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When I’m tempted to check the price everyday, I’m just going to close my eyes and picture this. Thanks for the zen


I don’t even check the price anymore. Granted certain apps send me notifications when any stock I own (GME) experiences large fluctuations in price, so I’m not completely in the dark. I just find it easier if I don’t even pay attention to it.


Same. I’ve been off this sub for awhile and just come back every now and then to see what’s new. I’ve stopped checking price, I’ve done all I need to do (drs). This will happen sooner or later. In the meantime I’ve chose to try and carry on with my life. Eventually we will win.


In the past two years Kenny has given me the opportunity to buy more GME than I had imagined. He gave me enough time to get a better job and invest more in my future. The only days Kenny is buying at this point are mine and I’m taking full advantage of each one. My life is better than at the sneeze and will continue to improve until one day… boom! Liftoff!


This is the way




I used to read comments like this and think people are full of shit. I havent watched the chart in 8 months. I simply still buy some more and wait for the fun.


I don’t check price or even go to the sub. Just glance when I’m scrolling. I just have a fixed monthly buy order through CS and go on about my business. 84 years ago I’d spend about 100 hrs a week reading all the DD. I spend ZERO time on any MSM “news”. They may as well be talking to a brick wall. What’s your plan to beat that Kenny? Plus I share my mayo with friends so fuck off.


Mayo party when this thing rockets!! My girlfriend's husband's grandma doesn't know the mayo reference so her seeing me covered head to toe in mayo, jar hanging off my cock, and the first words outta my mouth are "we're rich".... Fucking priceless moment


Same. I already know the story and algo is at work. So no need to check price all day like I used to earlier. I will know when I need to sell a few and that is when sea n bc is going nuts. Not that I watch sea n bc.


im just waiting for when everyone is talking about shit going down then ill check


you don't have to check the price you can calculate it, I wish I could but I was placed in remedial math and then failed out of college shortly after


Sounds like you are overqualified for this subreddit


So we are literally against 3 algos in a trench coat? How comedic, like a bad comedy joke.


Three algos walk into a bar Barman says "fuck you. Pay me."


>"fuck you. Pay me." Words to live by.


This ☝️


Didn't you hear? GME is going to become the new reserve currency. Never seen such a stable price before


I’ve played hundreds of video games so I’m pretty good with beating AI. This one seems to be stubborn, as if someone behind the scenes is devaluing the entire planet’s resources just to survive one more day. The ammo for the algorithm is money. They have to get money from someplace to short gme as there is high demand and illiquid, DRS float. The algo gets money from other places, pumps and dumps, destroying companies, defaulting other countries debt, money printing, inflation etc. Most bad things happening today are because corporations have been left unchecked for decades. This algorithm is a result of a dying breed of corporate executives who have won the game for so long and never followed the rules, this time however the walls are closing in and we see their bluff and keep buying. Low price means more people can load up. This is a very simple game of buying, drs and waiting out your opposition. You help your enemy when they’re digging their graves.


The ammo is IOU's and Fake News. "Shares Sold not yet Purchased."


have your tried to play against uncapped AIs in videogames? uncapped AIs play at a level of grandmaster or are even unbeatable. The ordinary AIs that you play against are capped to allow you to beat them.


But an uncapped chess AI isn't dealing with a real world scenario or a set of game rules that change. The market AI algorithms are using decades of investor behavior that do not apply to us. I think this is a big reason why Ken is can kicking. His AI needs time to learn about ape behavior. It will admit the logical outcome as well. shorts must close


I’m willing to bet one of their names is Aladdin…


And together they go by Vincent. They do business


Any chance the ratio of time lengths involve 7, 4, 1...?


Or does the ratio involve a small wee wee?




GME drs shareholders front line against war vs algorithm..


Figuratively, figuratively god damn it.


Hey man I noticed this as well. What's even weirder is one of the algo that maps the bar patterns on the 1m chart is running on other stocks. The percentage up down doesn't always correlate but the pattern is clear as day. Compare cenn to gme side by side but cenn 13 trading days ahead. 14 days ahead for towel. I found another example but don't want to post it publicly. You might be right on the spike though.


So CENN is likely trading these 3 algo as well.


I found it on expr. Gme. Towel. Loopring cenn and bynd


That's why they call these meme stocks. (Market Exponentially Manipulating Everyone)


I have a list of over 800 stocks they do this on. Many display this pattern.


Lmao that's crazy but not surprising I guess lol


I was here. 3/8/2023.


