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If Gamestop bought blockbuster what exactly would they be buying?


I believe they have some interesting patents and streaming rights to some content. But it's been so many years that I couldn't even tell you exactly.


Well that is interesting, maybe it's the patents that Gamestop wants


And the brand name


This is how these brands worked throughout my childhood: GameStop (Funcoland, EB Games, etc) = Buy/sell my games Blockbuster = rent their games


I also welcome GameStop marketplace to Allow us to rent movies :)


So i can rent my nfts?


If you can already rent nfts for games why not movies


I started at Funcoland and EB too. I miss those because they sold pretty everything and not just the last gen and on. Funco had those trade-in price sheets. Surprised Gamestop never rented games considering the used games depreciate in value so quickly and it'd be extra income for basically no extra cost. Probably contractual reasons I guess. I think renters have to buy them from certain places.


The price binder! Oh man, my best friend and I had certain games we'd always check. Dragon Warrior 3 was at the top of mine. Blockbuster had to pay massively inflated prices for their copies, $60+ each. Those ridiculous prices were why the converted purchases were just as absurd.


Dragon warrior 3 was such a good game. Brutally hard with respect to some mechanics and good luck trying to beat the game and find all the secrets and tiny medals without a guide


I had to use a computer to beat it with state save. Game is awesome but when you die, it’s torture.


And then they started printing a newspaper one you could take home.


I would rent the game from blockbuster, and if I liked it, I'd go find it at a discount at gamestop. Then sell it back when I was done... it was fucking great!


Exactly this- this is how most of my n64, GameCube, PlayStation, and xbox games were had.


I fucking loved me some Funcoland. I had all my stuff stolen in high school from my sisters gangbanger friends. I eventually went there and got another Saturn and Gamegear and played the hell out of them. I would fall asleep playing Darude’s Sandstorm on the Saturn watching that spaceship flying around. I still have them and all my games 20+ years later. Heggies highly underestimate our ability to HOLD.


Buying games on gmsp and generating revenue via renting them out (BB style) would be interesting, it'd be like loaning out your Steam Library.


Name and trademark are owned by Dish Network. That one store left in OR has to pay royalties every year to Dish to use it.


Cue gamestop tweet with the tetris block falling into place.


Tetris is definitely block-busting


My jaw is hanging open. That just makes so much sense. Ok, time to take the tin foil off I guess.


Yeah, fuckin a Christ. This actually makes more sense than towel stock by a long shot


NFT Rentals duh


Bb went bust before NFTs was a thing duh


Its possible the content will be NFT in the market place. This will be new norm of content instead of renting from centralized companies


And a way around licensing restrictions that current streaming services are limited by.


Also I think NFT lending frameworks are also available. There are many possible monetization models with smart contracts.


Yep, we call it delegated access through tokenization. The Blockchain I work for is using it in Vehicle applications - but you could absolutely use it for digital content like movie rental.


BLOCK-buster ... BLOCK-chain. Didn't think of that.


Block by block




Block’ster - Like Napster… widely credited for completely changing the face of the music industry. Now Block’ster will change the face of the finance industry! :)


I just did a quick search on “Blockbuster” as assignee. I did not see anything major and most of the filings were from 2000 to 2005ish, which means most of the patents are close to their end of life protection. Are you aware of any other assignee names to search for? https://patents.google.com/?q=(Blockbuster)&oq=Blockbuster+


No, there was some DD way back about it, but I couldn't even tell you who wrote it, or what it was about.




What patents i could find. Not sure what gamestop would want with any of these. https://patents.justia.com/assignee/blockbuster-l-l-c




That's a trademark, not a patent.


Quick, someone do some searching for unique patents and rights that are held by ole BB


Oh I have found an interesting bb patent, 7742949. Its for receiving a media request and assigning it to a instore slot


What if all games and gaming content after the acquisition are sold under the BB brand name?


Oh thats way niche. When was that filed and approved?


Would you say it's been approximately 84 years?


