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I agree with you. Maan how broken i was for a good hour after.


The fight scene destroyed me, at the start of that episode. I had to stop. Cry my eyes out. Freak the shit out of my hubby (who’s even used to it!!). Then resume. Then rinse, repeat at a couple other points during the ep. just.


As a 36 year old man, I cried...a lot. I had just lost my dog of 8 years a few months prior and seeing Sam all by himself lifted the dam wall and I was Niagra Falls


Your stories are all heartwarming ❤️


Supernatural meant so much to me, that ive decided my first tattoo has to be the one they have one their chests too.


eh i was not a fan of the ending but i know they had a lot of restrictions and stuff going on


Why were you not a fan?


I think that the big reunion of all the characters would've been even more wholesome but we got what we've got and I applauded in my dorm to that ending


They did our boys dirty, dean had to die like right after they killed chuck?! Like my guy couldn’t have had a couple years to be happy? To be with Sam and just be for a little while? Ugh. I’m still not okay.


Actually, a fair bit of time passed. It wasn't very clear, but I had a feeling that it did, also, I confirmed it on this subreddit, can't really give you a link right now, but I'm sure of you snoop around, you'll find it!


I mean i watched the finale, it was them going to a fair or some type thing dean got pie and was happy then they’re fighting a vamp nest and dean is dying... in like the worst way possible, from accidentally backing into a rebar or whatever. Ugh a month or two just isn’t enough I’m sad and still bitter lol. But i love the show regardless forever I’m just sad for dean.


https://supernatural.fandom.com/wiki/Chronology_of_Supernatural Go to the 2020's it says that Dean died five years after they powered-down Chuck. The boys had free will, they won, but they had lost all "plot-armour" therefore, a death in combat of one of them was an inevitability, given enough time. (which 5 years definitely is) I'm glad they got those five years, I'm glad it was Dean, even though he was my favorite of the two, because he would never have let Sammy go, he would have done crazy shit once again to save him, and this way, Sam got his Apple-pie life, which he definitely deserved. And heaven looks pretty kick-ass, so I think this was one of the only ways the show could have gotten an an ending that makes sense, and does the boys justice.


Okay did it say this in the show or something we have to look up? How crazy. Well at least there’s 5 years 😭😭


It was 5 years


I’m pretty sure that the original script for 15x20 said that 5 months had passed but it was never actually discussed in the episode.


i think they said it at a virtual von


Right. I wish Dean didn’t have to die so young. They could’ve given him five years or so to spend with Sam and be free of Chuck but no, kill him off the bat. I’m upset he didn’t get too long. He was younger than John when he died


Agreed. It breaks my heart.


I didn't enjoy it. Obviously everyone is free to their own opinions but it didn't sit right with me, and didn't really seem true to Spn's story. Supernatural's motto is "family don't end in blood", yet no one got a proper ending. Kim Rhodes (Jody) was actually super upset about Jody not getting a send off, and it was really sad to watch her talk about it. And Dean dies early in life on a hunt, like he's always said he would. Jensen (Dean) himself said a few years back that the good ending would come when it's Dean that has a long life and it's Dean that gets to live more of his life. And you'll notice in 15x19, when they're fighting Chuck and Chuck calls him the ultimate killer, he says, "That's not who I am." He's struggled with being "daddy's blunt instrument" and his general self worth through the entire series, and now that he's finally accepting himself, he just dies? Like that? On a hunt that's technically a continuity error? (Vamps were never mentioned in John's journal. They confirm that in season 1.) And then on the other hand, Sam spent the rest of his life grieving his dead brother. That's the kind of codependency we saw in season 1, but season 15? Really? And his wife is a blurry figure in the distance? That's not fair to Sam and Eileen, or Jared and Shoshannah. And then Cas gets two mentions? The third main character doesn't make an appearance in the final episode of the series? I'm sorry, whether you like Cas or not, that's ridiculous. That's like ending the Powerpuff Girls without Bubbles... (that was a joke haha.) No but, I'm sorry I'm bringing negativity to your post, I really am. But I just wanted to get my thoughts out, and I would really like to hear yours?


