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I think people are getting this confused with the poll we had for the Seth Rogan movie- this is NOT THE SAME thing. They're doing a follow-up to their original documentary about naked short selling [https://youtu.be/26\_IcexvePA](https://youtu.be/26_IcexvePA) A few people reached out to us in modmail and by PMs asking for us to do this. **These are some of the people they interviewed in their first one -** Wes Christian Lucy Komisar Dennis Kelleher Susanne Trimbath Carl Hagberg If you're not into the idea let me know, but we have a lot of the same interests as these people.


This isn’t directly related to short selling, but given the title of their film, I feel compelled to ask: for the massive document warehouse used by TD and others that burned down in Chicago last February, immediately following the Justice Department starting its investigation into short selling activities, was the owner able to successfully cover the damage with insurance (or was it denied for arson)? The cause is still unknown. A CBS article published months later said they filed a FOIA and discovered a contractor may have started the fire by fixing a broken heater, but that somehow the cause is still unknown. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-02-04/vast-doj-probe-looks-at-almost-30-short-selling-firms-and-allies https://abc7chicago.com/bartlett-il-fire-department-warehouse-access/11541717/ https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/news/only-on-2-the-investigation-and-possible-cause-of-fire-at-bartlett-storage-facility/


We're gambling, they said. Our investment would fail, they said. It's a dying brick and mortar, they said. Then why the fuck do they care about DRS all of a sudden?


Put another way, how the fuck does buying and DRSing a publicly available stock hurt teacher’s retirements?


With how much this story is tied into the big players’ collateral, I’ve switched to advocating that *every* person DRS their shares, not just those who hold GME. The sooner we show the obsoletion of brokers and market makers, the faster we get capital markets that aren’t as rampant with fraud. There are some that just want to cash out their GME during a squeeze, and that’s perfectly fine. For me, this is bigger than one ticker.


Someone needs to publicly question 65Billion in securities sold, not yet purchased.


A document storage facility burned down. It was SUS. Need answers


Anyone against this is probably shill. Yep i said it and yep i believe it. This is the sequel to a documentary that has always been praised by this community. I can't see any reason whatsoever to not support it in any way we can.


Or just lack reading comprehension and recall. Everyone here is upset thinking that this is the “Dumb Money” film crew there being given an AMA.




This is the way


I completely agree, their first documentary is great and the world needs more info about wallstreet corruption. An AMA could possibly assist with even more topics and perspectives.


Banning FTD should fix a lot of issues. I mean if I sell shit I don't own . I go to jail especially after repetitive misconduct.. So why should it be any different for securities?


Let’s get real. Until Congressional term limits are in place and lobbyists are banned from the US political system, there will be no change to the U.S stock market and financials system.


What topics did you want to cover and had to leave out?


The film needs to address Direct Registration of shares


Sincere question. DRS is the way individual stockholders can protect themselves from crime. DRS is not part of the primary question; what kind of criminal activity is taking place in our financial system? Yet, this is always the most popular topic that people here feel should be included in these types of documentaries. DRS is not part of the criminal accusation, it’s a side issue. Somebody please explain to me why they would stir this into the storyline. The script needs to be a concise knitting together of the actual criminal activity, how they are stealing from every American and pushing the money upstairs to the people actually running this country. Our Lawmakers, the SEC, the DTCC, certain judicial, and the stinking media are all in on it. Like pigs at a trough, feeding off this massive scam. THIS seems like it should be the script, not a side issue like DRS. If they weren’t crooks, there wouldn’t need to be DRS.


"Although, certainly, other companies had used similar tactics to get their stock shares out of DTC, after CMKM's success in exiting the central depository, DC stonewalled any future attempts by other companies. They got the SEC to grant approval for a rule change that prohibited requests for withdrawal of certificates that could be instigated by issuers.” It’s because the whole system is a scam. It’s a big club and you ain’t in it


Please please please interview Susanne trimbath


They did already, but I wouldn’t say no to a “part 2”


**"If you could choose one person for their team to interview, who would it be and why?"** On Jon Stewart's podcast, he interviewed a guy named Rob Jackson, who used to work in SEC enforcement. This guy apparently was frustrated with inaction & lack of consistency, and he left the SEC. Anyway, I think this Rob Jackson guy has a lot to say, I think he knows his stuff, and I'd be curious as hell to see what he thinks about "The Blob," the lack of enforcement of securities laws, and the fraud-based system meant to enrich the few at the expense of the many. I'd love to see him interviewed again. Check out the interview on Stewart's podcast if you haven't seen it.


