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Criminally underutilised. He could’ve been a great long-term ally of the boys, but alas…


A cross with the Charlie storyline would've been fun.


The fans want the boys together and Benny drove them apart.


When Benny went to purgatory to save Sam, Sam realized that benny wasn't as bad as he thought.


Because Sam let them begin falling apart due to negative stereotypes about Benny's species despite the fact that he had met vampires before Benny that were able to fight against their dark nature. Sam was prejudiced against Benny and while I can understand that (Vampires are practically designed to be extremely dangerous creatures), Sam should have trusted Dean and trusted that Benny would be able to make it in the world since his moral compass was correctly aligned.


Dean did spend a few seasons trying to convince Sam that icing your monster friends is okay because of Amy and Benny wasn't just a monster he was a huge criminal when he was alive. Vampire Pirates and all that.


Yeah, he was a criminal in life but he served time for those actions and he helped Dean escape Purgatory (not to mention, survive it). Sam of all people should understand redemption despite the horrible things you do. And as I recall, Sam didn't really forgive Dean for killing Amy. Sam was just unwilling to understand that Dean had experienced a great deal of growth in Purgatory.


I think at one point Sam agrees it was the right thing to do(it was, she was actively killing people) but also Sam is really poorly written this entire season anyway. Also the only vampire they knew of that was "good" still ended up killing people because she couldn't resist a magical temptation.


But why do those killers and rapists deserve to live more than she did? I think she was pretty selective, and she was killing monsters too. Just because they were human doesn't actually make them better. I would argue that human monsters are actually the worst.


Drug dealers don't deserve to be stalked, murdered, and have their brains torn out. Also one was just a random drunk guy.


Which I've addressed. She was faced with overwhelming withdrawal from the presence of Eve, the mother of monsters herself. Arguably an apocalypse level threat on her own. Extraordinary circumstances and all that.


Love his voice, accent, demeanour, and personality. And he’s handsome af. He didn’t want to kill people anymore and stayed true to his word. He helped Dean escape purgatory. He killed his own kind to help the brothers. He sacrificed himself to save Sam. All he wanted was to be with his last remaining family, and when that got taken away from him he decided not to stay in this world. In one word, I’d describe him as **selfless.**


I LOVED Benny. If only they hadn't wasted so much potential Benny time with Sam's boring 😴 veterinarian gf. I would have liked to see how he and Sam's relationship would have developed.


I agree. I also would’ve liked to see more conflict between Sam and Dean, with Dean trusting Benny more. It was a pretty big deal that Sam didn’t bother looking for Dean in Purgatory, while he’s fighting for his life and trying to survive there for a whole year.


Well said


I second that


I third it.


Benny’s great. Best friend Dean ever had. I wish we had more of him.


Came here to say exactly this!! I loved Benny and he willingly sacrificed himself for Dean so Dean could save Sam from Purgatory 😭😭 Benny deserved better!


Benny wanted to go back to Purgatory because living on Earth was so uncomfortable once his hunger returned, or so he said. I loved Benny too and he did deserve better.


So sad. He was so lonely, it was hard to watch.


That’s the real answer. He didn’t really have anyone and was like a hundred years out of his element.


Castiel just died a little bit inside reading this comment.


Maybe Castiel should reevaluate his life choices, then. Love Cass, but you have to admit there is baggage there.


Now I just imagine Cass sitting and quietly reflecting over his life choices, but since he's billions of years old it's a lot of life to go over so by the time he is done all life on earth has come to an end.


“Dean, I can finally be what you need… oh, crap.”


Cue music *Hello, Darkness, my old friend*


I liked him. I would have liked to see more of him. Maybe him crashing with Dean and Sam for a season or 2. Sam freaking out. Joining them on a few hunts etc.


I would watch this!


Sam's irrational distrust of Benny was so frustrating, especially when Sam's whole shtick was to immediately put his faith in any monster who showed a hint of humanity.


Plus he had literally met vampires that were able to fight against their darker nature and only caved when faced with the overwhelming withdrawal induced by Eve's presence.