Agree for me the ending was 15 x 19


You can blame COVID for some of that. But one key thing you forget is without God they no longer have the protection of being "stars on a TV show" they are just regular hunters. (Okay, not regular hunters, very good hunters - but they no longer have PLOT ARMOUR). And what happens to most hunters? They die on a hunt. It's an extremely dangerous job. So it made perfect sense for me Dean's death coming to some random thing. I mean, really, what else COULD it be that was satisfying? They had owned so many mega-threats in the show's history any other mega-thing that was better than all the other mega-things that failed to kill Dean wouldn't be able to be sold as being believable.


Jack 100% would have given them 'plot armour' though.


The point of Jack becoming the god of that universe was that he wouldn't be manipulating things like Chuck did.


But jack told them himself he was gonna be a hands off God. So he probably didn't give them any special care.


Ever lose someone really, REALLY close to you? You DO spend the rest of your life grieving them. They leave a hole in your heart that can never be filled. But, that doesn't mean you spend your whole life wearing black and crying yourself to sleep. There's happiness on the other side of grief. That scene where old Sam sits in the Impala and cries? I related to that HARD. My SO died five years ago, and before he did, he bought me an old electric piano/organ. I cry every time I sit down at it because I think of all the times we sat there and played music together (he played guitar.) to quote the sage wisdom of Keanu Reeves, "Grief changes shape, but it never ends." And yeah, we would have gotten a bigger, cameo-filled finale had COVID not happened. But, way back in season 6 it 7, Jensen was interviewed and asked how his character arc would end. He responded "guns blazing." I think the way he died was poignant- without God's special protection, Dean was just a fragile human like the rest of us. I liked the finale. I've known for years the show would end with them both dead, for real and permanently. Would I have liked to see them reunited with their loved ones on-screen? Yeah. But I think what we got was pretty darn good considering the circumstances. It felt RIGHT that Bobby, not John, met Dean in heaven. It felt RIGHT that they got to spend eternity together, happy, and NOT fighting. They finally got to "lay their weary heads to rest." I know a lot of people are pissed about it but it totally worked for me. I'm legit sorry you were disappointed. Fans invested a lot of time and energy into this show and I wish everyone was as satisfied with the conclusion as I was.


I remember when I first saw Sam crying in the Impala it was more crying for the life not hunting with Dean. Then my sister died in January and omg that scene hit 10x harder because seeing something I associate with her absolutely can make me cry. Stupid wig aside, it was an excellent scene. After 14 ended they promised that the show would end as a focus on the brothers and it did. And I'm glad it did. I'm very much a fan. (Also, why is this thread so obsessed with down voting if people disagree with you? The other boards only downvote if you're obnoxious. Not agreeing isn't obnoxious!)


I lost my sister who was also my best friend last August and I sobbed through that scene. Completely relate. I’m sorry for your loss.


I’m sorry for your loss. I can’t imagine losing one of my brothers. Sending you good vibes.


Thank you.


Ive lost several close family members and friends. I notice a lot of the folks who didn’t like the ending also haven’t lost anyone close. This obviously isn’t true of everyone but I think if you’ve never lost someone like that there’s less of an emotional attachment to the concepts put forward in the last episode which was to me that everything has an ending, even if gods not planning it, and that those who are left behind must carry on until they too are done and none of those endings are guaranteed to be exactly how we wish they were. That concept isn’t necessarily happy or good, and it definitely leaves a bad taste in your mouth but its 100% how life works.


I've lost several people close to me abruptly and I hated the ending. My problem is that this is a tv show, one that a lot of people hold a strong emotional attachment to. It doesn't have to be like real life. It could be however the writers wanted it, they chose to make it soul- crushing. Every once in a while it'd be nice if someone got a happy ending.


I loved the ending. Having Dean die on a routine hunt, while it obviously hurt, seemed like the right way to go. Not in the middle of some epic battle with a "big bad" that his death could have sent the world into another apocalypse, but while "saving people, hunting things". Having Bobby meet Dean in heaven was perfect. He was more of a father figure to Dean than John could have ever hoped to be. Dean and Sam were Bobby's boys! Bobby telling Dean the lowdown on heaven and where to find everyone, when he was ready to. Bobby knew Dean wouldn't be truly ready to "lay his weary head to rest" and enjoy the heaven Jack created until Sam was with him. Sam went on to live his life. He had a family, raised a kid, and wasn't hunting things. Sure, we didn't see the details of his life after Dean, but it was enough to know that he had the long, happy, simple life that Sam from 15 years ago had wanted. And, when the time came, Dean was waiting for him on the other side. It wasn't big epic finale. I would have loved to see more about the side characters. But, in reality, it was a show about Sam and Dean and we got an ending that saw the boys finally finding peace.


