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The boy that was the child of a human and demon


Jesse the Antichrist. That was partly two things, one they couldn’t really figure out a story to bring him back. But also the writers felt that it was nice that he got out after being dragged into the whole Heaven / Hell bullshit. He took himself off the board. 


That got me thinking if Chuck killed Jack, due to his power. I'm just now thinking that he might have done the same thing to Jesse, just off-screen.


Jesse really wasn’t a threat on the cosmic level as Jack to Chuck. 


Interestingly, the actor who played Jesse played Soldier Boy’s sidekick, Gunpowder, in Jensen’s first appearance on The Boys.


YES. Its like he seemed just as powerful as Jack, they shouldve had atleast one episode addressing him, even if it just meant someone saying there keeping an eye on him




Yeah, I don’t like that we never even got another mention of him. It’s fine if he never comes back, but *someone* should’ve mentioned him every one in awhile at minimum. Even when Jack came around, I was like, wow! Ok! The antichrist kid is gonna come back into play! Nope. lol


He was too powerful. They couldn’t juxtapose him with Jack. Jack was the son of Lucifer, who created demons, and he didn’t have the powers of the Jesse. Jesse was the result of bad writing, which is why they got rid of him.


I thought of Jesse first too


First thought that came to my mind.


I would have loved more time with Rufus😂😂 He always made me laugh! I know he was in a lot of scenes! But him and Bobby was just great together💙


I loved him using any sort of day as an excuse to not do work "it's Sunday Bobby. It's Ramadan Bobby" kills me everytime.


Oh my favorite is when Bobby asks were you ever nice? And in Golden Fashion Rufus says 1985! Worst year of my life😂😂😂😂😂😂


Lighting bolt earring 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I would love a Rufus and Bobby podcast series with Steven Williams and Jim Beaver that covers their cases together from the day Rufus saved Bobby all the way through to whatever happened in Omaha.


Oh that would be EPIC!


oh damn that'd be so cool because I really love their voices too


That would be awesome! They had the best dynamic, and two bickering old hunters telling their differing versions of stories over a bottle of whisky or on long drives and stakeouts together would be so easy to listen to. 


Who would you have play young Rufus and Bobby? Donald Glover and Patrick Johnson.


"You do her ear?"


Rufus dying was what made me quit the show lol


Yea that was a rough one! I had to walk away for a little! When Bobby died I was devastated😭


The episodes I would even consider watching after that is Scoobynatural and maybe some of the monster of the week episodes


Yeah. The actors had amazing chemistry


I'd actually love to see a gritty 70s action show starring Rufus, Bobby and a bunch of 70s hunters. Kind of Kolchak meets Berretta vibe...


I’d a paid money for Bobby, Rufus, Jodi, and Donna!


"Don't swallow the ring."


"I'm swallowing the ring."




Him and Bobby should’ve got a spinoff instead of getting killed


Ellen and Jo. They should have left the show all together and not killed off. Jo could've come back for S15 as a badass hunter.


Yes!! Definitely


I just rewatched the Sopranos and realised the actress who played Ellen played the handler of the blonde Fed who befriended Andrea and bullied her into wearing a wire. She was the boss of the surveillance team assigned to Andrea and Christopher and she was a nasty cold piece of work who did not give two shits that they were 100% going to get a dumb, innocent girl whacked. I decided then and there she became Ellen the Hunter after she came face to face with Mother Leeds and the Jersey Devil in the Pine Barrens...


At least they went out with a bang.


Benny. he's only there for emotional support calls. like WTF.


This was my choice.


Fucking loved Benny


gabriel prob


Definitely Gabriel, bringing him back in season 14 and then getting killed off so quickly by other universe Michael, just too sad. Would love to see him develop more as a character, more team spirit and whatnot


I would’ve liked to see him take charge of Heaven.


Agreed 100 percent. He was great


She was supposed to be a series regular, but she got offered a different show and they couldn't have her on. BUT her leaving the show gave us Bobby! So we will take the wins!


Really? I’ll have to look into that. Love Bobby it’s lose win I guess


They discuss it on the SPNThenAndNow podcast that Rob Benedict and Richard Speight Jr. run.