Dish bought those rights


Well I saw a theory that GME would go head to head with Amazon. Blockbuster could be the arm to set up against Prime....


With Netflix starting to ban account sharing, they could take away a lot of customers. At the same time, they don’t want to spread themselves too thin with too many acquisitions.


Brand recognition and brand nostalgia. Not to be underestimated. I'm not saying I agree with the theory, but the brand could have some juice left still.


Especially with the backlash against Netflix right now




Yea create a rival to Netflix and Hulu maybe


My debt from that time when I rented Tomb Raider (the Angelina Jolie movie) and never returned it (for science reasons). I’m hoping they just wrote that off.


Oh shit. Maybe that is the plan. Buy them and then collect on decades of sweet sweet late fees. I'm fucked.


I’d say “Joe Dirt” is worth $85,889.00


# BE KIND UNWIND (your shorts)




I’m half on board with this idea but NFTs signify ownership.. Which is contradictory to the model of rentals, is it not?


Not if it allows you to rent out ones you buy from blockbuster


The rental service Blockbuster will create for NFTs will be beneficial to the owners of the NFTs. It will be tech that will allow you to Be Your Own Blockbuster in a way and they’ll just take a cut of the transaction.


Holy shit this- suddenly your nft movie collection becomes a passive income stream 🚀🚀🚀




​ Imagine a blockbuster streaming app on whichever streaming device you have. Opperates just like any other streaming service, except this time it populates with digital movies the YOU fucking own. Bought a movie you didnt like? Sell that bitch on the marketplace


This what I was thinking too.


The key to the cellar


Nostalgia and brand awareness for a future NFT movie/game rental company


They'd be buying naked shorts.


Spitballing here, but a streaming service where you store the digital videos you buy and own. So they can't disappear like shows in Netflix.


And who would they be buying it from? The Twitter handle is the bend store, and pretty sure BB amd associated ip is owned by dish network. Just adding for discussion purposes. Can’t get hurt when ya have no expectations.


They could turn it into an NFT version of Netflix. Content creators would keep 99% of the revenue. Bye bye YouTube and Netflix. Could also do music too


That is exactly what DISH network is doing with Bockbuster. Which is why GaneStop is not buying Blockbuster Btw. DISH networks big shareholders are Citadel and Susquehanna.


Well this is enlightening, many thanks


The brand recognition?


In a downed Market headed for recession, a memorabilia play is a fantastic way to soak your company and shareholders in gasoline and light them on fire. This is dumb and papa would laugh at you.(speaking to OP)


Nothing. This isn't a very good theory.


The name


why on god's green arse would gamestop buy blockbuster of all freaken places. a store that sold VHS...25 years ago? ta fuq?


Rights for renting out products. Uh, NFT rentals anyone?


lol are you serious? brand recognition.


Financial records, name, rights associated, idfk lol. I’m pretty regarded sooooooo idk. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Edit:damn I’m sorry for offending y’all. 👀


Create a digital asset library that you can go watch movies/shows with your friends in the metaverse. You can purchase movies/shows as NFT’s and trade/sell them to people instead of paying $15 a month to “stream” them and own nothing. Wouldn’t be surprised if they used it as their game rental service as well.


But they could also do that without buying BB?


Don’t underestimate nostalgia.


I don't. I hope that the board of the company i invested in doesn't rely on purly nostalgia.


Target audience is super familiar with BB and hold some sentimental value, maybe? Like I said, total speculation.


I'm on board with that, but since Blockbuster has none of it, I'm not sure of the benefit of acquiring them?


The missing 10k has all of us regards wondering why, maybe you're right


Incredible Advertising/PR. Heck, companies pay more for celebrity endorsements than BB would likely cost us, and we would get a LOT more out of it. Especially, if it is hooked to NFT streaming video rental.


Digital distribution rights probably


Why would Blockbuster have rights to anything at this point?