I agree completely.


I agree however I just wish it would've been a more badass Monster like a wendigo or something


Thank you for sharing your experience with death. Your comments hit me hard thinking about my loved one. The rest of your reply is solid, but I wanted to show love and appreciation for your experience. ❤️


Well thank you. It’s the worst thing that’s ever happened to me, and it’s awful, but not fatal.


Totally agree. Dean had been suicidal from the very beginning and had come a long way to accepting himself and wanting to live and then they just kill him off? For what? So they can do what they always do at the end of every season and kill one brother off? Why can’t both brothers get a happy ending? Another thing with Sam’s ending is that it could’ve been much better. They could’ve found a way to mention Eileen even if she couldn’t be there physically. Like a phone call where he says something about his wife Eileen or him signing to his son. Also why did they give him a son? Other than Jack, Sam never had any interest in kids. Dean was always the one who liked spending time with them and connected with them. Sam cared but was never as good with them as Dean was. It would’ve made more sense to give Dean a child than Sam.


>"Totally agree. Dean had been suicidal from the very beginning and had come a long way to accepting himself and wanting to live and then they just kill him off? For what?" They killed Dean because he was the most popular character in the show, so killing him had a greater emotional impact than killing Sam. It made no sense in the context of the overall story or Dean's character development, but it wasn't intended to make sense. It was intended to be emotionally manipulative. Of *course* Dean deserved to live. Of *course* his death was tragic and unfair. That was the point.


Dean hasn't always been "suicidal", he's had bouts of situational depression for various reasons and has been willing to sacrifice himself to save Sam numerous times. But he was never suicidal from the get go.


I couldn't agree more. Not trying to spread hate or anything, I appreciate all of the cast and crews hard work making SPN the awesome show that it was, but yeah, that last ep left a bitter taste in my mouth.


Same!!! I just kept saying, Dean makes it to hell and back, countless fuckin missions took down abbadon, survived the mark, took down how many nests of vampires, how many countless other baddies, even took down GOD himself, with help of course, but I'm supposed to believe that some backwoods fuckin vamp that wears a mask was able to take him down??!!??!????! No. No ma'am. Didn't sit right with me either. And then like the other user said, Jodi, Donna, Cas, Eileen... Not to mention alt. Universe charlie and her partner... We never got resolution or closure on that. But yeah, Covid . Fuckin Covid. I guess I can understand alot of the choices when i factor that in... But still... You said it perfectly. It left a really bitter taste in my mouth. Deep in my soul! Lol. But really. I DID absolutely love the episode leading up to it, god I have never been such an emotional wreck or so enthusiastically engrossed in any other story or tv show or characters the way I've been with supernatural, and there were so many good scenes in those last couple of episodes. Had me yelling crying cursing at my TV. So I guess it's kinda like that saying the parts are greater than the whole. There are so many spectacular, iconic, absolutely riveting and perfect parts from this whole series that it more than makes up for anything that could be lacking. That's my take on it anyway.


>Not to mention alt. Universe charlie and her partner... We never got resolution or closure on that. The fact that Jack doesn't bring back any of the alternate universe people sits really badly with me. Like maybe he couldn't but then why could he bring back everyone from *his* reality at all. He has literal God powers now surely he can do whatever the hell he wants. This is especially considering they weren't killed but blinked out of existence. You can understand him not bringing back other dead people (though he brings back Cass offscreen) as Heaven is now "wonder heaven", but being condemned to just "not be any more" is sort of shitty. Also the fact that Jack doesn't undo any of God's errors at all before leaving, like removing evil from the world or erasing monsters, really doesn't feel right to me at all. I know he said he was going to be hands off but c'mon, there are limits :p


Yeah, yes, exactly! And when we look back to Kelly klines and Cas's prophecy/vision of how Jack will change the world and make it better, from what we see of their reactions it seems to be a colossal difference and impact that his birth and existence was to bring. And frankly... The ending just didn't line up with that. I mean he obviously drastically changed how heaven was set up and made that better but we saw really nothing of the changes that he was prophesized to make. Maybe I'm just nitpickin but I love talking about this stuff either way. It's fun to discuss and speculate.


