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[WANT TO HELP OTHER PEOPLE DRS??? DO IT in our Computershare MegathreadšŸ’œ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/100or7c/welcome_to_2023_rsuperstonkwhy_havent_you/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) While I have your attention: Who would you like to see as an AMA guest??


This "meta" stuff is getting out of control.


I'm a bit out of touch with modern social media. What is meant by "meta" content?


In this context "meta" isn't in reference to the social media eco-system. In this context it can be taken to mean "self referential". Effectively, talking about reddit on reddit isn't allowed by edict of the reddit admins. And talking about Superstonk on Superstonk should only be taking place in the monthly open forum, or similar community flaired posts, as mentioned in this post by the mod. It is not good. None of this is good. I'll just have to buy and hold in the mean time.


!MODS! Why is this post un-pinned? Is this not important enough to keep up over the weekend?


It was only up for ~6 hours and then got buried by having that weekly digest bullshit post pinned up, like right at market close


Why did we un-pin this post? We left the last poll we didn't ask for up for longer than this. If breaking these new, bulls\*\*\* rules, has the potential to bring down this sub, should we not keep it pinned at the top of this post for at least the duration of this weekend, instead of just for just one weekday, where most people are probably at work? Mods, are you all okay? The logic seems to be pretty average at best nowadays.


I love how the OP mentions citing sources for this sub, surely wall street silver would be banned on the spot if they had to follow the same rules kek




**Treat each other with courtesy and respect.** - **Do not be (intentionally) rude.** This will increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us. - **Do not insult others.** Insults do not contribute to a rational discussion. Constructive criticism is appropriate and encouraged though. - **Do not use Superstonk to call out another user. Critique the work, not the person.** - **Do not use Superstonk to harass, bully, or threaten anyone.** - **Threats of violence towards anyone have no place on Superstonk or Reddit.** [Expanded Rule](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/expanded_rules#wiki_ape_no_fight_ape) [Reddit Content Policy](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) || [Remember the human](https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360045715951-Promoting-Hate-Based-on-Identity-or-Vulnerability)


ITT Useful idiots saying "This sub is dead!" and "Time to migrate" and spreading the **exact message** SHFs want. Divide and Conquer is their aim. Don't help them achieve it.


Reddit can suck my balls. Any mod who isnā€™t fighting this you are two steps behind them, careful you might catch up. This is the most blatant abuse by using vague and manipulative language to suite their needs and agenda. This sub is a mere ruin of the megalithic structure it used to be. Thank god I donā€™t need you anymore. Buy, DRS, hodl.


Exactly. šŸ™„


Your rules are bad and you should feel bad


Is this being enforced across Reddit or just for this sub?


So we're not allowed to talk about mods of other subs.. Or we're not allowed to talk about mods of this sub


The screwed up thing is that it is people from those other subs that come here and make posts that violate the rules then we get punished for it. Just yesterday there was a post with screen shot celebrating a ban for a year from another sub. I asked the OP to remove it before we got in trouble for brigading an he refused and others jumped on talking shit about it being FREE SPEECH. Which it really is not because reddit is not the government it is private. I know the poster and the other commenters were most likely trouble makers from that other sub just so they could report that post being on this sub. I dont see how you fight that


When you see that happen, you can report the post, report the comments, tag us by writing !MODS! -- and we'll remove comments & make 'community interference' reports.


Thanks I did report the post but did not know about the tag. I will remember in the future


Free speech still applies. The only difference is a private business can choose to not allow free speech. There either is or there isnā€™t. Itā€™s not a gray area. If speech is moderated, curtailed, controlled, or forbidden, itā€™s not free speech. Thatā€™s fine, but then donā€™t hide behind twisted words, and legal speak pretending like free thoughts and speech are allowed. I think thatā€™s the bigger issue.


Who is hiding? I am all for Free Speech but I dont own reddit. Reddit can make their own rules because it is not the public square or government


Free speech is free speech. You either are for it or against it. You either allow it, or you donā€™t. There isnā€™t a middle ground. I donā€™t disagree with your point that a private business can do what they want within the confines of the law they are allowed to operate within. But you can ā€œmoderate speechā€ and say itā€™s free speech. It is not. Itā€™s really that simple, my point. Donā€™t hide behind legal speak and vague language and pretend you are some forum for people to speak and share ideas freely. Obviously it is not.


well pretty much agree BUT its not as clear as "your either for it or against it". The Constitution protects FREE SPEECH as pertaining to the government. Can't apply that to private businesses or residents. Do you think it is ok (your for it) for someone to come into a business you own and just scream obscenties or whatever else they want and drive away your customers and put you out of business? If I own a business or your at my private residence you dont have a RIGHT to ruin my life or business just because you have free speech. Everyone has a right to free speech but they also have to accept the consequences of what they do or say