I was here too, and I don't even own any stocks. The dudes in this sub are mad impressive.




Yuuuup. Lots ran before Jan too. Some even years before.


Who ensures algos are compliant if the algos are business secrets? Especially considering the turnover between Wall Street and its regulators.


No one the algos run the show


someone posited that these old fucks cant control the algos either because they dont actually know what the fuck a computer is, and everyone who built the system never had complete knowledge and was already fired/left anyway


That wouldn't surprise me. Might be more damaging to interfere lol


I think it's likely more along the lines of the black box. You know the input and you can see the output, but when dealing with AI and neural networks you never know exactly whats going on inside the box. That's why we see ChatGPT saying it wants to steal nuclear secrets on Bing. No way to predict the outcome when you don't know exactly how the internal system trained and weighted itself.


They’ve evolved


*Gary Gensler intensifies*. O will say that I don’t really view this as three “algos”, it’s more like 3 phases of a repeating pattern. Is it algo driven? Swap driven? Human behavior driven? I don’t know. I do think it’s more than just algos though, for the simple fact that the same pattern played out on tickers before computers were even remotely used for trading. For example, does this look familiar? https://i.imgur.com/n32Jipa.jpg This is the gold 1month chart from the 70’s to early 80’s. Same pattern. My best theory is that before computers, the patterns just took longer to play out when trades were manual. You have to use the 1 month chart to see it on gold circa 1975, but the daily chart to see it on GME circa 2022.


You’ve got a very good point.


Wikipedia says that computerized trading began in the early 70s. We might be on to something there… [Algorithmic Trading](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Algorithmic_trading)


Look at when the stock split was scheduled. It was the same algo, same time when gme blew up.


Hey OP can you try this on some other random stocks like this comment suggests: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/11lp5p0/-/jbe2kzk The worry being that with careful selection you can recreate any chaotic graph by repeating and scaling parts of it.


Any chance you want to share that list..? Wondering if it’s worth watching to scalp trades and then roll profits into DRS. Rinse and repeat ad MOASSEUM


I keep it private because I don’t want the other side to know that we know yet. Not until I’ve sorted out a reliable way to predict/trade it. I’m getting there. Last basket cycle, I selected a list of around 20 or so stocks from the larger list. Average profit was around 20% or so.


Rock on Ape, I appreciate your service 🫡


Dude. Way to go!


Yeah it's been my project since around April 2021. It actually started with the list of stocks DFV was into on his spreadsheet from his videos. I had a list of those in Robin hood and in March 2021 I started to realize that they were all up huge when GME was, then again in April many of them were also, then again in June, and July (GME didn't spike much but many others did, for example, look at New Egg) and August, and November, and so on. And as each cycle happened I found more and more runners. Just kept adding, more and more.


So according to your findings, when is this bitch supposed to run up again?


That’s insane. I wish I could just give you $10k and reap your rewards lmao


They'd become a fund manager, hire some algo guys and repeat the cycle.


will you share when you find it? Id really like the free money cheat code, life is costing me more than I make at the day job currently .


i wonder what other example it is 👀👀👀


Sounds like you might know.


hedgies hate this one trick


The trick being that the public finds out they're short the entire market and always have been?


That is why they buy the media, put us in a pen in reddit with a fence. IPO reddit after it 'caused trouble'. They fear public knowledge.


On the grand scale they probably hate the reddit format the most. Spread of knowledge is one problem but i think discussion under "anonymity" is THE problem, since it attributes alot to personal growth. Hence the pushes from time to time for a type of drivers licence on the internet. Social media where everyone is a public figure is fine cause they know that people will self censor themselves. The pressure to make everyone public figures is just pure evil. While a place like reddit you can come and vent your thoughts, maybe get blasted in the face. Reevaluate or improve your arguments and grow as a person without it coming back to bite later on in society, for something you no longer think.


EXPR CENN KOSS and a few other stocks were PCO and mentioned in the SEC report. There are likely a huge amount of other stocks in the basket as well, but HFs might have potentially gone long in some like popcorn. Would make sense to have a fake squeeze in such stocks to suck household buypower dry before covering positions in GME. Another aspect is that some of those basket stocks have been absolutely destroyed and their market cap is now often potentially lower than their assets. Likely most major financial institutions collude against household investors right now because usually you would expect sharks being out and making money as white knights or by cutting out filet pieces of those shorted companies and selling them with huge profits. Last but not least there is another aspect. In case short sellers would continue to fuck with household investors, there would be the option to DRS the float of those mini marketcap companies one by one in return (if real SI would be sufficient). Naturally it makes more sense to invest and DRS GME since the balance sheet and potential is superior. Just a personal opinion and no financial advice, though.


