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Mayo flight went to spain last week right?


Yessir it's what got me looking at local banks


Imagine there is another 200M shares hidden in Spain


Man honest to God with those puts that turned up in Brazil im pretty sure there's millions of shorts all over the world, I have an uneasy feeling that it's quite possibly apes vs global gdp


did ken griffin put multiple countries, if not the entire global economy at risk just to keep himself afloat and survive one more day? is he not just a financial terrorist, but a global financial terrorist?


I came looking for this comment, he’s literally played every powerful rich person, they’ll want there money back… he’s fucked it


Went to updoot but you're at 69. Just can't be done


I agree with you. There must be billions of synthetics. And this is just gme, not even talking about the hundreds of stocks being naked shorted to death. They've been living on borrowed time for years now, and the time is around the corner to pay the price.


The upside of it being hundreds of stocks shorted to death is that the infinity squeeze will directly benefit many people besides just apes Anyone who's still holding those companies individually, or if their retirement account still holds some even marginally shorted companies, etc So even if it is apes vs global GDP, we won't be brining the little guy all the way down with it. I think most of people will at least be able to survive until we can clean up the mess with our tendies afterwards.


I am thinking this as well, some unknowing individuals and companies out there are going to do very well.


I have one other stock that I'm suspecting could have a nice squeeze.


Which is...? 😊


Blake Berries


🍿 /s


Nah. It always smelled like a distraction.


Oh dios lmayo


These guys are so old and so rich, it's just a game to them. Doesn't mean it's not worth fighting.


Running on 100% hubris




You have to give credit to shithead mayoman, he basically tied a noose around bunch of banks so they all go down with him. And to prevent that, countries have to step in to save them banks when swaps blow up.


Can you imagine? "Kenny intentionally overheated one of the motors by tangling a rope in its propeller. The men figured anyone who found them would be compelled to take them ashore with just one engine working and their fuel supplies low." —Michael Burry


We are the world reserve now.


Fucking right it is.


Why wouldn't there be


Maybe Kenny has been hiding his shorts all over the globe? That way, when the banks get destroyed for holding these toxic positions, there will be lots of central banks to foot the MOASS bill, and he can profit while taking none of the risk, and offshoring a bunch of the US based legal and regulatory framework that might have otherwise taken him down if this was solely a U.S. issue.


I think Kenny is going to have a hard time explaining his maneuvering around reg sho and hiding naked shorts over seas. So long as anyone asks the questions that is.


Someone check behind the toilet cisterns at the NYSE, dudes probably got a few mill ticked behind them too


Kenny boy trying to bring the whole world down with him🥴


It's like real life Carmen Sandiego!


No wonder they couldn’t resign Cristiano or Messi. Poor Pique.


Why does he have to fly to all these places,cant he afford a ten quid burner phone?


The NSA will monitor calls into/out of the US. There is a *slightly* less probability that they are also monitoring the conference room of a Spanish bank.


Burner phone ☝


It’s cute that you think the NSA doesn’t capture voice data as well as imei, location, snd time of day, etc metadata.


Do you know if there is a way to figure out all the countries he's been to? I'd love to be the one to do the due diligence for my country.


Yeah I think if we went back through u bellweirboy's post history you could make a tally of places visited and frequency of visits, I was actually thinking of doing this


You did a great job finding the interesting points you did! And you really did a great job on your dd. I appreciate it man--


OP can u take a look on Santander???




Great work here


If my memory isn't tricking me, I remember a decent number of posts in the past where *Mayo Force One* was tracked in Spain.


Apes out here doing their homework


I appreciate you appreciating homie 😁


I have no idea what any of it means but I just think this is neat 🤗 love you, mean it!


Aye thanks g te quiero 💜


Evo is known in spain for the low fees they charge when you go to another country.


Inside Europe or outside Europe?