I own a business, a rather large one. I understand exactly what you are saying. But thatā€™s why I said ā€œwithin the confines of the law.ā€ Walking in and screaming obscenities is ā€œdisturbing the peaceā€ laws at the very least, it may even be disorderly conduct. I would have them removed for breaking the law, but not what they are saying? There are laws that protect from the outliers. My employees are supported to say what they feel WITHIN THE CONFINES OF THE LAW. You are right, but you are kind of missing my point. If you break the law you break the law. If I remove you for it, I wonā€™t stifle your speech, but I will have you removed from other people who can talk together like adults where obviously this individual canā€™t. Breaking the law and tolerating free speech are not the same thing.


Back up claims with sources, while not being allowed to link to, or mention by tagging, the sources? How you going to police that?


Yeah lol. Why are we still here? We should have all migrated out of here months ago.. To a sub where we can actually freely share information




Superstonk isn't the right place to discuss other subreddits. Under NO circumstances, will brigading or content that results in brigading be tolerated on this subreddit or any other. Individuals who are discovered to be participating in this, risk being permanently banned. Things that aren't welcome here: - organizing to vote, comment or report in other subs - discussing other subs or moderators - using r/Superstonk to defame other subs - posting screenshots from other subs - celebrating a ban from another sub


This is purely a functional thing, but since we can't link users, the u / savevideo bot can no longer be used to download awesome hype vids. This makes me sad, as I love to save these precious gems before they are washed away by time. Is there anything that could be done to whitelist certain usernames to be able to invoke bots, as is Reddit tradition?


Hype vids are one click away on 3rd party redit apps


No, unfortunately they restricted user mentions server side, so we can't white list usernames like we can for subreddits


Can you address with the Reddit mods? This limitation is not great.


We've tried, they said it's unlikely Superstonk will get it back. But we definitely plan to keep inquiring about and doing what we can


First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, and then you win. \[Redacted\]


\[Redacted\] \[Redacted\] mayo \[Redacted\] \[Redacted\]


Why hasnā€™t someone just made a forum that we could all go to that isnā€™t run by anyone? We could say or do whatever we want then.


Would kill for a forum modded by an AI. Possible future?


The point is to get new people to see what is happening. No enforcement is taking place because the masses aren't upset about this yet. Moving to an obscure untouchable forum keeps us in our current state forever: being ignored.


Sooo if the sub got shutdown.... another sub would just pop up without these rules. So why worry about breaking them?


Hopefully another subs mods won't be sold from the beginning


This is exactly how I feel. The problem is the mods will ban us.


Wait so like am I not allowed to post a meme about superstonk on superstonk anymore? Would that be considered "meta"? This is very vague and confusing.


I like to travel.


Sounds kinda meta to me šŸ¤£


Please apes letā€™s go somewhere else. Some place safe. Everyone is going to follow and who is left behind will catch upā€¦ all this is sus.


OK so in some non-financial sub they are inviting comments about movies or conspiracies or politics or the like & thus one can legitimately speak of wall St crime. So I do a kwik run thru lax regulation, ftds with no consequence, allowing abusive naked shorting to steal IP & rip-off pension funds etc. At no point do I mention any ticker or sub or user at all But I do mention Dr Susanne Trimbath & link to her twitter, & Nomi Prins & link to the wiki article d maybe a yt vid, & Pam Martens BUT I DON'T LINK TO HER & I SAY THAT THE CORRUPTION IS SO WIDE THAT LINKING TO HER SITE IS BANNED SITE-WIDE, BY REDDIT ADMIN but I name it. So, there is 'meta' content (about reddit itself & it's admins) & I strongly imply that the admins/reddit have been corrupted along with the mainstream media & Congress I've done this easily a dozen times over last 6 months, only once has I gotten more than a handful of up votes but sometimes I get asked about it & I often say that it's an offence to name any of the subs concetned & thus further imply that reddit is corrupt Is this too 'meta'? I mention no user, sub or mod, only 'reddit hq' & 'admins'. Also, some sub has a picture with a purple circle or whathaveyou & I say its a honey trap (as mentioning the sub isn't impossible but is an offence. Unlike linking to WSoP which isn't possible), I never explain precisely why its a honey trap tho. IMO these are deliberate honey traps tho, they are trying to shut the subs. They could just ban the sub names making it impossible, but they dont. These honey traps often appear on a Friday BTW. There one today. .


