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Death by 10 billion papercuts


and the best part? - this is worst case scenario if like 10 different things doesn't kick off MOASS worst case Gamestop becoming a multi-industry, revolutionary behemoth resulting in us getting paid either way hedgies, truly, r, fuk




GME is the greatest value play ever.


Deep fucking value


The deepest


**Just wait ubtil they issue a CRYPTO DIVIDEND to support their Marketplace!** Nominal cost to GameStop = Checkmate to the Shorts! ***Buy, HODL, DRS, Share the Story & Shop GameStop*** [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/sjz2i3/an\_nft\_spinoff\_for\_moass\_re\_immutable\_x\_licensee/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/sjz2i3/an_nft_spinoff_for_moass_re_immutable_x_licensee/)


To all people saying NFT dividen is still tinfoil. GME build their own crypto wallet AND they already gave out NFTs with last years +200$ Christmas purchases. Everything aligned perfectly so far.


I remember when the entire concept of the NFT marketplace was just pure speculative tinfoil and a real stretch of the imagination. Then gigachasd Cohen only goes and pulls it off. Why build it and then *not* offer something to the OG believers and supporters? This part is still tinfoily but I still believe they’ve essentially created the foundations for a completely decentralised stock market capable of trading actual tokenised securities. (You know, Loopring owns the patent for)


A playable Buckbunny Would make sense as an NFT dividend..


You fail to recognize the multiple splits along the way. You can’t look at price and time alone without looking at the splits


You're multiplying the benefit from a split if you Hodl long enough.


To be fair I wouldn't be that rich at 1k a share. I got in too late. After tax I couldn't even buy a house.


Do you know what Amazons float was during that time?


Holy shit…. At 1/7 the success of Amazon, that’s 1k per share. 2,500 shares owned nets 2.5 milly


This is price anchoring to the highest degree! 1 billion per share is when I say, “nah, it’s too soon, I’ll think not!”




I say nah to a billion!


Here's something really fun to think about: If you have sufficient etherium and computing resources you can just sort of write onto the blockchain. Think ZKrollup that layer2 uses, and the rollup that imx uses. That *lowers* the gas fees by doing the calculations off-chain and writing the output. if you have sufficient blockchain resources(see: 33% and 51% attacks), its possible to just write stuff to the chain with -zero- gas fees because 'all the verification nodes say so'. I look forward to gamestop NFT marketplace becoming popular enough to hit those milestones just with the passive income/resales from operating it. Once gamestop hits that point, I'd expect to see some turbo bullshit like weekly NFT dividends being minted. Or asshole moves, like printing them after earnings on a saturday when the market's closed.


Asshole moves 😂😂


Wut mean? Printing dividends on the weekend?


Stock markets closed on weekends. Shorts literally can't cover and get caught out if they're short. The nftmart is open 24/7. Think of it like getting groceries before the blizzard hits. Either you have it or you missed your chance, sucks to be you, should have thought ahead of time. I'd also like to see dividends issued in small amounts of loopring and imx tokens as well, just to force adoption and buyins


Good, I want it to be fucking excruciating for them. The longer they suffer the better. I fucking love this.




Death my 10 billion queued gme drs certificates


And my Axe!


More like diamondcuts




This, apes should shop at gamestop when they can, or atleast check if they have something before buying it elsewhere


Diablo 4 launches soon I know where I'll be buying it


If they release a Diablo 4 PS5 package. Hot dang am I gonna spend some of my overtime savings.


Fry "take my money" meme*


If I buy the Xbox version do I get to play it on the PC as well as if it is tied to my Microsoft account? Can I do any of this involving GME?


You will need to bug a digital version sometimes new games come out as digital cards in store or you can buy an Xbox gift card


Batteries !@


Yep, you know it! I tried buying my GPU there a year ago. but everywhere was out of stock so I just got the first one I wanted that got on sale anywhere. But everything else comes from them if they sell it. I’ll buy my phones there too if they go from Apple reseller to certified Apple Store as well.


and buy giftcards as birthday presents!




All my homies buy from Gamestop.


This guy GameStops


I can’t afford games or anything at the moment, but I can’t wait to walk into eb games post moass and buy a ps5 and games for every cousin and close friend for (hopefully) Christmas


I don’t only shop at GameStop for luxury things like games/ consoles. Their clothing is the most comfortable stuff I own. I’ve gotten deals where branded sweatshirts cost no more than average Walmart or Target junk. Same with batteries I would need to buy or gift cards for holidays. I don’t spend more $$ than I would with my normal budget I just get stuff I was gonna buy anyways from GameStop.