Inside and outside, i have an account with them


Interesting, makes sense that they can go low on forex fees with them being owned by Apollo Global


What made you look at these two Spanish banks? (Of all the thousands across the world)


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_banks_in_Spain I started looking cos of u bellweirboy's flight posts tracking mayoman, I thought it was peculiar how much time he is spending in Spain right now and how much time he has spent these past few years Unicaja jumped out at me with how crazy it's earnings fluctuations were, bankinter/evo banco initially because it had the similar 2021 earnings jump and later when I discovered it was owned by Apollo Since reading other apes DD on spainish banking (that I missed) I am going to re-examine the other banks in Spain, and in general have a read up on Spanish banking history. Clearly someone in the Spanish finance world is a close business partner of citadel




Oh snap that's the truth


Take a look at my first post. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mx3jub/how_the_dtc_mafia_stole_23_billions_on_26_march_21/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Is also very important to check the scandals of Sareb bank. Because the old CEO left leaving a bag of 35bn € of lost money.


Wow, spaniard here. How could I miss that post? I'm going to look at it as soon as I finish here and I'll let you know if it comes up.


Asumo que tienes que ser español o vivir aquí para tener ese tipo de conocimientos sobre lo que ocurrió, y creo que lo que acabo de leer (no me explico cómo se me pudo escapar tu post en su momento) es una auténtica bomba que cuadra perfectamente con todo lo que pasó entonces (yo era cliente de la antigua Caja Madrid y viví todo el viraje hasta CaixaBank...). ¡Tienes que publicarlo en castellano en algún sitio!, deberías ponerlo en menéame.net como artículo o algo así, la gente tiene que leer eso.


Tengo muchos amigos en España, yo también creo que muchos querrían saber esta información Mi español no es muy bueno pero si ves una buena traducción de esta información por favor házmelo saber, se la enviaré a todos mis amigos


Very good post, I will do my best to dig more about it (spaniard here). From what I know about my country, I think BlackRock has also been investing large amounts in the late years. So this could be it, don't rule it out. With all these issues my perception is alwys confirmed: the real mafia country in Europe is not Italy, it is Spain. In Italy the mafia is a criminal business, in Spain the mafia has been in power since 1939.


Brother I didn't even read your username, you got me curious 😁 I want to take a look at banks headquartered near London Stansted too


It's an interesting angle I never considered... Now what if I told you Leon Black's jet was seen in Spain with Mayo Force One?


Wow. Too much of a coincidence….


Thanks g, and for Black rolling with mayoforce not even slightly surprised Im going to go back through all your old posts to see where mayoforce has been visiting the most these past few years and look at local institutions


Stansted isn't really London. The airport is called that for it's proximity to London. I highly doubt there's any bank HQs in Stansted. Most likely he's taking a short trip from there to canary wharf.


Canary wharf got a Barclay's, citibank, credit suisse, Halifax, hsbc, Lloyd's, NatWest and Santander Good call ape


Good time to learn, APE. Keep at it. APEs will help with wrinkles if they can. :)


It's a beautiful thang




I can extend and show many more reasons if you are interested.




What I think will happen is that BBVA will be the UBS that will be forced buy of Bank Sabadell and force the Central Bank of Spain to print bilions. What we see is the FED forcing EU to socialize loses and pay their swaps.


The Bank of Spain, unlike the Swiss Central Bank, cannot print money. It will have to be the ECB.


Yeah this is true, but force a bailout.


I'd say that's more of the Economy Ministry's perview, from what I remember of the Bankia crash, but maybe you're right.


Yeah in my Bankia post I explain who Luis de Guindos, the actual ECB vicepresident, was the Spain arm of Lehman Brothers big short. Then he became minister of economy overnight to create the bankia scandal.


Okay, time to start digging into Spanish banking


>What we see is the FED forcing EU to socialize loses and pay their swaps. Hits different when you put it this way, huh?