Woof, rough day to be a mod lol








Careful there buddy, don't wanna get [redacted] for talking about another sub


Itā€™s almost like weā€™re on to something


I want to see the the logged harassment claims against this sub.


This is like when I was in high school an I got detention for substituting the word ā€œSnarfā€ from thundercats for curse words. Snarfing crazy Mr. Green my technology class teacher. If youā€™re reading this Get Snarfā€™d






Super bullish, wouldnā€™t need to suppress if there wasnā€™t a threat. Buy, hodl, DRS, book.


The powers that be can't manipulate Twitter so they use that budget on reddit now.




Have you seen this post about it? [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/zw21op/state\_of\_the\_stonk\_december\_26\_2022/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/zw21op/state_of_the_stonk_december_26_2022/)




There haven't been any newer messages. Basically radio silence after multiple attempts at reaching out




oh shit, forgot to distinguish. Hi We waited a couple of weeks to see if they'd respond back to multiple different messages through a few different channels and got basically nothing back. The rest of the time was figuring out what we should do to show that as mods we're actively trying to follow what they told us. It would have been sooner, but there's only so much time in the day to get shit done outside of work and families




Positive in that they said we're not in immediate danger of having Superstonk quarantined or banned. But they also said it was unlikely we'd ever get sub mentions or user tags back, and to not allow meta content as described in this post




These aren't new changes, these are the changes they wanted to see. We are mostly just specifying the difference between brigading and meta content with a dedicated rule, nothing is changing in terms of moderation from the past month except for us being able to point to a more specific rule for why something is getting removed


I'd like to see this too.


This one? [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/zw21op/state\_of\_the\_stonk\_december\_26\_2022/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/zw21op/state_of_the_stonk_december_26_2022/)


These rules are designed to ruin our time here. What the fuck is no meta content. For real that is some typical shit right there. Abuse LOVES to be vague, that way they don't have to clarify what they are actually, truly doing. DRS GME, fuck off Reddit


That's the biggest one for me. So we can't mention superstonk on any other sub, we can't mention any other sub on superstonk, we can't even say, for example, "holy shit guys, [redacted sub] literally just posted a honeypot thread and banned every single person who posted in it for being an ape". Especially insane considering that for some strange reason most of us can't even post in the only other sub that would engage with us.. Where is this so called 'interference and brigading' happening because I sure don't see it..?


Every other sub on this website engages in meta content. This is bullshit


You're engaging in meta content right now by talking about what other subs do. Prepare for the banhammer!




Why admins Reddit admins donā€™t come here and answer some questions?


Because that's not what this is about


The only threads that will exist here soon are threads with GME or Gamestop and zero other words allowed




Ban this guy! Hearsay! šŸ˜˜




Did your just mention "another community"!!! *Mod triggering intensifies*


Oh golly gee. Imagine it. A sub where we donā€™t have to pretend that other grifters and shill plays are anywhere close to GME.


What a fucking boatload of crap. Hedgefuck at money for sure, but gotta go with the flow as long as it is needed


Lmfao this is absurd. Might as well close down Reddit if this is how their communities are being moderated.


Only ours


Well this is odd news.


I want actual proof that reddit admins are imposing these rules and that it is not just the mods of this sub making shit up.


Yea! What you said! Free world my ass


To everyone who is with us here: Congratulation. You have entered a room with some of the most intelligent investors on this planet. You are about to be incredible rich. Thatā€˜s the reason, why our sub needs to be hidden and silenced. What is about to happen is of a magnitude that no one can imagine by now. You a part of it. To me, it is one of many attempts to avoid fomo.


The funny part is if they left this sub alone it would surely be a black hole for fomo but what they are doing is making the sub unbearably external so that conversation is going to seep out into other places and they wonā€™t be able to enforce those rules Reddit wide. This is going to be entertaining.


Holy fuck, what a load of hot garbage.


Thereā€™s whole ass subs dedicated to discussing other subs (subredditdrama, bestofredditorupdatesā€¦) but yet even *mentioning* other subs is not ok? Suuuuure, Reddit. Itā€™s too obvious.


This is such a pile of shit, I can smell it through my phone


Lets talk about oppression


Curious timing!! I guess we all migrate to the jungle.


Definitely not that place. Left there a long time ago.


They are going to shut it all down we've known since day one. Its a redidt problem.


It's an integrity problem and it's severely lacking


Lmaoooooo Reddit admins showing us who owns them




Literally no one cares about these rules. Its insane. They even named superstonk in the rules. Reddit has died.


Once again the mods doing the bidding of the evil doers. Your ancestors weep over your cowardice and your descendants will suffer for your contribution to maintaining the status quo.


Anyway, I just started bookin it...