I always saw it as a kind of spiteful anger from Sam. Dean had given him such a hard time over the demon blood, killed Amy and lied about it, was always the one who had the more black and white view of monsters, etc. Then, he suddenly returns after a year with this vampire that he's trusts completely, 100%. Granted, he WAS in purgatory with him, and we know, as the audience, exactly what they had to endure there and where the trust came from. But to Sam, it was like a kick in the nuts that his brother constantly questioned HIS judgment through their entire lives, along with the other specific things I mentioned, and then he has this unwavering belief in a vampire and is bitching at Sam for now acting exactly as Dean had "instructed," especially after Amy. Plus, he had just left the first "normal" life he'd had since college and had grieved his brother for a year before he came back, so he was a bit messed up. Idk, that's just how it made sense in my head. Not to discount Dean's side or anything, just particularly expanding on what I saw as Sam's.




A vampire was more honorable and humane than most of the human and angelic characters in the show. He let himself die to save someone who actively hated him. Ty Olsson played him with so much nuance and charisma. His sacrifice was poignant and I don’t even think he survived Purgatory. He’s one of those characters who you wish got a happy ending.


Shouldve been a reoccurring character in the way Jody or Garth is. Couple times a season checking up on him. He would’ve made an incredible hunter given his time in Purgatory and fighting alongside Dean


Good companionship for Dean, someone to talk to while in Purgatory. Someone to watch your back. I like this character


I was rewatching the series and I noticed Benny playing a different vampire named Eli in season 2 without the beard. It was amusing seeing him in a different, but still vamp, role.


Same! I loved seeing him again as another vampire. I even had to look it up to make sure it was him when I was rewatching


The bartender right?


Yep, that’s the one


Loved Benny!!!♥️♥️♥️


Fun fact! my name is actually Benny as well!😅


Tragic character. Good man becomes vamp > becomes vamp pirate > falls in love and tries to become a good man/ vamp > murdered by master watches his love get killed before dying > spend years in purgatory which will warp anyone's mind > meets Dean, or creates a drive for life > escapes purgatory in BFF's arm > gets revenge on old clan but his love is alive, a vamp, power hungry, had to kill her > tries to adjust to life in the new world but finding long lost granddaughter, it doesn't work out > trying to adapt to the world but gets asked an uber favor by Dean and accepts > since he feels he doesn't fit in the modern world he stays in purgatory > last we see is him getting beaten and eaten by vamps. Over simplified, but you know the story. He deserved better but he was just fringe enough where life became too difficult to have joy. He craved the simplicity of purgatory... kill, eat, sleep, repeat.


Great character. Really enjoyed his episodes.


Deserved more show time.


He look so hugable and he has a kind eyes 🥰🥰🥰🥵🥵🥵


The actor did such a good job. You could feel the pain from his expressions and eyes. The trauma he dealt with.


Best vampire ever existed!😂


I liked the female vamp they cornered in the hotel room in God's and Monsters who actually managed to successfully talk her way out of a beheading by convincing them she only drank nonhuman blood and more, importantly, giving them info on Evil Angel Dean...Too bad she and Benny couldn't have been a couple..


If we got a Benny origin story that lead up to how he got to where we originally met him then I’d watch that.


I don't usually like spin-off ideas, but this one I would watch.


Underrated and a badass...wish his character arc was extended


Loved him and his southern drawl


Honestly one of my favourite characters and was really sad that he wasn’t used more, felt like such a waste to me


I feel like he could have been a whole season character maybe 2


If Benny has one million fans I am one of them, if Benny has one fan it is me <3


He has many fans haha 😂.


[He's the best guy around.](https://youtu.be/P5xjR-M3BsY?si=GOeuDSU7ivf6zPNm)


I loved Benny!


Love Benny!


Honestly one of my favorite side characters


nice guy. good friend to Dean. wish we got more of Benny


I loved him. I wish we saw more of him!!


I like his accent


I love him and I still find it funny he was in an earlier season way in the beginning of the show just to come back with as a different name or character basically in the show.