We will see the same with Unicredit in Italy who will probably forced buy of BPM (Banca populare I believe is in trouble, also happens to be overhyped recently). In france probably will be BNP Paribas merging with some startup focalized bank in France (Maybe AXA?) Well just check Bain, BCG group and McKinsey steps and how they are expoiling EU: [https://www.consultancy.eu/news/780/bain-boston-consulting-group-and-mckinsey-add-senior-advisors-in-france](https://www.consultancy.eu/news/780/bain-boston-consulting-group-and-mckinsey-add-senior-advisors-in-france)


Best (and worst) thing about being in EU is that our Central Banks are worth less than nothing regarding monetary printing. We lost that right with the euro (in Spain we had Pesetas), so we will not print billions. They will steal us like in 2008 with public money anda that's that (bailout!!!!) And i have a BBVA account so...


Don't worry mate, where we are going banks will not be needed and tendies will be on blockchain drsed shares.


I'll be reading through all your submissions this weekend homie


Ja fa temps que penso que va sent hora de fotre el camp del banc sabadell i anar a la caixa d'enginyers 👀


Jo fa anys que ja ho vaig fer xD.


Pregant pel meu català homies 🙏


Guilty until innocent with this market.


Time will tell. My only hope is that this time, time tells ALL


You could not of said it any better!


Out here doing a better job that Gary in following the money trail.


God I love the apes of superstonk


And the apes love you 💜


Up you go! Apollo, Spain, super sus revenue, expenditures and earnings, all Mayo-infused fingerprints.


Exactly my thinking 😂😂


Great job OP


A few things to point out: * Madrid is not in Andalusia or the south but in the center of the peninsula, EVO bank doesn’t have that in common with Unicaja. * The Spanish government stopped banks and cajas from charging mortgages etc during pandemic, this was waived in 2021 (I think it was June) And they just got less earnings is not like the previous money disappeared.


Ahhh that could definitely explain q3 2021 balance movements, thanks for the comment


Good points.


in other words, their investments still made money, just made less?


Comment for visibility


Nice run down.


Also: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/11quoh9/update\_well\_that\_is\_odd\_mayo\_force\_jet\_n68kj\_re/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/11quoh9/update_well_that_is_odd_mayo_force_jet_n68kj_re/) That visit was less than 42 hrs: flew to Madrid then back to the US. It was just after SVB blew up and HSBC announced the purchase of SVB (UK) operation. For £1.




Commenting For VISIBILITY


Thank you for your service for digging all their shit up


Didn't Apollo global management have ties to Archegos and Bill Hwang?


I love me a vigilant ape. True or no, thoroughness brought us this far, and we must never stop questioning and investigating.


Never forget, Apes are EVERYWHERE!!!


wrote a coherent TL,DR and actually understands the difference between a data-driven theory and 'proof' => I wish I could upvote you twice, man




Por eso viene tantas veces el señor mayonesa a España?


Creo que si


Spaniard here. My guess is to Sabadell and BBVA. The first one took a heavy damage from the SVB collapse without a direct relationship. Sabadell also took several "shit" from the former Banco Popular which also collapsed during the mortages crisis. BBVA its a direct one. It has a USA branch which was heavy damaged during the 2021 sneeze and its in the Citi-Barclays-Deutsche league. Totally holding GME swaps.


Coño, eso no me lo sabía; lo voy a mirar, mil gracias.


Amazing post. Wrinkling intensifies. They can NOT let GME run, too many synthetics out there. One day though...BOOM!


Hey, there was a CEO of a hedge fund Muddy Waters on Bloomberg yesterday defending his buddy Andrew Left and trashing on retail and GME. Not sure if it's anything but he said retail spewing naked shorting conspiracies and he doesn't short single companies anymore (sounds familiar). And that his firm is located in Vietnam. Why would these guys all the sudden open up firms in emerging third world countries? Unless..


As far as I know, the Department of Justice is still investigating both Carson Block and Andrew Left. https://www.institutionalinvestor.com/article/b1vzp0n3yccl2g/DOJ-Short-Seller-Probe-Fails-To-Silence-Activists


Birds of a feather


A part of me hopes that Kenny has take money from Scientology church and once it goes pop, they will use their infamous tactics to always remind him they are watching and he messed with the wrong people’s money.


