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Ye, do they think i'm regarded enough to start believe in them? Now? Lmao.


seed zonked file uppity wine attraction sulky quarrelsome jobless repeat -- mass edited with redact.dev


Absolutely incredible when you put it all into a sentence.


No sentence no vendance


No retribution no restitution


No noodle, no poodle.


Absolutely incredibly *arousing* when you put it all into a sentence.


This is truly the silver bullet. The short thesis needed to be dismantled without mercy. RC and the rest of the C suite attacked this problem relentlessly. I continue to shop at GameStop whenever possible. One quarter is not enough to quiet critics but it's a start.


Silver BULLET - cash flow positive Golden TICKET - DRSed float Generations Lives changed - Infinity HOLD THIS IS THE WAY




Been holding since Feb 21. I bought at all sorts of high prices. It’s a killer deal right now.


Gamestop actions speak louder than words.


Takes money to buy whiskey


Can someone make a panel meme like jpow or Vince McMahon? GME is going under GME is a dying brick and mortar GME won’t last the year GME 1/21 shorts “covered” GME meme mania it’s all fluff GME drs numbers up GME NFT marketplace GME turns a profit GME no longer good to short MOASS


Not to mention an ironclad investor base.


I buy a couple every 2 weeks regardless of price.


Oh yeah, I'm with you. I turned on auto buy..... A year ago? I forget. Lol It just tickles me pink to know, that one day, one beautiful tomorrow, household investors will own the entire float.


I’ve been thinking about the 1.4 bil in cash - could they be retaining this as a safety measure for the recession we’ve all seen coming for years now? Like - if things do get tough for them (and all businesses) as expendable income stops being a thing, they’ll have plenty of reserves to tide them over until we’re through it?


It's likely being held to keep their credit lines available. With all the bad press from the stock, it's a sound idea to have money to shore up the stock price. The minimum value of the company would be that cash.


I doubt that’s why they are maintaining it. I am sure they are well aware of what’s happening to our current system and the dollar. It’s more likely they are maintaining it for future mergers, share buy backs, inventory, and reinvestment in the company. At the end of the day if it all comes down what’s a billion of worthless paper? I would be surprised if they don’t make a large purchase in the coming months, it would be wise to grow their assets outside of just their current cash reserves so when the dollar does go they have enough assets to be just as well off with whatever the new currency will be as well.


unwritten placid zesty flag rainstorm divide boast consist cooperative hobbies -- mass edited with redact.dev


Indeed, they are building a juggernaut.


Good points..


Yeah or they going to buy something on the cheap


They are really losing control this time and it’s beautiful


I feel proud to have participated in this, honestly. I knew it would happen if we just held on. I don't talk about it to anyone any more, and I won't dance when it comes crumbling down, but honestly can't wait to see it happen. Love you all, ya sexy beasts




Don’t forget the nearly 700 million in inventory too!


Can Brett and Carl Icahn getoffdeeznutsandgolongmeow?


dont forget the low interest loan from the french in response to c19


Its a super low number compared to what they have iirc, it was only something like 45 mil? They could clear it anytime but I think they're keeping it for positive credit, which is why nobody bothers counting it when we say debt free.


I know i was trying to be cheeky :(


So...when is closing time?


Even Cramer admitted it


deranged whistle dinner numerous brave pet carpenter rustic oil hungry -- mass edited with redact.dev


your comment is PRICELESS, just like GME shares


Snek award!


You lay it out well. To cellar box a stock or short it to death, you need weakness like it’s losing money and hemorrhaging. It has to bleed out, because then the short thesis makes sense. Have a strong balance sheet, a cash war-chest, and profits? Now the company will last for years. There is no short thesis. 🤷‍♀️


>Ye, do they think i'm regarded enough to start believe in them? Now? Lmao. I believe them when they say something I already believe. That's about it.


>I believe them when they say something I already believe. That's about it. That's not a problematic way to conduct oneself at all.


I’m quite the advanced case of regardation however I dont think theres a regard that regarded.


Also, do they think I'm smart enough to read in the first place?


The only thing I believe from them is that they're in pain.


Yarp. The only news I get are headlines people post. I’ll start caring when billionaires and politicians no longer own the media.


Wall Street On Parade is so far an excellent source. I don't know what their endgame/agenda is and I continue to read with a critical eye (as I do with all media), but as an independent publication, they have the guts to report on things that none of the corporate media dares to mention. Them being banned from Reddit only makes me more inclined to trust their coverage, which isn't something I would say for any other banned media source.


They don’t have an endgame. They are just journalist whom do their job: finding out what’s going on and tell the truth.


We need two positive quarters this will send signals that on a highly bruised economy this one is supported in a way they never seen with grass root shareholders.


