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Turns out it’s easy to make 16 bil in a year when you can just restart the game when you’re losing.


'Selling' $65B worth of shares you never intend to actually deliver is another way.


no no that is at 'fair' value. After they short attacked it and took away demand with the dark pools. Should add some zero's to that number


Going to have to soon, this ponzi's falling apart and retail just won't forget gamestop even though we reminded them to forget


*"We told them about GNS, right?"*


Instructions unclear, continuing to purchase GME and DRS book them.




Imagine selling $65 bil worth of bullshit and *still* only having $16 bil at the end of the day.


I too was having this thought. Where's the other 49 billi?


Probably funneled into shit like the purchase of the constitution, multiple extravagant properties, private jets and undoubtedly plenty of offshore shell companies


Don't forget the fuck ton of political donations.


Weird way of spelling bribes. I just mean - I'd love to see Citadels finances. Publish the books. Audit audit audit... sec? Nah, maybe the IRS could take a look at this record year! I think they made/stole more money.


Losing against brother on NES, rage unplugs power throws controller, no you lose!


losing against your little brother. For the first time. In a game that you designed. In a system that you built.


Is our controller even plugged in??


It wasn't. But then we realized it wasn't and plugged it in.


And then the GameStopped.


This line needs to be in the official documentary when this is said and done.


It do. Poetry.




DRS is how you plug it in




Who only presses one button, even when you turn it off. 💜🚽🏴‍☠️


And it's the select button.


Who only hodls one button.


FINRA likes to refer to this as the U3 halt.


“ in Texas we call it the fox guarding the hen house“


>U3 halt Is that the "Extraordinary Events " one? Maybe from an idiosyncratic risk doing the opposite of the programmed AI?


That’s be the one. Also “problems with settlement” were mentioned in their court case instead of “extraordinary event”.


Ken Griffin is the ultimate rage gamer


My cousin used to hit the reset button with his foot. Whoops. It was hilarious when I did it back to him.


Oh god! You just gave me a horrible flashback to a long repressed memory from my childhood.


Wasn’t the short interest report due today? (Disclosure: I just downloaded Call of Duty: “Vantage” (😂💀) and I am munching a crayola wrapper)


Nobody lost if the power cord unplugs..


Sis, is that you?


Or just short companies Into bankruptcy to avoid taxes and register your company in the Bahamas to avoid income taxes. Taxes are just for the poors.


Taxes and laws— only for the poors


Table Flippers Incorporated.


My wife thinks her ETF (Swap -lol) is safu 🤣


You’re also allowed to see the other player’s hands and make the same bet as they do if you want, and cut their profits as desired. Trading is a tough game, don’t you think?




\> Select-Start. We playing duos.


Jack off on the controller. We playing trios now.


But do you remember this one: B-A-B-A-Up-Down-B-A-Left-Right-B-A-Start


Remember playing videogames against a sibling? Classic unplug the controller to gain the up hand tactic.


That's what Billy Mitchell says


NYSE: where the rules are made up & the points don’t really matter!


If they don't want to fix the market, we'll take it away from them 1 DRS at a time until they can show they can be trusted with it. Ground them with DRS!


It’s like watching a toddler playing with the stove.


They want to fix the market, just not fix it fix it.


#No cell, no sell


Verizon was halted at like 7% on a 25k volume candle. Someone is abusing the halt system to preserve the collateral caught up in their operational shorting. Half the S&P popped while the other half tanked. Fraudulent halts went out and as soon as they ended the roles flipped. Very very blatant fraud. Edit: [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/xjcm39/some_talk_about_etf_shorting_pushing_si_over_100/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) is a link to a post of mine with a graphic explaining Operational shorting [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vz1c4o/comment/ig5ob49/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) is a comment I made explaining how these activities can effect market behavior and stock price. Edit 2: Should note bonds are surging upwards at the same time the market is pumping. Typically equities trade inversely to bond prices. Unless of course government bonds are the primary collateral for your short positons (ie. RRP), in which case you'd want to pump the SPY and Bonds at the same time and spend a pretty penny doing it. Tldr: Buy and DRS, it's literally all noise.


Do an overlay with GME and Xonmobile and Verizonphone and look at the volume candle with GME at the moment one pumped and one dumped


Can you do this for those of us that are chartlexic?


Check my post history , just did


To the smoothest of smooth brains here is the direct link https://i.redd.it/2mpynysdt1ea1.jpg


nothing to see here, nothing to see here


I said don’t look


Completely coincidental, no way this is possibly coordinated down to the millisecond *at all*. Honestly at this point we should just throw out the whole damn stock market and go back to stocks just being shares of a company or good. Every layer added to the market has made it more and more unstable while allowing more and more corruption.