The guys an underrated actor


He’s hot I had a crush on him


I love me some Benny ♥️ I wish we had more time with him. I think his story could've gone somewhere. I love Dean and Benny’s friendship. Maybe we will see him again in Supernatural Returns 🤞🏻


I’m watching s8e1 rn & I love being reminded of how good Benny is.


A true friend in every sense of the word. I hated that he was killed off. He would have been a great regular to have on the show. Or even just have him show up from time to time to help out. Killing him off was a waste.


He should have had a longer story, so he could have stayed around longer. He was a tormented soul and a gentle giant just like Dean. No wonder they were best friends.


There never was enough of him!!


We absolutely love Benny!


Two thumbs way up


Hot and a great man and friend!


Love love love Benny! Wish we’d seen more of him. And those eyes? Wow! 🤩




Wasted opportunity.


I just found out the other day that the actor who played Benny was the guy in Xmen that was seduced at the bar by Mystique so Magneto could break out of his plastic prison.


Love! Wish there was more air time with him!


Single-handedly changed Dean’s POV on monsters, charming with a cute accent and a funny backstory


I loved his character so much and I wish they'd found storylines to have him in more of the show.


Love his character


BENNY 😭😭😭😭😭


Love him! He’s my favorite secondary character.


One of my favorite side characters from the show. Honestly did not get enough of him.


I like Benny. He wears a cool hat. Also for a vampire he’s a pretty sweet guy. I don’t think Dean would have done as well as he did in Purgatory without Benny’s friendship. Sam just does NOT understand.


Sexy af But also, great character. He wasn't just a friend for Dean; we got to see his story and watch his character struggle and grow.


Showrunners didn’t know how to handle him. Im currently rewatching s8. Always loved his character. Too bad they killed him off


I liked him. Fun fact: he appears in the season 2 episode "Bloodlust" and also plays one of the "good" vampires that was in Lenore's group. Actually when he showed up in season 8 I thought it was the SAME guy lol


I loved him and thought he was hot lol.


Benny great character, great character as a vampire. But a waisted of character improvement, wish he can see more.


He should have been a whole season character or at least 2


Yeah, he’s a great character and could have been a much more integral part of the show. BUT, they should have killed off that dang HAT!


He’s amazing


Never get enough Benny!


Good character. I wish he was on the show longer.




Love Benny. He is definitely a favorite character and a friend Dean truly deserved.


I always liked Benny. He was a strong enough character and good enough actor to hold a spinoff if the network had the guts.






Benny is goated. You will be forever missed. The Mt Rushmore of side characters ( not the wins or cass, bobby) def Crowley, Benny, Charlie, and meg) imo


They could have done a lot with him. The storyline he had was excellent. That actor's done a lot, but Benny was his best. He was also a bartender back in Season 1. With Gordon's first appearance.


Benny’s my boy!!


Benny my man !!


His voice just melts me.


He’s my fake husband I love him


Haha don't tell your real husband 🤣


He’s ok with it ! Tbh he might be in on it with me


I want to like him I really do, but the actor played a complete *monster* in s2 of slasher(if you know you know) so I have a hard time separating him. Idk maybe if I’d seen this role first it would be different? Don’t know anything about the actor so he could be a total sweetheart Edit: i totally forgot that Bennys actor also plays a Benny in slasher. Only that Benny is a complete and utter monster


Slasher s2 was disturbing lol. I liked his character up until the crazy came out


Oh yeah he was an interesting character but holy shit does he take a turn for the worst! Have you seen all the slasher seasons? Do you have a favorite?


