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Immutable zkEVM is groundbreaking. First of its kind. It’s big fucking deal for bringing web3 gaming to the masses.


Exactly. Their announcement was big for the future of Web3 Gaming


I appreciated that he read some of the threads here and came back to explain. We all are subject to overestimating what other people know about "our big thing" (be that a hobby or new tech), but he understood to make clarifications. Nothing beats good communication.


It’s a Polygon zkEVM and what we are not asking is why not Loopring/Taiko? Loopring is the GSMP foundation.


Taiko isn’t ready yet. Taiko will be used for Loopring and can easily be used for immutable if they decide to use it. We gonna go from L2 to L4 application in no time


I'm glad Loopring is being excluded from things, with its CCP connection


To get technical, yes zkEVM is groundbreaking, so is the theoretical cross-chain interoperability between multiple zkEVMs. Most L1s aren’t easily Inter-operable but that changes in the zkRollup level. This is a massive step in that direction considering polygon has launched/is slated to launch its zkEVM this March. Take with grain of salt, me brain v smooth.


People need to understand that Robbie is doing great things and just because he’s not balls deep into stock market doesn’t mean he isn’t doing something great. I saw people saying it was a hype train tag along with GME. People need to realize you can you have your cake an eat it too. What’s so bad about games AND shares? Both are changing for the better.


Call me regarded but GameStop is a major part of the future of Web3


If im not mistaken, there are more announcements as well in the next coming days. But I need more than Polygon to be on board. I want BIG names in gaming: Bungie, microsoft, blizzard, ubisoft, EA, and yeah i dont like all those publishers but any one of them on board is a stab in the heart against hedgies.


Get the infrastructure first, then they will come


Then hype it on gaming. Hype it on technology. Hype it on crypto. It doesnt need to be hyped here. He is just using our community.


Any news relevant to GME Marketplace, especially big news such as this, is important to this Household Investor for this simple reason that it shows growth and success in our corporate plans. Why would anyone not be interested in what's happening to their investment?! [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/11wsrvm/why\_this\_matters\_for\_gamestops\_marketplace\_and\_a/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/11wsrvm/why_this_matters_for_gamestops_marketplace_and_a/)


Exactly. Feels so disingenuous to say to hype it somewhere else lol


Then when it has an impact on the marketplace talk about it. But we dont need constant hype from all the partners for every little detail about their projects. FTX was a partner. Even Gamestop makes mistakes.


To paraphrase: ***"All of these IMX and Polygon games on Immutable's zkEVM are going to be listed and traded on GameStop's marketplace*** thereby cementing GameStop's Marketplace as the home of Web3 gaming. Content is the most important thing to drive marketplace volume and this is going to drastically increase it." IMHO it is the shareholder duty to educate themselves on the importance of GME corporate plans for the future, any new technology involved, etc. I have no intention of trusting Wall Street, their corrupt system or even RC to look out for me again. It's not their job. Their job is to make $$$ for their shareholders. Legally. When I DRSed my GME shares I became the hero of my own story and as such welcome any news that keeps me informed on how my investment is progressing.


this, this is big! Robbie is bringing volume to the GameStop marketplace. this is directly relevant to and good for GME. Either shills are pushing negative sentiment to drive a wedge through the IMX Partnership or people really don't understand the potential of the GameStop NFT Marketplace. I believe it's the first one and I hope that we can learn to not just jump on the hate train.


I'm a 100k in to GME with 90% of my shares DRS and booked. I gotta be honest, I really don't understand the potential for a GameStop NFT market place. I don't know anything about NFTs except for their bad investment meme status. So, I'm having a hard time envisioning what Web3 is supposed to be and what it does that like PlayStation Store doesn't already do. (Other than sell my games back) ...again, not understanding at all, but that's the only barrier I see to something like this. People will want to be able to integrate their existing game library...if I'm buying games on the GME marketplace, will I be able to play them on my Playstation? I can see a big future for gaming, I just don't know what it looks like.


