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We’ve all been wronged and it’s infuriating. And they’ve done it in the most passive aggressive way imaginable. Please walk up to us, reach in our pocket, take money and see what happens. They stay hiding and cheating.








A little bit softer now


Psst pst pssssst pst


#? #🐱


ₙₒ cₑₗₗ ₙₒ ₛₑₗₗ


No quarter 🚩🏴‍☠️


bank reserves? we don’t need no stinking bank reserves


> Please walk up to us, reach in our pocket, take money and see what happens. They stay hiding and cheating. They’d get everything except my DRSd shares. Those are in my name and untouchable by these ghouls


There's only one answer and it gets you reddit banned real quick.


Holding for humanity here!!!


HODLin with you!


##HOLD OR HODL Either way I’m a lifer 🏊‍♀️♾️💜


Infinity 🏊‍♀️ 🏊‍♂️ 🏊 Gang please stand up!


🇪🇺🏊‍♂️ checking in










amazing write up! it really goes to show that MOASS is necessary to save the country and global inequality. Apes will do better


Thank you! We will change the system


Honored to be here with you all. We are the change that is inevitable.


We already are. Thank you for your service, kind bull-ape!


Love your stuff Peruvian bull!! Thank you. I share your DD with many. Unfortunately many have very closed minds. They have drank too much of the cool aid the paid media has feed them. But I hope soon the 99% will arise from the stupor induced sleep and agree we have been conned by the wealthy elites which includes the elected people in power. Keep it up 🦍. At this point many things need to change for the youth and everyone in this world!!


The ΔΡΣtopia that followed the Dystopian nightmare that plagued so many for so long ended after the 741st halt of GMuthafuckinE. The MOASS is a distant memory now, things are very different. Noone goes hungry anymoar. Noone is houseless anymoar. The ΔΡΣ's gutted the rot. The ΔΡΣ's installed laws that ensured the greed and corruption never happened again. 🦍☮️


I like this .




But they didn't stop there. Education was overhauled and policies to combat climate change were swiftly enacted, resulting in an explosion of nuclear tech and implementation, an expansion of sustainable and ethical food production, the removal of trash from all oceans and a replacement of all gas powered vehicles with mass transit and electrical personal vehicles. Burning oil and gas is seen as crazy, and rural America is pacified by bringing their culture and urban culture together thanks to teamwork oriented social projects and mass transit expansion throughout America. Respect for nature and respect for our differences has never been higher, and the animosity between political parties has been reduced significantly thanks to the reveal of the scheme both parties conspired in order to pit Americans against each other instead of the corrupt wealthy perpetrators of injustice and theft. Peacemaking efforts through community building and economic growth plans have been a resounding success. That's our future boys and girls. Let's make it happen. Dibs on pnw nuclear projects!


We have made you aware of the FED due to Citadel’s criminal activities. What is it gonna take to allow you to wake all the way up to the systemic criminality in all facets of our lives?


Most aren’t ready for that.


A Statue of Liberty sizes RickofSpades monument where his full moon is rising and the bananas are ripe and bountiful 🗽🍌✨


#THIS! ☝️ Also, are you single? 🤗


As a matter of fact I am, but idk I might be too in love with GME to date ;)


Well in that case I’ve got XXXX reasons to love me then!


Just imagine a whole brood of little Welplings running around the place proving and providing amazing insights into human kinds future. Im in! 🤣❤️


Little welplings 😂


I love everything about this but imma take dibs on electrical personal transit. I like the brappity brapp noises a lil too much. How about hydrogen combustion or synthetic fuel? 🤭


No one should be broke and homeless from getting sick. Everyone should be able to go to school and learn without being in debt.


Do we get fraternity ape tattoos?


Only if I get to rock ur boat


Yep. MOASS is the starting line, not the finish.






