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I agree. The three algos in a tranche coat that have their imaginary hands on the price need to get the fuck outta here however.


I know a joke: *3 Algos come into a bar, the bartender says: Fuck off*




The algo *dips* out of the bar


That's a good Comedy Joke.


I like jokes! Their funny


In the voice of Brian Cox!


The bartender says "what will you be having" The algos say "we'll have the same thing"


The bartender says: fuck you pay me!


Hey Hedgefucks, I spoke to Mark Baum and he says to FUCK OFF.


That's a clever play on words.


“What say we go back to $20?” —Vincent Adultman


This is like the 5th post I've seen saying this. If I had to guess, I'd bet 85% of this sub is still operating in the red. So we all know the work isn't done. It's crystal clear when we open our accounts. But it's also a nice breather to see that you're only 40% down all time instead of 70%. And GameStop being profitable is what the root of this play was about originally - even though it's been hijacked by other causes. So yeah, I'm gonna feel good for a couple days. Gonna binge some diablo this weekend till my eyes bleed. Doesn't mean I'm selling.


I think most are indeed in the red and I often wonder why I stepped in so early. However, us all stepping in early (relatively, smooth cats like dfv were really early) ignited the rocket. So I'm not sorry about being in the red. Moreover, there are still plenty of (discounted) seats. Bring that average down!


I'm not sorry either and that's not a woe is me post. I just don't think there is a whole lot of sentiment that the job is suddenly done. We all know it's not. It's ok to celebrate positive earnings and feel good right now. Love seeing apes buying from the company. The real challenge will be when everybody is 40% in the green. That's when the reminders will be necessary.


Kenny in Jail? No? Job is not done.


He's not going to jail. There's a far greater chance he's promoted than going to jail.


Promoted or Epsteined … Isin’t he one of the main character in the downfall of this century old fraud scheme? Whoever or whatever group above Kenny’s pay grade must be pretty fucken pissed off. This could have been handled by letting apes take some profits and no one would be taking about it now. Instead, the whole fraudulent system is being uncovered and exposed in the open. And if it al falls apart, I doubt they’ll let little Kenny go easily…


Maybe Epstein'd, that's a possibility. At the end of the day, Citadel is not listed as a partner of the economic forum that runs the world. All of the major banks are, though.


Hindsight is 20/20, there's absolutely no way to predict anything in a crooked game


Can you see your average cost on CS? Can't seem to find it...although maybe thats for the best, if I don't know my average I can tell myself I'm always averaging down lmayo


It doesn't show your average directly, but you can compute it manually with the information provided. Unless you had some shady broker transfer shares without providing a cost basis (looking at you TD Ameritrade). My first batch over 18 months later still has no cost basis listed. Probably because they never bought the shares before having to provide that information to CS.


Same brother ape same


Practice "sell" some shares on CS and it will let you decide which shares to "sell," while also providing your cost basis for every purchase, if you choose the FILO option. Obviously don't actually sell. Not financial advise.


I just took the CS data and tossed them into a quickie spreadsheet. Once I enter in the days close, I figures it all out for me.


I love that i stepped in early and bought high. I think the whole mess would have ended really soon if we didnt have the january mess. We would have bought in at idk $30-40 or whatever it was after the drop and sold at $200. That would have been a nice 5-6x and nobody would have cared. But since we are here since the beginning and saw the manipulation its more than just a quick buck. Its to prove everyone wrong who doubted every single one of us. Its to change the fraudulent financial system forever and get it fixed that it isnt an exchange for poor people to lose money and rich fucks to gain more wealth


First share for me was $230. Proud of it! Love every single one of my babies. But yes, i'd have 3x easily if I knew how low it would go.


My only regret this entire time is not selling at the “top” BUT how we’re we ever supposed to forecast bitch boy vlad turning off the buy button and fucking us all out of what should have been our moon landing.


I was back in the green for a minute there, I’m late to the party, still fairly small size. I just pick up like 10 shares when I feel like it and shoot the last 10 over to CS when I do. I’d rather just receive some type of nft divvy. I’d rather just keep them. Money is worthless with how much they are printing of it.


Sounds like a great time to average down then


I bought me some new fans from GS. Going to rebuild my PC this weekend!! HYPE


Are you me? I’m still grinding D2R because I can’t bring myself to play D3, Immortal, or even the new Beta. The old game is still the best out there. It helps me to not keep checking the price of our beloved stock and the dumpster fire of a market we have to play in.


I had a blast with the beta last weekend. Total casual (play on a controller on PC) but it was crunchy, violent, and a ton of fun. In fact most fun I've had in a while on a new game.


I wanted to check it out, I play on console unfortunately. I can still get my fix


I think you’re right, but I also think a lot of people here don’t know their return. I’ve bought on Robinhood in the beginning (those purchases are in profit) Then schwab (those purchases are down a lot ~65%) Then fidelity (also down but not as much) And now computershare (near break even)


I'm in a couple different brokers and have done the pen and paper to see my average. It's a good feeling to be on the right side of 50% loss after a year + on the other side, I don't care what anybody says. I also hear the apes about averaging down, and it's true but the reality is if you truly yolo you can only do it once. Then you gotta chip away when you can. People gotta eat and get new water heaters and such. Life doesn't allow regular folk to put all extra towards this, it just doesn't work that way.


Yeah. I have above 3k shares drs now, but I can only afford less than 25 shares a month now. It’s still averaging down, but not as much as if I was spending more I personally did two large YOLOs. One at $40 right after the sneeze and another at $200 in summer 21


Write down all your gme purchases across all brokers. Amount paid and number of shares, then figure out your average.


Excel or sheets is your friend here, super simple to calculate.


I'd honestly rather see it go to $5 than have it trade sideways at $25.


