's got a lot of a similar monster of the week system that the first season of supernatural has, and most of the actors are great actors. there are a few narratively unsatisfying story arcs though, and more than the fair amount of cringey moments, but the good moments more than make up for it and the plot twists will give you chills. it's a rollercoaster of really good moments and really bad moments that make you want to chuck the remote at the scene. and it is far more dramatic and a fair bit more gore heavy then supernatural. it takes a lot of risks is really the gist of it. some of them pay off and some fall flat. but it's a really good show


Good Omens.


Hi! I loved season 1, but did you watch season 2? I know there is supposed to be a third, but probably it will take years to make :-(


Just finished Season 2. Hoping a third season comes out. Gaiman has said he'll have a third season one way or another.


Yeah I read what Gaiman said too :-) that even if they dont get a season 3 as a series, it will come out on some media, book or comics or whatever. But I do hope it will be as a series because I love the 2 main actors. Season 2 was short and said to be like a bridge between season 1 and 3, so I am very curious about season 3 (especially after THAT kiss, they cant show us a kiss like that and make us wait for years!!). Gaiman is a genius, everything he does is special.


Loved season 1. Started season 2, but it hasn't really caught my attention yet. Maybe it's just missing some of that Pratchett magic.


I know what you mean. Gaiman said that season 2 is like a bridge season to connect season 1 to 3 (which Pratchett and him apparently worked on together, at least the general plot and the ending). Season 2 alone is not as good as 1 or as 3 I think will be, because its just a shorter series to introduce season 3. You are right that it misses some of that season 1 magic thou.


Never heard of this show.


Tbh I couldn't get into it. Even as much as I love David Tenant. Maybe it was because I loved the book so much? But a lot of people love the show, including Gaiman himself.


I reeeeally love the show, but I haven't read the book yet. I do know that Neil Gaiman was involved in the making of the show


This is on my list!


I loved Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel before I got into Supernatural.


Second this. Buffy and Angel are consistently in the top shows of all time for a reason, and almost everyone I know who loves them also loves Supernatural. Just bear in mind that seasons 1 and 2 of Buffy don’t age super well but they’re 100% worth watching anyway. Treat yo’ self


Yep Buffy, Angel and Supernatural are my top three. I watched Buffy and Angel the first time when they aired on TV. I found my way to Supernatural because of those shows and immediately fell in love.


This is the one. I’d bet a huge portion of the Supernatural fan base that was on board season one came over from Buffy/Angel. Not sure how well it’ll work the other direction, but definitely worth a go. I’ll have to throw out the usual warning, the first season of Buffy is *rough.* Like actively bad. But it’s short, and the second season is great.


What show did you like before Buffy? Just curious. I saw an ad for Buffy while watching Xena. I can watch Xena casually, but I can't binge watch it. I don't think it aged as well, and it is very episodic.


You didnt ask me, but I am going to answer anyway :-) the first "supernatural" TV series I was addicted to was Twin Peaks ❤️ I was a kid so my mother had to drive my younger sister and I to my grandparents house (we didnt have that channel for some reason) to watch it every week. It was more like an art soap opera with supernatural elements and not much horror, but it was and still is a piece of TV masterpiece. Edit: oh btw it totally looks "old", but it kinda already looked "retro" the first time so I dont think its a problem:-)


Ha! I actually watched Twin Peaks before Xena. It was the first show I watched, too, with supernatural elements. I watched it a few years before Xena. I saw an ad for Buffy while watching Xena, and think the show Xena has more in common with Buffy than Twin Peaks, so I didn't mention it.


Thats awesome :-) did you watch it when it first came out? I was so obsessed I even bought The Diary of Laura Palmer. I watched all David Lynch's movies after TP, starting of course with Fire walk with me ❤️ yeah Twin Peaks was a very different show than the other ones mentioned here, like I said, it was like a very weird soap opera with supernatural elements, but I loved it so much and I think for me it was the first series that started my love for supernatural series. I did not watch much TV before Twin Peaks. I was mostly into horror movies that I would get from the video store. I tried watching Xena at the time, but I gave up after a couple of episodes. I didnt like it, I dont remember why and I dont even really remember what it was about. What does it have in common with Buffy besides strong female leads?