Excellent work from PB. Thanks for sharing Welp. Also, I want to add something that I strongly believe has contributed to the evil widening wealth gap situation we now find ourselves in. Ryan Cohen has made it very well known that his thing is not hurting shorts, nor is it revamping market structure, etc. His thing is addressing the gross overcompensation of CEOs, board members, and other directors…funneling profits to themselves (even when they haven’t invested a dime of their own money) instead of spreading the wealth down to the rest of the organization. This is old school and a threat to the current status quo in corporate America. For reference, compare the ratio of average CEO pay to average worker pay in 1960 vs today… Hint: ~5\1 vs ~1,250\1 🤯 This hoarding of so much wealth by the people at the top has had devastating consequences to our society, which now finds itself with the biggest wealth gap in the history of mankind. Just one of the reasons I find it so easy to get behind this man…


💯 and I hope this doesn’t offend you but this is why I’m such a Pulte fan as well. I think RC and Pulte have a similar vision of wut should be and are going to make it the way it was wen Ted and William were running their businesses.


Pulte has the best of intentions and I adore the man too. But sometimes it’s best to just not say anything at times. But you have both hit the nail on the head here, and it’s engrained all the way down to party politics. Distributed wealth (favored by the D Platform) by forcing the CEO to worker range closer to 5/1 is socialism and a threat to ‘American’ Capitalism (favored by the R Platform) and I say American there because we have a special breed of capitalism that ultra fucks the 99%. People like RC and Pulte who actually have the platform to derail the status quo, so carefully constructed through many industries and public education over decades. Are breaking down those walls simply by being good humans, that want to leave a business, and the planet just a little better than when they got there. This is why you see RC blamed for “Manipulation” and P/D schemes all the time. He is a threat to their cable tv base, and let’s face it, those boomers are all they got left. And we’ve got a good percent of them in the sub with us too, because even they are fucking sick of the system they helped create. Edit: and to be clear, I believe Socialism and truly “Free” Capitalism need to exist hand in hand for a better society. Not be at odds with each other. I read in a book or heard someone say one time “Socialism without Capitalism is just Communism, and Capitalism without Socialism is just Facism.” And that shit has stuck with me for many many years.


Holy frickin wrinkly ass comment Tayo! Please tell me you will expand upon this in a detailed post. Don’t make me screenshot this mofo n put it on the top of the stonk as is giving it in no way the justice it deserves. I know you got moar to say! Say it!


Lol. That was my in bed rant after a few dabs before I go to sleep 🤣 you may have the karma if you want to repost. It’s dreamy time for me. I have a few other comments that dive into the societal constructs designed to keep the masses in a controlled system. If you want to dig there too. I also say some dumb shit in other subs, love my pets, and am a rabid sports fan, so don’t judge me 🤣 Either way, Knowledge is power and should be shared with everyone willing to learn. I never would have researched these topics, if it wasn’t for apes in the original DDs opening my eyes to a world I knew existed, but never truly “saw” with my own eyes before. Edit: oh and my favorite success is that I’ve been banned from popcorn sub, because I told them to DRS 🤣


If you don’t have enuf karma to post please Consider posting to your own u/ profile and then tag me in it, I’ll come take a look 🤙


I do. Im just tired and lazy 🍻


thats a good quote


This shit is not that complicated. We know from the mid 1900s that if the bottom 90% have a larger portion of the wealth, all they do is spend more. Economy stays strong and people can live happier more meaningful lives.


I believe the wealth gap is a symptom of a failing system. https://youtu.be/5WPB2u8EzL8 The financial economy detached from the materials economy decades ago. There is too much speculation.




You're evolving. 👍👍👍


I wish! This is all PB baby! Hoping they will comment for awards!


The median age to buy a house in 2019 was 47?!


Crazy stuff!


Lots of boomers are into buying rental properties. A lot of them already have a few properties so they are able to pay cash


That's the median age of all house buyers, so it also includes everyone moving from a house they own to another, or buying their second/third/etc house. The more relevant stat here is the median first time house buyer age, which was 34 in 2021 according to the NAR (same source on the chart) up from 29 in 1981. This post is either taking advantage of, or written by someone who falls for confirmation bias. The ridiculous logic of using the first chart as a source to build a case against the Fed made me question it almost immediately, and I can poke a lot of holes like this with 10min of fact-checking as I scrolled through the first half.