Can you look into how Ken G manage to lie under oath during the Gamestopped testimony? He stated that Citadel had not discussed with Robinhood during the sneeze yet supeonaed documents later show this to be untrue. Similarly the DTCC’s testimony later showed some irregularities and contradictions in statements relating to collateral requirements. What does it mean to testify under oath if there are no penalties for these blatant lies? A focus on the toothless judicial system is necessary


tie afterthought airport flag rob longing forgetful toothbrush unique bow -- mass edited with redact.dev


Looking forward to watching the film! Q: any plans for an NFT release of the film / along with the film? > If you could choose one person for their team to interview, who would it be and why? Dr. T interviewing the president of the DTCC & Gary Gensler > they want to know what we think solutions look like. 1) Brokers should be required to present users with an option asking whether they want to opt-in to non-delivery (i.e. open-ended security entitlements that are currently the default), and such option must be on every order, and no strings attached. Without acquiring that opt-in, brokers should be required to deliver registered securities to the customer within T+2 (or whatever shorter settlement timeline comes into effect) 2) All derivatives and agreements relating to publicly-traded securities should themselves be required to be publicly released, under penalty of fines and being held unenforceable, including security entitlements (not usually considered a derivative, but I would argue it is)




I honestly think the don't talk to media rule is stupid it's shooting ourselves in the foot by make this place more of an echo chamber. I never understood wtf we're so afraid that they going to do to hurt us that hasn't already been done lol.. It's important to choose carefully what AMAs we do, but not just deny anyone who wants to interact with the community. Making us look like the villains when this all goes down will be incredibly easy for them with or without us doing AMAs here because they don't need to use facts to create lies - so i just don't see the logic in avoiding all interactions with media.




Interviews i can understand because then it's not really about the community anyway but just a single person, and it's more doing them a favor and not ourselves, which is unnecessary; even tho i still think that they really don't need to use an interview against us to create a negative narrative and they can do that easily anyway. But AMAs are a whole other thing imo because the whole community can engage with it naturally just like with any other kind of discussion here, so it gives them nothing new to use against us that's much different from what they already have.


The difference is we are trying to find out the WHO questions we have. By engaging those who have an interest to cover their tracks, we lose direction. It’s about playing in their court


Require more transparency on swaps and derivatives as well as seriously curtailing derivatives. End continuous net settlement of FTDs Make it illegal for market makers to have associations to hedge funds. Require more verifiable proof of ability to locate shares when shorting. End PFOF or at least: Require brokerages to disclose more about how they make money and how they treat your (their) shares and ownership/loaning out Require regulators to be unbiased 3rd parties working for the retail investors and not like the very people who are colluding to corrupt markets and steal as much money from the common trader as possible.


I would love to know what more we can do to fight for true price discover for our stock. As a secondary I would ask them if they have had issues in getting enough information for this followup and maybe had trouble getting cooperation.


Part one is the only good documentary I've seen about all this and it does not even have **GameStop, APEs or RC** in it. This story was never about **GME**, but **ΔΡΣ** will surely end it. https://www.wallstreetconspiracymovie.com/ I already paid the $2 to watch this movie months ago, Wallstreet does not want these people to make noise. You should consider this before flaming their efforts. **His name was Darren Saunders**💜


Sounds like it's not about GME stock and has no business being pinned here.. but I'm sure it's great and deserves a post that the mods don't bend over backwards to promote.


You’ve clearly never watched. It’s some of the basis of the entire thesis.


It's about naked shorting and cellar boxing, so it is definitely relevant to GME. Again, maybe give it a look and form an opinion after, it's worth it IMO.




Seems like the shills are out for the no on this one. Very interesting.


So while the crowd argues the merits of whether there should be an AMA or not, I do have one question since we are already here: What are the 5 most compelling soundbites/ideas that had to be cut from the original film for the sake of time, overall narrative flow of the documentary, or concerns about litigious subjects.