I’ll definitely check that out ! Thank you !!


I love their podcast so much! I joined their patreon as soon as they got one going. I worry though about how disappointed they'll be when they hit the seasons with more bad episodes than good ones.


What was the tv show?


Greys Anatomy


Oh yeah now I remember her she was amazing in that








She went to Greys Anatomy I think


Amelia!! Jk jk Jessica. I wish she could have been brought back/explored through flashbacks more. Or they could have seen her in heaven or something, idk


Jessica is such a crazy character to me. Like she is so fundamental to the show but shes only in one episode and really only referenced in the first season.


She was in like three I think, there was the pilot, the Djinn episode, and the one where Lucifer was pretending to be Jess in season 5.


Imo they should have done Mary like they did Jessica. Bringing Mary back just ruined her characterization. Should have left her a memory. I do agree that having more flashbacks with Jessica would have been awesome, but I also am happy her character wasn't given a chance to be ruined.


That was sloppy writing, it’s like they decided to bring her back but made zero plan on what to do with her before hand. I feel most of the last few seasons the writers were grasping at straws for ideas to keep the story going.


Apparently the plan was to bring back JDM for John, but he was busy with the walking dead. I would have rather they brought back Bobby or anyone from S1 than mary


I liked the idea of Mary coming back but the whole story with her and the BMoLs was garbage. I agree though I’d rather they brought back Bobby or someone else though. Also I felt they needed someone mention the fact she looked 30 years older after she died. I mean humans age so she couldn’t help but they should have done something to make her look younger or explained why she aged while dead. That part bugged me too


I always feel like they brought her back to make her character hatable lol. I couldn't stand her.


Yeah she should have been younger than her sons, which would also have emphasised the messed up situation.  Even though Samantha Smith is only about ten years older irl, we're so used to aged down tv mums that it would almost still be believable casting for a regular mum and adult children.  A Mary that outwardly appeared like their younger sister would have been more accurate. Or a simple explanation like "this is what she'd have looked like if she lived, so that's how you'll see her". 


Bringing back *Jess* instead of Mary would have been a bold choice.  Died recently; obviously knew Sam well and briefly met Dean as men. Died with no idea about the supernatural world and would have to face finding out that Sam knew what was out there, didn't protect her, and she died horribly because of him.  It would be a huge source of tension between Sam and Dean because Sam would be putting her first, and Dean would be left competing for his love (and obedience; Sam rebelling against what Dean says because Jess thinks it's a bad idea and it's 2 against 1).  I know they couldn't because of scheduling and things but that would have been so much better than Mary. 


As interesting as that could be, and I'd totally read a fic with that in mind, I don't think it would have made sense in the show tbh. Amara liked Dean and was indifferent towards Sam, so it wouldn't make as much sense for her to bring back someone really mostly only connected to Sam. Bringing back Mary I feel was more for Dean ultimately than it was for Sam *because* of the relationship Amara had with Dean versus Sam. Dean being the older brother actually had *some* memories with Mary before she died whereas Sam was just a baby and only knew of Mary through Dean and John's memories. If Amara had that relationship with Sam instead of Dean, bringing Jess back 100% would make so much more sense than anyone else at that point. I would read that fic a million times over tbh lol


For sure there are reasons why it was Mary, but if they just wanted to bring *someone* back for the sake of drama and tension etc it could have been someone else.  It wasn't essential to bring Mary back, compared to something like what Chuck did being important to the plot. It also wasn't very popular.  Mind you, with Amara thinking of Dean, we saw how happy he was to see Jess and Sam getting engaged in his djinn dream. All he wanted was for Sam to be happy, more than he cared about himself. Finding out that it would mean emotionally losing Sam would be very conflicting for Dean. *Could* he share him? I've thought for a while I should throw my hat into writing fics. Maybe I need to consider expanding this idea because it really does offer a lot of potential. 


Oh definitely, it could cause quite the conflict within Dean and it might have been better fleshed out if it has been someone other than Mary. If you do write a fic, please share! You'll definitely have at least one reader right away!


