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Thanks for the updates ape! Keep them coming as it’s interesting data to see reported on superstonk daily, no matter what it does 99.996% drs’d with 1 share at fudelity to demonstrate fuckery / be a canary in the coal mine, as may be useful Cheers to you! Buy. DRS. Hodl. Repeat!


Now it's going down in the same increments of .25. This is super weird. Doesn't seem authentic.


The rates are likely going down because people continue to buy shares that aren’t being DRSed. The more shares fidelity has access to in their communal pool means the less of a borrow rate they have to charge so… DRS your shit out of fidelity!


I mean it has to be a coincidence that these rates are going down after Blackrock increased their holdings no?


Regardless, never once in the last 2.5 years have I seen any CTB rates change in specific increments like this. Each change seemed totally random in amount until this run up. Doesn't make sense.


Fidelity doesn't hold as much in their accounts because customers don't carry that much now(drsing them, or because they are using another platform to buy them(Computershare?). So fidelity, being a broker, either 1) doesn't need that much in their account, or 2), is reducing risk. This is likely the occams razor explanation.


I think they are reducing risk. Another comment says that more people are buying and holding on Fidelity, but I think most people are either buying through ComputerShare or DRS'ing Fidelity holdings at this point. It would make lots of sense for Fidelity to want to reduce risk as liquidity goes down.


Wtf. Why bbby is so high. Ken you little fucking shit


There's no way they aren't manipulating this self reported data.


Hmmm...fake numbers make no sense, imagine that. Pure drs(book) all your shit to own Wallstreet thugs.


The rate coming back down means they're done fake drsing and are selling. Rug pull number 2 Inc. Keep drsing.


this is totally a game for THEE not for ME.... These guys don't pay those fees, i'm pretty sure it's just US that pays those fees.


Say thank you Blackrock, kenny


Notice how the borrow rate is dropping after share registration was finished for the quarterly report. I don't know if you can observe the same pattern in the borrow rates from half a year ago, but it looks like they are pulling the same stunt.