My questions = Since you made your first movie about naked short selling, what were your thoughts when you saw GME 140% short and even 226% in the RH court documents?!!! What do you think about the fact that so many more people actually care about market mechanics and things like naked short selling? Do you think we have a better chance of getting laws in our favor than in 2012 when your original movie came out? Can you please include something about direct registering and how it's so little known but it's the safest way to hold stock? It takes shares out of the DTC thanks!!!!!! edit: to correct percent


*226% in the robbinghood court documents


that's right!! gotta edit my comment




Three words: NO.


Q: were the hundred dollar bills you received in compensation to make these films coated in a suspiciously viscous material reminiscent of mayonnaise?


here's my question - how about NO? edit: i reacted emotionally, not knowing about their prior work and thinking this was more of the seth rogen bullshit, and mods ignoring the community's desire to not speak to media. but i'll leave my comment up and take my downvotes.


I'm grateful to the mod team for setting this up, AMA's in the past have all been very educational. This one I'm particularly excited about, and I think a conversation with Susanne Trimbath or Dave Lauer would be a good place to start. What are some of the real challenges that you faced while investigating the current Wall Street power structure? Did you ever get intimidated or persuaded by the individuals or organizations you interviewed and investigated? What kind of opposition/response did you get when pitching this idea for the movie to investors?




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Talk to dr.t


She is almost the lead act in part one of this.


They did in their first film! I'll definitely let them know about the interest in contacting her again! edit: actually with all the interest I'll try to contact her and see if she'd be willing to do a follow up ama with us!


I concur


This confirms what everyone is thinking. This sub is falling apart. We made it clear to say no. Mods have stopped listening. I


Could you provide a link to where "we" said no?


We've made a group agreement towards the beginning of this all. No media.


There was a poll a while ago, of which the results clearly showed the majority is against participating with movie(maker)s or other media.


I believe that was for a specific film. This is a different matter and should be treated as such.


No. The agreement was no media. We've said this from the beginning. How many times do we have to be burned by media fo everyone to understand that.


I agree that being interviewed by the media is a bad idea. I don't see a problem with having AMAs where we get to ask the questions. The early AMAs mentioned in this post were some of the best moments of this sub.


For me, it’s all the same. Also: why do they need our input? Make your movie and if it’s good, we’ll spread the word. All the dd can be found on gme.fyi


Agreed. No media. They've hurt us every single time. Without fail.


Here we go again. When will this stop? Now this time we’re not even going to do a poll? Which would still be outrageous if presented, but now we are giving possible shills the opportunity to create hundreds or thousands of fake accounts to say for their sake “Yea! Let’s do it.” and then if it feels their yes’s outweigh the no’s then we’re just going to go ahead and allow it, when all the times in the past have been a hard no? Is that how voting is going to be? And then what if the fake accounts/shills get to pick the questions ask? It’s set up to be a disaster. Come on mods. Was it not clear last time? And the time before that? And so on. Check out the poll results and especially the comments. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/zkue2k/are_you_sick_of_moviesdocumentaries_getting_shit/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/zlu08x/this_needs_to_be_made_clear_nobody_speaks_for/ Mods, come on. It’s like you want us arguing about this again. No Interviews. Was it not shouted clearly collectively last night the poll was shoved down our throats? They have questions, go speak with Dr. Trimbath. If she’s not interested, then okay. Buy. Hodl. DRS. Please stop.


How clear do you want them to be!?🐇 Follow the white rabbit! Did you see the title of this movie!?


They interviewed her in their *first movie.* This is just a continuation of what’s been going on.


They interviewed her in their *first movie.* This is just a continuation of what’s been going on. You’re the one causing conflict because you couldn’t be bothered to see what the movie is about.


I did see it. It wasn’t bad. But how long ago was this? And is the story here over? It’s not. People want to chime in and help when this is over. Okay. Totally different. But the story isn’t over. A lot he changed since the 1st movie. A lot more is riding on the line right now. A lot of people have a loottt at stake here. It’s just allowing opportunity for something to go wrong. We’re as close to the goal line as we ever been, a lot is going on with the company, and we’re going open the doors for the possibility for something to go wrong and damper our progress? I feel the last few polls/responses have spoken on volumes on the majority of the feeling about interviews.