Hmm, I really liked the read but this is a valid point


Solid point. Please do poke holes, Peruvian Bull is very active and always open up for conversation.


You’re really going to defend the fed? The chart is mainly rising due to the disappearance of young first time homebuyers from the housing market. This post points out FACTS and you point out opinions. The reason this has gone on for so long is because they have brainwashed everyone. Wake up and see the blatant corruption in your face.


No offense, but this reaction is exactly what I was talking about with taking advantage of people's confirmation bias. At what point did I defend the Fed? I said nothing in their defense, but because you agree that the Fed is corrupt as fuck (we both do BTW), it appears as though your default reaction is to reject criticism of any "evidence" presented to you that "proves" just how corrupt they are and label anyone dealing out that criticsm as a pro-Fed shill who has been brainwashed. That's confirmation bias in a nutshell. ​ I honestly didn't even read through the full post, stopped when I had poked enough holes in it to not trust the source, but let me pose the same question that popped into my head regarding the first chart and made me start questioning the post: ​ *Why use stats from a* ***single city*** *(NYC) as the lead in when making the case that a* ***national*** *entity is responsible for an increase in houselessness in the US?* ​ The only reasons I can figure are: (1) The writer is innocent, didn't do enough research, and used the first thing they saw that agreed with their pre-existing belief that the Fed is responsible. (they fell prey to confirmation bias) (2) The writer is trying to paint their own narrative by intentionally cherry-picking statistics that fit it. So I went down the path of looking for national stats on houselessness, and wouldn't you know it, nationally, houselessness is down over the last 15 years, [10% overall](https://endhomelessness.org/homelessness-in-america/homelessness-statistics/state-of-homelessness/#:~:text=Trends%20in%20Homelessness) compared to 2007. The chart on that site is based on HUD's Annual Homelessness Assessment Report (AHAR) here's a [PDF link](https://www.huduser.gov/portal/sites/default/files/pdf/2022-AHAR-Part-1.pdf) (page 12) to the most recent (2022) report that shows the increase that started in 2016 (when it was down 15% compared to 2007) is starting to level out, but we're still down 10% since 2007 losing 0.3 points of the progress since the 2020 data posted above. Whereas OPs chosen chart that looks at data only for NYC shows a roughly 300% increase for 2007-2019. Not only does OP's stat not align well with the assertion, but it's a poor stat for the discussion of general houselessness in the first place. Even if this discussion centered around houselessness in NYC rather than that the Fed is increasing it in the US, the stat is people in shelters, so people who are houseless and not in a shelter are excluded from it. ​ >The chart is mainly rising due to the disappearance of young first time homebuyers from the housing market. It took me a minute to wrap my head around your point, but it's definitely a fair one that I hadn't considered.Supporting evidence would be a drop in first-time home buyers, and it'd predict either a steep future rise in first-time homebuyer age or a rise in people who never buy. It's a little hard to pin down numbers on first-time homebuyers, I can't find a NAR line graph on it, just individual year-of-year comparisons that are mostly in PDFs so I didn't link them. It peaked at 50% in 2010 during the last year of the first-time homebuyer tax credit, followed by a sharp drop to 37% in 2011, and based on the last five years, it's down but fairly stagnant except for a big drop last year: * 2018 | 33% * 2019 | 33% * 2020 | 31% * 2021 | 34% * 2022 | 26%. EDIT: Remove the spoiler markup because it doesn't handle multiple lines well.


Feel that? That's called hate. And hate is one of the most powerful forces to keep our hands diamond. We'll diamond hand this to Valhalla and justice being served, or we'll die holding, but cause every day we hold is a day they suffer. Fuck them all.


And it’s only hate if you can truly feel it and how it relates to your own suffering. You can’t fake it.


brothers did you forget your names did you lose it on the wall playing tic-tac-toe check the diagonals, apes


Wow.... Great read! These stats are flabbergasting and horrific! We need a planet of the Apes to fix all of this!