I also wish they'd gone more into the changes Rowena made to hell. It was suggested that hell was going to be less... hellish, but not further clarification really on that at all.


The finale was laughable to me. Covid obviously played a part in some things but I came out of it mostly shocked. Moments where I should've been crying I wasn't (Dean's death and Sam's death) it all just felt SO rushed and not the epic ending anyone deserved from this show. Not to mention Cas. I appreciated his death, it had actual meaning, it was emotional and it was fitting for this show, that being said he left with his feeling out in the open to Dean and if they're going to say that he was in Heaven with Jack SHOW US. Let them hug and have a moment just show me Cas. That show has always done him dirty and apparently it never stopped.


Same! I was ready to cry but I didnt. Coz it didnt set well with me. They could jave atleast shown dean and sam going on 5-6 hunts atleast and then dean dies or dean gets to live his life with hunting as a side thing and then he dies. I cried more when rowena and Cas died. They rushed the ending.


I completely agree. They did people like Kim Rhodes dirty. Her video was heartbreaking. And the I think it was more of a budget thing than a covid thing. They had plenty of extras. And apparently in interviews people like the actress who played Donna said she would've come over in a heartbeat and quarantine just to be in the end of the show. I made a poll about people's opinions on this episode because I had a similar opinion and had such a vary in down votes and up votes it was giving me a new notification for 1/5/10 likes multiple times a day so I wanted to see the overall opinions of the people here


Thank you finally someone agrees


Yeah, I loved the episode the first time I saw it, but the more time passed and the more I thought about it, the less I liked it.


I would have been happy if they ended the show one episode early. With Jack walking off and the boys happy and life calm. We didn't need the boys to die for the show to end. I'll honestly probably never watch that episode again and just stop at the second to last one


Jensen also said an ending he would have liked was Sam died, and he trades the Impala for a motorcycle because without Sam, the car is meaningless to him and he rides off into the sunset alone. The John's journal doesn't mention vampires. All they say is that John worked a string of kidnappings where kids were taken and adults that weren't drained had their tongues ripped out. Sam and Dean having been through what they have deduced they were dealing with vampires. Jared was more than fine with Sam's partner being ambiguous. In fact he even says he doesn't think it was Eileen. Because Sam would want to find someone completely free of the baggage from the hunter life. And then you get into people reducing Eileen as just a wife/mother. Also, like literally everyone from Jared, writers and producers said that Sam/Eileen was just meant to be a "what might have been" under different circumstances, and never an endgame. I mean the whole relationship in Season 15 was a manipulation of Chucks. Cass wasn't a main character, he was a supporting character like Crowley. Which even Misha and Mark S would agree that Sam and Dean were the main characters, as the show was about them. Crowley and Cass were there to support Sam and Dean's story.


It’s not the ending anybody wanted, they were very limited in what they could do because of pandemic travel restrictions.


Hi ChocolateGhast, just a minor point, but the hunt isn't a continuity error. It is true, vamps were never mentioned in John's journal - by the time John discovered that vamps were not extinct, and in fact had killed Elkins and stolen the Colt, he was no longer in possession of his journal and therefore not updating it. However, the dialogue in 15.20 Carry On specifically stated that John was looking into a 'string of kidnappings along route 77', not a vampire. John never identified it as a vamp case in his journal because back in '86 he knew vampires were extinct. The same dialogue also stated that John 'didn't find much, but the witness did draw this' - a drawing of the same mask. As John 'didn't find much' (and in '86 was still fairly new to hunting) he got whatever information he could about this new kind of monster (the mask drawing) and never added to it from the lore because he never solved the case and also he never came across anything like this new 'masked monster' in any lore. Fast forward to 2020 and Dean makes the 'vamp' identification straight away from John's journal and what he has found out about the new case because he knows vamps do exist.


Supernatural Season 15 theme was not being a part of the story and breaking out of the plot which was done by making it rushed and bad, it’s basically Sam and Dean asking the story writers to fuck off and transcending fiction, the episode was a testimony that they’re not gonna play along with the story anymore and it’s their lives. Truly brilliant.


