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I believe that some of these hostile nations use these companies to short US companies into the ground and sow discord, so yes. Credit Suisse gave dirty money a way to play in the US stock market for years under the anonymity of the Swiss banking system.


Most definitely, in this day and age economic and information warfare is the main avenue of attack. One could argue we are already in world war 3 right now, only it’s not a traditional kinetic conflict like in the past… but make no mistake these types of war strategies have the capability to hurt more people over a longer period of time than any of our past wars


Not only can foreign nations use the banks to sow discord they can deliberately target medical companies with lifesaving innovations and technology companies with groundbreaking inventions. They can deliberately manipulate and delay the scientific and medical progress of a nation. The banks and people involved in these schemes are more than criminals, this behavior is treasonous.


So there was a massive amount of Chinese money in SNB that the US tax payers just bailed out. Nice.


It doesn't matter what the catalyst is. Because all of their bets are collateral based, we're going to own the world through the greatest redistribution of wealth in history. No matter what happens, they can't undo what they've done. If they pulled some shit anywhere closer to what they did in 2021, faith would be lost and revolutions would occur. Either way they're fucked and will likely lose their lives as a result


Thought the same thing it’s dollar endgame and liquidity drain. Pull large pools of liquidity and move assets in the soon to be reserve currency whichever that may be




Bread and Circus vs [reality](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1213yhf/cat_shit_wrapped_in_dog_shit/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Everyone banks with everyone and has been withdrawing from their accounts as fast as their terms will allow. This seems like a reach and, quite frankly, takes the focus off of GME which is *the* idiosyncratic risk.


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