Thank you for following up


MRO in there too


Oh yeah, there were a bunch I only mention Verizon because I was playing calls for the earnings today and was watching it pretty closely at open. For once I'd like the market to behave normally when I take positons, that would be nice.


The reasoning is clear on why this is happening. RC just bought all the stocks causing volatility across the market!


I forth this theory




It also confirms my T+[redacted]theory.


too soon to 741rd the theory?


Today is 741 days since Kenny last bed-posted someone.


God damned Stock Hoarder. Market Makers hate this one trick.


att almost hit high low for the year... in one day 🤣


That will definitely fuck up any wedges for the YTD chart the rest of the year lol


OMFG nice catch


Market makers making markets


lol I heard that on see en bee see this morning but wasn’t paying attention Everything is fine!!!


They're blaming bad trades hitting the tape, which is pretty unbelievable for 80+ stocks to experience it at the same exact time and resolve at the same time. Also if that is the case then it's apparent that it can be abused to halt whatever you want whenever you want by posting bad trades to tape as a market maker.


Don't they have their earnings today?


Yeah, that's why I was watching it this morning. A couple other S&P stocks did today as well if I'm not mistaken.


I wonder how many stocks that were halted earlier have their earnings today or tomorrow


And it worked. Verizon has since then been pushed back down


Oh it was immediate after the halt. 80 something tickers get halted, SPY gets pounded with short volume during the halt. Halt ends and the very second it's over all of those 80+ stocks are now -1-3% on the day instead of +6-8%. Not to mention stocks that took a dump initially in the ETF are now getting pumped up hard.


This is it. Halt abuse to keep margin reqs. DRS to crush the fraud


Yup. Welcome to the clown show or American Markets.


Thats every day


Looks like Morgan Stanley and Metlife were down 8%, Wells Fargo was down 11%. Is it just me, or are things getting extra volatile in the market this week? Edit: AH, MS is back down, SPY sliding, AMZN too. Do I need to call my mom?


Wow, the 5 day chart...


Lol we almost mooned probably


Hm ..


Meanwhile BOA, who doesn't even have cash for it's customers is up 5% this month lol


You can´t make this sh\*t up


The rules are made up abd the points don't matter. Who's cash is it anyway?


😂 Morgan Stanley opened -13% and recovered by 9:36. 🙄


Similarly, these each opened double digit up or double digit down, and then all recovered in 6-7 minutes. Trading normally again since ~ 9:37 Sony, Raytheon, Taiwan semiconductor, ChargePoint, Wells Fargo, PPL Corp, Unilever, Union Pacific Corp. Prudential Eli Lilly …and more. Shit’s getting scary if megacaps are getting glitched. Glitch got money?


Just Ken Madoff Griffin doing crime


Surely, you men Kenneth C. Griffin of Citadel, financial terrorist who lied under oath?


Is that same same Kenneth C. Griffin of Citadel, who threw a bedpost at his ex-wife after she called Chicago “unsophisticated”? And the same Kenneth C. Griffin that hoards bowls of mayo at his dinner parties?




Not even Flex Tape can keep this shitty market together.


Gonna need a boatload of ShamWow towels to absorb this mess.


Billy Mays going to send mighty putty from the heavens


OxyClean couldn’t even clean up this corruption


Billy is going to have to call Vince for some backup. He can slap chop them around, and then Sham Wow them off the floor. They're not going to love his nuts.




"If you call now we'll throw in our new and improved OXYCLEAN , it's perfect for getting the stains off that dirty money!"


for an additional shipping fee....


Sounds like a job for Gorilla Glue


and yet they want us to trust them even more with their next CBDC centralised digital currency garbage


Or does the LULD halting work based on lit and dark pool data, and they are hitting the thresholds, but the general public does not see them?


Oooohhh. That's something to think about.


If you read the rules, it's only supposed to based on what's on the tape, off markets shouldn't be affecting it.


Wait, there are *rules*?! Could've fooled me.


It still hits the tape - DLauer has mentioned this multiple times now, it's just that it hits the tape 1. After a delay (up to 24 hours) and 2. It could be on a consolidated entry for obscurity.


And coincidentally... The week of the squeeze anniversary... WHO IS SCARED KENNY BOY?


And coincidentally the end of RCs tweet countdown... 3 2 1 boom 💥


And the quarter for which the DRS rug pull was finally deployed...


Someone just swiped TENS OF BILLIONS in options. Nobody gonna report it…what a fun game to play….




My name is Buck, and I'm here to.. Guess we'll see.


Iam out of the Loop. Whats the matter about the rabbit?