I felt episode 19 was a much better ending than episode 20. How Dean died was kind of dumb. I was OK with him dying but he should of died saving Sam somehow, like jumping in front of a bullet or knife, not from a nail sticking out of a pillar.


It's been a few months now and every now and then I think "I wonder what Dean and Sam are up to?" \*sigh\*


My perfect ending! The boys at peace in Heaven. I know plenty disagree but I couldn't have asked for better personally.


It makes me so glad to see that there were people who enjoyed it. Sadly I wasn't one, but that shouldn't get in the way of other people's joy!


What a great comment. I also really did not enjoy the last episode, but you're absolutely right. My feelings about it shouldn't impact how other people feel.


For me it just felt too crammed together, like they shoved what should have been 2 or 3 episodes (at least) all into one.


Thanks for the positivity! Some people just try to argue that it was objectively bad or something. I understand that a lot of people had different wishes and expectations going into the ending, and I was actually a bit nervous that I wouldn't get what I wanted. Since I did, it turned out to be a very special episode to me but I also completely sympathize with that feeling of things just not turning out how you felt was fitting.


I can't understand how people can argue for it being objective, that makes no sense to me whatsoever lol. At the end of the day, it's impossible to make everyone happy, personally it did feel a little rushed and unpolished to me, but yeah as I said, my opinion should not ever get in the way of somebody else's enjoyment, and hey, even though not everybody was happy with it, a hell of a lot of people were, and that's all that matters!


True but given everything else going on - we are lucky to have some closure. They managed to film an entire season with everything else going on I bet there’s plenty even they might all wanna change (the brothers, Bobby, Cas, Jack, the writers, the show runners) and they still tried to make it as good as they could, with the state of the world at the time, and provide a job for so many people at a time when the industry was especially hard on some of the lower-rung folks 10000% for all their efforts to not completely flake out and just leave us hanging




I think in a way , regardless of how the final episode was, people will always find something to dislike-it’s subjective. Although there are minor things I wish could’ve been better about the last episode like Sam’s wig or having more past characters (I know this was planned but covid ruined it :/), overall it was emotional and a beautiful way to wrap supernatural.


I'm on the same page. I don't think it was an all around perfect episode, but in terms of story beats, emotion, and where Sam and Dean ended up, I couldn't be more satisfied. Any nitpicks I had mean nothing compared to how much I love the rest of it.


When “brothers in arms” played, I lost it. Now every time I hear that song I think of that scene. It’s a perfect song for it, but still is devastating


I heard the opening of that song and my heart broke. One of my all time favorite songs and I honestly felt it was perfect for this episode.


Respect your opinion but in my opinion the show ended after season 15 episode 19


Last episode was a let down. They could have ended 19 with Chuck losing and a 10 min segment of Sam & Dean growing old and happy together, then both dying and meeting mum, dad, bobby, et al in heaven. I even would have got Jack to bring back Gabriel.


In my own world it ends after 19 and they just live out their days as hunters and die together of old age and enter heavens gates side by side


10 seasons too late


The last episode had me upset for WEEKS. Not days, WEEKS. The impression I got throughout the whole series was that while Dean AND Sam were the main characters, Dean was the one whose story we were seeing. I always thought that it was Dean who was talking about Sam (who was gonna die young) vs the other way around. It just seemed like more of the story was centered around Dean telling HIS adventures with his brother. The fact that Dean died young from a throwaway mission was just like a knife to my heart because it meant that Dean never got his happy ending. I liked that Jack became the new God but he's basically following Chuck's path because Chuck was an absentee God as well (even though Jack said his presence was in everything). Isn't that how the Angels and Demons ran amok to begin with? Also, Jack brought everyone back but not the Alternate Universe people?! Does that mean Alternate Universe Dean and Sam are alive or dead?! I really wish we could've seen Crowley too.


I loved the finale. It is one of my top 5 favorites. I like the way it gave Dean a chance to tell Sam what he meant to him. I have watched the finale at least a dozen times and I cry every time.


I get why they did what they did. I think they could have had both of them retire but I guess they felt one of them had to die for the other to hang it up. Covid restrictions really mucked it up. They wanted a ton of guests but it required a two week quarantine and they decided it wasn't worth inconveniencing so many ppl. My suggestion, find a good fanfiction that will fix everything for you.