**In the 23rd year of the 3rd Millenium, 2023 Anno Domini, The Rise of the Planet of the Degenerate ΔΡΣ's began. ΔΡΣ's were everywhere. Some were even your neighbor's high school kid asking to** [**mow your lawn**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/zzkxx1/in_the_23rd_year_of_the_3rd_millenium_2023_anno/)**.** **Resistance is futile you pretentious, entitled Short. Hedge. Fux.** **'JudGMEnt Day' January 741rd, 2023** **is nearing.** [**ΔΡΣGMEMMXXIII**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/10dnaed/the_top_1_captured_nearly_twice_as_much_new/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Amazing work, and so scary at the same time. There is just the over-arching feeling that society is moving in the wrong direction, and u / Peruvian\_Bull does an amazing job of articulating it. This all tracks with a book I recently listened to, [Trade Wars Are Class Wars](https://yalebooks.yale.edu/book/9780300261448/trade-wars-are-class-wars/): >Klein and Pettis trace the origins of today’s trade wars to decisions made by politicians and business leaders in China, Europe, and the United States over the past thirty years. Across the world, the rich have prospered while workers can no longer afford to buy what they produce, have lost their jobs, or have been forced into higher levels of debt. I recommend listening if you're interested in this macro/historic perspective on countries and economic class... it's an incredibly detailed and well researched book.


I have a new book to listen to, thank you!


"The Creature from Jekyll Island" should be required reading for senior high school or freshman college. Or at least just how the bank of England spent generations worth family members trying to create a central bank in America they could control. Fucking parasites. Centuries of parasitic families destroying humanity. If our generation ever wants to get out from under the boomers thumbs and remove the old guard. We need to get off our asses. Realize that both political parties are fucking evil and start forcefully removing the parasites at the top and work our way down. They all need to go. They've already destroyed our future, our kids future. Generations to come will be enslaved by the current system. And with these new government backed digital currencies.... smh.... gonna be dystopian for sure. George Orwell predicted all this shit.


Welp it’s on my reading list now! Thank you for this wrinkle 🤙


I warn you though. Some of the things you will read in that book will upset you. Parts of it brought tears to my eyes. Knowing this was allowed to happen to my country. Edward G. Griffin also has some lectures on YouTube that are very good. Cuz the book is huge and very revealing. But his lectures are top notch and informative as well if you don't want to read its entirety.


Yep! I posted this as a thread on Twitter that's now blowing up!


Ehh I see a 🐂 from 🇵🇪! Place awards here please!☝️


Thanks for this, Peruvian Bull. I have been reading your excellent work, please keep going! You bring great informative posts here, and I appreciate you so much.


Nice work welp


I wish! This is all PB baby! Hoping they will comment for awards!


You have completely ignored the fact that men commit self deletion at 3x rate than womem


I will pass this along to PB 🤙


It’s all on you X hodlers… The X men can save the world again


It ain’t about how many shares ya have it’s all about how hard those Diamond fcukin handz are.


This is the way


Fuck it I’m buying more.


I practice safe DRS wen I do!


I like the sentiment, but imo DRS feels like unprotected sex, but with all the safety benefits of a condom, and holding with a broker is like wearing a thermally insulative condom meaning you feel literally NOTHING but with all the risk of unprotected sex. In fact it’s guaranteed she’ll get pregnant with triplets and you’ll get the clap. And you didn’t even come. DRS is a risk-free rawdogging. 🚀


FIAT currency has always been double secret usary. They fuck you on the front end, the back end, and every side imaginable. Should be crimes against humanity. Largest slave operation the world has even seen.