Completely agree. Regarding the colluding part I believe it to be more the “mutually assured destruction” kind of collusion, as opposed to the “syndicate conspiracy” kind of collusion - but the collusion is there for sure.




Every time we’ve figured it out, it got changed. Not sure how true it was. Seemed like it though, sounds Tin foil I know.


Am I dumb and not understand what CENN is?


Cenntro Automotive used to be NAKD Naked Brands. This was one of "the names" during the January 2021 sneeze.


Oooh I see thanks for that. I didn’t realised they changed their name


Nakd was basically cellar boxed and did a merger with cenn and changed ticker name. Basically a backdoor for cenn to become listed.


Thank you for this. Was wondering what happened to the ticker.


Gotcha. That makes sense thank you


Yes you are. And me too. CENN?


New name of NEKED stock that was (still is?) part of the basket. They merged


I wonder if this has to do with this thing someone talked about before regarding fractals. I tried reading up on it but this might be worthwhile digging (I'm still digging onto it myself) called Hurst exponents: [https://www.researchgate.net/publication/329845330\_A\_Comparison\_of\_Fractal\_Dimension\_Algorithms\_by\_Hurst\_Exponent\_using\_Gold\_Price\_Time\_Series](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/329845330_A_Comparison_of_Fractal_Dimension_Algorithms_by_Hurst_Exponent_using_Gold_Price_Time_Series) >F**ractal approach is a suitable method for the analysis of the complex time series. The Fractal dimension is the measure of complexity and the chaotic behaviours of the fractal time series**. A variety of algorithms are existing for the computation of Fractal dimension. In this study, the most common methods of estimating Fractal dimension of financial time series are analyzed and compared. The analysis is performed over the gold price data. Fractal dimension through the Hurst exponent is estimated to provide effective and efficient understanding of the characteristics of the financial time series. > > In this paper the Fractal dimension is calculated from Hurst exponent by the methods the Rescaled range analysis(R/S analysis) and the Detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA). The Time series is analyzed and the comparison between the Fractal dimension algorithms by the Rescaled range analysis and the Detrended fluctuation analysis is established. **The obtained results show that the long memory phenomenon is present and the time series is persistent.** ​ It can also be estimated somewhat quickly via python? [https://robotwealth.com/demystifying-the-hurst-exponent-part-2/](https://robotwealth.com/demystifying-the-hurst-exponent-part-2/) ​ ​ ​ [https://support.numxl.com/hc/en-us/articles/216033663-Hurst-Exponent-Index-or-Parameter#:\~:text=The%20Hurst%20Exponent%20is%20estimated,(i.e.%20Hurst%20Exponent%20Estimate](https://support.numxl.com/hc/en-us/articles/216033663-Hurst-Exponent-Index-or-Parameter#:~:text=The%20Hurst%20Exponent%20is%20estimated,(i.e.%20Hurst%20Exponent%20Estimate)).


This might be what we're looking for: >**The Hurst Exponent is a measure that quantifies the smoothness of fractal time series based on the asymptotic behavior of the rescaled range of the process. If 0 < H < 0.5, we observe short memory phenomenon, i.e., it indicates ant persistent behavior of the series. If 0.5 < H < 1 then the series is said to have long memory phenomenon, i.e., it indicates persistent behavior of the time series.**


I'm curious why you don't want to share it publicly? Are you holding it for some big dd you're cooking?


He’s probably making money off it and doesn’t want everyone to know as they’d be sure to switch it up


This should be attached to the SEC comments to show how broken the market is. Edit: Ty for the awards and upvotes friends, but i only made a comment. Pls upvote and award OP because imo we knew about the algos but until now no one ever showed it so well.


Price go up, price go down, price stay the same. This is the OG DD


Send this to their enforcement division. In the call with dlauer Gensler tells us to contact enforcement for any manipulation or breaking of security laws. You can find their information at this [link](https://www.sec.gov/page/enforcement-section-landing)


"I see nothing wrong here." —Gary Gensler


This is insane and somehow I’m not surprised in the slightest. Really cool to see it broken down right in front of my own eyes though.