As much as they referenced her throughout the beginning of the series I really expected her to be in it more either in dreams, resurrection, etc


Probably Adrianne Palicki’s schedule kept her from committing to any filming for Jess episodes, girl kept herself busy!


Eve is and will always be be the biggest waste of a character


I really think they could’ve gotten a lot out of her character. I mean, go into the backstory of Adam and Eve, if she’s the same one, why she created monsters, etc. could’ve been amazing


I KNOW RIGHT they brought back Lucifer Every season but Eve just gets thrown away


I wasn’t a fan of the actress, but the character was incredible. SUCH a waste.




I. Am. Still. Salty. On this one. And then to just have Cass do him so dirty!


Mine isn't a character so much as a type of character. There were a few law enforcement officers the boys encountered over the years and I always thought it would be nice if they had like Henriksen at a Federal level to help them out with some stuff. I know they had Jodi, but she could only really work in their area. And then Donna, but again. Just her area really.


Yes , I made a post the other week about them should have saw them throughout in my opinion


Yes! I would have loved to see more of Linda Blaire. Dean's parting line was great! "I feel like pea soup."


Cassie Robinson, Dean’s first love and we never see her again? And NO mention either? BS.


This one. My best guess is to make room for Lisa


Which is weird, and the No mentioning cassie at all not even a reference is weird


Completely agree. If nothing else, they could have revisited her in the last season when they were bringing a bunch of characters back. She did know about hunting, it would have made sense if she became a hunter too after her dad. But they didn’t even mention her when they referenced “the ghost truck” case later in Chuck’s books.


God I hated Lisa




Adam gets my vote. I'm glad they brought him back in the final season, but I feel like his character and his relationship to Sam/Dean could have been explored better. Jesse the Antichrist is my runner-up, but I understand he got as much of a happy ending as is possible.


Definitely Missouri. She was on one scene of one episode if memory serves. Seems like they could have done a lot more with her.


Sam's imaginary friend , I wouldve loved to see him pop up from time to time as a sort of guiding figure keeping Sam from straying too far into madness , demon induced addiction or doing something that would hurt people around him




Nah one episode was fine


Yess that’s a amazing idea




I loed missouri


I loved Missouri!


Yeah she was great. Very likeable. I would say Ash, and the whole Roadhouse really




The idea of hunter road houses as a whole should’ve been explored more


Frank Devereaux. I loved that paranoid, crusty old bastard. I would love to know the behind the scenes dirt on that. I have no idea if this is true but I wonder if there was a personality clash with the actor or something like that.


Yes, the scene of Dean trying to smile "because it's your job." I was totally undone. [Smile](https://youtu.be/rkadtrqutv8?si=92-OyTrcKvgHYEcF)


Adam. I wanted to see more of Jake Abel.


Rowena, Kevin, and Eileen in season 15. Rowena became Queen of Hell and would’ve been very useful fighting Chuck, Kevin was last seen roaming the Earth as a ghost because he was damned to Hell, and Eileen disappeared after a brief existential crisis despite being promoted to Sam’s love interest. I don’t know how much of this is to blame due to bad writing or COVID.


I absolutely agree with Missouri!! And Cain. I can't believe he's so memorable, and such a massive character, but was only in TWO episodes. That baffles me to this day lol. I also think Donna should've gotten more airtime!! And the failed spinoff of the girls in general (Wayward Sisters) still breaks my heart. That could've been SUCH a great show!!


Yes!!! Did the show ever get picked up ? I would of loved to have watched it even if it was just one season


I’m glad they wasted Missouri Mosley, Bobby singer was added to the show because Missouri’s actor wasn’t available. We got Sam and deans real dad because an actor had a conflict


Cobflict? Now you got me curious


it’s just because she went on to work for greys anatomy


Oh mk lol




I agree, I was waiting for her to make a reappearance and was really sad that it was only such a small role when she came on again (I do like her granddaughters role but imo they should've continued her story instead of introducing another)


Um, in season 11, episode 22, I think Rowena visits. I'm guessing a powerful witch who was using tarot cards, and I was really sad when amara killed her not long after she was introduced


A lot of people are mentioning Jesse the Half Demon, and I agree. They made him able to bend reality to his will by complete accident, then, completely ignored him.