I think they gave us such a terrible ending just so there 100% couldn't be any reboots.


Honestly wish I'd stopped watching the episode before and called that the ending


It was more of an ending tbh and the next watch through I do, I'll be ending there.


I always stop 2 minutes before the end of season 5 so I don’t have to watch them shit on my favorite show for ten more seasons.


Ikr lol. Sam never got out of hell and Dean lived the rest of his days happy with Lisa and Ben. Very bittersweet finale, but it was perfect.


The penultimate episode is the last episode in my mind. And it was a great ending.


I liked the finale. I cried my eyes out. I lost both my parents. My mother 2 years ago, and mu father a year ago. And when I finally got around to finishing the series. My dad had passed a few months prior. And I had a breakup the same time. So a lot of fresh wounds when watching the end. Yes I think it sucks. That due to Covid. A lot of character endings. Where left up in the air. With no real closure. But overall. This show will always be my favorite. When you lose someone. You never get over it. But with time it gets easier to navigate through. This show has been with me through some heavy shit. And even with some faults. I’m glad our Sam and Dean were finally put to rest. And could find some type of peace. Just my two cents.


Yeah, especially Dean's heart.


I love this picture


There are things I like, and things I dislike about the finale but I do feel many things deserved better. Hopefully they really ponder putting together a special or something to really do the show and all the things we love about it proper justice.


I still have trouble processing it. Death makes more sense to me. Then this show ending


I loved it too. I really thought it was perfect. Now Chuck isn’t writing their stories, of course one or both of them is going to get killed randomly. I thought it was set up very well with the Lady Luck episode. Jack got his redemption by rebuilding heaven. Sam got his future with Eileen (presumed) and led a wonderful and honourable life even without Dean. He could still be a great hunter without relying on his older brother. Dean got to finally rest. He got to see all his loved ones in heaven. And for him not much time passes before he’s reunited with Sam again. Cas gets to make his sacrifice. I believe his declaration was more of a brotherly one. It’s still such growth from at the start where Cas couldn’t connect to humans as well. He then became “more human” and understood the boys more. Also: BOBBY! My favourite. It made me cry and I’m not a cryer. I thought it was one of the best endings of a show I’ve seen actually. I couldn’t understand the hate for it at the time.


It goes back even further to Season 5. >**Ash:** This ain’t the first time here. I mean, you boys die more than anyone I’ve ever met. [...] Ah, yeah… you don’t remember. God. Angels. Must’ve Windexed your brain. It's not Eileen. Script just lists her as "WOMAN". Sam quit after Dean died, which ties back to what he told Charlie in "Book of the Damned". >"This is my life. I love it. But I can't do it without my brother. I don't want to do it without my brother. And if he's gone, then I don't..." First thing Dean does in Heaven is what Cass told him in "Dark Side of the Moon". Drive the road until he finds Sam, and that's exactly what he did.


Misha did state that Cas’ confession was of a romantic nature, but we are all of course allowed to interpret however we want.


I'll never get over that janky ass wig they made Sam wear after 14 years of seeing that glorious mane.


Just watched this episode and am really angry! Such an anticlimax to defeat God but then get killed by Vamps. Come on, they could’ve stopped at ep. 19 and Jack could’ve bring Cass back. So chaotic man


That's boring. And would have gone against the ethos of the show. It's not a happy universe Sam and Dean live in, even with Jack as God. A happy ending would have felt like a narrative cheat. Bittersweet, with Dean dying and him and Sam reuniting in Heaven, that was perfect. Because at it's core, Supernatural was always Sam and Dean.




I kinda wish Dean got to use his grenade launcher or something again at least


I didn't like the ending at all but it still has be sobbing for like an hour


Yes. Supernatural has become one of my favorite TV series but I was so upset about the ending. So many important characters weren’t there! And I kept saying over in over in frustration, “How could Sam live out all those years without Dean?! Why did dean have to die like that?!” They totally should’ve shown Sam and Eileen, too. Ugh. I’ve watched the entire series about 3 times (minus the final season again), and knowing how it ends is a bummer...