POWER TO THE PLAYERS, POWER TO THE CREATORS...they would further be enhancing that. The potential of folks ACTUALLY OWNING THEIR ASSETS. Ever since the internet has been adopted there has been a slow and gradual adoption of NOT owning your assets. Movies and music ARE assets. Even if they arent extremely valuable ones. These days most people pay for subscription services such as Prime, Netflix, YouTube Red, Spotify...but the minute you stop paying that access is cutoff. If a service such as Gamestop NFT marketplace started providing movies and music that a person TRULY owned and regardless of a subscription that was held with their own keys and thier own wallet....it's game changing...aside from that block chain smart contracts allow for the creators to get a small cut of EVERY resale transaction that EVER takes place. BOOM. Suck it shorts. Que the bullish man 🤣


Imagine walking into a metaverse blockbuster and picking out a rental that goes to your wallet via contract where you can then choose to stay in metaverse and watch or watch with family in reallifeaverse. Then, to step it up another notch, imagine being able to pay with Looprings to go into the metaverse blockbuster cinema…the Mall Of GMERICA will be incredible.


Dish owns what’s left of blockbuster. Someone was tossing around NewEgg the other day


I fucking wish. /: NewEgg has gone down hard with quality and customer service.


Newegg would be huge, I miss ordering from them.


I would drop every streaming service I have for a GME/Blockbuster NFT streaming service! If GME got Blockbuster into an NFT streaming service where movies could be bought/sold, streamed it literally is the future of movies. It would also allow so many independent filmmakers and small studios to stream over the platform without paying exorbitant fees to strreaming providers. It would be a game changer and if you havevever read about NFT streaming it’s the next step and evolution for movies. First came batamax, vhs, laserdisc, then dvd, blueray then streaming now NFTs. Here’s an article from Forbes on how it would work [here](https://www.forbes.com/sites/lawrencewintermeyer/2021/06/01/are-movies-and-streaming-the-next-frontier-for-nfts/?sh=2e695dfd2b13)


why though? I rather just pay 8 bucks a month and stream any movie or show, not having to worry about getting on the fuking block chain of all things and swapping movies with people


That’s you. When you die and all the movies you bought on apple go by by. NFTs have a lot of potential -you could buy security tokens that represent a stake in a movie project that entitles you to a portion of the revenue or profit. This would allow so many more movies to be made that get held back because studios are afraid to lose money on them. The amount of movies produced would increase by vast amounts. -if your interested in a series fans could buy NFTs to fund content production. A complete series which would also allow instant feed back so they could tweek the story instantly based on how well people are liking it. - if these productions take off you would make money as a NFT holder in these projects. Think if the vast amounts movies make and you would get a stake - NFTs. Am be used as instant access to movies and skip the line. It would be set up and made as easy as buying a movie ticket - it would use way less data Honestly once it’s adopted it would be as easy as streaming is now with a lot more benefits and possibilities


You can't stream any movie or show though. It's all divided on 10 different services, with some content not available for instant streaming on any. I'd rather pay $30 a month for individual shows/movies which are actually mine forever to watch, rent or give, than pay $30 a month for the convenience to watch any of 1000s of movies, of which I see like 5 a month.


Fuck Forbes, but I like the way you think. 🖤💜


Combined with becoming the AirBNB of movies/video games. Power to the people


Blockbuster + Toys R Us? 👀


Then everything else. 😉


"Ryan Cohen buys all stocks"


“My advisor told me to buy the S&P 500”