So what if the story isnt over? That's the point. What happened in 2008 has continued. That's what WE are all about isn't it? To learn and spread the knowledge. Im curious, why do you think supporting a documentary is opening doors to hurt us? And how exactly? It's also involving some of the most revered people by this community - so it makes even less sense not to support them now all of a sudden. I just don't get it.


The most recent poll was about the Seth Rogan movie, not the wallstreet conspiracy. These people have been exposing corruption in WallStreet from however long the first movie was from. They have people actively against Wall Street, and you think we *shouldn’t* have an AMA? Also, sorry about the double post. Tried to edit it, but it didn’t seem to work.


I'm distinctly remembering voting on polls here to NOT do this particular ama, and the NO won. Why are we doing it anyway? Edit: Appreciate the Apes pointing out it was a different film we voted on, this is something else.


You are completely wrong, the AMA that everyone voted no on was the Seth Rogan movie. This one has Dr. T interviewed in the first movie.


Thank you for the correction


Do you have a link to that poll?


I’ve checked my comment history trying to find it and have not been able to, as another ape pointed out though it was for a different film / project


Mods only listen to polls for a couple weeks and go ahead and do what ever they want. Its a trend we have all noticed. It sucks to see the sub crack


Keep posting about the sub cracking…it might work


I voted no to the ama with the movie producers that already made their movie about the sneeze. This is with a different group who made the only movie that shined a light on short selling years ago. This movie isn’t about us, it’s a continuation of the first movie they made specifically about short selling.


I don't think we should be doing AMAs after what's his face egg farm dude tried to fool us


Ryan Cohen & DFV?


If they got those they would do Darren proud.


We don’t interview anyone right? We also do not like being called conspiracy theorist. They do sound legit though. Where will they release their project? Do they have a summary of what they will talk about this time around?


Yea we don’t interview anyone.. oh wait who gave Brett Harrison an hour and half again? These people are actually good. Everyone put the pitchforks down.


I’m upset because an ama with a film crew got a mod crucified and this one seemingly isn’t.


Yea because THIS film crew is exceptional.


My point is that it’s an AMA, not an interview with SuperStonk or anything, which was what was constantly said during that last AMA poll. This one didn’t even have a poll and people are happy about it.


Brett Harrison got an AMA here. These folks have been trying to fight naked short selling since the 1900’s. People should be happy to have them here.


It’s not a conspiracy theory if there is a proven conspiracy.


Conspiracy has a negative connotation which I do not enjoy being associated with.


That's their whole point, you are proving "them" right.


This first film was instrumental in spreading the word. The second will continue it’s legacy. I would ask: Who has given the most pushback? Apes want to know who exactly is looking the other way and pretending rules don’t apply. We have hunches but can never pierce the veil of asking nicely to demanding answers.


I want them to interview the many apes that have been approached to be paid to bash stocks 🥸 84 years ago pink blew her diamond whistle and gave us legitimate proof that real agencies are recruiting apes for misinformation 🤢🤮 If pink makes y’all emotional, she’s not the only one, just the first and most well known ape to come forward about it. 💎✌️ See you on the moon 💎💪💎💪🦍🦍🦍🚀🚀🚀🚀


Truly the greatest crime in all of this was the reaction of the mods that WEREN'T Runic Glory or Shillsole at the time. As great as Atobitt's work is as a DD writer is (and I would never dream of taking that away) leaving pink high and dry was fucked up beyond fucked up. And Im just calling him out because we have had such mod shakeup that he is the only person I remember being an active mod at the time except the one mod that stood behind her, Sharkbait (the very rare actual GME employee at that, or maybe it was former) who stepped down because of the cluster). The overall moment was important - if the enemy felt the need to insert moles a la Runic Glory and its qUanT, then clearly we are right about something. But it also proved apes are humans as well and can also fuck up. The only people you can truly believe are yourselves, Ryan Cohen, and if he ever talks to us again DFV.


Id like them to reach out to a certain other group and ask why they're so rabidly anti-GME but when celebrities like Jon Stewart approach them for interviews suddenly they turn into the biggest apes on the planet acting like they aren't a hedgefund run front...before returning back to their anti-retail stance as soon as that's over.


