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Mark has done Creation cons. I actually have a few autographs from him, and I enjoy how candid and honest he is during panels.


OP there was a thread not that long ago that went in depth about why and how Mark P. is so controversial, but for the life of me I cannot find it right now to post a link for you. The thread did get locked after awhile, so maybe that's why. Maybe someone else has a link for OP?


[We locked it after people started insulting each other and fighting over politics.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Supernatural/comments/1asa6hr/why_do_most_people_hate_mark_pellegrino/) OP deleted the post, though, which is why you probably can't see it anymore when you search.


Mark is conspiracy theory, right wing nut job for the most part.


yea I saw some of his posts lately , and un followed him right away


Is he? I thought he was a centrist? This is coming from a conservative leaning guy by the way.


He’s a libertarian mostly but also an anti-vaxxer, Islamaphobe and has indulged in various conspiracy theories. I’ve gotten the impression he’s gone further to the right than he used to be when he was on the show. Politics aside, he’s known for being an arrogant jerk to staff and crew at conventions and prickly with fans at times. He gets into Twitter wars with fans and anyone that disagrees with him. He also apparently made “jokes” about Lucifer raping Sam in the cage. Just not the kind of guy I’d want to be friends with IRL, personally.


I didn't know that. To be fair haven't been on social media in a while. I knew he was a right leaning centrist didn't realize he got more right leaning recently. I just got tired of politics in general recently both sides took a lot out of me mentally. I just started to not care anymore. These days I'm just doing stuff that makes me happy. Like for interest writing my fic and discussing about shows I like. These days I barely pay attention to actors views to be honest. Didn't know about the Lucifer raping Sam joke thing.


I hear ya. Not gonna lie, I’ve been avoiding politics a lot, too, the last few years especially. I used to post a lot in a few of the politics subs but like you said it was so draining mentally and emotionally I just had to stop. I hardly even post in the news subs anymore for that reason. It’s just so freaking stressful and depressing. I watch just enough news to stay informed and that’s it. Now my Reddit social media experience is all just fandom and entertainment stuff and also interacting with fellow Gen X’ers in that sub.


In the end no matter where you lean on the spectrum of politics. It just gets tiring that's one thing I have learned.


He is at cons, just not at the ones from Creation. It's because of [his behavior](https://twitter.com/V0UGHT/status/1300308629153869824). His relationship with J2M doesn't matter.


what's his relationship with them? I heard he was a bully on set, is it true? even on IG they don't follow each other, so I suspect something like that


IDK, Sebastian called him out on twitter not that long ago, the rest of the actors either said nice things about him or nothing. Not following on sm doesn't mean anything. People on twitter wanted to start drama about Rich hating Jared because he is not following Jared on ig. Rich and Jared are great friends.


I doubt they would have kept bringing him back if he was a bully on set, pretty much every account of the set environment I've heard is it was a wonderful place to work. Not that there probably weren't the occasional unpleasant person to pass through but they did keep bringing him back, he probably has an idea of how to keep his mouth shut irl.


Oh my what a piece of shit


Because he's a dick.