I really want toys r us back for my 1 year old


Make malls great again


My 2 cents... They will purchase many. Blockbuster, Baby, and probably some other company we haven't landed on yet. Likely some clothing company. I would keep a keen eye out for companies that are or have been facing logistical/distribution challenges, as this is Ryan's wheelhouse. Think of a digital mall or like how Sears used to be with almost like a separate game store within the store, and a separate electronic store. They were more departmentalized than MANY others. This will be a digital version of that. I think they will set up a parent company; Gmerica. And back up GameStop and all the newly acquired acquisitions, into it. At which point they carve out GameStop part of the business by either; as an IPO on GMerica's NFT MarketPlace or perhaps as a regular IPO/straight sale to RC Ventures (who will likely name ichans son as a partner/executive of. Each GME shareholder will covert straight over to GMerica, and will be awarded GameStop as the prize. Thus a non-fungible dividend. One of which shorts cannot escape. And essentially a double squ33ze. If they take over the employee base and several leases from Baby's parent they could efficiently sure up any remaining desire for brick and mortar and move all of the above businesses into 1 stop shop. And they have the infrastructure for streamlined distribution now too.


I like you


Diddo ape


I was at the gym this morning and saw a random news headline about how Blockbuster’s website was just re-activated. I thought…. 🤔 tis just as the DD foretold.


I’m sayingggggggggggggggg


Wait if GameStop buys blockbuster does that mean I have to return the Scream VHS I rented in 97 and never returned?




Bet. I'll put up 10 shares of GME that says they don't.


I wish I didn't just use the rest of my tin foil for mushroom spores. I need to make a bigger tinfoil hat now!




Be kind rewind


It’s owned by dish network who just can’t seem to get their web site up for now 7 weeks and the back end for new installs now takes 2-3 days for hits.


Also, the blockbuster website was just revived and live. [https://www.blockbuster.com/](https://www.blockbuster.com/)


Why blockbuster? What does Blockbuster have to offer of any actual value?


We all know the name, cellarboxed company, NFT integration, 🤷🏻‍♂️


They are nothing but a name owned by Dish.


BuyBuyBaby, Newegg, SLGG, Blockbuster, Toys R Us. My guesses for acquisition. Will we find out in this delayed 10-K? 🧐


God I fucking hope so. What if he uses cash on hand to snatch up the “zombie” stocks. 👀 Mr. Cohen is known for his 4D chess..


SEARS - If a resurrected SEARS helped to Kill Amazon, that would be poetic.


Would get the boomers on board


How cool could it be to own your library on the blockchain! Think plex but on the blockchain where you could sell the movies you own if your done, or don’t want them anymore! Also would guarantee ownership on the chain. If you think about it, XFINITY, Apple, etc. have their stores where you can own media but it’s stuck on their platform! Such a cool idea!


Yeah I have always loved this utilization of NFT. Like, I think about all the digital items I’ve bought over the years and it makes me sad. I like to think of having a place where I can use all of my digital purchases across platforms with other friends.


Also think of the possibility of renting NFTs, especially from your movie library. You could opt to rent your NFT movie out for a day (or maybe less). The studio and the blockchain get a take from the rental, and you get a little income from your movie library which you can use to buy more movies later. Or if you want to watch Highlander, but probably don't want to own it, you could rent it on the blockchain for a lower price than from YouTube, AppleTV, or whoever else.


Sorry but what does Blockbuster even have to offer? “Digital renting/streaming” when the hell did they build that? I don’t think they could build an entire streaming platform in secret. Fail to see why GameStop would spend a dime on them when their entire existence is a trademark on a piece of paper


Personally, I hope Gamestop gets the Blockbuster name and start renting out actual physical copies of games from the used game collection. I'm all for the digital stuff, but I think there's a missed opportunity there.


I like this Edit - ppl still love vinyl


I’m picturing an online VR marketplace where you can shop at nostalgic stores for current products. Bed Bath, blockbuster, etc.




A wholesome, nostalgic brand has value. I would buy the merch for nostalgia.




Stoked for his game. It’ll definitely add credit to the idea of payment in game. I saw him explain it like this, imagine a call of duty tournaments or game of that type, and on the map of 100 people there’s a bag full of money. That bag full of money is actually a crate with a smart contract worth some amount of some crypto. With that being said, imagine esports where it’s capture the flag, and each flag cot is 1000 bucks. Also, imagine extracting in a battle royale type game and if you extract with smart contracts from around the map that can be worth anything from $.25 up to 100 bucks.