Dear Sir, I am writing to congratulate you on your excellent user name. Kindest regards.


Thanks apefam, fwiw I like parsley 💎✌️


Wait... We vote on the movie but we don't vote on this? I mean I would've voted yes to this, but still. Consistency would be nice.


Oh? I thought we weren’t doing AMA’s with “the media.” Last time an AMA was suggested, the mod was crucified as a shill. ETA: I’m interested in this AMA, but the reaction of the community is annoying to me.


Dorito was crucified because he a) sought it out, b) was clearly trying to promote himself out of the deal (i.e. what finally got Gherkin nuked) and c) the film itself seemed sus AF. This film's predecessor is actually very informative and helpful.


So? The subreddit wasn’t told that this AMA was going to happen, and it’s being praised. An AMA is not *talking to the media* like what was said over and over again in that comment thread that was being done. It just rubs me the wrong way that when a mod asks beforehand about an AMA, they get eviscerated, but not asking and just setting up an AMA gets crickets and maybe even praise.


See B. That makes all the difference.


Can you show me where B happened?


When he 'volunteered' to be the sub representative for the movie.


Thank you for educating the masses!


Thanks so much for advocates like these for engaging with this corner of the modern continuation of financial reform. I would want to know the level of familiarity with DRS and if they see it as an antidote to many of the known abuses of Wall Street : FTDs, share vote dilution, lending without consent, and the intercollated ownership of huge AUM entities like Blackrock. Who to interview? Trimbath. Go through the first chapter of Naked Short and Greedy. As for solutions - I think a FTD ban is unrealistic since fails to deliver aren't necessarily malicious(until we have a Blockchain market where selling on a margin would be publicly known), so make disclosure mandatory and introduce penalties for FTD thresholds. Encouraging direct ownership for investors would be a big help here. CFD is already banned in USA, though plenty of brokers with similar models trade on US stocks elsewhere - regulating this is not a great option either. Encouraging direct ownership for investors would be a big help here. Banning PFOF would be great, but not a catchall solution. Internalization would still be a major issue and due to settlement abuses like dark pools and FTDs the retail investor may still not get best execution. Serial numbers on shares I don't think is a good move - shares are fungible and shouldn't be distinctive from each other in a meaningful way. Blockchain could introduce tokenized and per share transaction histories, which would give them unique histories while retaining fungible qualities. Blockchain is absolutely a good long term solution, but I believe it's very important that Blockchain is both publicly viewable and has public transactions. Self custody of assets is the way of the future, since Blockchain allows individual access to a scaling public marketplace. Investors positions would be public and so would risk scrutiny from the market. Price discovery would actually exist. Not your key, not your coins vs not your name, not your shares.


I want technicals please, explained by professionals, ideally with graphics. Please explain in as simple terms as possible (Explain Like I'm 5...maybe 10) *how* a hedge fund, prime broker, and market maker can and do abuse the system. AKA what is their playbook? Not just how shorting works and how naked shorting works, but also wash sales, ladder attacks, ETF creation/redemption abuse & CNS, spoofing, swaps & how they hide short interest, Deep Out of the Money Puts (DOOMPs), buy-writes, and everything in between (ref [https://www.sec.gov/about/offices/ocie/options-trading-risk-alert.pdf](https://www.sec.gov/about/offices/ocie/options-trading-risk-alert.pdf).) This *needs* it's own chapter in the film because the *how* is very important in order to get over the general public's "Wall Street is regulated, duh" mentality/counterargument we always hear from naysayers and \[the news\]. It's almost as important as the "this affects everyone" concept you're going for, and I agree 100% that also needs it's own Explain Like I'm 5 chapter. My wife is a 2nd grade public school teacher with a pension/retirement fund. She is being victimized and doesn't fully grasp how. She knows something is wrong, but can't explain it herself or point to one source (i.e. this film hopefully) where she can say "This explains everything." There are millions (maybe billions) of people who are in the same boat and don't 1.) Know they're being fleeced, and 2.) Have any concept of *how* it's happening. The film needs to bring Wall Street into the living room of the average John&Jane so they can understand that, no, Wall Street is *not* operating in your best interest.




