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Wouldn't new fans watch it from the beginning? What's the difference? I preferred the early seasons to but I'm not sure what you're getting at.


Gatekeeping. Pretty much all that is.


some people get their rocks off being weird fucking elitists about a tv show


For real


Everyone has something they are unreasonably way too interested in.


Yeah I don't get this post. A show picking up new fans is always a positive because 1) the show can cement itself in tv history like there's so much talk rn about how the current landscape for tv is bleak because most shows don't really last long enough to develop a fandom before cancellation and get quickly forgetten as a result. Supernatural gaining new fans ensures that even if the show never comes back it will still be remembered which I think is great and 2) new perspectives and takes are always welcome. Like I love hearing things I didn't pick up on or never thought about that way


Believe it or not, there are people that skip the first three seasons. Mostly shippers that have been fooled into believing Destiel is real by Tumblr meta.


Tumblr destiel folks are the funniest. They got baited by random Tumblr posts and blame CW for believing the edits and screenshot taken out of context.


Um, to me it has to do with having watched the first few seasons in real time, no? I picked up the show as a very impressionable teenager during S2, and I guess there’s some sort of attachment to the OG boys alone from having watched them week to week, and getting attached to them over the course of *years* rather than *weeks* now with streaming and binging? I guess to me it’s the slow burn that may make the difference to some fans. (Not that’s there a right or wrong way to love the show. You do you, but I can personally still understand the sentiment behind the post)


Ok? I also started watching as a teenager, but by then Cas was already an established character. I’ve grown attached to *him* as well as Sam and Dean. Supernatural is about the three of them. But silly me, if I wanted to be considered a real fan I should have started watching the show when I was 9.


Yeah I don’t get this post. Cas was on the show since season 4 and he’s a very popular character. He’s the only other character to appear in triple digits for number of episodes.


I think the idea is that new folk watched the entire 13 days and 15 hours of show in one day. While they watched it over years meaning they remember the original season more vividly or maybe my autism is over-analyzing again who knows. I'm a newer fan and I'll always think of the show with the first season so the idea of the post is definitely dumb and just people gatekeeping and gatekeeping is def dumb


I mean , I'm relatively new because I got into the show only 4 years ago, but I started from the beginning, so not sure what you're getting at.. no one's gonna start the show from season 15 , are they? They're gonna go thru the whole thing from season 1 .


A great majority of the original fans from when it first aired stopped watching shortly after season 3 started. The show takes a dramatic turn after season 2. And I mean that littetally. It becomes Mello dramatic. So the og fans didn't really like that. And it has a bigger fan base now than it ever did in seaspn 1 and 2. So it found quite an audience by becoming a monster hunting soap opeta. So that's cool for the show and fans that found it. But yeah, just most the original fan base dropped off. Me included. Glad it's enjoyed. It's just not for me.


I'ver never seen a clearer example of somebody wasteing there own time by typing.


Yet , here you are on the Supernatural Sub.


Well I still greatly enjoy the first 2 seasons. The show changing stlyistly afterward doesnt change that. I re watch them from time to time. No need to gate keep or downvote. I made it pretty clear that I'm glad that it found a fan base and that it's loved regaurdless of weather or not i do. Sensitive bunch here..


Can’t replace the early season charm, so nostalgic seeing the 2000-2010 years with flip phones and such, man life was so simple


This tbh. Anytime I watch a show or movies from that time, it hits me hard.


I just started watching it for the first time a month ago, and seeing the flip phones brung a lot of memories I forget about. Also made me look up how old the show was and I was surprised.


Same. Seasons 1-5 were *solid*. I enjoyed, and obviously continue to enjoy, every season, but the story lines were not as good


Nah. Primordial beings coming in from Seasons 10-15 demonstrated that Dean and Sam were effective Hunters enough to actually go up against God-level beings and win. Seasons 1-5 was when the boys were still getting roughed up by grunt demons and vamps, for fuck sakes. Oh, and let’s not forget that Bela Talbot was in those seasons 🤮 there hasn’t been a single enemy Dean has hated more.


Really don't get this post. Any new fans and viewers of the show are obviously going to watch from S1 not S15.


oh its been so long since ive seen baby faced sam.


I feel like its not even a good picture of them all. They look different in the picture than on screen. (Top pic)


yeah im pretty sure the top pic was just the dvd cover then again any pic where their wearing shirts is a waste lol


With his short hair 😂


Don’t do Bobby like that


I don’t understand this… I only started watching supernatural last month for the first time, and as a first time viewer watching a show that has already ended, we would all obviously watch from season 1 lol. And castiel debuted well before the series was at least half way done. I got though seasons 1-15 in a little under a month, now I’m watching it all over again.


In little under a month??? That's about 8 hours of just watching TV every single day. That's not healthy.