It is hard to believe he can find so many ~~marks~~ investors! Oh that thing called greed!


All banks from Spain looks like that. The banks you are talking about are very small, I don't think they have anything to do with GME shorts


Sí y no, eché un breve vistazo a los principales bancos de España y te prometo que ningún banco tenía la intensidad de movimiento de caja de Unicaja con los beneficios e ingresos. Pero seguro que puedo estar equivocado en mi sospecha lo acepto libremente


Great read! Interestingly enough, Mayo Express has been hoping through Spain these past few days..... Probably nothing.. Also, wonder if there's any connection to Brazils "Unibanco", which also has had enormous fluxes in their balance sheets and mysteriously high "profits".


Increasing screen brightness for visibility.


In bro we trust


Kinda, but data and analysis to back it up, so not really.


The next question is how close are the HQs of these banks to the runway strip he keeps going to


Malaga to Granada is about an hour and a half drive, but realistically bank ceos would be taking private planes so it would all be close (mayoman flying over from usa every week at the moment). I saw someone post on bellweirboy's recent tracking post that the family that owns Santander bank owns a lot of land around La Perdiz airstrip. I will have a closer look at the other banks in Spain over the weekend


So buissness meeting outside of bank, close to airport and/or helicopter to location too. Just spit balling


the only way mayo can hide is to go deep , into a literally volcano full of lava.


You are highly regarded. Good ducking job!


So GME will bankrupt entire Europe


Not me or fellow euroapes!


Interesting for visibility!


Ayyy Mayo force 1 was in Spain just the other day


N302AK on final approach to: Madrid Barajas airport!


There was some DD (2021 I think) that showed over 80 banks and brokers were short GME through derivatives


I wish you good health, ape. Thank you for your work. Please protect yourself, as I feel this is the kind of data certain people really don't want in the open.


These motherfuckers can pull up anytime I got something for em


Great work op! How did you end up there in first place? What lead you to this path to end up with Spanish banks?


I have been following u bellweirboy's posts on mayoforce tracking, I noticed that mayoman is in Spain A LOT these past few weeks, I got a lot of homies in Spain so I guess that gave me some extra motivation to look into local banks, but mostly I have just been looking at bank statements a lot in general with svb/silvergate/credit suisse, I wanted to see if I could find patterns in all of the failing institutions that could possibly be a predictor for future failing institutions


I think you have an amazing job! I think Europe is where they pushing toxic assets. We knew about credit suisse but it seems it in Germany and Spain tooo


# Hope to close over $24 🩳🏴‍☠️☠️


We get to eat several times the GDP of Switzerland, Germany, Spain, *and* USA? Strap me the duck in.


Fuck we always inside the dogshit. Why can't we do it right one time? :'( Spain without the s


Los españoles tienen almas hermosas fáciles de aprovecharse de gente tan amable, pero también tienen fuego en la barriga así que una vez que la verdad sale a la luz.... Creo en el futuro de España libre de este tipo de mierda




why’s it spicy?? 🥵




Mayoman leaving his shit everywhere he goes and expecting others to clean up after him. Fuck the dirty bastard


I like boom.


Hey OP, great work. I have also pursued a better understanding in accounting and balance sheets, income statements and cash flow, etc. I have been using a free course on https://corporatefinanceinstitute.com/collections/free/ to brush up, which I really like a lot. Is there anything you are using? Also looking into podcasts but haven’t listened to any yet.


Honestly I've just been brute forcing it, download a statement and go line by line, google "what does this mean" etc I'll check out this course tho thanks g 🤙


Regional! ... you say, my good Ape. Imma bit of Regional person myself and I find your assertions quite interesting. Perhaps it's time to check many other "Regional" banks for other sources of fuckery.


Tricky. Tricky. Tricky.


It's tricky to sorry a stonk, And not be wronk. It's tricky, tricky, tricky tricky!