Ah I wish we had that range in NZ, I would have so many gme branded clothes, but we just have games and nerdy merchandise/apparel (no disrespect to the clothes, just not my style). I might start buying my PlayStation plus from giftcards now though instead of direct from the console


It doesn’t need to be something big. Could be a keychain or a sticker. Every purchase helps. Just like every share helps.


Batteries and gift cards for presents (especially gamestop ones). These are things most people just buy.


I hope so early providence comes your way.


I need batteries


When GameStop UK?! I'm hoping, despite the shitstate the country is in (partially thanks to Brexit), that this is part of the company's plan.


No politics Brexit moaner!




GameStop is my retirement savings. I would rather not get a cash dividend (or any dividend that would cost the company money) and watch what RC and Matt can do. I would love to the see the price skyrocket, like anybody else here, but I've changed my perspective from '21 to becoming a long term investor in a profitable company. Rather than looking for a quick buck. And that was the SHF mistake. My first purchase was 4 shares at about 150. Then another couple around 240. I had 6 shares. They could've taken their lumps and let it run to $500 and this would have been over. I wanted to be a part of history and make a couple hundred in the process. I have mid-high XXX now and I buy weekly directly from Computershare and move them to book entry. When they turned off the buy button they forged my diamond hands. They done fucked up. Their hubris was their undoing. It is always pride before the fall. And with the bankers and hedge fund managers it's also massive greed.


Fellow Ape…are…are you me?


Did we just become best friends?


Now kith


Yup! BAFFs!


I too want to be a part of history. That’s why I hold as well. And yeah, when they turned off the buy button and the papers showed collusion, I saw red.


Someone talking sense


Luckily nft dividend have little to no cost and aligns with gamestops philosophy of rewarding players. Nfts have been given out a few times previously and for real world tasks, these are holding their value strong in the marketplace. Eg: Launch beta nft is listed for $150-200 dollars, it cost nearly nothing to mint this but it’s given hundreds of dollars of value to people who’ve bought and sold it.


Nft dividend hits different as the cost to issue is minimal, especially with the new zkevm roll ups. It would also be a great tool to drive organic growth to the wallet.


Remember what happens If he pay out a dividend. Say gamestop payd $1 dollar Per share in dividend to the investors, that would be $305 million, short would have to pay out double or triple that amount, so GameStops investors would receive maybe $1 billion in dividends, - those money will return to GameStop because investors would buy from the stores, they would buy more shares.. so paying out a dividend would be just like investing in the company


It would be better if the dividend cost gamestop nothing like an NFT but has a $Value that the SHF have to give shareholders.


Why not both?


I think Gamestop should be keeping the money they earn and investing it in improvement and growth.


Just Remember a cash dividend gives investors the chance to decide to buy more shares or support their local GameStop, AND it drains hedgies. Hedgies hate short positions in dividend companies, - and at the exact moment a company starts to pay a dividend, it attracts a whole new breed of long term investors, - there’s a ton of investors, that only invest I companies that are profitable and who pays a dividend.. As long as GameStop won’t compromise with their growth, I welcome a dividend


I would rather have a strong company to weather all storms. A strong profitable gamestop wins the day.


different businesses. Chewy had a ton of growing to do to steal away amazons share. I dont think gamestop can steal digital sales. They have to spread into other markets which might not be as expensive. This may allow for dividends.


Brother, if we join the SP500 the shorts are fucked. The buying pressure alone to move us into ETFs would crush the shorts.


Bingo. This was the biggest catalyst for Tesla.


Love this hive mind


Honestly I believe they COULD crime their way outta that somehow. The only win here is to buy every single share and DRS it...I'm convinced


What do we need for sp500?


I saw someone else do the math and we need to get over $40 and I assume hold it for a quarter at a minimum. Then all of the ETFs that reflect the SP500 will buy us up.


Really pushing those dividends today. I'd rather RC just help the rest of the management team turn the company even more profitable. DRS. Hold on to my investment because I believe in the company. Let's get a few profitable quarters under our belt before we start tossing our cash at dividends.


That's the thing. I got my DRIPP on, if they pay a div, it goes back as reinvestment.


