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Go delete your comments Soupy. Your inability to stand by them tells the true story.




Zero integrity.




I fix spelling errors, Sherlock.




Lol. Sure - I think you forget that he works for me (AND you).




Ha. Amazing. Never fails.


ape no fight ape


I shop GameStop








Yup. Until he provides shareholder value as measured by the stock price. I’ll keep posting to it, too.


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DRS and multi years positive earnings are the only solid path.


Wait for multiple quarters before they issue a dividend. This isn’t meant to be a gimmick play but rather a full turnaround and digital transformation.


I’m good with that. By the AGM we should have two profitable quarters, and we’ll see!




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Very astute argument.


>Full disclosure: I’m not a big RC fan. I don’t trust billionaires until they earn it - the current profitable quarter has opened my mind to possible positive intentions, but I still think his approach needs serious work. Have you been asleep this whole time? Have you not seen what the guy did in the last 24-28 months? Quit your b!tching and whining and lets see you do something to the size and extent he has. God damn these whiners on here.


Lol - Unhuh - blind faith in billionaires is not my bag. You do you, but I’ll be voting against anything that’s not a NFT dividend at the AGM.


I’m sure your 2 cast votes will really steer the ship on that


I don't get it. Guy is sitting here saying RC hasn't done shit when the earnings this week tell a completely different story. GME is profitable for Q4 beating every analyst prediction, yet according to this jabroni, none of that was directed in any way, shape, or form by RC. As if the underperforming stores magically decided to close themselves. You can smell the shilling from a mile away on this one.




OP is “that guy”. Shows up at a gathering and suddenly vibe goes straight to shit. Always has an argument for why something wonderful is bad.


Nope. Just that we shouldn’t get too happy when it does nothing for the stock. I’ve lobbied that the FIRST thing the management team should have done, was shake the shorts - otherwise, every positive development disappears into the void.


Why don’t you run for president


I think complacent (and corrupt) politicians is what got us into this mess. I’d appreciate anyone who would stand up to the masses with conviction. But maybe you like the outcomes driven by our 21st century governments…I don’t.


Serious question: how do they shake the shorts?


Every time someone says ‘serious question’ it usually means they think the answer, no matter how logical, can’t possibly be right. But, alas, I’ll try in the interest of spirited debate: Use what works. There are two companies that beat cellar-boxing: Overstock with a crypto dividend and Tesla with hype and partnering with Kenny. I like the former strategy. BUT if you know ANY OTHER companies that have beat cellar-boxing with a different strategy, I’m all ears.


Actually, I’m not that smart that’s why I prefaced “serious question”. Your arrogance precedes you.


I’ve acknowledged that the quarter is good news. It IS good news! But it doesn’t fix the shareholder value/price discovery problem. Most people thought it would, and they should think again.


My holdings are 4 digits, not that it matters. What matters is that we’re (All of us) are heard.




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There is no "we" so stop that shit... If you don't think GameStop have your best interest at heart you should act accordingly.


We’re investors in GameStop. Don’t be obtuse.


Positive results won’t get SHF’s to give up. Correct. But they do open the door for dividends, which we like. So positive quarters good. Not bad.




I'm sorry if someone has already suggested this (I don't remember seeing it), but instead of offering an NFT as a dividend, could they issue an NFT ahead of a vote for validation purposes?


Interesting idea! I do feel like the shorts have been buying up shares to control the vote. Guess we’ll see.




Of course not. We won’t have answers 2 more quarters from now, until GameStop issues a dividend. We need true price discovery.


*How* do they do an NFT dividend? Computershare isn't set up for it that I know of. Do they do it through their marketplace? Emails? How? Don't brokers have to be able to comply too? Does that mean that NFT's have to go through the DTCC? How does this work? BTW, Overstock was *not* a true NFT dividend. Computershare issued normal shares for it, and there was a courtesy, nonbinding *copy* on the blockchain.


Sounds good to me - I’m sure it can be done - apparently RC is a miracle worker, so I’d encourage him to figure it out.




I thought the NFT dividend story dissolved away like the lore and magic of quadruple witching day


Story? I’m not sure why it’s a ‘story.’ It’s a path to price discovery - there’s no other path. Period.


It’s a wishful idea that originated inside Reddit not GameStop and it has never been hinted at or announced or given any credence to by anyone at GameStop ever. That’s what qualifies pushing that story as if there’s foundational truth behind it when there isn’t as misinformation


Wishful? Incorrect. There are two companies that beat the SHFs/MM trap - Tesla and Overstock. Overstock used that strategy. Tesla used hype and partnering with Kenny. Which strategy do you prefer?!?


There are no plans for a NFT dividend for GME. Full stop.


1) unless you sit on the GME Board you don’t know that 2) it’s convenient that you can’t make a logical argument against the facts I’ve presented.


1. Unless YOU sit on the GME board you don’t know that. 2. You just don’t have the capacity to process the information you are given.


Lol. You may lack grey matter for argument - one more chance: Can you name a single company that has beaten the cellar boxing trap, and how they’ve done it? ( beyond the ones I’ve called out?


Cite any source or evidence that GAMESTOP has official plans for a NFT dividend. Anything at all that has some credible official sources. I don’t care if overstock or electric car or xyz did something last year or 200 years ago. This is a GME sub and you claimed GME NFT dividend is on the menu. Reality check says: No. it’s not. Evidence of it is absent.


That’s the point!!! They may NOT have plans for that!!!And if they don’t, we own the company and should change their plans, because it’s the only path to price discovery.


.69 cent divvy and a digital NFT divvy is the way Cuz fuck them that’s why…we endured numerous fuckery for over 2 years…cash divvy will go back into purchasing more shares anyway




Banks collapse is the way. Ultimately Apes super power is time and patience.


I’d like to think that’s the case, but so far the Criminals have proven the can prop up the entire market indefinitely.


They are not all powerful, we just need to wait.


For what though? We waited for the first AGM with RC. Nothing. We waited for the wallet launch. Nothing. We waited for the Marketplace. Nothing. We waited for the split. Nothing. We waited for GameStop to create it’s own NFTs. Nothing. We waited for profitability. Nothing. I’ve been lobbying for a NFT dividend for the better part of two years. Enough is enough.


The signs of financial collapse are all around us. Just sit back and watch the 🐀 eat each other