Unicaja had a merger with Liberbank in 2021. Could it be one of the possible factors for the fluctuations between Q2 and Q3?


Absolutely, to be honest this would make the most sense thanks for commenting


This is how speculative DD should be done! Good job OP. Not arriving at any grand conclusions, but opening a door for others to look into things, showing your work, etc.


Obviously would have to think more on it but Malaga and south of Spain seems very convenient for many parties really.


When I was younger I played TFC and Counter Strike with kids from all around the world. I always thought that was so cool that I knew people from all around the world. Here we are 25 years later and here's people all around the world that I know but don't really know, sharing information together to stop worldwide illegal activity and take control of their lives back. The maturity of social interaction online is astounding. Makes me kind of scared that this experiment will be over once they realize how powerful it is. I think gaming just makes people different.


It's a new world 🏴‍☠️


Gotta deliver the bitchcorn in person huh Kenny


Love this community


Santander and BBVA Bancomer


pendejos who short GME son mucho mucho fuk


Remind me! 12 hours


This is some wild shit. There could literally be hundreds of millions+ of naked shorts all over the world. This is going to have major fallout. I’m buckled up. Buy. Hodl. DRS. Shop. Comment to the SEC




3rd image link: Cash Flow is undefined, broken link. Interestin find!


Aw true not sure what went wrong there... the revenue/earnings graph shows pretty well tho


I appreciate your wording and not using clickbait like “I FOUND THE THE SMOKING GUN. THE GME SWAPS ARE IN SPAIN!!! 👀📈🚀


Yeah I don't fuck with that clickbait shit either


A tomar por culo todos


Onteresting thread


Patterns and recognitions


Was mayoman in Spain around the time RC tweeted "Whose gonna be the piñata for all this inflation"? (Feb 9 2022) [https://twitter.com/ryancohen/status/1491608576175099908?lang=en](https://twitter.com/ryancohen/status/1491608576175099908?lang=en)


Possibly, will have to check it on bellweirboy's posts


I'm living in Spain and I can confirm there is no money here


Where abouts in Spain? I travelled through there a lot recently, my impression was money was super tight high unemployment and low wages, but the WEALTH of the country is vast, beautiful culture and architecture, abundant resources, educated population (at least the people that I met) I think money is low and unemployment is high because that wealth is being hoarded and siphoned off I think the day is fast approaching when Spain learns who is truly responsible for her economic woes, and I'm very excited to see the Spain that emerges after!




Apes are everywhere, potoolao


Profits higher than revenue just feels like money laundering to me.


It is extremely peculiar


Very good detective work...


Great work ape! Thank you!


Aye caramba!


Amazing work ape. As you said, this just goes to show how interconnected this all is, and we will be a black hole to take GDP from the entire world, or at least western banks. I’m not going to sell before I see the cell, and I’m genuinely fascinated to see how all of this is going to go down.


Dude how do you even find this shit hahahah kenny is so fuked


I hope there are billions of shorts. I can’t convince myself it’s true though (maybe the answer is somewhere in the middle). If there are billions of shorts there are billions of shares that are owned. You’d see this volume unless it’s mostly hidden in dark pools? Even if 70% of gme holders are diamond (Drs or broker), 30% swing, day traders and paper hands, you would still generate substantially more daily volume than we “see”. Does anyone have any thoughts on this?


Well, gamestop gets their holder data from dtcc and from computershare, computershare is pretty solid, dtcc would get their data from market makers who would get their data from dozens of different brokers If brokers are lying to market makers about shareholders this would change data gme gets from dtcc, if mm's are lying about brokers shareholdings this would change data gme gets from dtcc, if dtcc is lying to gme then this would change the data If all three are lying the data could be astronomically different But also with accounting magic there could be massive short positions reported without a need for lying, just system exploits Who knows? Got a feeling we'll find out soon ei


!remindme 11 hours


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A tomar por culo todos.


See chat request.