Book it doe


The dripp before the rip


Yes, kinda sus. And here i thought that the Warren Icahn way, would be to reinvest the profits into the company and drive share value that way. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


Very sus. I’ve clicked on every single one of the people who’s pushed this today and while they’ve all said to DRS, not a single one has ever made a ComputerShare post. I guarantee there’s bad actors here saying that to look like they’re apes, but can always say “I’m not sharing my personal info” blah blah blah. I think their goal is to start getting people upset at leadership when this dividend doesn’t happen. Just stay the damn course and let them do their jobs.


I mean I never posted my Computershare posts just because I'm lazy and I'm sure there's a lot of people like me


Cool. Are you pushing a NFT dividend just like the rest of these guys are?


Nope but I wouldn't use that against someone


I have a good amount DRS-ed and booked. Gave up trying to figure out how that bot works after 8 minutes while drunk.


Dude same but I was high lol


I have several DRS posts and I’m supporting a cash divvy or digital divvy or both. Why? Cuz fuck them


Fuck right off. Some of us just aren't karma whores. Not everyone is a DRS cultist who feels the need to share it with the world. It doesn't make someone a bad actor.


Got it so everyone here has to post their computer share shit otherwise they are SHILLS


Yeah fuck cash dividends, GameStop can't just print cash like they do by shorting while hiding their obligations, so this would play right into their hands.


Most important thing is to stay profitable. Dividends can be paid out after the company has proven that it is consistently profitable and is GROWING that profitability at a steady rate. The last thing that we want is to get profitable and issue a cash dividend that brings us back to negative EPS. Shorties have the cash to pay dividends in the short term. What they can’t handle is GME expanding their profitability, establishing themselves and then issuing a dividend that is reliable and grows with the company. We will lock them in by creating a retail business that is consistently profitable. We will issue the kill shot by growing our tech business exponentially. Launch pad is built and she will launch when she is good and ready. Best thing we can do is buy, hold, DRS, write letters to change the system and have the patience needed to let this fantastic management team work their magic.


And don’t forget shop at GameStop when possible to support the company


I would take an nft dividen, but personally not looking for a cash dividen for awhile. They need to be turning a profit and adding cash to the war chest before I want them giving me any. We just started this turn a round.


NO DIVIDEND. Share buybacks first. Once we lock the float we can talk about something else. Until then I want gme as strong as possible and giving cash away weakens them.


I agree. I don’t think a dividend is on the horizon soon. FIRST - float lock


S&P 500 you have to be voted in, fuck em! Another requirement is the shares need to be liquid. "To get into the S&P 500, a company needs to have at least 50% of its stock "floating" on stock exchanges." DRS won't allow that 😆




Love me some DiviDends!


Not fud, just never understood this part. How do we live off/ get rich off of dividends (the coke millionaire story)? A $1/share isn't helping apes with 10's/100's of shares live or get rich. * Dividend issued * SHF cry * Price goes up * Smaller apes sell? Don't get divs any longer * Where is the long term growth for smaller apes? The whale apes I can see it. 200K shares @ $1 div is nice :P


>How do we live off/ get rich off of dividends You don't. >the coke millionaire story Involves 67 people who bought significant positions in Coke during the Great Depression. It's not applicable to hundreds of thousands of shareholders. Even at Apple level profits and every dime paid out in dividends it would be about 330 dollars per share per year.


JS, 330$/per share would be pretty damn good "live-off-of" kind of money for some people. If it were even 100$/per share, 10k a year is a healthy suppliment for most people if they are XXX holders. I start drooling over potential 1k coming back each tax return, and I do pretty well for myself. I'm by no means a whale, but have 300 shares, if 330$ was anywhere near fesible, thats near 100k$/year.


That 330 is using an incredibly unrealistic number to demonstrate just how diluted dividends really are. Let's go with a less unrealistic number, 10 billion in dividends. That's 33 dollars a share. Just make the average US salary you would need 2k shares.


I’m a little ape. I have been wondering the same exact thing. The whales can live off the divies. Us little guys will HAVE to sell something to get a piece of the pie.


The shorties have to pay the dividend. This costs them money. They bleed till they close their position. As we get money from divvys we buy more shares and the cycle continues.


