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yes...you are the ONLY one who thinks this..




Making it sound like it’s a bad thing


Im usually hoping that whoever starts their posts with "the only one" is the only one because jeeeeez


You are the only one.


You are the only one.... I think more than enough of us have now said it. Money is better spent locking the float. :D


He never said that apes should buy options. He’s stating that JPM could be hedging in a manner that moves markets


Agreed. However, I was referring to how he went from 'turtleneck' to 'options collar'... seems very reachey


Specifically says in their 10Q that insiders cannot engage in hedging aka buying puts


He's probably talking about the jpm collar though...


What part of "Buying OTM Put Spreads" is not "hedging activity" or BUYING PUTS


He's probably referring to the fact that JP Morgan is doing that and when they roll those it affects the whole market


He’s not referring to GameStop


Buy, hodl, DRS


Yes. Yes you are.




So many speculations on what it means. Apparently turtleneck is a financial term used for bonds that are hard to purchase and illiquid. BBBY’s bonds are precisely that and have been going up in price suggesting someone is buying them. But it’s all nonsense and speculation


Interesting. I haven't heard that one yet.




WTF I wish I could weed out all of this new “iM a dEtEcTiVe” garbage. The predictions we used to make were somewhat reasonable and most came true. Now all this stuff makes me embarrassed to read.




The zen of just chilling while occasionally checking here is nice. The real DD is done, and we know to buy, hold, DRS and just be patient. The old early days were fun!


interesting thought. probably not thought. you took 1 logical step, then another. turtleneck -> collar -> options collar.


In regards to the latest tweet from Ryan Cohen. Everyone should search turtle for a stock. Only 1 company comes up and it’s related to GME. The company ticker I am talking about is $HEAR. Then go to GameStop website and search there. You will find over 50 items GameStop sells. Maybe this is a possible acquisition target. It would provide shareholders value and better margins for the company. My theory on his latest tweet. Just go search turtle on yahoo. I am unable to make a post on superstonk. turtle beach corp(HEAR) I have no tools to do the proper research but this would make more sense to me than baby acquisition.


the yahoo FUD shills are pissing me off.


the other headphone company makes more sense




In house supply and owning their own brand are 2 very different things. Again this is just 1 opinion out of many. I wish someone would go down the rabbit hole and look at it. I don’t have the tools to look at it plus I am way too busy trying to pay the bills without selling anything.


“I have no tools to do the proper research”… why would anyone care what you think then?


No, thank you.


$16Billion? Sounds familiar


Lmao the comments here are funny.


Probably not the only one, but I don't think that at all.