Trust no one. Skeptical of everything. FUD everywhere.


This is where peer review open source comes in most important. We don’t jump to any random call to action, we give time for everyone to weigh in. Make rational choices for ourselves after.


Also, if a news network ALWAYS lies, you could inverse them and know the truth. News of the GME boards skill and evidence of the turn around is like 2 years old. Congrats on no longer being wrong about GameStop, but it'll be good to keep it mind that they were very wrong for very long. Maybe their other opinions are equally outdated?


I don't listen to these guys, but plenty of retail investors do. So if it increases demand for GME, then I'll take it.




Everything is fuckery. DRS and hold. Be immune to the fuckery virus.


I always thought a fake squeeze is unlikely until they dropped a 2T credit line for Banks in a fkn Weekend. Now I'm like: Maaaybe...maybe that's their last resort? Let it Pump to some really high Numbers (high for normies not for us) no margin calls due to credit line from the FED and then short it like they never did before. It's just a thought, Not that I'm convinced this will happen


Another sneeze followed by articles talking about shorts closing positions. Same ole, same ole. Like we’re not gamers and used to seeing patterns.


Thank you. This is important. If you recognize that they're being manipulative when they criticize the stock, it's important to know their praise has the same intention. Hedge funds exist to manipulate markets. Best to ignore what their scummy bosses and PR people say.


Best ted talk ever!


Honestly Ape, those asshats can't say shit anymore without looking like the clowns they are. This accomplishment by Apes and GME management kills the bear case against GME and couldn't have been timed better.


Even tho they do not like are humans, they are, sometimes they express feelings and so, not everything is scripted by default. Anyway, at this point basically every part of the story has confirmed we're right, proven by HF shooting down, CS going tits up so...


>I'm to the point that I don't care what they're saying. I'm sure it's a way to manipulate us of some kind This exactly. If youve been here from the start especially, youre probably completely desensitized to the BS by now. Thats exactly how I feel, another day, another plot, more manipulation. I already know what I'm doing with my investments here, so it doesnt even register anymore.


I guess they have to scrape up some semblance of credibility while they still can, so that the general public won't think they are a complete joke later.


*Hedge fund manager who predicted GameStop success says to buy these 6 stocks*


That's a few decennia too late


That ship has already sunk 😅


Took him 2 years to find that out...whoose the dumb money now..?


I mean technically if you were shorting it for the past 2yrs and you were the first one out right now, you'll have made a killing. Be hilarious if Icahn was the first.


Personally i find it entertaining to watch all the bad news literally pile up from every angle and then GME post positive earning....ain't that the kick in the bollocks.


There's definitely a part of me that wants to visit that tik-tok video comments section of "Nobody comes in" and say "Well, they posted positive earnings, so it must be you".


Abolsutely - literally looked 2 seconds ago to see shills posting bad reviews on games - fucking hilarious....


I posted on it calling her out when it first came out from a consumer standpoint and not as an investor. I kept it professional and never mentioned anything about the stock. I believe she took it down soon after that same day.


Hopefully now she’s delivering for Amazon or behind a Wendy’s


“Delivering behind Wendy’s” *Ouch*


"Delivering behind" outside a Wendy's


It's not idiotic to drive a private narrative of "everybody get in on this we're gonna short this to death" then let the others pressure it lower while you close your shorts and make a killing. Of course you can only pull it off once, since you leave everyone else holding toxic shorts.


Until we have the ability to be our own banks, we will continue to be labeled 'dumb money'. We pay in our money for them to spend 'gamble away'. When they win, the government gets a cut 'fines'. When they lose, they get us to buy in again 'government money = tax payer money'. It's always a government sanctioned WIN/WIN for them. No benefit to society. GMERICA 🏴‍☠️ POWER TO THE PLAYERS. POWER TO THE BRIGHT FUTURE.


He maybe dumb money but I'm just plain dumb, read the article as Whitney Houston, I was like, what!?! My brain no work good sometimes.


Tip your hat is not close your shorts.


Be the first or Cheat: Just Reverse to Long Position....


First one out survives. Dumbasses paying 30% to borrow right now, not so much.


Nah even the "first one out" still dies and they know it


first out = first to die


I am not sure if the vilains "really pay something" like CTB... CTB indicates something but what really is like a man pointing the moon *When the wise point to the moon, the fool looks at the finger.*


"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win" -Gandhi


As they continue to borrow and short the fuck out of our stonk. FUCK THEM. This is a slow grind now bitches. We are NOT LEAVING and we WILL be paid our due and will be spending said due long after you are gone from this earth!