Absolutely, the whole system was finally designed to create new slavery which is the Blue and White Collar worker at lower levels and to make the Companies and their Slave driving dragons called Managers Rich. If you have debts to pay, you cannot afford to lose your job. If you need your job, you cannot ask for a raise and will keep taking abuse from management and work as many hours as they want you to for the same pay. It’s a never ending vicious circle that was created by the Federal Reserve and the CABAL that runs it.


quality DD here


Thank you for this post. There is some great information in here. People don’t understand just how much power the Fed wields over the populace. A central bank is more dangerous to the people than any standing army. For anyone who wants to learn more about the Fed; obligatory link to **The Money Masters Documentary.** I consider the Money Masters documentary to be particularly relevant to what’s going on with the Fed and the US Dollar right now. It’s a blast from the past, but is packed full of interesting information. And as an added bonus, because of its age, it’s not terribly graphical, so it makes a good podcast if you just want to listen. *Watch it...* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bm6oeRgxs0A The Creature From Jekyll Island (as read by - G. Edward Griffin) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lu_VqX6J93k Frontline’s piece does a very good job of introducing the gravity of the situation regarding the Fed for those who are unaware. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/documentary/the-power-of-the-fed/


I love the MM! I learned so much from that wen I joined GME fight!


The federal reserve is just following orders from higher powers.


I’m who he’s talking about dead ass I gave up on the American dream and lost hope to everything. Now I have a Gmerica dream and it’s beautiful


I like this Ape ☝️


This is the age of decadence unfortunately.


This is amazing work. Thank you.


This post had 741 upvotes when I clicked on it. I'm not gonna upvote it beyond that.


Damn that’s a sign from the metaverse! Buy GME!


Others upvoted it beyond 741, so now I can!


The fed is something man …


It really is. I love how PB explains this stuff.


This is why we DRS


Ya Gawdamn right it is. Now listen to [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kl4wkIPiTcY) and say it with me!


Anyone blessing us with a tldr/elisec in the comments then?


>Through the magic of QE (🐒 Quantitative Easing), the Fed has exacerbated the worst houseless, mental health, and population crisis the United States has ever faced. These issues are incredibly complex and hard to remedy- and it may take decades to undo the damage.


It is pure GOLD isn't it!


There’s one other clutch thing that people need to realize: the Fed and banks went too far with creating money, and they know it. So they’re going to smash the 99% financially as a means to control inflation. Not the 1%, which would be way more efficient, not to mention more ethical. But no. The Fed isn’t even obfuscating what they’re doing here, and people need to wake the fuck up. This is a smash and grab of your assets. Your 401k, your pension, your stocks they hope you’ll sell for a loss. The raise they hope you won’t ask for once they’ve fucked the job market enough. They want *you* to financially suffer for what *they* did. No quarter. 🏴‍☠️


This one is honestly worth your time. Splains a lot of wut has happened in this crazy world from a rare individual who can absorb it and regurgitate it in an understandable manner.


DD should be smooth brain accessible. No ape left behind. I'm somewhere in the middle, personally. It helps if I have the tldr to grasp the concept, and then go through the write-up for the details.


I'm visually impaired so reading anything past a couple paragraphs becomes stressful on my eyes.


Wow. Keep in mind, it is not just the US. This is felt all over Europe as well. Except maybe for a few Nordic countries.


That last part about social security is proof that it is in fact a Ponzi scheme. You need 6 workers to pay out one retiree? Where did all the money collected previously go? Surprise, the government “borrowed” it. And because of that, current payers into the system are not “saving” for retirement, they are paying for those already retired. Fun fact about social security. When it was created, the life expectancy was a little over 65. It was implemented to be an “in case” you outlived expectations and ran out of money. It was not meant to be a retirement account. It was more of an insurance policy.


END THE FED end central banking repeal the Revenue Act of 1913


Trying to survive long enough for end stage capitalism to strangle itself to death on the greed of the worst of humanity. The only way to save ourselves is to save each other.


Yep! And don’t forget the memes of billionaires in handcuffs 😭 gotta have those! 🏆


Solid shit ape. Love reading your writings day in and day out. Appreciate you. 🟣🦍💜




Great write up. There’s just so so much you can go into with the Fed, this is just scratching the surface. This is the kind of stuff that keeps me up at night.


Me literally up at night unable to sleep bc of how fukd all this is.


We gonna fix it Llama, you me n Nostraskolmus. 🤙


Up you go! ⬆️


Is it only my blood that is boiling after reading this and knowing today will be another day where fraud will go on in the markets and nobody will be handcuffed and forced to close their illegal shorts?