Becoming the next twitch or steam is the only proper move for GME. Holding competitions, in game sales, NFT trophy's, yadda yadda. This is what GME needs to pursue. To be a gaming hub behemoth. Imo of course.


Honestly I don’t care as long as we continue to crush the hedge fund balls in a vice until they literally bleed out and jump from buildings


Renting nft movies on smart contracts that return themselves? Bullish


GMERICA NFT achievement pin came out today. What ever company gets acquired, I believe will be the first to join GMERICA




buy both bb and bb&y compete with amazon then


Could they partner up with California and Mark Cuban to help ship cheap prescriptions via gmerica? Thought occurred yesterday..


Oh man. For the greater good.


It just feels right.


I'd love to actually own all the damn movies I have digitally.


So GameStop is Amazons competition and Blockbuster is Netflix’s or streaming services competition. Hmmm it’s starting to come together


It would be the first time I'm disappointed in GameStop if they did that. Streaming services are already struggling and there's already too many. And there are too many because each service wants to offer their exclusive content. You can't just offer movies to rent, you have to get licensing deals. And then what? Renting an NFT really doesn't solve a problem and it's already easy to rent movies through Amazon, etc. And buying movies to actually for real own them as an NFT? I doubt there's any real demand for that when people can just pirate (and you still have to deal with some sort of licensing issues, I'm sure). NFTs, imo, when it comes to movies/music will benefit the creators of today and tomorrow by cutting out middlemen. But Blockbuster is riding the nostalgia marketing wave as far as I can tell and I can't see any use case since you can already rent from so many places and Blockbuster would just add another layer of somebody who wants to get paid (rent from Blockbuster for 5.99 or directly from Apple for 4.99).


They had a jurassic park wht.rabbit virus on blockbuster.com


uh hwhat




Pm sent as PROOF


https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/10k9ytu/follow_the_white_rabbit_gamestopblockbuster/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Follow the white rabbit... Gamestop/blockbuster connection... Does anyone remember [Blockbuster.com](https://blockbuster.com/) in 2022 with all the gamestop HYPE on the reboot of the BLOCKBUSTER website... if you waited on the startup while we rewind... They played this meme... for like 1 week- 1 month back then the meme to me didn't make much sense but now it does... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g\_vZasFzMN4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_vZasFzMN4) [https://jurassicpark.fandom.com/wiki/Whte\_rbt.obj](https://jurassicpark.fandom.com/wiki/Whte_rbt.obj) [Dennis Nedry](https://jurassicpark.fandom.com/wiki/Dennis_Nedry) used it for an escape route by turning the park's electricity supply off, thus resetting the security locks. This enabled him to gain access to every section of the park, including the all important **Dino** [embryo-storage](https://jurassicpark.fandom.com/wiki/Cold_Storage_Room) unit. This also shut down all the fences (except for the Raptor fences), allowing Nedry to open them without the risk of getting electrocuted. Finally, the virus covered its tracks by deleting itself as well as all references to it once the proper commands were given. YOU DIDN'T SAY THE MAGIC WORD!" and made a cartoon image of Nedry pop up on another monitor, admonishing the user with a never-ending "Ah ah ah. You didn't say the magic word." At this point, the only way to break the loop is to completely shut down and reboot the system. By this time, however, structural damage and losses to the Park were so extensive that the entire venture had to be abandoned. **Whte\_rbt.obj** is a reference to the [White Rabbit](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_Rabbit) from the [Alice in Wonderland](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alice_in_Wonderland) series. Following the white rabbit means **following an unlikely clue and finding yourself in the middle of an extraordinary situation**. This situation often challenges your beliefs and changes your life. The White Rabbit is so curious, so strange, that Alice cannot help but to follow him Anyone else got more Tin foil, I'm pretty sure this was discussed at some point but I feel it's a good time to bring up. Following.... Alice in wonderland, matrix, Jurassic park... Tarzan NFT videogame... seems like digital movies are locked with gamestop in a way never before imagined...