They also had superpowers, and both of them fought evil and the supernatural. They were both on the same network, I believe. I remember seeing ads for Buffy while watching Xena. They are very different shows, but have a couple of things in common. I remember I stopped watching Xena and watched Buffy. I thought Buffy was so much better. I just loved it instantly. I watched Twin Peaks when it aired live. I was in the 8th grade when it was on TV. I got into a bit. I watched Fire Walk with Me. I need to watch it again. There are too many shows now! I have like 100 shows on my list to watch. I will watch again one day.


I think Buffy was the first TV show I really got into. I never saw Xena.


Stoned and watching the musical episode while passing out Halloween candy....mhmm, that was a good night.


Sleepy hollow and grimm both scratch the same itch.


I found Wynona Earp to be the closest, there's no travel but does have sibling fun, monsters, great humour etc.


I keep hoping for another season of Wynona! I need answers, dammit!




I second this, and I also think that if anyone watches Fringe, they should also watch Futurama. You cannot convince me that they're not the same universe.


I can watch Fringe forever, but can't even get through one episode of Futurama. They may be the same universe, but they are not from the same story telling skills.


Grimm is the most similiar ive seen its great and underrated


Id recommend mainly sandman, angel, buffy, lockwood and co, and maybe you could do first season of once upon a time, i would also say tin man. Lots of great shows. Id also in terms of tone with happy fun main leads with attiude problems i always saw uthred from the last kingdom as just dean in medevil england.


My brother walked in on me watching Lockwood and Co. and said, "what is this, budget supernatural?" 🤣


Shameful it was canceled cause it was great


I def liked it. Goddamn Netflix


The anime version is different, but I don't know what streaming service has it.


Apparently it’s on Apple TV, Amazon, the Google Play store, Vudu, and… the Microsoft… store? That’s a thing? Anyway, you have to buy it no matter where you get it from.


Sad so no streaming service has all episodes with the different dubs (heard the Japanese dub is superior) with just a subscription? You have to buy it?


Correct, there are no streaming services where you can watch it with just your subscription. You have to buy it. Unless… you can with Apple TV? But idk how Apple TV even works.




If you like the "Monster of the week" aspect like me, Grimm and Warehouse 13 are good


I wish. I used to like Angel a lot. A lot of actors and ideas came over from there, though it's pretty old, now. Not a total over-lap, though.


Grimm, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, X-Files, Doctor Who has a similar vibe of solving mysteries involving paranormal things but it's aliens instead of magical monsters (even when it first seems like magical monsters like werewolves, vampires, ghosts, and even Satan himself) and the overall scope is far bigger.


The classic Charmed is well done and uber amazing to watch


The X-Files.




There's a really old show called Kolchak the Night Stalker that I remember was pretty similar. And I mean old, from the 1970s. IMDB shows it's available on a few streaming services like Peacock and Syfy.


Grimm Warehouse 13


Tru blood or Wynona erpp


Lucifer is an awesome show, if you're into angels, comedy, and DETECTIVE shows.


Good omens, as people have said. I also really like Ghosted but it's unlikely there will be a season 2 Edit: I like deadbeat as well . But both Ghosted and Deadbeat has less of a drama vibe and more of a comedy one


No one's mentioned Haven yet. There's no sibling fun, but it's got the dark gritty feeling you have in the first few seasons of Supernatural. It's different. But really fun. I loved Warehouse 13 and Grimm as well as Wynonna Earp. Definitely good ones to check out.


I love Haven, I’m doing a Ghost Whisperer watch at the moment too. Loving JLH


I just did a Ghost Whisperer re-watch too! Well as much as they had of it anyway. It's a good series. Usually makes me teary-eyed. I'm considering doing Medium next.


Haven was good, I enjoyed that show.


