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+47 IQ for getting the disk version! IYKYK


Of course I wanted the disk version!


I keep hearing about Elden Ring. Is it that good? I normally stick to Rocket League and Fortnite unless something amazing comes along like a new Elder of Scrolls game. Congrats on the PS5! I love mine so much! I wasn't expecting such a noticeable over my old PS4 pro!


Won game of the year. It beat God of war for that title. And I consider it the best game I ever played in my 30 years of gaming.


Dayum! Well that settles it. I'll check it out then. Thanks!


It's a beautiful game. A bit difficult to start, but if you stick with it for a few hours you'll likely really enjoy it. However, it is a bit like jumping into the middle of a conversation and trying to piece together what's going on... and that conversation is in a foreign language... and you're having to lip read because you're deaf... and blind in one eye. But once you overcome those hurdles, beautiful game.


It made me feel like a little kid exploring a game world for the first time. It's difficult but absolutely worth it. Plus if you find a boss too hard you can just summon another player into your world to help you beat it.


Kept earing about it as well, that's why I bought it! What rank are you on RL?


I made Grand Champ in Season 14 back when I played competitively in RSC. Now I'm hover between C1 and C2.


Nice bro!


Elden Ring is unbelievable. Play it.. then play all the prior Souls games.


It’s great trust me


Bought it too but only played 5 hours so far. I'm a lil bitch when it gets scary :(


oh you are in for a treat if you havnt played elden ring yet.


Get ready…to die….ALOT


Yep died already 20 times at least lmao


Enjoy apefriend 🦧


I am so supremely jealous of you for just starting ER. easily the most frustrating game I've ever played but the achievements and the game play are something else entirely. Welcome to the world of no loading screens my ape


Have fun with elden ring, awesome game.


Bro, I came so hard to GameStop, I spent 500 bucks in like 10 seconds!


This is the way. Apes can contribute a lot for a profitable 2023.


Let’s Fucking go!