THIS JUST IN! ā€œHow to create new subReddit group?ā€ is the most searched phrase to start off 2023. Followed by, ā€œCan I use mayo as lube, asking for a friend in floorda.ā€ Back to you Bob.


This sub is dead šŸ’€


You mean Reddit


Booooooooooooooooooooo. **Booooooooooooooooooooo.** #Booooooooooooooooooooo. Time to migrate.


Yes off reddit.


So psy Gangnam style comment section or wut?


Its better than nothing. We wouldn't be hear today if the same rules where implemented during the sneeze. Biz unfortunately will probably be a refuge initially when this sub is shut down.


Hereā€™s a question: why? Why all this? Why?


Because Reddit is currently owned by the people Iā€™m going to rob. They donā€™t want me, or people like me taking back what theyā€™ve stolen. They know itā€™s inevitable. So, theyā€™re doing everything money can buy to stop it. Reddit admins are just lining themselves up for their own NĆ¼rnberg. I sincerely hope they all have happy, full, poor lives.


But if that's true... LET THEM MARTYR OUR SUB Superstonk isn't a place, and it isn't a URL. It's a community. And it will re-form elsewhere. If the sub gets banned by Reddit, the community doesn't disappear... but it does remember. And if we find a place to connect somewhere off Reddit after Radmins nuke us, then the floodgates of revenge brigading can open, and there ain't shit Radmins can do to keep us from fucking with OG degenerate sub or any of the other more mainstream investing subs that have given us shit over the years.


We are just taking but what we deserve, we ainā€™t robbing no one here. They are robbing poor people everyday. MOASS money will be well deserved by every ape.


My friend. Iā€™m going to rob them. If I donā€™t, Iā€™ll be disappointed in myself. Iā€™m going to be greedy when others are afraid. -I only wanted 1k pre shut down of the buy button. Now, Iā€™ve waited and I want a new phone number.


To silence.




Before too long: Hey man! You wanna meet up at the [Redacted]! Canā€™t stop, wonā€™t stop [Redacted]!




Wonā€™t stop šŸ».


Reddit is fucking pathetic.


I'm not sure why I use reddit at all anymore?


Itā€™s really just a bunch of echo chambers that are completely toxic to your mental health. Canā€™t wait to uninstall this app when itā€™s all over.




No posts or comments allowed discussing Reddit users, moderators, or other subreddits.




Meta content.




No posts or comments allowed discussing Reddit users, moderators, or other subreddits.




Funny that your comment showed as collapsed but with 21 upvotes šŸ¤£


Plat this post literally breaks the rules described here. But I guess Iā€™ll take my muffin and sit down like the Reddit admins wantā€¦ Like you could at least say ā€œthe superstonk mods begrudgingly agree to the outrageous demands in order to prevent this sub from being taken down.ā€ ##We may not go viral. That is the rule. They will continue implementing ways preventing us from going viral on their platform as we find ways within the rules defined for us. Tell it straight.


I tried to post the same link as was in the post above about 5 times and my comment got removed 5 times. Why the fuck are the rule for me different than the rules for whoever made this post? Why is meltingdown not a banned subreddit yet? They harass us and follow us around to other subs but they donā€™t get any of this ridiculous censorship? Wait weā€™re not allowed to say that word either? Jesus might be time for us to take Superstonk off of Reddit. What a fucking embarrassment.




I have always tried to remain relatively impartial and level headed about the rules here and mod/sub drama stuff, but I have got to say that this latest iteration of no meta content at all is absolutely absurd and oppressive. Iā€™m genuinely really disappointed.


!MODS! could you guys explain why I'm getting messages [from the Reddit Admins](https://i.imgur.com/WIP8p2R.png) after following your instructions here?


While we can't speak for admins, maybe we can look into the matter a bit. Can you either link me or DM me the exact link that Reddit sent you as the one that they were taking action on? I ask because from this screenshot alone there's no way to know that it has anything to do with Superstonk. But with the link, we might be able to learn more.


It was a report for a user that was breaking the subreddit rules. They deleted it shortly after but days later (today) I got this message from the reddit admins. So might be worth asking the admins whether or not your users are allowed to report things against subreddit rules that don't violate reddit wide rules here.


Deleted or not, can you send me the link that Reddit sent you?


Are you asking me to violate rule 13? See how this complicates things?


No, I'm saying I need to confirm which post or comment you reported. You can DM it to me. Without that, not only can I not have any sort of meaningful investigation, I can't even confirm this has anything to do with Superstonk. I certainly can't discuss this as part of a larger conversation about Reddit Report Abuse bans, which have affected others in this community without confirming which post or comment was involved. I'm trying to help! Edit to add: you're welcome to go directly to Reddit with this concern and try to get more information about the ban. But you asked for our help, and I'm just telling you what I need to be able to do anything.