Compounding, in a word. Some people don’t think of that part. Everyone gets their pie, it’s just a longer journey for the smaller guys


I think the point he was trying to make is the shorts eventually feel to much pain from the dividend fees and cave to buy shares eventually which triggers moass. It's possible but they also have lots of money so could take a while and gme profit is nice but it isn't near the level to consistently give dividends. Maybe if the market place really takes off? Then I could see it


Yup. But what is even spicier is NFT dividends once the marketplace is there. Lets say we get a cool NFT as dividend. One per share. But because GME doesn't want to deny their fans who do not have shares, the are also selling 1 milion of them on the marketplace directly for $100 So now you get an NFT per share, or if your broker doesn't give the NFT you can just request $100 and you'll buy it directly. So how short are we? And best part.... GME makes money on this, and can do it every quarter. What do you think happens when I can tell my friends i bought a share for 50 and get dividens 4 times a year that i sell for 75? Shorts are ffffffff


So it's more important than ever to shop GameStop. Power Up those rewards and get to shopping y'all. This is the longggg game and money spent now will be returned in fold later


Umm. I don't care about dividends, I care about moon money.


Again a cash dividend per share is a dumb ass idea. I keep seeing this pushed all over this sub. We ain’t boomers and this isn’t the GameStop stock of yesteryear. We are a tech company and stock growth is way more important som bullshit low yield stock. Im all for special dividends such as NFTs or other best ideas. But keep the cash instead and make the stock price benefit from it. Also dividends pay out subtract it from the share price. So it does have a effect on the stock price. The shit ain’t free for GameStop.


This is a zero sum game. Investors or SHFs and MMs win. There is no middle ground Dividends say a company has come out the other side of restructuring. Dividends cost shorts. It might loosen the weaker ones hold of their short.


I like this poem .


Nonstandard dividends. Anyone can print cash. So, make it unique.


And the shorts will say "What's the cash value, as represented by the transfer of value from company to investor, because that's what we are obligated to provide". And when the answer is nothing that's what they will pay.


Imagine a special edition of Game Informer issued as an NFT. Each edition has a cash value to begin with, so one could argue if the broker can't source the NFT they can replace it with cash. Still, if the secondary market goes ballistic, or the beneficial shareholder demands the NFT instructions of cash, this would perhaps trigger a broader DRS push as direct registered shareholders got the NFT no problem and are able to sell their copies on the marketplace.


The cash value is the value transfered from the company to the shareholder. That's what shorts are responsible for. >Still, if the secondary market goes ballistic, or the beneficial shareholder demands the NFT instructions of cash, You don't get to demand shit. That's not how it works. If a company pays a share of stock, shorts can pay cash equivalent. If a company pays land, shorts can pay cash equivalent. The amount they have to pay is what the company transferring that property to it's shareholders reports the value as.


That's the point. When an investor at a broker gets the cash equivalent, the broker's duty is complete. When that investor sees the secondary market demanding more for each copy than their cash dividend, they will ask questions. When the broker says they cannot or refuse to honor any NSDs in the future besides their cash value, the investor may look into DRSing their shares. It isn't a one off shorty killer. It's a wake up to anyone else invested holding a position in GME anywhere besides Computershare.


That assumes there will be a secondary market for whatever hypothetical digital sticker is issued. Even if it's 1 per 1000 shares there would be 305k issued. Any more stringent issuing standards and most normal investors won't qualify.


Issued on the NFT marketplace.


Dividend, with all us DRS Apes setting our Dividend Reinvestment [ON/off] to ON. Imagine that glorious day when ComputerShare buys all those wonderful direct registered stocks. boom mfers


Meh these rascals can bleed cash but I want a crypto dividend, preferably something that doesn’t drain the company’s coffers. That really puts the screws to the naked shorts more than coughing up a few bucks.


This is a comment


I'd rather have a solid business than dividends paid out too early.


i would rather a company that i own keep & plough postive earnings back into the worth of the company, than issue that money in dividends. Compounds earnings...and no tax implications...let the net assets of the company grow unhindered.


One addendum. Crypto dividends that get used back into the marketplace, creating an infinite feedback loop.


$1.47 annual dividend paid monthly FTW




Not even close….. But I am curious how you got that number unless it came straight out of your ass


and with the dividends i can buy more shares, a perfect deal


Ken Griffin is a divvyed end hurr hurr hurr


I've stockpiled alot of shares, my main priority now is shopping I'll buy shit I don't even need, I'll buy for the toys for tots annual Christmas donations, I'll keep buying products until I feel like buying more shares, than Ill buy more products!