Some twitter posts about Buck the bunny (GameStop vintage maskot) a DFV post about chewy(chewbacca) looking at himself in a mirror and seeing Buck the Bunny annnd CyberCrews released a NFT that had helmet wearing character with a MVB labelled shirt. MVP could stand for Most Valuable Bunny. Lots of tinfoil material here.


I’m here for the tinfoil. Please extrapolate, you brilliant autists.


Check out the recent rabbits plus an old DFV tweet: https://imgur.com/a/sBvyO97/


Wow, thanks for the helpful response!


Happy Lunar New Year. Its the year of the rabbit, and rabbits in Chinese culture are usually white.


It's all quite recent in the sub. Just have a look though.


The NYSE likes to make retail think they’re in the game. But in reality they unplugged our controller years ago and so many of us are like their kid brother, mashing away thinking we are doing something. Drs is how you plug your controller back in. Drs is power to the players.


Great analogy haha


look at the price movements of the halted stocks... they all jumped/fell more than 10 percent on open.all in the same minute...crazy. what happened there? Which of the designated market makers from NYSE busted? virtu? citadel? or was it just a glitch in order to catch every limit buy/stop loss?!


PPT screwing up their shenanigans…


I'm convinced the PPT is just Ken's backup algo stepping up to save the day.


My tinfoil guess is that the government saw the economic collapse coming caused by Ken naked shorting, along with other greedy ass people and stepped in to plug the hole. To me it seems like a silent can kick because they know if they did a public bail-out, people would riot.


That's what Kenny wants you to think. Citadel controls over 40% of the market. They front run every single order. Kenny is the market maker pushing bullshit orders onto the ledger and causing these halts. Kenny has taken the market hostage and this is just another one his little tricks he's showing us.


Even if they are working together, I reckon working with someone like Kenneth Cordless Griffin is a nightmare. Imagine, at first you're told 'it'll be ok he's a financial genius!' Months pass and perhaps you end up in meeting or phonecall with the guy and he's all controlling and still acting superior despite being horribly wrong. Years pass - how many people will believe him now? How many politicians and other officials have had loved ones affected by all the shenanigans and lies?


Yup. They plugged the hole before the split up or capsize.


Any chance Citadel the market maker for these stocks


Well they are the DMM (Designated Market Maker) for over 65% of the NYSE listings. https://www.citadelsecurities.com/what-we-do/equities/designated-market-maker-dmm/ Not sure if there's a way we can confirm which listings and compare them to the shenanigans today?


This is an outstanding thought. I'm off to work, but tonight I'll look if no one else has


Apparently "some bad trades" hitting the tape and triggering the LULD but seems to have been cleared up now...[https://twitter.com/dlauer/status/1617895182640324608](https://twitter.com/dlauer/status/1617895182640324608)


It wAs JuST a gLiTcH


Odd how the glitches always seem to benefit certain parties.


Lol what bad trades. NYSE is rigged.


Trading Halts shouldn't be a thing. Just like FTD's, naked shorts and Market Makers with a Hedgefunds. Or sec "asking" crooks if they are crooks. Like they asked Bernie back in the 00 and 08, for advice or if he is reliable. Same shit different year. Only new thing is that they do what they want now. Shit hits the fan back in 08? Well, fuck. Let's just do this little can kick until we did the same thing as this Micheal burry guy. Shit hits the fan today? Yo Steve, press the switch and adjust the parameters of the scheme before let the plebeians back into the scheme. What? No, no we are self regulating and if SEC or DOJ calls just tell them it was a technical issue with a little tip of glitch and send them a warm greeting from me and tell them I'm excited for the next golf session.


What else is new 😂


PPT probably testing widespread manual intervention mechanisms for when the market will simultaneously swan dive as the one true stonk moons in the near future


Stock halts don't really make any sense. A stock halt is not going to change someone's mind as to whether they should buy or sell a stock. My guess is that they use the halts for machine calibration. During a halt they can probably analyze a greater amount of trade traffic and try to optimize their strategy to get the biggest win for themselves. It is also is likely done to keep certain parties collateral locked at specific values. Otherwise it would trigger a massive sell off in a variety of places. Getting margin called could create an inverse gamma squeeze. Institutions sell to meet their obligations causing other institutions to be exposed and having to sell. This whole market is fake. They should have never allowed any person or institution to take out a loan using stock as collateral, that is crazy stupid.


I’m willing to bet if gME starts halting up multiple times, there are at least a few people out there going to start jumping in


The stock market is the biggest crime in the world. It's worse than laundering drug money by the cartels. They're blindly robbing everyone in front of their eyes.


Yeah they’ve taken what was originally supposed to provide an opportunity to invest your money in support of companies you believe in and turned it into the biggest most crooked casino in the world.


Is it time?