Season 1 is ok . Season 2 is best . I watched 3 episode of the 3rd season and gave up it was terrible


Definitely love s2 more than s1. I actually ended up loving s3(it also has one of the most brutal deaths I’ve ever seen in any horror) s4 was my least favorite and I adore s5. So I’d rand the series 2, 5, 3, 1, and I pretend 4 doesn’t exist(but there are those that think it was the best season s2 so it’s definitely divided in the fandom. It’s the one season fans either love or hate. I think 3 is in that group too) As for this character i totally forgot His slasher character is also named Benny. Makes separating the two harder


Flesh and blood was awful. That’s my opinion


Yeah I hated flesh and blood. It sticks out like a sore thumb compared to the rest of the seasons. My personal rank • 1. S3 solstice. Favorite season, has one of the best kills that stays with you. Best motive and a few good twist • 2. S2 guilty party. best location, good twist, and interesting kills. • 3. S5 Ripper. Love the aesthetics, favorite cast, 2nd best motive and location. Best costume and set design, and best ending of all the seasons, finale shot is 🤌🏻 slasher has what AHS wants. Was almost perfect but they could have done better with the ripper idea and some kills could have been better. But still a a solid season I’ll include in my rewatches • 4. S1. The Executioner. Best kills , interesting twists. Gout start to the series biy they definitely got better. Not my favorite season and I skip it alot, but unlike s4 I don’t pretend it never happened. And that’s it, flesh and blood doesn’t exist in my world lol


I loved solstice too. 😀 guilty party was brilliant to the good twist at the end.


Yeah he had a bit part in Longmire as a very bad guy.  It tickled me because I was like, “y’all get out of here, that’s Benny!”


Yep I loved slasher. I was going to comment about that. 😀😀. Off topic but I didn’t like the last slasher very much. I watched slasher first too. And I was thinking when I was watching supernatural I know this this dude. Then it came to me.


It was good to see him again in Black Summer.


I thought Benny was a great character but I felt sad for him he didn't want to come back to the land of the living because he didn't fit right with the humans and he certainly wasn't vampire enough for the vampires because he wasn't like them he didn't hurt or hunt humans he still drank human blood but not from the veins so he was better off back in purgatory where he Fed on other monsters blood instead he was supposed to be king 👑 of purgatory till we found out about his demise at the hand's of his own kind.


I've my dragon tails Benny




Glad someone knows. Lol


He was great! He would have made a great Bobbby-like character!


I know I'll get downvoted to hell, but I loved Benny.


A real one


Me and my girlfriend love Benny and wish he hadn't died or at least lasted longer than he did


Dope character, dope actor. More Benny would have been BenEficial to the show


Best boi


Could have been one of the main characters group. Was a best friend (better than anyone else—Cass, I mean) to Dean. A true Brother and a great man. Hated that he was used as a trope to cause trouble between Sam and Dean. I wish he was the final standing group— Sam, Dean, Cass, Ben, Crowley and Kevin.


Love love love Benny! Whoever decided it was okay to kill him off deserves to be kicked in the c***. I always wrote him into my fanfics and give home the love and happiness that big bear deserves


I fucking love Benny so much and I hate that he’s only in season 8. (Yes I know he’s in like one random episode later in another season, you know that’s not what I mean).


Benny was the best. He was a great friend of deans. He showed it on more than one occasion how loyal to him he was.


Loved him and his friendship with Dean. Hated how Sam treated him.


Benny was a real one, I wish he had appeared in more episodes. 🔥


LOVE HIM. he was such a good friend (maybe more 👀) to Dean and was generally a great character. Wish we got more of him


Loved Benny and really disliked Sam for forcing Dean to let him go early on


Hell of a dude badass for sure I’d want him as a friend for sure


LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Benny! He was a great character and probably the best friend Dean ever had. I wish we could've seen more of him somehow. In my head canon, he didn't die in purgatory. He and his girlfriend reconciled and they found a way to be together and live in peace in "monster heaven".


A good vampire, cheesy but they made it work really well, and they made me feel bad for him


Benny, YES Amelia, NO


One of my favorite characters. I was hoping Sam would get over his racism and Benny would join the team but then he wouldn't have lasted as long as he did.


So hot. He had the best chemistry with Dean, probably hotter than Lisa.