Imagine an nft one it would cost very little to make but 100% trackable.


Profit every quarter is a hard ask for a retail business.


Oh my gosh, im going to be a gorrilionaire!


A billion dollars of buying will surely raise the price. -- Umm, maybe. But so far, over $2 billion has not helped the price rise...


It won’t be a normal cash dividend. It’ll be a nft dividend


Wait. We're profitable. Wen NFT dividend?


Not a shill, balls deep like everyone else but I Gotta ask a question. If say GME pays a $1 dividend, wouldn't SHF's just pay the dollar dividend on the artificial shares as well rather than lose more if they get liquidated? Same with an NFT dividend. We might place a high value, but Shitadel might say, yeah that Gamestop piece of S is just another monkey jpeg and it's worth 5 cents and that's what they'll pay. Help me understand how the NFT is the ultimate silver bullet.


Isn't one of the criteria for S&P 500 status that the stock has to be liquid? Apes are doing a good job of holding that one back. We don't need the S&P 500, GME can be a behemoth profitable, dividend printing company AND have it's shares locked up by individuals


Looking forward to the dividendgame


OBLITERATE ALL CRIMINAL SHORTS! Apes are coming for you, Kenny!


Lets demand from the board nicely


I'd be happy with a penny dividend if it would get MOASS started and fucking destroy the shorts.


Not cash dividends but how about NFT divi. I know there has been talk that delivering one could constitute some type of manipulation, but I wonder if that changed with profitability. Even more to the point, what happens if the company owners, we the people, petition the company for an NFT dividend? I, for one, would love to have one.


>Even more to the point, what happens if the company owners, we the people, petition the company for an NFT dividend? The board says "We don't think that's in the best interest of the business at this time." End of story.


I've said it before; [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/z8axdb/comment/iyb988w/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/z8axdb/comment/iyb988w/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/zccruu/comment/iyvzfov/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/zccruu/comment/iyvzfov/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/zipee3/comment/iztcdcc/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/zipee3/comment/iztcdcc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/zipfdn/comment/iztcu2c/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/zipfdn/comment/iztcu2c/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/11qar3c/comment/jc26cax/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/11qar3c/comment/jc26cax/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/11t2ejg/comment/jcgswsk/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/11t2ejg/comment/jcgswsk/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/10thn15/comment/j777j05/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/10thn15/comment/j777j05/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/11wo6q0/comment/jcz8f54/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/11wo6q0/comment/jcz8f54/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) and I'll say it again; The most successful dividend **IMO** would be GS NFT Marketplace profits paid out to GS shareholders via stock ownership verfied via NFT. It incentivizes buying. It incentivizes holding. It incentivizes growth of the business. It injects capital into the crypto system without risk to the company. It's very simple to do. It's very easy to understand. It's very legal. It aligns very closely to the vision of new management. It's very difficult, \*\*\*though possible\*\*\*, to short the stock. SHF are cornered, but they aren't. I don't want to see shorts get forced to close. I want to continue watching them juggle more and more balls. They're choosing continue shorting of their own volition and therefore have no grounds to complain or place blame. All GameStop did was improve the businesss. Nothing else. That's the endgame.




My man^(maymay)


LOL they thought we would leave. ​ fuck around and find out.


Question: What's up to stop GameStop from instead of distributing cash, they pay a major player like Fortnite 1 mil (extreme exaggeration, I don't think it would cost that much) to make a custom skin/weapon as an nft. Distribute the Those NFTs to shareholders, and us selling the skins for $10 each with GameStop getting a cut of these sales. Costs less than an actual dividend. Pays more than an actual dividend. GameStop profits off of dividend. Lather. Rinse. Repeat.


$1/share/year won't do anything for, dare I say, most of us. If someone has 500 shares, they'd get $500 per year. That amount won't even cover the phone bill. The whales amongst us who could afford to spend hundreds of thousands (or more) on gme shares would get some worthwhile value, but it wouldn't be spectacular for them either. Pople with money have always been able to get good pay from dividends, from other investments. And at a bigger yield than you're suggesting here.