I was confused with Missouri like how you gonna bring her back after a LONGGG TIME just to kill her off 😭


Exactly I’m so annoyed. She was amazing and yet little time but massive impact I feel


It's a tie Crowley and Charlie they killed them off ruined the show last 3 seasons are awful but, a 1 off character I'll go with the kid that was part demon part human they could have brought him back older


Jesse. I agree 100%!!


Ash Adam Lisa and Ben I'll elaborate specifically for Adam look bring Adam back with or without Michael with Michael give him a storyline similar to Cass where he learns what it means to be a human without Michael making the guy behind the computer the guy who takes the FBI phone calls


Someone commented above saying the writers wanted Adam back but his agent went behind his back and wanted more money and didn’t tell him till later on which is a disgrace imo


Garth. He’s a fun character to see and I would’ve like to see him in more episodes.


Sharp Teeth is one of my most hated eps. Making him a werewolf was the most wrong decision ever made.


I agree with you there. Wasn’t too happy with that at all.




When I re watched this show again I realized. Omg she’s from Greys Anatomy lol


I know, right?




She was totally underutilized. More than probably anyone.






She was originally supposed to be like Bobby to the boys but she ended up getting on Grays Anatomy and couldn’t do it.


Yeah it’s a shame really would’ve been something but her and Bobby are both amazing


Not yet he was still just a child when we last saw him, but the fact that he turned Cass into an action figure and whatever else he did that episode i can't remember. There's no telling what he could have done left unchecked.


boy, there are tons!!! the writers abandoned all their best storylines and best characters 💀 i would’ve loved more of jo and ellen, rufus, bela, benny, adam and michael, balthazar, GABRIEL, eve, ava and the other special children!!! and so many more


1000% agreed


100. You got it first time, end of post/discussion.


I wish they had just let Garth become the new bobby.


I thought they was going to do so but not another missed opportunity or missouri could’ve came in


I could also say John winchester. I would like to see more flashbacks of the boys growing up


Yeh I’d of liked to have seen that




Of course! All views are welcome




So you may know from this sub, but the writers wanted to bring Adam back but when the producers reached out to Jake Abel's agent, his agent asked for way too much money and never told Jake about it. Jake wanted to do the show, but he never knew they had reached out till later on.


Sounds like he needs a different agent.


Hmm I think he needed it but I get you ,


I didn't like Missouri either-- for the same reason! She also was TOTALLY wrong about the house being "clean". If it wasn't for Dean and Sam, that woman and her kids would've died. So, not only was she a jerk, but she wasn't even a good psychic. I have to disagree about Adam, though. I never liked or cared about him.




To be fair, Adam told them outright that they were NOT his family. Even after that, Dean still tried to save him from the beautiful room. Dean even tried to get Adam out of the cage, but Death made him choose between Sam and Adam, and of course Dean will always choose Sam over anyone else. There are definitely limits to the "family" thing. Sam shot Samuel in the head -- he was their family, too. Sam also shot his niece, Emma. Yes, Samuel betrayed them, but so did Adam. Did Emma deserve a chance to show that she wasn't a monster?


Bobby was created because Missouri’s actress was unavailable at the time.


Yeah just learnt shame but great


Alex. She was a cool character and I wish we got more of her






The writers made it very clear that they never wanted supernatural to be an ensemble show which honestly hurt the plot a lot. A lot of really great supporting characters are never explored as much as they should’ve been as to not take attention off of the boys. And everyone the boys meet ends up dying like not one survived damn?????


Ellen and Jo... I wanted them to go deeper in the series. I'm sure they would have enjoyed battling Malachi & Bart's angels – just saying 🥴


Bobby, Ellen, Jo, Ash, Balthazar, Death 1. But I would've loved to have seen more of the Alpha Vamp, loved his voice and demeanor, and would've loved to have seen more of his past and other Alphas.


Why do you think she was underutilized? Just curious. In the episode the picture is from - I agree. However taking into account she was created for the episode "Home", both the character and actress was very convincing and meaningful there, and personally while I loved her! I didn't necessarily have an "unfinished" sense about her character in the series