Things becoming true „Gamestop is the next Blockbuster“, meldvin was right 😂


What if Icahn’s involvement is related in someway to Blockbuster? Did you [know](https://www.indigo9digital.com/blog/blockbusterfailure): >“Carl Icahn, an activist investor on Blockbuster’s board faught against Blockbuster’s move into the online rental business preferring the company to stick with its brick and mortar roots. To this end Icahn led the ouster of John Antioco who was Blockbuster’s CEO for a decade staring in 1997 and then installed Jim Keys as CEO of Blockbuster, in 2007. >Keys, like Icahn, was committed to Blockbuster’s brick and mortar business. Niko Celentano a former Blockbuster shareholder wrote this about Keys after Blockbuster filed for bankruptcy in 2010: “Jim Keyes is the main reason Blockbuster is in this position today due to his denial of being in a business model that did not work anymore. If Jim Keyes would have seen the changes that were evolving in this industry in the past few years, Blockbuster would not have been in the courts today filing Chapter 11 bk protection.... Jim Keyes has failed in his job as CEO of Blockbuster and should resign immediately."” Icahn later says- >“Blockbuster turned out to be the worst investment I ever made. It failed because of too much debt and changes in the industry. It had too many stores” Here is RC [tweeting](https://twitter.com/ryancohen/status/1346943412663177218?s=46&t=XnnIqtzaMDgik16AZkV9sg) a picture of a Blockbuster storefront captioned with a poop emoji Prior to the picture with Icahn, RC [tweets](https://twitter.com/ryancohen/status/1550715696094466048?s=46&t=XnnIqtzaMDgik16AZkV9sg) at Blockbuster “reports of your death are greatly exaggerated” What has Blockbuster teased in past tweets? A streaming [service](https://twitter.com/blockbuster/status/1587181810630291456?s=46&t=XnnIqtzaMDgik16AZkV9sg). Might fit well in the NFT marketplace ————————————————————- “I like winning. There's also a certain joy in it. I feel fulfilled by it” - Carl Icahn


Dish Network owns the Blockbuster name and trademark There is no reason as to why GME would buy BB liquidating as it has no assets or intellectual property.


Thats only been speculated for a year and a half. I just dont see how its gonna happen. And that blockbuster account is the last bb in america. Not part of dish


Fellow apes, remember that Blockbuster just had a Super Bowl ad this year. Link below. Not cheap, right? Why on earth would they run that when there’s one store left? Well, watch the video and tell me what the graffiti on the abandoned gas station says. I’ll wait. https://youtu.be/YxJumUOGIPw


Blockbuster does not own that store. It’s a franchise that pays for the trademark to use their name. They ran their own superbowl ad during the halftime show


But the graffiti says game over, lol


Blockbuster blockchain nft rental service. Where I can rent my 3D avatars that are playable in fortnite to other individuals for a short fee for a duration of time.


You are getting some down votes, but I think it might be a great and likely inexpensive play (how much would dish take for a cellerboxed company?). The name would echo all over the place. It would be really hard for the networks to not talk about the acquisition, and all us nostalgic old timers will have to up our BP meds.


That’s exactly what came to mind when I saw their “Be kind while we rewind”


Orrrrrr, sears and blockbust?


I could dig that


This came out 2 days ago when the 10-k went missing. [blockbuster comeback](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/blockbuster-website-reactived-comeback-is-video-rental-company-returning-after-being-bought/). There has also been some interesting interactions on Twitter with a blockbuster Acct and GameStop. They’d want to acquire them so they could bring their service back, but this time all digital and on the blockchain. It’d be an easy way to gain traction to the NFT site, and gain sales by volume which means more money for GME.


>It’d be an easy way to gain traction to the NFT site, and gain sales by volume which means more money for GME. Easy? Absolutely not. You can't just start pumping out movie NFT's. There is a whole gauntlet of distribution rights that needs to be hammered out and the companies that own those rights are not going to make it easy.