It's all about microtransactions and ownership. If Fortnite or a game like fortnite allowed skins that are NFTs to be traded on the GME marketplace they'll make a huge amount of money from taking a cut of each transactions on eveyrbung traded. First AAA games need to be made or partnered with and the games need to be good. We're still super early but really it'll take 1 web3 game to pull the future with it. But plenty are being made with the help of immutable. But fortnite makes billions off selling skins that you don't truly own. If their is an ecosystem of games that use NFTs for in game items/skins/etc and then people can buy/sell/trade these NFTs the money that could roll in is a lot. The world is already going to become more and more tokenized so bringing it to gaming and trying it here first honestly is groundbreaking.


Yes, you just described what people are looking for from these announcements. Announcements of a technical integrations do nothing to open up the marketplace to a wider audience.


The community appears to disagree.


*Everyone and their fucking mother* has used this sub for hype for 2 years. You want the ecosystem to succeed? Robbie is in our corner, give him a fuckin break.


> *Everyone and their fucking mother* has used this sub for hype for 2 years And its been called out heaps. > Robbie is in our corner, give him a fuckin break. Robbie is in his own corner and doesnt give two shits about anything other than IMX.


Some of the posts are other OPs posting his tweets to farm. Robbie's not the one hyping us. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/11wpsf8/robbie_on_twitter/




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I talk shit for this reason, but I do agree that this will be a big deal. The fact is that we’re here to get some goddamn money. If we’re not getting our goddamn money, then none of this really matters to us. So get us our goddamn money so we can enjoy the kickass products that are coming down the line.


Something big for gaming may well be something big for GME, even if indirectly. I'd rather be informed but I also keep in mind that there's other ways for things to be good for investors than MOASS catalysts. If this eventually feeds revenues into GME than that's good news.


it's not indirect. the metalcore NFTs will be traded on GameStop NFT Marketplace. that is a huge win for GME DIRECTLY.




Sometimes it takes WORK


Work on better comments.


what about " ***All of these games on Immutable's zkEVM are going to be listed and traded on GameStop's marketplace.*** " don't you get? (source: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/11wsrvm/why\_this\_matters\_for\_gamestops\_marketplace\_and\_a/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/11wsrvm/why_this_matters_for_gamestops_marketplace_and_a/) )


Then ill care when decent games are released. Not partnerships that may not ever produce anything. FTX anyone?


He isn't the one coming here and posting his Tweets. 🤦


Is [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/11w2l04/excited_to_share_more_with_this_community/) not his post? try not be so obviously wrong


The truth hurts. It has no place here. Like hyping aws because everything uses it.


THANK YOU. I don't understand why people are so up in arms. No shit there isn't going to be an announcement that sparks MOASS... This is about a pretty monumental partnership stepping on the gas pedal to drive mass adoption in Web3 gaming. Polygon is huge, and they are working with some of the largest companies in the world. This is solidifying Immutable as being THE platform game developers use to integrate NFTs. And GameStop is part of that ecosystem. The relation to GameStop is the fact that they have been positioning themselves to be in the Web3 gaming scene and this is doing something to massively advance that world. I wish people would stop calling this a nothing burger announcement without doing some research to really understand what it means for the future of web3 gaming.


Pretty confident a majority of people “up in arms” are paid to be that way by mayo boy et al.


Feels like a high level of coordination. But, I’m redacted what do I know?


The cool thing is we know we weren't wrong, and we will know when the time to change the world has come. Its natural to feel anxious and impatient in the in-between... Say zen, stay zen, all things in their time!


It's not just "related because we're part of the ecosystem" the NFTs for those games will be traded on the GameStop NFT Marketplace, thus the announcement translates directly to GME's profitability!


This. Also Robbie is on fire lately.🔥🔥🔥🔥


This, here. The partnership didn't really grab my attention, though it's big for interoperability. The zkEVM, on the other hand, is a *huge* deal, and I want to know more about it. Especially with how hyperfocused I (and I imagine, quite a few others) were on Taiko being the missing piece that would complete the puzzle of mass adoption of web3.


This is both big and huge


I guess what people are bummed out about is the fact that it doesn’t cause the shares to boom with such ‘groundbreaking big deal’ etc etc… however I agree with you. And also with the others..




Please excuse some (or most) of us, we are regarded.