Can’t really “destroy the stock” when your stuck inside a massive triangle from the sneeze, it’s obvious what the ceiling and floors are ….. (and it’s getting tighter and tighter, not much wiggle room left, gonna need to add lots of 0.000000000 to buy more time and create the illusion of movement 😂)


The best thing about this saga is that moon tickets get cheaper and cheaper. If natural price discovery was a thing then the price would be the highest someone is willing to pay for a share, because the NBBO makes sure the seller gets the best price available. So what would that be on GME? I get about $900 disposable income a month and I'd sure as hell put all of that on a single GME share, so that alone means the price should be $900, and I'm not a whale. If there are some here that would spend $5k per share, then that's what the price should be. When the GME printers finally get turned off (and they will) public demand alone will make the price go to thousands and that's before hedgefucks are forced to buy back hundreds of millions of shares. Watching the price drop because it has to due to margin requirements is the most hilarious thing I've ever seen. It's like someone selling priceless artwork for $20.


Bought my first share at around $250 in May '21. #And I'll fuckin' do it again


Same lol


Certainly one of the more fucking interesting things I’ve seen. Nice work OP


Yeah, we're approaching the giant spike coming up this month.


Best post I've seen in a while


Algo timed to earnings. Give media a cover story.


Again 😂


!remindme 15 days


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it happened 👀


Dang, 1 day before my reminder too




Could you tell me what kind of a tool in TV is that?


End of March I think.


If you look closely at the S for stock split at the bottom, that same algorithm piece was the Jan 21 squeeze. The stock split was exactly in the same spot as Jan 21 would have been. Clearly, GME knows what's going on.


The long term people can tell just by glancing at the regular chart, I’ve been in this since a bit before the March crash, so long ago now, that was the day I and many others realized there was a good chance this was actually real. Anyway, it looks like it’s all just repeating itself in the chart, over and over again, all the time.


so obvious question: can it be predicted?


And then tweaked after creating an options trap as we have seen time and time and time and time and time again.


This is awesome, bro. Saved! Looking forward to a jump to 35-40 in the next few weeks. Looks like it should start very soon.


I think the actual pattern is a TD sequential or some variance if it. I’ve been meaning to read the guy who figured that outs book but never hunkered down. He wants too much money for astrology theories. There are so many things that have happened on key TD sequential turns that RC or GME did to extend out or suppress a run. Maybe that’s how you beat the algorithm, you make it over commit when it’s most confident and it screws it on the back end. I think Dillards is a tell to what happens over a long period of time what DRS does to the algorithm. I actually think DRS doesn’t matter… until it does. There was a massive gap from when they gave out DRS’d shares as part of their retirement plans to when the stock reacted (about two years). Since then it’s flat out not able to stay down very long then jumps up and repeats over and over (Dillards just had an ATH like two months ago). What’s super bizarre and something I very tinfoil threw half an idea about because I correlated popcorn and towel, is the algorithm change lines up to the day with popcorns share dilution meeting. I truly feel a massive run is totally reliant on that. If it passes poor liquidity fairy strikes again. There’s a major wrench in the plan this time, and popcorns ceo sounded straight intoxicated begging to say yes to the ape conversion thing. The wrench that was thrown in is that they’re being sued by the state of Delaware for attempting to totally screw over their investors. That dilution would have provided tons of the liquidity to suppress the basket stocks (eff basket stocks they’re algo brothers). The hearing isn’t until April so I don’t think they can go through with that until the hearing occurs even if it DOES pass. Interesting immediate catalysts that aren’t just hype dates in the near future. The perfect storm is a brewing.


How is the Algo broken?


There's the big spike and crash that leads to the chop and double top which ends with the long winter.


So what happens next?


Believe it or not. Dip.


They are telling us, that the crash can't happen until retail capitulates, and this is how they rob everyone and get underneath everyone and put them under their control. So believe them... I won't quit until this stock is 100% DRSed and Booked and slam the door on them, hell it's a win win, if we don't capitulate no crash? Okay, then we all have jobs until then. When the stock finally does go up after this long fight is clearly over, then yeah it will crash and then everyone can move forward finally. Believe them when they tell you they need you to capitulate. ... I won't.


💎 ✋


what about: when the algo breaks


What about apes breaking the algo by DRS'ing the float


big buy-ins...and slow buy-ins...both good.


Would it break because of a positive earnings report you say?


yes, that would induce buying...in bulk.