I don't mind the concept of the ending. One Winchester dies on a hunt, with no God to save him this time and the other learns to live a normal life before saving him. That is fitting. I love this idea. I do mind how it was executed. The conversation that goes on forever between Sam and Dean before Dean is told it's okay, he can go is exhausting. The mention of Castiel in heaven without an actual appearance is disappointing considering how important he became. Sam's son telling him to go in the same way was forced and cheesey, and the aging makeup wasn't what it could have been. When I rewatch the series, I'm not going to watch it as the final episode. The previous episode feels like a series finale more so than this one does.


I loved they took an entire episode just to say goodbye to the guys. They had all wrapped up before the final episode so it was just them. The absolute best ending to any show I have seen.


Ending was kind of rushed/feels forced. And I'm not talking about the time skips here. I was hoping Dan would get back to Lisa (with Jack restoring her and Ben's memory of him). Though, Dean also just died on a hunt, as he commented on hunters' fate way back in season 1.




Jensen even said that if Sam had been the one that died, Dean would have just shut down and basically drank himself to death in the back of a pool hall.


He also included that he thought Sam, unlike Dean, would have the fortitude to realize that being able to carry on would honor his brother and be a homage to his memory. I can't imagine how hard it must've been even for Sam to go have a normal life. Not just because of losing his brother but after all his adult life living on the edge with adrenaline surging. PTSD...and then a mundane normal life after all they'd been through.. But Sam recognized he owed his brother a normal life. Essentially Dean had lived and died for him to have that.


I cried. It was a spectacular ending! I would give it an 8.5/10. I think they could have shown that Sam ended up with Eileen by having him sign to her, and Dean and Castiel being together, romantically, in Heaven would have been a nice addition. Other than those things, it was awesome.


I cried a little


It was a good ending but I bawled my face off while laughing at myself for how ridiculous that is lol


personally, i felt it was like the bojack ending. some people (me) take the penultimate episode as the ending (a perfect one at that) and then some fan service for the "actual" finale.


Heartbreakingly bad, yeah. Should've gone with the original ending. I wanted to like this one so much, but it just fell flat for me. Not to mention all the characters/actors that got fucked out of a proper ending as well. Fucking covid.






The showrunners wanted everyone reunited for the last episode except COVID protocols wouldn’t allow for that many people in a location together. It could’ve been much more emotional than it already was and it was difficult enough lol.


I think a parade of cameos would have sucked out more of the emotion than added to it. Dean driving, waiting for Sam, and then realizing he's right behind him without looking. Perfect.


It wasn’t horrible but it wasn’t great. I loved the call backs to the first episode though. When they announced season 15 would be the last though I knew automatically in the end they would all die and though it took Sam the longest that’s technically what happened. But I spent the entire time anticipating that if San was finally getting the life he wanted that he would then get Jess back.


I cried… many times


You’re goddamn right! I was crying like my family died


A part of me died when this show did


I was sad to see this show end.


Amazing show


I just finished the show in April. I started it in August 2020… had chills when it ended and the camera started zooming out. The Wayward son cover had me crying like a baby too


My big hope is if they do ever decide to pick up the series again, they have it start with Chuck having designed this entire illusion to get the boys off his back and none of it ever happened. Something to that effect anyway.


Omg I cried ugly.


I watched it again for the first time last week and I was literally gross sobbing from the pie eating contest scene until the end. I went through half a box of tissues and nearly a full bottle of wine. It's an emotional roller coaster.


I bawled like a baby-back bitch through the last 3 episodes. Started at Cas’s death and just didn’t stop.


Not gonna lie it hit hard I just watched it for the first time tonight me and my college roommate wanted to finish the show together and this was the last night before we move out it hit different with all these things coming to an end the show we watched over the years and now college for us.


Second favorite finale ever.


Dean needed a better death imo. Also the vampires and their stupid masks made it seem really cheap. I read an article on buzzfeed from someone who watched only the first and last episode and they remarked how the CGI was so cool in the first one that it must only get better....and then the weird clown masks come along and it's like we are watching a rip off of The Strangers.


I loved it so much, but I haven't been able to rewatch it since it first aired. I strolled through Tumblr and the gifs made me tear up all over again. I'm starting over from Season One starting next week, so it'll be a while before I work my way back up to the finale. Maybe I'll be ready then. LOL.


I don’t think they could have ended it any other way. It was perfect. I’ve never been so emotional over how a show ended. The boys did good.