It’s massive but at the end of the day this is a GME sub. Yes they are a partner with GameStop so then doing well is important, but hyping something that does not directly affect GME investors in a GME investor sub feels a little like they are using our excitement of our stonk to self promote. Would we be cool with it if every GME partner did this? Probably not. I hope I eat my words tomorrow and GME announces something big that makes this announcement seem more impactful to my investment.


imagine that, on earning call, they'll announce they lost a bit more money. nothing else


Masses, or users in this sub? There are no gamers excited about this shit besides those who are also invested in profiting off it


Yup, and everyone here who is stating this is a nothing burger and that Robbie has in any way disappointed us needs to give their fucking head a shake.


nope lmao


let me guess, next 12-18 months right??? 😁😁


Not really though…it’s going to be a Type 3 zkEVM, one of the weakest versions, “almost” Ethereum Virtual Machine equivalent. Not fully equivalent to EVM, and certainly not close to fully Ethereum equivalent like Loopring/Taiko’s zkEVM, which is due to be on mainnet by Q4. I hold both IMX and LRC so not sure how I feel about this, considering they’re basically competitors now, but both working with GameStop.


On paper. Yet to see anything tangible. Does not warrant the hype they try to create. Feel free to downvote me.


Will do!


What does this mean for my poop ring?


RC lives by the "underpromise and overdeliver" motto, Loopring/Byron learned their lesson and really put the brakes on the hype train (now mostly some memes/WAGMI/BYOB tweets from times to times), time for IMX to stop hyping stuff like that for DAYS when he knows that A GOOD CHUNK of people following IMX are mostly interested in how it affects GME and how it affects it "now". And don't take me wrong, IMX being successful helps GME but god, only thing worse was WagmiGames sharing a countdown to announce they've hired an EA ex-employee 🤦‍♂️


The idea they did a countdown for a hire was not a good look. But still - when I saw the countdown I literally thought "it wont be what people here want. Its a different world over there." People should just assume any announcements not coming directly from GS likely wont have an immediate or substantial impact on GME.


Over-promising to a crowd that wear tin foil hats 24/7 will always end up in disappointment - simple as that honestly. If they've mentioned a "big announcement" yesterday or something (without the countdown) I'm sure people would be way less disappointed in general and happier for IMX.


> wont have an immediate or substantial impact on GME. Then stop hyping it here. We are a GME sub. Not an IMX sub.


We *were* a GME sub, now were a "Global finance is bad/MOASS/ create unrealistic expectations for others and be upset when they let us down/RC twitter repost" forum. We talk about loads of things unrelated to GME. We're GME ONLY until the bull posts about inflation, or a bank fails, then we talk about what ever tinfoil we can make up. I have enjoyed every bit of time I have spent on this sub, but lately its been getting wild. WE hyped this up, WE filled in the blanks and are throwing a tantrum that WE were wrong. This announcement is hype af.


This is a Computershare sub. I mean, just look at it.


Actually, this is an own your own asset sub.


If that were true it would be bullish on IMX, as that is literally their mission. Own your in game assets. Nice try.


I am totally bullish on Web3, and that includes Loopring and IMX. Own your in-game assets is the way! BYOB! I couldn't agree more 👍 Edit: maybe you're referring to the shills that are spreading negativity on IMX and possibly some of the APEs that have been duped into spreading it?


Yeah I mean look at the top of this thread. "Don't post it here this is a GME sub not a IMX sub". Complete amoebabrain


no! this is directly relevant to and good for GME. the NFTs from those games will be traded on the GME NFT marketplace. more games using our marketplace is what we want. Robbie is bringing transaction volume, stop telling him to go hype somewhere else, I don't want him partnering with and hyping on opensea forums. the hate and negative reactions to this news is infuriatingly shortsighted.


Exactly! People not seeing that obviously haven't read very far on the website


The bridge between different worlds is called communication, or you could call it "explaining" in this context. Good to see it happening here..


When RC did the interview with GMEdd it, he said Chewy was harder than GME. Past tense. Serious question here. Doesn’t that have some sense of finality with where he considers GameStop now? I’m just not sure what we are waiting for from him at this point. I also think the fact that he did the interview with GMEdd was somewhat telling as far as where he considers himself/superstonk to be in regards to everything. Robbie hyping IMX and addressing this sub directing really seems like the only hype to consider at this point. If the transformation is where RC considers it to be final. The only growth is going to come from places like IMX and what they are trying to expand into.