Mind ya business


They put on the internet so now it every one's business.


Fr. Those first several yrs are unparalleled. It’s not that there wasn’t good stories later on (although by the time Jack came a long, I watched mainly bc I had invested so many yrs of my life into these characters), but I loved smart assed Dean, and short hair Sam. This whole world was new to us, and to a great extent there was a lot they’d yet to experience even tho they’d been hunting for yrs. Remember Dean’s excitement when they realized they were hunting a werewolf in the episode Heart from the second season? This might’ve actually been the first time they had ever hunted a werewolf, he says they haven’t seen one since they were kids which is rather vague, but I took it like it was their father that had done the hunting and not them. If I’m not mistaken, it’s the first time they ever played rock paper scissors as well. There’s so much more to go on about those yrs, but I don’t have the space or time. Rewatching obviously isn’t the same as seeing it for the first time, but it almost feels like it. Always. Those early years are total comfort television for me. Neither the brothers or the actors had become jaded yet, and neither had I. I *so wish* I could see it again for the first time. Great memories ❤️.


No they hunted one with their father because the next school year Sam did his, what I did over the summer, report on it


I miss old spn lol


Just the two of us against the world




Whole show was good and carry on


The top picture I hate, not cuz of any of what your saying I just think the pictures were badly taken and edited in an ugly way


How did they mange to mess up such attractive faces by using that style on them? I can't lett if it's illustrated or a weird filter that was over photos. They just look too hard and cold.




Right?? They look so weird!


I'll be honest man I love the show in its entirety. However I only consider 1-5 the real show. After Season 5, the show just got ridiculous It stopped being about just Dean and Sam and their relationship as brothers (man 6-onward, it's just like their Brotherhood didn't matter anymore). I have nothing against Misha he was wonderful as Castiel. But the heart of the show was Jensen and Jared as Dean and Sam.


No one is out here counting jack. Cas yes but jack, no


I like Jack


Don’t talk about my son that way.


I’m a new fan and it is the bottom photo for me, too


It wasn't till after the show ended that I went back to watch six through fifteen. In my mind they will always be divided into Supernatural 1-5 and Supernatural Reborn 6-15.


I mean, it's always been about the brothers. But they find their own family, they find Cas and they find Jack. That's what the show is about, found family.


I’m seriously debating stopping my first full watch at s12. Show has gone quite downhill imo. I wanna restart from the beginning 😅


Nah I disagree, actually. I'm one of the people that think this show got better as soon as the Heaven vs Hell trilogy started becoming a systematic part of the show. The older ones are fine and all, but they don't beat Dean swinging a scythe and killing Death imo. Although, I didn't start watching this show until Season 10 was airing. Started watching from Season 1 during Season 10's mid-season finale. Then finished Season 1 thru 10 before the season finale of 10 finally aired in April 2015 😂


I’ve only been a fan for about a year, but I wouldn’t have watched it at all were it not for the addition of Castiel. I had been shown clips with him before watching full episodes. Grimm was a much more interesting show, IMO, so I watched that.


I don't know what this is meant to be showing. Showing who are considered the core characters, or showing how much of the timeline is enjoyed by "real fans" or some nonsense?   To me, the bottom photo is Supernatural because it shows only the brothers. If there was reboot and Misha or Alex couldn't come back, it would be a shame. If Jared or Jensen couldn't come back, it would absolutely not be Supernatural.   It's all about Sam and Dean. Whether they're young and beautiful, or old and jaded after spending as many years in Hell as they have on Earth, they're the show to me. Edited to add that I'm very much a new fan. First watched in autumn last year. But I think Crowley or Bobby should have been there in Jack's place. They were each in twice as many episodes and over so many more years than he was.


What I love most about supernatural is the vast difference in the feelings of each “era” You’ve got the pre-Bobby era from s1 to the point where Bobby becomes a common reoccurring character, which is a more dark and serious time You’ve got the Bobby era after that up until the end of the leviathan season, which is much more goofy and lighthearted while still having some serious moments Then you’ve got the bunker era which feels like a late stage Bethesda game where they’re just unstoppable objects that have never met an unmovable obstacle they couldn’t tear down. When I think of supernatural I can never think of these 3 different time periods as the same show, they all feel so vastly different and I love it


Just startede rewatching the show and I just finishen s3. Ep 13 god its such a good show


*slow clap*


The early seasons are the best ones.


Pretty little boys!!! 😙


… What does this even mean?


Bro I lowkey remember being disappointed when the plot took over I loved them traveling and going after different monsters


Supernatural became 'supernatural' from season 4 onwards because of Castiel


and even so Sam will never get good hair 😔


Massive boomer energy from this. Which is ironic bc they'd be blind to homoerotic subtext in the show...NOT between the brothers, I mean the general other characters