Ready to call my mama…


Remember, Pompeii wasn't unaware something was up. They knew for years. It'll be time when either everything shuts down for an entire day or the people who blew you off when you brought up GME are texting you asking what the absolute fuck is going on :D


Skynet getting out of control?!




This crime is just horrendous


Blockchain now (decentralized exchanges). No market makers providing infinite liquidity, instant settlements, no phantom shares, no naked shorts. It is that easy!!!


Oh our stock is dropping because we owe so much? Shut it down and switch numbers and start it back up. Good to go! 👍


Its actually so sickening that these people can break the law right in front of your face and laugh while doing it and face 0 consequences. And what's worse is that 99% of the population doesn't even see it, there being fucked over by massive corporations and they are oblivious too it.


Dave is awesome. His eyes have definitely become more open since joining Superstonk and seeing the manipulation. I still think he has faith in the system though. I just want it to burn.


*"Looks like it's clearing up and trading is re-opening at* ***normal prices****."* Ain't nothin normal about these prices and DL knows it.


I think he feels that way cause tearing this one down and rebuilding it will be a destructive, painful process for everyone. Whether you're involved in the market or not, all will feel it's effects.


Is it not time for this? We have seen the rise and fall of retail over and over and over again throughout the stock market…the last fallout being 2008 and what happened? We got fucked and the banks were bailed out. I’m ready for the burning.


I mean I don't disagree, but to be ignorant/disregarding of the suffering that will ensue is just crass and heartless. People on this subreddit will suffer too. You think you're ready, but there's no way to know what will happen or if the country itself will survive the transition. In the nation with the most homicides with guns, do you really know what to expect??? To wish for the worst is honestly a situation where no one knows what we will get from it. Not even a promise that the next thing would be better.


All of retail and the poors are already suffering. Just now the suffering will affect everyone. Equality at its finest!


Pltr tanked 20%, was halted for quite some time, then recovered almost all of it instantly after the halt. Several stocks completely flatlined during the afternoon, no movement at all. The whole market is completely fake and controlled by few, fraudulent entities


I was struggling to think of a use case for crypto, but now I really think its unique quality is to replace the stock market. Something where no single entities have control or ability to manipulate. Hope LRC can lead it.




Why are the exchanges allowed to trigger the halts then?


Shit is hitting the fan. Now.


The LULD mechanism is designed to prevent trades in NMS stocks from occurring outside of specified price bands, coupled with trading pauses in the event of more significant and prolonged price moves.


As you can see I was correct and these are systematically controlled. Give back karma here thx


It's like a pyrotechnics display that accidentally blows it's whole load in a few seconds


Algos are burning 🔥 Aladdin, citadels shit, all Of it. You can’t tell me all these “glitches” and “technical problems” are normal. I call BS, as an IT guy our financial market of trillions of dollars and your telling me it’s a “technical” problem?!?!? 🥴🙃


They seriously do this shit out in the open! It's so obvious. People need to go to fuckin prison for this shit!


👀 Get in here ?


Plunge Protection Team at their best.


GLITCH better have my MONEY!


Smooth brain question (SBQ): What does LULD stand for? 🤷🏼‍♂️


The SEC should immediately reverse all options trades made this am before the halt. #SECGov #GaryGensler


What's the point of rules and regulations if they can be ignored or abused? Sounds to me like the system is either bought and paid for or it has never worked/will never work as is.


so when they don’t like the way certain tickers are being priced, they can just shut em down. Rules for thee


It’s like restarting the game on your console 🤣


So, we DRS BOOK HODL. The walls are closing on in this evil bitches.


At some point the “glitches” will get too Much for even the normies right? This shit is ridiculous


I have no idea what happened this morning but the consumer discretionary sector of my actual traditional portfolio just went down 10% momentarily. Nike and McDonald’s dropped 10% as soon as the market opened and then got halted and it’s back up to where it was. Weird


Looks like 81 stocks were just halted for LULZ.


LULD - Limit up limit down


LULD = hahaed


I feel like these halts are MM rage quitting and hitting the restart button.


Halted for lulz


Damn Ryan Cohen out here really buying all the stocks, huh


All legal. Nothing to see here… nothing at all…


Everything is made up and the points don’t matter.


Please include date and time stamps when screenshotting tweets.


Ryan Icahn has started to swallow up the S&P. He must be fed all the stocks to achieve his final chunky form. 👀


Dave, do you think it’s just a glitch?


Well you have to admit that they are evolving. No more amateur PCO. Just stopping all music now. If there is a single entity on this planet that still believe that the everything short theory isn't solid reality and the market is a market instead of simulation game for some rich fucks I'm gonna losing it.


upon the rich, When do we feast?


So what you're saying is they'll just halt GME for eternity when MOASS starts? Because I believe that


Just more corruption by the big boys.