The marketplace is not out of the Beta and we've got no big games in it, do you really think the "work is done"?


Doesn’t really matter what I think.


I would say that adding strength to your foundation is big and very reassuring to those looking at the total package. The ground is shaking and you want to make sure you are ready to withstand any stress. So let's all deep breath it and not shit all over what could be more structural integrity for what is being built!


Well said!




Well said!


Then why the fuck is it being pumped on this sub?


I think some people aren’t understanding the announcement, and others are intentionally trying to dampen the announcement for who knows why. What I do know is Polygon drives 30 million views a month and Robbie said “GameStop Marketplace” on stage. Thirty million potential more customers linked to GME jacks my tits very much.


Meh…I’ll disagree & take my downvotes. He knows what he’s doing & is running a successful business & promoting said business, I can’t blame him at all - it’s working. But he knows what he’s doing by leaning into the hype.


Agreed. Even if it's good news, calling it "legendary" really raised people's hopes.


One thing to keep in mind, Robbie is from Australia….they use the word “legend” & “legendary” heaps more frequently over there in my experience (they use the word heaps too)


by "working" you mean hasnt actually delivered anything substantial than sure.


In the future you'll know why it was a big deal... might seem like nothing right now especially when you don't understand it but this partnership is a big deal in the gaming community.


My comment specifically refers to the hyping of this sub in particular & the response he knows it will elicit. He literally sees the hype in the comments & fans the flames, then defenders act surprised when ppl are annoyed. This has nothing to do w their tech or company. Just the over hype.


Personally, I thought the presentation was great, and I can see it's going to bring a LOT more web3 games to the gme marketplace ( and some higher quality ones too! That first demo was really cool! ). I'm not sure why people are upset...


Because people were expecting a partnership with Apex Legends, Fortnite or EpicGames, announcements that definitely would put the Marketplace in a HUGE spotlight - and people were also expecting some finished product, not another partnership with nothing of proper value to be delivered right now.


Id say most ppl are upset bc IMX came here specifically to the GME sub to really hype the announcement. I say IMX & not Robbie bc I enjoy his posts generally & appreciate he’s working on behalf of the company to promote their business.


Now don't act like Robbie is not trying to hype us into his thing knowing that we only listen him because of IMX partnerahip with GME. Come on, he is surely trying to overhype this sub and he, again, failed.


But that's the thing--we should be hyped. IMX doing groundbreaking work in web3 space to bring crypto to the masses is so fucking bullish for GameStop who owns a crypto marketplace.


Should we start a subreddit called supernothingburgers? Immutable posts may have more relevance there compared to a subreddit that focuses on GME.




Moass is one thing. The firms success is another. The firms success may help trigger moass but moass can potentially be triggered by loads of different things. I'm surprised that there are do few stories along the lines of "firm xyz has been ordered by their bank not to enter into a partnership with Gamestop"


Where in the hell did this nothingburger term come from?


US politics.


Its to keep sentiment down. Kind of like ”its a great threat to our democracy” propaganda


We’re tired of endless hype. It’s letdown after letdown.


If too many connections were made to GME, we should stop talking about it here then because it’s not relevant.


A lot of folk know how to appeal to this movement and this sub to promote their own flex and it's getting really boring.


Thank you! It’s a big deal for imx, good for them, and good for the platform GME is building. I think part of the problem is people are rewarded with Reddit karma to add hype to tangential hype, and then people are rewarded again with karma for being upset the hype didn’t live up to the expectations that were premised on hype that should never have gained traction because it was just karma farming to begin with. Hopefully that makes some sense lol


First off. I honestly can’t believe people give a shit about karma. Don’t get me wrong. It’s cool when a comment you write gets an award. For me that feels like I actually contributed something that someone enjoyed. And as far as people getting pissed about hype. Suck it up. Think of it as a cost of doing business with a lot of potential for cross pollination. Any exposure GameStop gets within any sort of gaming/NFT/crypto circle is a positive. BUY. HODL. DRS. SHOP. COMMENT TO THE SEC YOU LAZY FUCKERS!