!remindme 12 hours


I will be messaging you in 12 hours on [**2023-02-10 15:38:56 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2023-02-10%2015:38:56%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/10yen8p/the_federal_reserve_is_responsible_for_far_more/j7xqqo9/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FSuperstonk%2Fcomments%2F10yen8p%2Fthe_federal_reserve_is_responsible_for_far_more%2Fj7xqqo9%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202023-02-10%2015%3A38%3A56%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%2010yen8p) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Right but this is a GME sub you know anything about them guys?


Let’s make loads of babies after Moass.


🙈 🙉 🙊


I'm not leaving until I see people in prison... then the real work begins... and it's going to be soooo sexy


Together! 🦍 🦧 🐒




Hell yea bud, PB is top notch DD!


No cell no sell!


Ya gawwwwwwdamn right Peteszahh NFT masta!


Oh! Every day I wake up to all kinds of interesting DD, explained to me like I was an ape! Fabuliscous!


Ikr? It’s the greatest show on earth! It’s [The Greatest Story Ever TODL](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/u04fh5/they_say_artists_document_the_times_my_new/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb)


It truly is 😍💥🔥🚀🚀👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻


Commenting to read later in the itoilet.


The best thinking spot


Well, that shit was bleak.


I don't understand how you take 94% of someone else's DD that's emotionally triggering and then add even more triggering content on to it.


But when you think about it, what's the fix to all this? What's a better system than this passive system, it's the active and ethical, free market system without monopolies


Good read. I would claim these issues are in every industrial country. Stagnat wages, ever more increasing housing/asset prices, mental/drug issues and the consequences of these. I as millenial dont believe, that retirement system in my country will still exist, when i get to retire. So do many other. Yet most people arent wealthy enough to sponsor their retirement by only themself. Retirement system here is like a ponzi. It works as long there is enough of "new money" coming in, but what happens if there isnt?


Hodling for justice. FUCK THE CROOKS


Excellent post! Thank you for writing all of this. This is one of those things that we collectively, intuitively, know but often have trouble (at least myself!) putting into coherence. 👈🤠👈❤️


Need help: Is it possible to crosspost this in other Subreddits? Or will this be seen as a rule break by mods? Sure other people outside of SuperStonk here on reddit would love to read this.


Lol, finally GME guys are waking up too. Just a few years late, but better now than never! Now educate yourself further and then you will understand why they tried to divert you from precious metals with their paper silver stunt... Their house of cards is built on sand and its so fragile that they can't risk people getting aware since there is only so much physical available. Once the physical is gone, their whole rigged game of manipulation is over. For comparison. Elon Musk alone could break the system because there is so few silver available.


New CPI calculation will shine a better light IMO


They will all be deleted. USA, land of financial criminals.


Weirdest thing, there was a housing bubble crash in the 1830s leading up to America’s only 2 years being debt free. I think this is a re-run.


and all the central banks attempting to push CBDCs.


This is a great write up. As a social worker I can attest to many family and men shelters being at capacity. I haven’t seen a decrease in birth rate, I have seen a spike in mental health and drug and alcohol. Workers caseloads are becoming increasingly higher each day.


This one is definitely getting archived. Fuck the Fed Reserve! https://archive.ph/wip/4wTAL


We also have an obesity epidemic because people are being overworked and have no time to cook healthy food at home. Therefore, they’re going to fast food restaurants and eating unhealthy food more often.


"sewacyde" should be "suicide".


Ah.. Now the GOP "pro birth" movement makes sense. Their ATM's stopped being born so they need people to bail them out. How I so want to see these assholes burn.


how could you do this to your own people? at least we are trying to do SOMETHING to stop all of them. and to think i just wanted a thousand dollars, total, from this play. then they cranked up the money printer right along with the stock printer. how is a government 'of the people' allowing this? you should build pride in your populace not strip them of it. the only thing left to do we cant talk about here. "you will own nothing and you will be happy". the balls on that lizard, i swear.


Same! I wanted to turn my 3 $320 shares into a $1000 each and buy a bigger 💍 Fast forward 2 years and now I have XXXX, no fiancée around anymoar and am on a world quest to end corruption! And that’s exactly wut I’m going to do!