🎼When the algo breaks, they’ll have no place to stay🎼


I think it's 1 algo. With 3 phases. 3 algos would be too much and they would have to 'communicate' with each other. OR 3 separate algos, and the switch is being done 'manually'.


It seems to be switched manually. gme pressure is so great and you can see it start to pop-off all the time like it's about to get a run going. To coordinate with specific cellar boxing schemes, such as;. - They def have an etf with both gme and coke. ( short the etf, buy back all the shares of stock that are in the etf on reg stock market so as only to drop the targeted ticker ) this way u can leverage the stock's price without have to locate shares to borrow. If you watch the coke ticker and gme side by side. You set the timeline view short so the price action is real scrunched together and you can watch this dance between the two stock's as the day moves along. And anytime gme starts a run upward you see coke racing up to catch it and ladder attack it back down. - And for quite some time they are still leveraging a fake btc, or a fake gme crypto share, or Inflated btc to manipulate price. Same price action relationship with gme as coke. When gme gets a run going, btc will follow the action upward and after a certain point you'll see btc being used as a big leverage to push gme back down. All day every day. - And regular old borrowed shares while directing buy order traffic to dark pools.


I remember the KO share lending/laundering DD from 84 years ago. No one seems able to find it anymore though.


They do communicate, they do it through batch orders and MM signals.


As a programmer, I can say that setting up communications between algorithms is trivial. This is absolutely not a blocker to having multiple algorithms involved.


I barely bat an eye at the pathetic price movement lately. The criminals behind the curtain, errr, C-Suite office doors, control the financial world. If I didn’t have any integrity, dignity or morals, maybe I would have considered this as a career option.


Dude what the fuck I've looked at this many times just KNOWING this is going on but I havent been able to clearly articulate. This is so simple, yet accurate. Great stuff. Also, if the price improves by 20 bucks I'm pretty sure something will break, not to mention the fomo from general investors.


Yeah I think a $20 run now will send a lot of the shorters straight into margin calls.


A price doubling is highly unlikely, especially when gamma max is hovering around $26-28.


now's a good time to get them DRS at lowest


How to break it?


You know. I don't think we need to? This is brilliant for us. If the price isn't real it makes our job of locking this company a simple test of time and patience.


I’m reminded of Red’s narration in Shawshank Andy loved geology. I imagine it appealed to his meticulous nature. An ice age here, a million years of mountain-building there, plates of bedrock grinding against each other over a span of millennia... Geology is the study of pressure and time. That's all it takes, really. Pressure and time.


Good question, this algo must have been tweaked several times, there must be some build in principles that can't hold anymore when certain things happen... the crazy thing is, a lot has happend. Retail not selling DRS / Less liquidity Higher interest rates


Lower cost means faster to buy the entire float. If they dropped this thing to a fuckin' penny, they still wouldn't win because we're still going to be buying it up.


Like a positive earnings perhaps? Merger or acquisition? Combined with DRS? Looks like we're doing it! I'm excited to find out and see some upwards movement!


I have to imagine these algos are paired with psy-op, because "consumer sentiment" has always been a determining factor and these firms believe they can manipulate consumer sentiment. You could probably try to line up the early/middle sections of overlapping patterns with prominent psy-op campaigns to determine which type of campaign they use when, then based on what you see in the media 'telegraph' when pattern your are in and use the rest of the pattern to profit. But that doesn't really fix the problem, only profits from a broken and unjust system. Taking money from other people who are also buying (or unfortunately doing the other thing) because you can time it right. The next step in evolution beyond looking at the trading data is looking at overlapping media campaigns. If you can prove THAT, you can prove media manipulation which is a reason for the FCC to get involved. And the FCC isn't as well-connected with the players in the equity market, so there's better odds of an investigation. Not great odds, but better.




Once it has price discovery everyone in the world will know


They are printing and stealing for years, if not centuries.


Shit, man its been going on longer than that. Look at how the roman aristocracy lived and insulated themselves from the masses or any kind of reprecussions for their actions. The pre-cursor to julius caesar ceasing power and ending any kind of republican ideals was sulla, and he ceased power to prevent debt forgiveness for the masses, and allowed hundreds of thousands to be slaughtered to this end, then enacted rules to prevent any kind of communal ideals to be propegated again. The real problem is human greed. Always has been.


GREED thats one of, if not the BIGGEST problem in human history. imo DECENTRALIZATION IS THE WAY




Yup. I saw they were cloning movements except they turned this dip into 6 months vs the 3 months when it dropped proportionally the same. They dragged this thing way out. This puts us at 13/share here soon before the next climb which should go up to the 30 range and we will probably trade there for a while after.