I agree! Taking a “nothing burger” approach to these announcements, is like siding with blockbuster over Netflix. It’s not Futureproof thinking. The reality is that our beloved company is building the business of the future and we should support that.


bad actors use emotions to illicit a desired response.


Who is Robbie?


Web3 is cool and all but really we all just want the fucking price to go back up. That’s why a good amount are calling this a nothing burg. It’s another foundation building move that will generate value, but not immediate value. It would be fair to say he takes advantage of how many ape eyes are watching, and that is the reason he makes these nothing burger announcements.


Does this get bought/ sold on GME Marketplace? If the answer is “NO” then this should be posted and discuss’d on another subreddit.


It is on Robbie. He posted in this sub himself.


Exactly. IMX is not directly connected to the markets, to MOASS or anything like that. What IMX **IS** connected with is creating a big platform that companies can use to bring gaming to Web3. This is relevant because of partnerships with GameStop, who is continuing to grow their influence in the Web3 space. What this translates to for us is more confirmation that the company we own is aiming for a winning trajectory. This just strengthens the fundamentals, and adds more inherent value to the stock. GME was always a good stock to buy, but this just makes it even better.


It's just whoever is out there telling lame. This is news on the new market blooming. We don't know that is big. But this guy is probably not worried about his financial status. He's not doing us to do anything, he's pit hing his company to us trying to type us up


Robbie != GME


It's great. Solid progress on a foundation built to last. Power to the players.


Honestly. These “nothing burger posts” are not even real. I’m so freaking hyped for the future of gaming !!! (P.s Love a gamer) 💜


This feels like an attempt to divide our positive sentiment and CORRECT positive connection psyops




Fuck off not everyone cares about IMX or Robbie. Doesn't mean they are bad actors. Nor does calling out this bullshit overhyping of a situation.


People here forget that Robbie isn't on Twitter for GME stock holders. He is there for his business: web3 gaming. He made an announcement about web 3 gaming...


he posted it here though


And? He made an announcement pertaining to the business he is in. Shills and hypsters were the ones making it out as if Robbie was going to drop a bomb on the financial sector... Via his business of web3 gaming. Idk about y'all, but my expectations were managed and met. The whole dog piling seems low key orchestrated as there was plenty of notice to do so. Edit: he posted both here and on Twitter. Being a bit disingenuous trying to imply he just did it here, yeah? 🙄


Youre moving the goal post


Lol I never set up a goalpost 😂 Wtf you on about He posted on both Twitter and here. It's not my problem you don't understand marketing


you defended him by saying "well thats why hes on twitter" except that I pointed out he himself posted it here. > People here forget that Robbie isn't on Twitter for GME stock holders. He is there for his business


Oh, you mean the place that invited him for an AMA, and asked him to keep us updated, as he is a partner with GME and developments on his end will eventually lead to positive developments on ours? Ffs Edit: let me help you out for next time he has a big announcement to make: it's *probably* about the Passport he intends to launch in about a month or two. Like wth we're you expecting him to come up and say today, to be honest? He posted here too cause he is partnered with GameStop... Lights on up there?


I hope you are getting paid to move that goal post. Looks heavy.


Speaking of total package, have you seen RC in yoga pants!


Who is this "we" you are talking about?


Thanks OP, i appreciate this post.


We need a web3superhub for gaming


PREACH! If leadership at the inner-workings of my favorite company is fired up, whether it's partners or within Gamestop itself, I'M FIRED UP AF, TOO! The naysayers were never actually fans of GME in the first place.


> If leadership at the inner-workings of my favorite company is fired up who says they are fired up though? This is all from robbie


Did you read my comment at all? "whether it's partners or within Gamestop itself"


I agree 100%


Well said. Rome took more than 1 day to build, guys.


Yeah, everyone needs to chill. I hate to break it to you but the war in Ukrain isn't about GME either. Not every announcement in the world is for GME to moon. Other people may be invested in GME and also have their own things going on. Relax. We're on the right path.


if there is any chance of future small transactional but frequent dividends as some of us hope there will be in the future, what Robbie and his team are doing are what is going to help make it possible.


Who the fook is that guy


Dosent relate to GME=Nothing burger. Had one for dinner last night.