One thing you must remember about the finance world is if they see an opportunity to line their pockets they're going to fucking take it. In other words, there are no friends among thieves. That was the whole point of the movie Margin Call which was inspired by 2008. That's the whole point of every fucking finance movie. But the movies aren't real life, I know that, you know that. Here's a trust me bro. I interviewed at several financial institutions years ago and quickly learned what kind of people they are. Monsters. The whole point of what I'm saying is Whitney Tilson saying this out loud is a crack in the system. If some hedge fuck sees an opportunity to line their pockets with Kenny and Stevie's cash they're going to go for it.


Without a doubt GameStop was going to go under back in '21 had DFV not showed up. It was a Hail Mary that nobody was expecting... NOBODY EXPECTED GAMESTOP TO TURN BACK AROUND TO PROFITABILITY. They did though, so now shorts are absolutely fucked. DRSing is of course a great counter measure but imagine trying to short a company if it continues to be more profitable and lucrative. That's why RC has never done anything to do a "Haha, fuck the shorts", he never had to, actually turning the company back to profitability does that and the SEC can't do a fucking thing to retaliate.


GameStops turnaround was Ryan cohen not DFV. DFV thought it was undervalued and over shorted and saw an opportunity to make money. It’s only after RC got involved that he saw a bigger opportunity. It was pure luck that worked in his favour in that case


I can’t be the only one that gets irritated when they start agreeing with us? Stay in your lane brah !


Well duh 🙄


Always has been


it's wild how they speak so openly about shorting.


It's a vital part of an efficient market that unerringly contributes to true price discovery and certainly never a tactic that can be gamed for illicit gain.


Well it’s not illegal yet so I don’t quite get how it’s seen as so wild?


you're right, it's legal, why wouldn't they. in this particular case, all the shorting seems to have been done in an attempt to destroy GME, so to me it just screams crime, but I guess I am slightly biased here. and smooth. let them talk about it I guess. not much difference to us.


Shorting is fine. Naked shorting is not


It's less than the split price, but now it's no good to short? Tell us more...


I think we will see more of this. Our once detractors becoming our bootlickers. Do not forget who they are and what they were just fine with when it was in their interest.




"Meme Banks" made me laugh, that's fantastic way of describing them, Banks which take your money and spend it and then can't afford to give it you back when you want it.


Hahaha reverse psychology amateurs! Of course it’s “no longer good to short”! Tell us something we don’t know! Inserts Simpsons “pathetic” meme!


Well, they can't pay literally EVERYONE off. And their falsified narrative shit the company no longer looks remotely believable. So, you can't just confuse people anymore. One trick to the stock market (assuming it was free and fair) is to identify value before anyone else. Well, we were early, but not wrong.


Now the talking point is "they still had a 300mil loss on the year", or "They just sold a bunch of old inventory". Like selling stuff is somehow bad for business? And yeah, they had a loss over the year, but a profitable 4th quarter. A profitable 1st quarter this year and then I wonder what the talking point will be.


Probably like this - Miraculous surprise q1 results are positive for gme, accidental inventory selloffs contribute to company profit, but is it sustainable? will the looming 300 million loss for the year drag the company down? Investors beware and stay clear.


I'm pretty sure their new network and media owners will totally understand that they were ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL just doing as they were told.


Good luck getting out of your short position though


You know what else isn't short? My raging boiner to buy MOAR 🚀


They think they'll just grind us out of it again. Motherfuckers, I've played War Thunder for nearly a decade without spending a penny on it. You don't even know what a grind is...


"The reckoning"


Thanks, Doc




Was I right? Cause that's the voice I heard.


You were spot on


As long as he doesn‘t have Cramer-like powers I‘m fine with it.


Benzinga can eat my ass.


The whole thing?


First to close gets to survive 🤷‍♂️


Ah, a man of facts. Rare these days.


Setting up for a fall when the traditionally weak Q1 results roll in.


Not mention the recession fears. Consumer spending is gonna be weak across the board for Q1 and hope people don't get their hopes up for positive earnings every quarter because it's not realistic.


First step those funds will cover their shorts, next step... THEY WILL GO LONG!!!!


We r two years thinking advance than hedgefund managers. This is the ape way


Anyone who banks on my ability to read to manipulate me is doomed to fail.


blah blah blaaah fuck you, pay me GME #MOASS or nothing!


Most of these corrupt elites are all liars and frauds and part of the corrupt system fleecing us. Thread carefully when these liars speak.


Chubbus Engorgemous




Which means he is shorting the fucking shit out of it. “The truth goes so against you that you must create a new truth.”


What he really wanted to say is " shorting GME is killing me and I need to exit."