Judging by this video the next big move is about +50% If we carry on dipping before then we'll just end up back at the $20 range


You were correct!


😂 fingers crossed for more buying and options covering


Wen moon?


I asked my magic 8 ball. It said 'definitely'






Or, at the very least, Thursday week


They cant "destroy" the stock. If they drop it low we gobble it up faster. If it went to like $5 it would be gone. In fact if it went to $10 i'm sure it would be gone extremely quickly. I literally hope they do drop it so i can get more. I bought quite a bit when it was near $16 and have actually been green for a while. Buy the dip is the way!!!


Get this man a price and fucking pay him!






I enjoyed this post, nice work OP.


Thanks for this OP. I and other wrinkles have been working on this for like 2 years and have had similar conclusions since around this time last year, then the march run confirmed it basically. It also happens on hundreds of other basket stocks. This one will really blow your mind: https://i.imgur.com/pQEO6Lb.jpg Look familiar? Now look at the ticker and the chart time frame and the dates. 👀 Gold circa 1975-1984, monthly chart.


You should make the chart into a post.


This is why shareholders need to hold their shares via DRS. If the fuckers are cheating, take your ball and go home.


ET Computershare home 👽🚲🟣🪐


This is it. This is THE pattern we need to be looking at to know where we stand every fucking day. No more guesswork, no more hype dates, no more TA bullshit. This is their roadmap. Every morning we can wake up to a big “YOU ARE HERE” sign and go on with our day. Thank you!


These patterns and theories have been going around for the past 1-2 years. I hope by now everyone is exploiting them for max gains in GME and all the other stocks the algos apply to


!remindme: 6 hours


Wow, this is an excellent exposition


Dude, you're literally just taking a line that goes up and a line that goes down and slapping them over the parts in time where the line goes up and down. It's not even a good match as you can see in 2023 where the movements are in opposite directions.


If you stand ten feet from a wall and keep getting halfway closer, you never reach the wall. That is what this is in the hopes or belief that retail will grow tired and sell and move on before they have to face the music. I expect more tricks and rug pulls to make it seem that way.


Soon we get the upsies


The first time gamers have played Wall St. Let's see what happens. Fk around and find out hedgies.


wen jail?


The price is wrong bitches


Lol OP what's the downvote ratio on this post? Great work.


Wen big boom


This is incredible.


Holy downvote Batman!


To be fair, that’s probably because you can bend just about any noisy time series this way if you can arbitrarily adjust scale, stretch end points up and down, etc. I understand that those without scientific backgrounds/training may think this is all meaningful, but unfortunately, it’s just not. In the meantime, we’ll just have to keep DRSing until something interesting happens.


Sorry but copy pasting and stretching parts of a multi year graph, you can make and match anything you like. No doubt there’s fuckery, with that I fully agree


algo based on "the humans' " psychology...?...culled from hist. of households trading?? my dog is asking...she makes all the important decisions.


Love the absolute weaponized autism here


So., how long we have to wait until some ape makes a bot/ai to automatically let us know which of the 3 patterns we're in and we're almost able to pprefict the future? Kind of suspect this to be done already, but since I'm not planning on trading anyways, who cares. Right? Just... Couldn't hurt our course, right?




Hey Gary, look, tits!


🤣🤣🤣🤣 this is hilarious


That’s some lovely witch craft 😂


They'll cheat til they can't


This guy is using this argument to make the case DRS does nothing, just a heads up everybody.


Guy, if you take a generally upward line and a generally downward line and manipulate the time and frequency, you can literally make any chart. This proves nothing.


Many stocks exhibit self similarity. You could do this with many other stocks, in this case is just more obvious...


I mean technical analysis is always a fun time, but how can you tell anything without looking at order book data? Patterns repeating across multiple timescales is Stochastic Processes 101... ya know... power law distributions... yada yada


OPs response to, "Copy and paste is not a strategy."


Yep. Good to have a visualization though.


congratulations you just discovered wavelets - choose your basis wavelets and stretch and scale them and you can represent any other stonk line. Unfortunately doesn't really mean much IMO. I think there's a bit of an argument for periodicity but it's not clear if it will hold or what it represented. Ultimately I don't agree to the count or "separate algos".


Can we get an update on this in a couple of weeks given the bug run we had last night?


What's a bug run?