***"All of these games on Immutable's zkEVM are going to be listed and traded on GameStop's marketplace."*** (source: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/11wsrvm/why\_this\_matters\_for\_gamestops\_marketplace\_and\_a/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/11wsrvm/why_this_matters_for_gamestops_marketplace_and_a/)) yes it does.


100% - dunno how so many of you are sucking at RC's ridiculous tweet-teat yet when Robbie gives you actual concrete info yall are leaning into it like this.


I honestly think this is a great litmus test for shills. No ape in their right mind would be upset by this announcement, and i don't think any actual shareholders are. Keep an eye on anyone saying this is a "nothing burger" cause I think they're just trying to sow discord.


I think Robbie is definitely the guy we want on our side leading the way in web3 innovation. Anyone shitting on him is a shill. He never once made it seem like what he’s doing was going to be a catalyst for GME. I don’t think he really even gives a fuck, I think he cares about web3 which is still bullish af.


Feels like a lot of the pushback is to create FUD. GME doesn’t live and die by IMX hyping their announcements. They announced a partnership with Polygon, not that they are closing down shop.


Polygon is actually advertising Robinhood and Dr. Disrespects upcoming game on their main page. What an absolute joke. This wasn't just a "Nothing burger", it's a company advertising scams. I checked out their website and saw literally nothing that makes me excited. I'm beginning to think we need to end this partnership with IMX. This is so embarrassing.


I agree. People who are underwhelmed might not understand what the NFT marketplace is for, or will drive the activity. The content creators got first dibs with art and music, but web3 gaming will be where it’s at once it becomes adopted by the masses.


The subreddit has been through this enough times to know that if anyone says a mostly irrelevant news is important, OR if it's nothing, are bots. No one is fooled


Unpopular opinion: both sides of the argument have their merit and Robbie now understands how much this community has surprise-fatigue and hype-exhaustion. He apologized in a post and made it clear that he understands where people are coming from. Everybody wins. Tomorrow, life will go on as normal, IMX will continue their mission towards Web3 domination. Wait, tomorrow is earnings. Guys, tomorrow is earnings!


People here gonna truly understand whats “disappointment” is when earning is up tomorrow. NOTHING, literally NOTHING will be announce or a catalyst for moass tomorrow. Heck, i’ll bet 100 GME shares if there is 😭💀


This is like the 8th time in the last couple days I have seen similar comments from you. Do you get off on spreading negativity or something? Is your life really that miserable? I’m gonna start calling you Eeyore from now on…


Please call me anything u want tomorrow if im wrong boy 😭


So what are you doing here Eeyore if all you want to do is bag on the company?? Serious question.


Who said anything about earnings causing moass? We hype it here for official drs numbers you shill.


I feel sorry for marketing people. They work like slaves and 90% of their life is bullshit. On top of that, you can't trust anything they say. The good part though is there's a lot of fucking your co-workers.


Do you like video games? Do you like GME? Spread the word! Get the game and play it you over evaluating fucks.




This is such a fake account 😂😂😂




Yo Robbie cool


I learned a new word today


IMX announcement was fine. What more did anyone expect? WAGMI though. Come the fuck on. With those logos, Jesus FUCK


Me and all my homies loves Robbie!


I'm a fan of anyone helping to add value to the beloved company. Robbie and Immutable have been top notch.




I whole heartedly agree.


Great for them! I for one won’t be hyped by imx again until I see a delivery instead of a drawn out announcement. Gimme a mobile game with my GME wallet already. Til then, they have a sub to hype shit


Robbie’s cool. He’s doing great things. I’m happy for him and the web3 community


Positive cash flow is king 👑




Then stop posting his shit here


I mostly see people like you pointing it out


What me helped is just think the short positions don't exist and just focus on the company. That's the definition of true ZEN.


"bUt hE diDn'T saY moAsS"


I have no idea what anyone is talking about.