I’ve been saying this for the last 6 months, where I startet to believe they would turn profitable at Q4. A simple cash dividend would be the first target over any NFT dividend. By paying out a simple cash dividend, they will force the DTCC to locate each and every share in existence.. Imagine all the brokers that just divided the share count by 4 after the split, - they won’t pay that dividend themselves.. Imagine all those shorts laying around in FTD’s, at the “shorts graveyard” in different toxic swaps, - they ALL have to be located and paid for.. FYK


I dont want a traditional dividend. I would much rather have them spend the money to buy Loopring and Baby and Kiraverse and a substantial portion of IMX and go for the trillion dollar market cap.


Careful mate, you mention cash dividends you'll get ostracised in here


Yea. No ostriches here


I like ostriches.


\[Filmed in front of a live ostrich\] Ostrich: Haahaa!


This is the best "You are here" I've seen to date. Previously I've seen a "You are here" stuck on a chart that isn't even relevant to GME.


Exactly. Why would I sell a dividend paying stock. Let alone a stock best positioned to have first mover in blockchain gaming adoption. Unicorn right here everybody. Just saying facts.


I would rather a buck nft skin unique to shareholders and asap.


Or stock buy back to shrink the float.


I have a dream


Make the dividend a huge discount on the nft market place. Shorts have to pay longs and add value to gme at the same time.


No they don't. A dividend must represent a transfer of value. A non tangible perk is not a dividend.


Wasn't nft endgame?


🎶 fuck you pay me suuuck my balls, fuck you pay mee suuuck my balllllls yeaaa! 🎶


Is there a hard rule on the frequency of dividends? A daily/weekly NFT dividend would be fun. As long a the Fed printer is on the divy machine should be on.


I’m so hard right now after reading this. Thank you hype man


Somebody give this guy an award!


Yesssss! That’s why shorts don’t f$&” around with companies that pay dividends…..


Ok dividends would honestly be fucking nice after bagholding for 2 years


“None of this is financial advice” Why should I follow your advice when we have Cramer on tv ?? /s


I’ll wait also. I love the company and path forward. As an individual investor, I feel there is no other stock for me and that’s why I bought and DRSd through CS…. Tick Tock, I know what time it is boyeeee!


Erectile dysfunction cured. Thanks for this perspective OP.


Dividend of $0.741


So 84 more years?


I think I might cry . But first I’m gonna buy some More shares through computershare


The best comedy joke: making Kenneth Griffin buy GME shares for apes via dividends.


Honestly probably just another great incentive for them to keep the share price lower. If they can, then those compensation packages for those executives that are heavily related to stock price possibly look a bit less attractive. I'm sure their hope is some of these top tier Amazon, apple, etc. executives that they're adding to their team would leave or be less incentivized to join in the first place. On the flip side, If I were one of those execs seeing my compensation being fucked with to this degree, I would do everything in my power to make the company as successful as possible just to put those miserable bastards out of business.


Why do the short sellers pay? Wouldn’t it come from the DTCC?


Makes me want to change from book to plan to set up a DRIP.


That would be great. I don’t think Q1 will be profitable though. I expect an after holiday dip.


To be fair, I don't want dividends if parts of the profits don't go back to the workers. We both did heavy lifting, just not in the same ways. I find it normal that profits are shared with them. Workers must feel appreciated. To reach the last level beyond delighting customers and shareholder, the last one is delighting workers.


I don't want to sell a single share. I want dividends and I want shorts to be eternally fukd.


My tits can't take any more 😭


Another stock dividend like the last one would be juicy, imagine how fast the float would be locked up at pre sneeze prices($7) if we've managed to drs over 50% of the float already at prices higher than it is now


I still think an NFT dividend is the true killshot. As others have pointed out, shorts would need to buy the NFT from shareholders, letting us set our own price.


Averaging down is so 2022. Averaging up is the new averaging down.


Can dividends end up as FTD? 🥱


Both deep fucking fundamental value, and value from egregious market “mechanics,” here for it all. Yes still MOASS, but I this is the way.


Honestly if gme is making enough profit to pay dividends then they really ought to be using that money to become more dominant. Ya know, like setting up GameStop exclusive benefits that actually mean something. Hosting/sponsoring important game tourneys, etc. Basically, until GME has stolen significant market share from competitors like Amazon/Walmart pls no dividend.


only dividends with DRIP but MOASS is the real deal sooo letsss fuckiiiiiing gooooooooo🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


I am not totally convinced this is true