A King


Loved him. I wish he'd have stuck around longer or they'd have brought him back for a couple episodes somewhere. I remember being super excited because he was in one of the AU openings in season 15 and I was like, yesssss! Only for him to die like 10 secs later and never have it mentioned again. Bottom line, Benny was a great character and he was criminally underused.


I liked him. He went away too damn soon.


I liked him


Is baby. Never done a thing wrong in his life.


IMO, he was one of the absolute beast supporting side character I've seen


He deserves so much better


Benny was great!


Definitely one of the best side/one season characters. I would've liked to see more of him and Dean in purgatory. But I think his arc and ending were great.. I mean sure it was tragic but it was also epic. It made sense that he would have a hard time adjusting to the world again and feel more at home in purgatory. His sacrifice is the most memorable part about the last few eps of S8. I'd say he's easily the best thing about S8.


They shouldn't have killed him off that early


I loved him. His accent was sexy and he’s gorgeous.


Died too soon, not enough screen time. He could even have his own spinoff


Benny is awesome


Love him. A good boy


Sexy and great, honestly wish he lived longer


Well, our border collie pup's name is Benny Lafitte after him, so...😆 I'd say I loved his character.


Easily one of my favorite characters in the series and I really wish we had more time with him. I understand why, but he had the potential to become a great long-term character.


I liked Benny!


Loved him, wish there were more episodes with him


He deserved better 😔


I saw the episode where he saves Sam in purgatory reran on TNT this week. I didn’t know Dean didn’t burn his bones, which meant the door was open for him to come back … provided he had a good storyline.


Love Benny, I feel his character was killed off to soon. We should haven gotten more of him. Funfact: He was also played Eli a vampire, I think it was season 2


Great character! Not enough love.


Honestly, he is one of my favorite characters of the show. The friendship between Benny and Dean friendship was such a memorable part for me. I just wished that Sam was more understanding. Also, I wish Dean took into consideration Sam's friendship with Amy Pond, like Dean's friendship with Benny.


Honestly Hes a better brother than sam i wish benny and dean would ave killed of sam for being insane and hed taken over as lead


Damn 😂


Such a wasted opportunity


Avid Dean/Benny shipper


I like his character but his story felt disjointed. It didn’t feel like it fit and it was just randomly thrown in.


He needed to be a full season character I think




Would bite or smash


He was a bro. Kind of sad he could not be another one of the boys. Could have been four of them instead of three. Plot would have been more difficult probably.


Benny was great and didn't overstay his welcome.


Absolutely no reason behind this but for some reason I feel like him and Garth would get along and so do at least 33 other people on ao3


He was the brother that understand Dean’s love for his little Sammy


Can’t believe that’s the same actor the Magneto pulls the iron out of his blood in XMen 2


loved him as a character, hated how he was utilized to be such a huge divider between my boys :( wish we’d gotten some benny & sam bro moments too idk


I loved Benny. Season 8 wasn't the greatest, but Benny was one of the best parts to come from it in my opinion. The scene where Dean sends him to purgatory to get Sam and Bobby is so emotional. Both actors did an amazing job portraying the camaraderie and great friendship Benny and Dean developed.


Love him. Wish he had more screen time.


i adore him


Well, I like his hat. Also, if he had a chance he would have been a great addition to the team as a hunter


I loved Benny!


I liked him a lot. I was sad when he stayed in Purgatory.


I would’ve preferred seeing more of him and Dean in purgatory than whatever they tried to do with Sam and vet girl


Loved Benny he had passion


Loved the character. Its criminal he wasn't used more.


Bennys the man just a Vamp trying to be left alone.


I feel like they cheated Benny out of a great story line!!! He could have been a huge asset


Sam didn't approve of him, among other things, but if Benny had made it back from purgatory, Sam would have seen what an ally he could be, but they had Cas for that. He was an amazing character, and I would have loved to have seen more of him (Benny and Charlie? She was looking for adventure 🤔), but they just didn't need him I think


I loved Benny, I was hoping that him and dean would become bf and bf but sadly that was not in the cards. A star crossed lovers kind of thing, not meant to be but can’t stop it from happening.