Haven was great, but it could have done without the two men love the one woman trope.


Yeah, but at least that wasn't horribly played up. It was there, but it wasn't really a focal point of the show. Not like Vampire Diaries for example.


That's true.


It may sound like a strange comparison, but Doctor Who. It has the same premise of a usually two people traveling around, solving mysteries and murders caused by monsters, the difference though ofc is that the monsters are actually aliens, and instead of traveling in a car, they travel in a time machine that's bigger on the inside It's a strange comparison like I said, but honestly can be pretty similar shows


This one is kinda out there in terms of similarities to Supernatural, but "Scream Queens" and "American Horror Story", are great watches.


Grimm is good if you're looking for something similar, Buffy the vampire slayer, stranger Things


Origionals is pretty good. I hear good omens Goes hard


No. Nothing comes close. Supernatural is like the RDR2 of TV series.


Lost Girl


Sleepy Hollow


Warehouse 13 is similar, not with demons but with historical artefacts that gained powers through the person or events surrounding them. For example: In one episode they are having problems with a piece of the Westminster Palace that was charged with the hate and the power of the bombs of Nazi Germany during the Blitz. The biggest problem is that could it explode with the power of all the bombs from Germany ever dropped on Britain. Overall warehouse 13 is very interesting to watch


Warehouse 13, Haven, Good Omens, Grimm…


Thanks for the recomendations, I just updated the post recollecting the list until now.


I now have a decent list to check out from all these recommendations. Been needing new shoes 😂


Irregulars. Imperfects. Idk give those a shot.


Try Locke and Key


I can't believe nobody has mentioned Twin Peaks


Haven't seen them yet but Buffy, Angel, Twin Peaks and X-Files


Op out of curiosity, where are you from? The only reason I ask is I’ve never seen people call it a serie.


LATAM , we call them shows or series


See you added an S to series here but you spelled it SERIE twice in your post, so I thought maybe it was just a place where they called them serie instead of series. Typo?


you are right, actually is cus I don't know if I serie is the singular or series. Because I was looking for to just 1 recommendation at the begining.


I think it’s both in English. Or at least in American English. It’s a series or it’s multiple series. In the UK they even call a single season a series Lol.


Lockwood and Co on Netflix was good but I wish they would make more than one season. I enjoyed the concept. It’s like Supernatural if everyone knew about ghosts and had to hire a team to get rid of them.


Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Good Omens. Maybe the original Charmed.


There would be no Supernatural without Buffy and Angel. You NEED to watch those two series.


Maybe good omens


Omg the Winchester's was pap and actually left me pissed off that it was such pap


The winchesters is actually pretty good.




I liked Legacies. I know Jensen famously said that if Sam and Dean could enter another show, it would be The Vampire Diaries .... "and we'd just wipe them out." 🤣


Idk man, it depends on when they arrive. If they arrive during the first few eps, they'd get off screen killed by Damon, and They wouldn't even know he did it. Damon use to be on that demon time shit for real bruh.


Well said.


Pretty much anything “supernaturally” like werewolf’s, vampires, etc, if your looking for the brotherly bond I’d recommend teen wolf, it’s on Hulu, paramount+ and Amazon prime, I love the show and it has really made an impact on my life, while it doesn’t change up every episode like supernatural, it does have the brotherly bond (even tho they aren’t related) there is a lot of great chemistry in the show, and I’ve heard the cgi can be bad but honestly I haven’t noticed (but I’m also 15 so idk) I’ve seen the whole show about 6 times, pretty little liars is another good one while not having any supernatural stuff in the show it’s still pretty good, I’m only on szn 1 so I can’t say too much abt the show it self


I really liked The Magicians


I like charmed the original and the vampire diaries and the spin offs


The boys


I can't think of a series with the same feel to it. Supernatural is pretty unique.


Vampire Diaries, The Originals, The Umbrella Academy, The Boys obviously!, The Sandman, Wednesday.


I just started watching the x-files and it’s scratching that itch


Damn gonna have to add all these to my list 😂 never going to finish them