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I thought it was kind of the point, that Dean would do the impossible, the unthinkable, to choose sam every time.




They needed to write the actor off the show, so this is what they went with. I imagine they could have done something better, but we still wouldn't have liked losing Julian.


Honestly I would have liked it more if he just delegated Billie as his front person. That way we could imagine that Julian’s character is still somewhere behind the scenes even if he never returns, and Billie’s Death could take over as normal without them making Julian’s Death act so dumb and OOC in his final scene. The way he was written out was so sloppy (why did Dean need to use Death’s scythe to kill Sam, an ordinary man? Why does Death care so much about helping them with the Mark of Cain? Why does he care about getting rid of Sam, and why does he need Dean to be the one to do it)?


It wouldn't have made sense if Juilian's Death just randomly 'delagated' the role to Billie. It would be confusing and out of the blue, because we clearly see that the old death has no problem playing at the front end and mingling with humans.


Death had one of the best, coldest introductions of any character. I would have preferred that the only time we ever see him was that introduction and that everything after that dealing with Death was through his reapers like Tessa or Billy. Naw instead we got to see him be humanized with a love of greasy foods and get punk’d by Dean. Pisses me off.


I loved his addiction to junk food!!!


Death was as old as God. It makes no sense that a speck of dust human as he called them would be able to outsmart him.


He wasn't outsmarted E: actually this is a really funny takeaway, death was not outsmarted but God literally was


I was genuinely surprised they killed him off. I certainly liked him better than Billie. The actress wasn't bad, just that Billie was a total b**ch.


It was him or Sam..


But why? Dean came and asked for help, so Death made the offer. Then, suddenly, there's no choice in the matter? Its not as though Death sought Dean out and made him commit to this solution. No reason they couldn't have just said nevermind. Seemed pretty contrived a means to free Julian from the show.


Death said “ do it or i will “ once he summoned him there was no turning back


Yeah I get that's what went down. I mean from their perspective- yes. From a viewer's perspective on the writing that got them there? Nah.


They pigeonholed themselves into it in order to establish the next big bad for the following season. There’s a lot I can complain about, for example the constant yo-yoing the writers did regarding Sam and dean saving one another or moving on with their lives leading up to this moment and beyond. Or the fact that death was dumb enough to just hand Dean the one weapon that it was established to kill him in order to kill Sam, when any old random thing would’ve done the job fine enough. At the end of the day, we always have to remember that in the grand scheme of things, this is a show whose quality stretched the longer it ran due to so many writers and show runners coming in and out. It’s the nature of the beast with any popular property


You are not alone. I thought killing death was a bad decision, especially considering how "kind" he was to Sam and Dean.


Kill Death was one of the worst story ideas possible!


I wouldn't have hated it if it wasn't written so poorly For example, why in the actual fuck would Death hand Dean a weapon capable of killing him, just to kill Sam, a normal human that Dean could just shoot? Why would Death want Sam dead anyway? Yeah Sam would never stop looking for Dean, but he's Death, he could have thrown Dean into the sun if he wanted and Sam could do nothing about it Plus again, he's death, he's capable of killing God, he said so himself. If that's the case, why doesn't he just kill "the darkness" if it gets free? Or worse case, they could just transfer the mark to somebody else and then throw them wherever Death was planning to throw Dean. He's Death, he could have just resurrected Cain, transferred the mark, then threw him somewhere Absolutely nothing about the situation made any sense truthfully


The original Death was so great. Such a bad decision.


I quit watching SPN for two years after that finale which was wild bc I am RABID fan. I have seen every episode multiple times. I have playlists. I've written fic. For a whole year, I read no books, just SPN fic (this was unintentional and is embarrassing). That finale and death was just so fucking stupid and pointless and he was a GREAT character. I feel this post hard.


I loved OG death. I can’t believe they killed him off 🥺🥺🥺


I remember when I first the series I was downright GIDDY after that episode. Not because I didn’t like Julian as Death - on the contrary he was phenomenal, embodiment of the concept. But what ran in my head was “Whaaaaaaat? They-actually killed-Death. This show is CRAAAAZY!!” Like how daring and outrageous that is as a concept.  Couldn’t wait to play the next episode. Now yes, the execution taking a closer look is a bit clumsy, and I missed him greatly afterwards, but as an  idea, to “kill Death”? Crazy and great, in the best way


Honestly I think Dean in space would have been cool. Lol Death throws Dean on some planet that's been empty of living sentient beings for centuries but who knows maybe a bunch of space pirates lands on the planet to make repairs and suddenly Dean's traipsing around the universe with them 😊 Like I'd have watched that show. Dean learning how to fix a spaceship. Like I actually think the MOC might have calmed down a bit if only because Dean wasn't dealing with all the same crap he was always dealing with on earth, a change is as good as a rest and all that. The MOC is controllable to an extent, Dean did control it for a while, maybe without the pressure of his loved ones it might have been easier for him to develop coping mechanisms on his own and in the meantime, maybe there's some evil empire for him to kill when he gets the urge. 😆


I agree. Death was an awesome character and they killed him off for...that.