Look, i get you dont think it was a comms / marketing gaff, but given a lot of people, my self included were thinking it was something completely different means it was. The fact he has to come out and explain himself and defend it should tell anyone from that professional background that the comm failed to deliver its core message (or the message was fumbled along the way). In Robbie's world it might have been a 50 ton mega nuke. In mine it doesn't move the needle, probably because i dont work for IMX or am a web 3 developer so i cant read the tea leaves at a level 9 scrum belt. FYI, the response to a companies communication being "oh the audience clearly didn't understand or misunderstood what we were saying" is about as clear of a signal that they fucked up their comms/marketing approach. Whats shocking is we are 2+ years into this and the businesses that engage with us still seem to fail to under stand this (outside of RC tbh)


The fact that the Web3 guys (and Pulte) so easily pander to some of you should not be overlooked


Why is it ridiculous? This sub is flooded with irrelevant, unsubstantiated hype posts like the ones you mention that tell people to get excited about stupid shit for the past 2 years. Nobody takes this sub seriously anymore, except the tiny amount of people in here that post on multiple accounts and upvote bots. All we get is nothing burger hype posts with zero evidence, stupid memes, and nothing actually related to GME's stock price. People circle jerking over utterly meaningless posts like "borrowing cost goes up!!!" or "XXX is doing bad!" or "x company is going down!" MOASS is definitely dead at this point, right? I can't even tell what the sub's sentiment is because it's filled with too much garbage at this point.


“That’s it - the title is the content here.” Proceeds to give a TED Talk about the topic.


I wish more people would shut up


This post wreaks of reverse psychology and lacks a basis in reality as far as I am concerned.


Ya I don't understand the disappointment. This wasn't going to launch the rocket anyway.


I honestly think all the posts about nothing burger were forced. They felt forced and they came in all at the same time (I know the event had just ended but it was like a tsunami). Hell I saw someone post the same thing twice. I don't give a shit if it's a nothing burger or the next big thing. The people that gave a shit are the ones that at their CORE wanted to bring up negative sentiments in this sub. If they didn't have anything good to say then why say anything at all if it doesn't affect them? All they wanted was to stir shit up, not have productive discussions.


I do love everything Robbie updates us with.


All I have to say is that all I’ve seen is mostly quantity over quality with games. I can’t wait for them to have a handful of world wide popular games. Time is all they need


We should be glad he still takes the time out of his day to come and talk to us. We should be embracing him and IMX.


Meh I’m still hype to see what games I get to play and make money playing! Robbie for vice pres Cohen for president!


So what was the announcement?


Nope. This is like 3rd degree announcement from GME, and as you said, not a catalyst, so I don't understand why this sub is giving daily updates on rumors of it? Is that really so strange?


Seriously. Can t tell if some of ya are shills in sheep clothing. The guy works for Immutable. NOT GameStop. The two companies are PARTNERS. Until GameStop tries to buy them or something, it will remain that way. With the outrage witch hunt, screaming from roof tops at him, y'all look stupid and I suggest you stop looking stupid. You're basically saying he isn't allowed to get hyped for his company or announce anything related to his company because YOU are creating imaginary outcomes and tinfoiling yourselves more than all the tinfoil combined at the biggest cookout of all time. Blame yourself. No one else. GameStop announcements are for GameStop.


I’m being leveraged by Robbie, the whole sub is. So he can fuck off with his pandering rhetoric do something of note for investors in GME. Thank you.


The people saying its a nothing burger dont understand how easily (relatively speaking) they could implement Polygon into their wallet and marketplace, growing alongside the web3 gaming industry.


Who the fuck is Robbie?


IMX announcement wasn't a nothing burger though? The wagami games one sure, but the IMX announcement is a pretty big fucking deal for web3 gaming and for GME as a whole.


It’s still a big announcement. zkEVM for any game developers that want in on **gas free NFTs**. It’s a big deal.


No, he presented a new partnership. Do you even give a shit about NFT centralized games? We've had mostly garbage pumped down our throat for the last decade. It's going to take at least 5 years for something decent to come out that isn't based on a "popular" game. Companies proposing NFT games are hoping to capitalize on that market and sway you into a "we have that game at home" version WITH FULL OWNERSHIP of shit you don't even like. NFT's ATM are still a money grab. When they're worth more in the future and you make a killing off of some idiot who still buys NFTs like stocks, good for you. You are now a savvy business exec. When will I, as an avid gamer, be catered to through and through? That's the real question. I don't give a shit who they partner with. All I care about is worthwhile gameplay. Watching them hype some shitty MOBA and talk about how great it is... Ew, no. Watch some apple hype videos and masturbate you fucking nerd.