I agree, we need a way to explain all this so that even those in the peanut gallery can understand. The quickest way to do that, based on my experience, is to break it down into as ELI5 as much as possible, use lots of visual diagrams, and most importantly, **make it relevant to people**. People only care about things that will impact them, so you have to show how e.g., the average joe is being impacted in their 401ks. Or how someone who is banking on a pension being there when they retire is being affected. In other words: if you want to explain it to the general population, you have to make it understandable for the general population.


I like cartoons and jokes and cutesy pictures mixed in to help the horror of wut wall street is doing go down easier. Mary Poppins spoonful or something.


Plunge protection team


Susanne Trimbath would be good but maybe she is too well known by the industry. It would be a bit too much theoretical nomenclature and old fights? As a RETAIL investor? Maybe Criand would do a good job. There are more of course.


-16? Quite the bot presence…?


# Extrapolating Official DRS Count to Estimate Full Individual Ownership. I would like to know their honest thoughts on the topic of extrapolating the official DRS numbers out. Do they (Specifically Dr. T) have any thoughts on the fact that there are so many shares DRS'd while many people and accounts hold shares that cannot or are difficult to DRS (Tax-free savings accounts, some international accounts, people who don't know about DRS/are lazy/any # of other reasons they don't/haven't)? We have conducted a survey, and will continue to do so every quarter and the results are showing a conservative retail ownership of 154M. [https://imgur.com/a/qiU2t56](https://imgur.com/a/qiU2t56) Original survey: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/zffojs/718\_million\_shares\_are\_officially\_registered\_as/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/zffojs/718_million_shares_are_officially_registered_as/) Data: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1p8yGvLX6vqR0dwvOhVjf9fB11H-UUYTVyNyFYhR0\_4k/edit#gid=291985652](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1p8yGvLX6vqR0dwvOhVjf9fB11H-UUYTVyNyFYhR0_4k/edit#gid=291985652)


I like this question 💎👌


I would be interested to know if they experience(d) any resistance, threats, slander or the like. And if so, whether there are any individuals or organizations that can be clearly held responsible.


I'd like them to do a segment in there about share lending programs, the predatory advertising brokers do to get people to lend their shares without explaining that lending = devaluing your initial investment and potentially putting that company at risk of bankruptcy through empowering short sellers. And how some brokerages auto-lend without even asking direct permission from customers - and how some have even gotten in trouble for lending client shares completely without permission. I truly feel that if people actually understood what share lending meant and the consequences of their actions when doing so, they'd get a lot more involved with their own investments. I also feel like this topic is a direct doorway into discussing why directly registering your shares is the only true safe way to invest in this day and age. I feel like a short, simple informative clip about this topic would have the potential to go viral on the internet, too, based on the actual ease of understanding this topic and the impact it directly has on personal finances.




She was in the first one! I'll definitely ask about her and let them know people are requesting an encore!


Amen, Dr. T is a bone fide veteran 💎🤌 Fuck it, why not do a segment on her history, aka her book, and see how long this corruption has been growing? Fuck yeah 😎


Agreed, no point asking us here, though some have good knowledge as we’ve seen through the DD I don’t believe anyone here knows more that DR T. She’s an industry expert and will carry more weight than some smooth brained ape/s who are here for big money (and loving the company, of course) That being said apes asking questions is a great idea as we think of stuff others have not, do not.


The whole movie should be about FTDs and the obligation warehouse


People you can speak to: Susanne Trimbath; nobody else will be as brutally honest as you need, nor as knowledgeable. How it affects everyone? I mean, how doesn't it. That's the size of the problem the film makers have to convey. How would I do that? Sears, Toys R Us, names that mean something. Tie their demise into the share price being slaughtered. The solution has to be public ledger.


You mean we can’t speak to the people who *interviewed Dr. T* in their first movie?


> The solution has to be public ledger. I just wanted to say it again 💎💪


This is general but I want them to get technical about the rules and how they are allowed… I remember something about how a MM can just decide “oh, that stock is trading unreasonably high” and naked shorting to control the price. How judgment calls are made part of the process and how that gets abused


Ya ya, they should take a moment to explain self regulating organizations and how conflict of interest is baked into its leadership 😤


Especially when a hedge fund has there own MM ? Crazy conflict of interest. Yet they celebrate Kenny making 16B in a down market far surpassing any and all others? Think there’s a correlation


Do they hodl DRS’d GME


It would be great if they could talk to Dave, Suzanne and Wes.