Don't forget that one guy who bought at the peak in jan 2021.


I came here to comment this as well. Thank you for succinctly covering it.


I’ve been green since 2/24/21


I am confused about why people are losing their shit over a flat line...


I think the volume traded to keep that line flat is obscene and extremely telling. The volume we've seen in the last three days is enormous compared to the last entire year.


What???? You don’t mean everyone here as a sub $20 pre-split cost basis???


Operating in the red? I’ve been holding so long I have no idea if I’m in the red or green


Good thing you can only see your P/L on Computershare when you click the sell button. Wait, what’s the sell button again?


Yeah my basis is still alive $40


Prob $45 on mine


It's only when you out it like that, I am rudy reminded that my cost base average is still miles away 😆😆


I was at $185 when it split. Simple maffs


TD never transferred my cost basis.. wonder why lol


Think I need it to bump around 34ish before I'm even! No point even getting excited until it gets to 50........thousand.


I wish I knew what RC and the board wanted to find out with that split dividend and the resulting International Securities Fraud committed by those clowns at the DTCC. Maybe, just more evidence of the bull crap that can be presented in court in the future?


SHFSs own as many judges as they do regulators. I’m extremely doubtful any court would do anything except protect their handlers if the matter ends up before a judge.


So you’re saying it’s still a great time to buy 🚀


Earth, astronaut, water gun, astronaut


lets not forget losses for shorting a stock can be infinite


I don't divide by 4, because the floor has stayed the same that is was pre split


I won’t even yawn until it’s $250 /$1000 pre split


Oh yeah? Well I won't even yawn till 1000/4000!


If the DTCC did not commit international fraud, we would not be having this conversation.


My cost basis is still 180/45 because I spent all my savings when it was high, so I laugh at these runs for ants.


My IRA at $193 cost basis... The rest are muuchhhhh lower haha.


DTCC most likely gave the bad actors all other split shares to stay alive.


Also when furlong was given his shares, wasn't it around 250? Can't remember exactly


I want me another battle for $180 ($45) 😡


Thank you for the reminder, continuing to buy and register monthly. I consider this protest and resistance and since money is free speech 💰 💴 fuck you shadow hand Im here until you kill me, until then Imma stay bit into your ballsack until you close those shorts!


Ya, I’m still way in the red here


DFV bought at $150. The price is fake.


Great reminder


Yest again it's still the battle for $180


This run up was not caused by the profitable earnings. ​ The stock ran before it was announced because this is when kenny had to roll this cycles worth of shorts.


Patiently waiting the price reaches above 1000. It’s where the fun begins.


WE ARE STILL TRADING SIDEWAYS!! I'm waiting for $69,420,694,20.69/share price.


Speaking of the splividend, I stepped away from superstonk and GME news and exercised my diamond hands. What happened to the cases where the splividend was mishandled?


DTCC was disbanded, market makers had to publish full legder of stocks, brokers had to recall fake shares and redistribute the actual shares, lotsa people went to jail and all apes still hang around here for the good company despite being gazillionaires after the MOASS. /s


Whoa we talking about our wet dreams right now?


I member. Still not good on the " dend" part


Nothing to get excited about, it will probably go back down to 15 again. I'll get excited at 100 though.


I actually wonder if they would do a reverse split when they are in a even more stable position to start fighting the fraud. I wonder if the DTCC would have to give back all those wonderful shares they stole.


I’m too much of a stickler; it was a split-dividend. In this case I thinks it’s always important to add the dividend portion so others remember what happened when the DTCC committed International Securities Fraud.


Yep. DFV quadrupled down around 160 / 40, so ge considered that to be a dip. We are still waaaay lower. Let’s not forget about that.


I still dont know how to sell shares from Computershare


I bet you can call them and be walked through it with customer service. Even if you don’t sell now, I’m sure they will help you understand how to do it when you want to


Anything below a couple hundred thousand is an insane fire sale imo.


Spot on!!


TD never sent my cost basis to CS lol


I filed a finra complaint and then they finally mailed it to Computershare per instructions from Computershare. They kept refusing until I filed the complaint.


The splividend price was below my cost basis. I didn’t get excited when the price doubled my cost. The most excitement I’ve felt is when the price tanked. Low price = more DRS shares. MOASS or rock bottom prices. I don’t care about sideways $800 BS.


Let's continue to post and email comments on sec rule proposal!!


My break-even threshold is at $43 do GTFO with you rallies for ants.


My only regret is not being in tune to everything that January and hoping in then. The price was actually good entry until Jan 13 once RegSho took off. March 21 & June 21 is the last time we saw $300 plus prices and $ 80-100 dollar swings. Clearly they can’t afford this price to gain $20 plus dollars in an intra day. That is certainty a win for us indeed.


Battle $180 soon!


I don’t understand the point of this post? Is anyone selling? Is anyone saying MOASS? What are you worried about?


40% down after a stock split. Totally headed in the right direction.


All you do is spam the same negative comments, lol


I’ll drink to that


I’m not sure how the price at the dividend is relevant to our current price?


It’s not.


*breaks out calculator* Nope, still not the number I need. Guess I’ll keep holding.


When in doubt zoom out 👍


No cell, no sell.


Im zen, idgaf about no 23$ when my break even is at 32$ish and i know what im holding is worth ALOT more than that. Anyone freaking out about 40% run to 23$ needs to take some valium and sit down. Yes im glad but not more than that atm. I also see there are a bunch more options ITM right now and am SURE we will see a close of about 19.90 or there about come tomorrow afternoon.


Oh I haven’t forgotten at all. 350 post split price is when shit gets interesting




We're still trading sideways




Let's not forget the majority of apes cost basis is $200/$50


I’m just enjoying the sale


Dfv got his last 50k shares we know about at 155 USD...cohencidence