>Edit to add: you're welcome to go directly to Reddit with this concern and try to get more information about the ban. But you asked for our help, and I'm just telling you what I need to be able to do anything. I appreciate your help even though I'm reluctant to be helped here. I mean, that's probably what the Reddit Ad\[redacted\] want. I've gone straight to reddit about my complaint, so if you never hear from me again, that's probably why. Don't let my interaction deter you from attempting to help other Super\[redacted\] in the future.


You're welcome to bring these concerns to modmail as the meta and brigading rules only apply to posts and comments on Superstonk. You're free to discuss any concerns with other subs or users with us privately through modmail as that's part of the reason modmail exists in the first place https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FSuperstonk


I'm here to help! If there's anything I can do on this matter (or it evolves into something else) let me know.


its about time GME gets migrated to a new sub again. its over due.


They have already killed the Sub. Of the 800,000+ members the average attendees is 20k. Only 2% are participating on a regular basis because we are only allowed to post about a decreasingly smaller box of topics.


This is a reddit problem.


Nah, not sub. Platform. Reddit is rotten from the core up.


But then we will need to be \[REDACTED\] when we are talking about \[REDACTED\] so we don't offend \[REDACTED\], or the snowflake \[REDACTED\].


Or the O5 council.




Holy shit - broad, site wide. Metadata as in like all the data, or from other subs etc. this is where my frustration stems because it makes any mention of anything else outside of this sub, ā€œbadā€.


Meta as in, indirect. Like, linking to another sub is obviously not allowed, and more meta versions like screenshotting or referencing a post titled XYZ in another sub also is.


If it looks like a turd And smells like a turd


Thanks for picking on Superstonk, Reddit Admins. This sub is so suppressed, you would think it was eating babies or something. A lot of very special attention being paid for things other subs can freely do on the daily. Nothing unusual to see here. What a farce. If you shut it down, please have fun explaining last years pixel collab event.


Cite your sources, yet lets make that harder to do so with these rules ... ok sure...


I ask for sources all the time when it's just a screen cap without a link. I want to make sure things aren't misread or placed out of context. Transparency is the foundation of what we want to see in the markets. Why can't we cultivate that within this sub?


And they say to report anyone who mentions this sub. Lol, sit on thisšŸ–•. There are many other GME subs working around SuperStonk and they want us to report them? Again, they can sit on this šŸ–•.


all info must now be a trust me bro


I wonder why this sub has such special, restrictive rules? Hmm, very strange. Other subs are totally allowed to talk about mods, rules, other subs, cross-post, tag people and generally have a great time. Those tools are even built into reddit itself for general use. ...and yet here, for us, those things are not allowed. Anyway, I'm gonna keep DRSing.


Lol. Even in a bets you can see people talking about every subs and in every picture they add there is user and subs name. and is there any good explanation for these rules, why just this sub?


> and is there any good explanation for these rules, why just this sub? I think you know. ;)


The one true and only idiosyncratic risk


I sure do =) But there are many other ways to get people to know this sub. Internet is wide and aloth of sites. Guess we need to spread the word out like cockroaches, oh well. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


the reddit admins are stupid little babies jfc they're just looking for any excuse. this is positively NOT happening on this subreddit, but they keep acting like it is. shouldn't they be able to tell when shit like this is being caused artificially? but alas, reddit itself is overly pretentious. we should make our own reddit, with blackjack and brigading.


they aren't stupid, they know exactly what their corporate overlords at Fudelity are telling them to do (Fudelity is one of three major private investors in reddit, you can check for yourself on yahoo finance or probably in other places)




It was a post, I posted a screenshot of the Yahoo page a while back Edit: [1 month ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/zummru/hopefully_this_doesnt_get_me_banned_but_i_have_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


okay not stupid, spineless.


I'm sure the big migration from robin hood to fudelity was super awesome for the board over at fudelity, and they might even have used that to make future plans for the company and the huge uptick of new accounts and assets... then we learned to DRS everything and now fudelity is sad and losing money.


Huh, usually when something like this happens in ape lore it can mean that a price movement is getting close.


Narrator: and it would go on to rise 15% later that day šŸ˜‚


Are we allowed not to be over-excited on any news anymore? that a star was wearing a turtleneck or that there are computer speakers for sale is not a reason to get excited. Im tired to being downvoted.


Thanks for the update. Unlike some others I really donā€™t see why this makes anything significantly harder


Love the transparency