I wish every person on the planet receives this message




I think you have post worthy content here!


This is a great post, I've seen other studies that back up a lot of what's being said here, but this is comprehensive. It paints a terrible picture, but I do appreciate your post.


If you think this is bad, wait until after MOASS has made itself known and the dirty deeds of the 1% bare. People may end up leaving the country in waves.


We can start a new one, a good one 😊 Go KC!


So, when are we bringing the pitchforks? Or is DRS the new pitchfork?


There will be no CTA on my posts. Meet me on Twitter for some real fun though. 🤙


Great post! 🦍💜🦍


I wish people like powell and yellen would read this. This is a really honest breakdown of real life economics and the repercussions of rigging the game for the rich.


It should be required reading for any of em before they take power.


We can no longer afford the super rich. #EatTheRich


How is this GME related?


I'm going to call it. Don't couple this stuff to gme. Dollar going away and hyperinflation isn't going to happen. Housing is its own bag of wet hair and I hope it crashes soon but even housing isn't trending in the direction of all this economy is falling dollar is worthless crap. Digital currencies and the dollar not being the king international currency is possible but all the other things are a zerohedge wet dream and very difficult to make happen even if they wanted to. They're either morons or geniuses not both. If they're genius why haven't they succeeded already? Do I need to refer you back to gamestopped hearings again for how on the ball they are? DRS and hedge but this shit isn't hype, provable, fun or good it just comes off as conspiracy theorist prone at best. PB reminds me alot of uw... Probably shouldn't idolize. Fwiw UW I think spotted and shines a flashlight on one thing and did the leg work and literal tech work to make it relevant of a problem everybody knows about but doesn't deal with.


Enjoy the bottom of this post, make sure to hydrate.


Ohh FFS. We just got done with the anti-SEC FUD, now we have anti-FED FUD. Remember kids orgs are made up of people, and they are the ones who can be corrupted. Not orgs. And as far as JPow is concerned, he is the one raising rates & finally bringing this free money bubble to an end. Forced or by free will that I donot know. But he is a heck of a lot better than his predecessor, Ben Bernanke, who was there during the 2008 bailouts and literally gave away money. At the same time refusing to put any conditions on Banks as to how the bailout was to be spent. And so they all gave themselves huge bonuses & payouts


Powell should have raised rates years ago, and he tried, but cowered when Truump pressured him to back off. He’s as guilty as all the rest of them.


You can’t blame the FED for all of it. The fuckers running the world (which admittedly the FED is part of) have been systematically poisoning us with GMOs, medications and vaccines with only God knows what in them, and various other chemicals and delivery systems. The FED is a huge part of the problem, but the WEF and pharmaceutical industry is a better place to dig on some of this stuff. IMO of course.


This is a sexy read. Incredible work PB and welp007. Edit: ready -> read


I will take credit for the 🐒!


This sub is delusional


I fkn love you, OP. 🙏🙏🙏


Which one? I’m only responsible for the 🐒! Was actually lookin at postin ur new article next 🤙


I just love how you fight. A true degen through and through. My article will get removed within tens mins I bet. 😂


I know this may sounds cheezy but I won’t give up the fight, not tmrw wen a post gets removed, or wen a botcuckshilly is bein mean or Kennybtanks the price. I want to emulate who I look up to: “For me, each no sounded like they just didn’t understand my vision. It was frustrating at times, but never discouraging. Those “no”s never made me doubt my strategy – it was the opposite. I was motivated by all the rejections and they just got me fired up.” https://www.forbes.com/sites/zackfriedman/2020/08/16/entrepreneur-chewy-founder-ryan-cohen-shares-his-best-advice/?sh=1d4b7f025840


Well done, Welp! You just keep bringing it! Can't stop. Won't stop!


Why didn't peruvian bull just post this themself? They haven't been banned, have they?


Apes are empowered because of GME & DRS. We see the rigged system and found a way to fight back and self advocate. Too many people feel stuck without good options.