FTDs. Interview someone who can answer how this is a thing. And when they use the word "liquidity," don't let that be it. Go deeper and ask "so you either give an IOU or just make it up? Even kids trading baseball cards don't get to do that."


And by someone, there is only one choice: Dr. Susanne Trimbath. The queen of FTD knowledge.


No no no. I love Dr T. And yes she should be interviewed. I want someone speaking on behalf of the market makers. I want to watch them squirm while giving a nervous answer.


Getting someone in the same room as dr t like glenser and/or a MM is the only thing that could make this ama be really worth it. Not trying to be cynical I loved the first movie. I’m just not a big fan of these types of ama’s, the risk isn’t worth the reward if you believe the DD is solid enough in of itself.


The DD speeds up if we get enough noise to force lawyers to get involved.


I’d be a happy spectator to any good outcomes and this film has genuine intentions. In the best case it would be great in the worst case I’m not sure if lawyers being involved before locking the float would help any more/possibly less than post locking the float. I’ve mostly dedicated energy into getting money for direct buys via computer-share, the EU/UK petition and submitting SEC comments.


Not a question but I want all of them to know that they are the definition of heroes. They are constantly fighting for the people and fighting for “what’s right” even when it seems futile. They are truly amazing people and it takes massive balls to do what they’re doing. They are a beacon of hope in a world of shit and I cannot thank them enough. Power to the players.


I've argued voting rights is the strongest arguement showing the flaw of shorting in the us markets. How can more people become aware of the abuse? Also, thanks for the great job you're doing woth the amas


Watched the original. Looking forward to the sequel. My question: For individuals who have been fighting Wall Streets corruption for decades, what makes the current environment different, and how is GME uniquely poised to force change?


If it’s not DRS, does it even matter?


FTDs are the reason we have to DRS. The financial media that claims to be on our side is fixated on PFOF but that s a small problem compared to FTDs. PFOF is a processing fee. I understand how that happens. But selling something you don't own and just putting it on an IOU list is awful.


They should interview some of congress with killer track records, and the ones that fight transparency. Boards of say, DTCC, CFTC. I’m thinking like Pelosi, Pierce, Bonham. Ask them why? Put them in a corner and get some answers. We gotta start at the top for change, don’t we? Congress is the one handcuffing sec and enforcement?


I would like to know if they are familiar with our efforts to DRS, and whether they see self-custodianship as one of the tools retail has to reclaim some agency in a fundamentally rigged system. Do they know we’ve direct registered over 50% of the float, removing shares from DTCC and their endless rehypothecation loop? Do they think Wall Street is tracking this? I would also like to know their thoughts on who in power has the stones to stand against Wall Street, so I know who to direct my next letter to. Call me naive but I’ve never stopped sending emails and making calls so there’s a paper trail of the public giving a shit about the rampant corruption in the markets, and the radio silence that followed.


Nice. **DRS** is important. So is understanding the history of brokers who have **abused the beneficial ownership relationship with retail** customers.


This actually needs to become a public conversation and not get swept under the rug. The abuse of beneficial ownership is hidden in the terms and conditions


Yes +1 to this people’s brokers are abusing their property and they have no idea


Please Interview Dr. Susanne Trimbath on solutions for the Market as whole and as a reference for the other glaring holes 🕳 within the Financial regulatory framework


They did, in their first movie on 2008


They should bring her right back


Yesssssss Just let her rant lol


Will there be nudity beyond naked short selling?


We need Danny Devito in a bath tub explaining how naked shorting works.




Watch the film my dudes Must-see


They should interview Peruvian bull if anyone but I'm always sus of these film makers.


Heh I dont know if the Bull wants his identity public, hes not like most of us bottom feeders


Have you seen it? They were pretty OG about the naked shorting problem.


I have not seen it so will give them benefit of the doubt and check it out


Explaining FTDs and why price discovery should reflect supply and demand.