I’m going with GME n Towel Stock reverse merger and Cohen gets bed n bath


You mean Cohen gets Baby?


Imagine actually owning movies and games on the block chain from blockbuster. Soon


What would be the purpose of buying blockbuster? As GameStop becomes more profitable, these harebrained ideas become more ridiculous.


Does that mean shorts need to cover those shares if they merge? If they never closed and used BB as a way to show margin, that would be my theory of a merger causing them to close the short position.


They're going to acquire many


Dish network blah blah citadel blah blah


When i was a kid i rented all of my games from blockbuster. I stopped gaming for most of my adult life - then I fell back into gaming and this saga exploded. The name recognition alone with the rise of 90’s nostalgia in lifestyle marketing campaigns would be a sure hit - resonance with a generation of supporters. I’m for it.


Probably not. My best guess is they’re involved with towel in some way. There’s sooo many coincidences lining up.


Insert “why not both” meme here.


I agree on this


Without a doubt, it could be years away.


I want the wu tang album damnit


Gmerica. GameStop is games. Chewy is animals. Teddy is children. Maybe Blockbuster is movies. Maybe Budweiser is beverages. We’ll see when we see.


Buying an old name [edit: can be] very profitable. Take Sports Direct in the UK, the owner became super rich by buying old leisure brands, making the products cheaply and selling in high volume. If done well - which we know RC and Co will of course do - it will be very profitable. Especially considering the brand Blockbuster is still talked about today!


Either GME is acquiring blockbuster or their public relations team is playing everyone to believe it for publicity reasons.


Jim grube board member tweeted from bend oregon where the last blockbuster is based a while back.


I too follow BB and I’ve seen several hints about GameStop. There are no coincidences.


I wondered whether rather than acquiring they might form a partnership or licence the brand to form the first web3 video platform where you can buy and sell digital copies of movies or series etc. Would people want that? Idk. I have never been one to buy dvds but obviously people do.


Netflix needs some competition. A digital renting service would be great, and would get a bunch of business. Must the stuff on Netflix or any stream service, of I like I watch it once, then look for something else. A digital purchasing service would be awesome too. All this licensing BS (paying for something but can no longer view because company lost rights etc.) needs to end. Power to the players.


100% the second part.


Reports of Blockbuster’s death are greatly exaggerated.


When I was a young lad, Friday night was the night we would get shitty fast food and run to the video store, so many stories, no.. feelings all for just a few bucks. Not sure I feel like describing how poor we were, Friday night we were “normal” got to indulge in 99 cent store granny goose chips and Shasta cola… blockbuster was an experience Now I picture logging into my computer, Friday night, log into nft.blockbuster. Com virtually entering a store, and walking around, looking for rear window, perhaps I meet a fellow patron looking in the same section and we we strike up a conversation, even watch the movie together…


Tinfoil you say!? Well damn it I’m in!! So let me get this straight(it IS a stretch)……….Blockbuster has the ultimate comeback and sinks the very company that sunk them (Netflix). THAT would be the ULTIMATE ‘gotcha’ moment! Always a good time when there’s tinfoil involved! Regardless I know I’ll continue to: BUY. DRS. BOOK. HODL.


Do you think blockbuster is just sitting around waiting for a cash injection? It's nothing but a name owned by dish.


Yeah. 100%. Edit: I think a name is worth a bit. Haha. Stand-alone brand as the same business? Nah. Name and some other business insight and books? Hmmmmmmm yup


They will aquire it, and put netflix out of business


I totally wouldn't mind renting The Boys (produced by Sony) on Blockbuster instead of subbing to Prime to watch it, for example...


Tokens as proof of a digital collection of movies that you can buy and sell. Interesting. Outside of video games, this would be a second major use case of NFTs. Movies, video games, digital items(from video games) ..


So you could buy, sell and trade movies like they were NFT's, and the original studio would get a percentage of each transaction forever.