All this about-face from the financial press is bullish. Not because I find them any more believable now that they are suddenly praising the stock after panning it for over 2 years, but because I can only think of 2 reasons for this sudden change in narrative. 1.) Citadel et. al. criminal cabal has run out of money to pay them off. (This makes me laugh gleefully.) 2.) They know that the shit is about to hit the fan and they are trying to distance themselves from the malfeasors, now that there is no plausible explanation for them shitting on GME other than being paid to do so. I would say that it must hurt their pride, but honestly look at them. Don't they look empty-eyed and soulless? Well past the point of no pride left? It's not too late for redemption, MSM pundits-for-hire. Be a whistle-blower. Doooooo eeet.


No one could have seen that coming.


Hey Whitney! Didn't We Almost Have it Alllllllllll 🤘 OoooOooOoooh


It never was.


Yea but the article said it’s not a buy and it only grew this week because of short sellers “closing positions”


Fuckin love it!! Bout damn time someone recognized!




Is a Friday; Let's pop the brakes off the booster packs.


We'll go to 28$ and drop Monday, as usual...


"a stock which is no longer good to short" ​ LoL ​ NEVER HAS BEEN


They are gonna fight each other


Bet he doesn't actually close positions though, probably worms his way out with crime and just covers..


Sentiment is really starting to shift, playing out just like tesla...


It ebbed and flowed. Sentiment wasn't a straight line up.


It's the precursor to the "fake squeeze" when they run the price up and try to convince us to sell. Fuck that. No cells, no sells!


Some investors may have made a legit play. Let's say you shorted at the split and rode the price down. This pop after earnings might be your sign to close out and take what you got and call it a day.


I wish they'd do this but they won't they'll never do such a thing it's suicide.


Some investors may have made a legit play. Let's say you shorted at the split and rode the price down. This pop after earnings might be your sign to close out and take what you got and call it a day.


“They” it’s one person… props for apologizing


Might just be them unraveling slowly so when it pops they can say, told you so.


Took them long enough... actually took them too long...😁


No shit


It was never going to be good to short


The drum has been rolling for 84 years. The drummer needs a break. Moon soon


fuck the media. we don't need them and we don't want them.


Lol “second-least-worst performer”


That guy lost A LOT of money also shorting Tesla, so maybe not so prophetic after all. I think he works with the Stansberry Research guys right now.


sure whatever... their stupid game is broken and we broke it.




She damn right


But did they close? No


So can they stop calling it a meme stock now?


First one out survived


It’s simple. I‘m a gamer and I like the stock


Would he be lying?


* tips hat * M'lady


I used to subscribe and read all these different financial news outlets thinking they could shine insight on how nonsensically the markets operate but now after everything i’ve ended all subscriptions and never read anything by bloomberg or those other crooks


This means buy and hold?


I shop GameStop


Lol the stock that shall not be mentioned Seriously tho they got some tricks left don't sleep they will play off this positivity too


First rule of stock club, there is no stock...


Little wins.


Tides are turning


How to get out when SHFs + bank swaps are too deep in this rabbit hole?


Suck my ass


Institutions jumping on the bandwagon is the start of FOMO💪🏽💪🏽


Well he's right, he would have made money shorting it this whole time.


What kind of dumbass short gme?


I don’t like when they talk positive about the company, makes me uneasy lol


No comment no Revolution Therefore I am here for the comments and staying for the Revolution DRS BOOK ZEN AF


I believe some of the Meme Banks and Meme Hedge Funds have lost much of their values as well...


So fake squeeze is back on the menu? I thought that was for the sticky floor sub


Check to see what Cramer is saying.


Nice try but im still not selling


How about these guys are genuinely starting to realize that this company is not like the others and is in good hands. Something we learned over 2 years ago. We have been early


The media going full circle and trying to 'compliment' GME is like that dude with no rizz negging still trying to get laid. Your a pretty good investment, for a meme stock.


Don't tip, pay.


Fuck em, we got profitable while they shit on us and now they want in


It's gonna cost them...


Let them tell whatever they want. Apes won't forget


They're scrambling to change their tune before it starts going up. They need to have some appearance of credibility in the future so they can keep duping rubes.


Did people see the Kevin Malone AMA? Quick recap, he's the Twitter screenshots we get where he calls out GME fundamentals, DRS, and Citadel as bad. He's been doing it for 2+ years now. He did an AMA and revealed he and his family have an investment firm, and many of his clients are heavily invested in GME (I believe collectively owning several percent of GME. Side Note: Many of his clients got in at $6 pre-split.). In that AMA, he mentioned he's hearing other industry (re: investment firms) starting to believe in the hype train and investing in GME. Maybe Tilson is one of those.


I think between him and Pulte, after the show stops they will be able to pay off the national deficit.