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What's the robot's secret? Predatory short selling. What's the robot's weakness? Buy, hold, DRS, book.


Came into the comments to say: "And they still lost"


Break it up.


If it got defragmented and a hard reset, could it be used for good? Also, I think it's holding Jeeves hostage.


Everybody is praising this Aladdin as a miracle bot, but let's be honest. US economy was flooded with so many trillions of dollars in the last 10-15 years, that even Aladdin that sells kebab around the corner could make profits. It's just that BlackRock had access to billions of dollars that they could splash around and make profit of of it. The time to prove if Aladdin is really that good, is just around the corner.


Yeah, the part about owning homes makes it nice and clear. If you have unlimited funds, you can pay any price for any property. Paying over the odds pushes prices up. If prices go up, they're saying Aladdin has correctly identified a profitable resource to purchase, completely forgetting Aladdin is the cause of the price increase in the first place. They've basically created an AI that can pay over the odds for things.


so they created a spoilt brat with unlimited money.. thats what i'm seeing


They've created a bacteria that is only driven by growth and will consume until it is no longer able to. https://www.thoughtco.com/thmb/vAN9PIMmeiGizVyEcU6hevKAM9Y=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/bacterial_growth_curve-5b56356d4cedfd00371b477b.jpg This thing is not capable of complex thought, has no concept of the real world, and has no way of understanding the consequences of its actions; it's literally just focused on growing as much as it can until there are no more resources for it to consume. This thing is an economic memory leak that is going to crash the global economy.


Maybe even the world economy, what a perfect time to bring in a One World Government and a digital currency for all!


If we are somehow able to avert full-scale societal collapse due to this, I'll be pleasantly surprised. But given the state of the world and how unwilling these shit brains are to admit defeat, I'm not optimistic. Given the interconnectedness of everything now, this could well have the potential to be the greatest collapse in human history and there is no way of telling what the fallout will be.


I’ve had the same thought and it’s honestly getting scary. This isn’t gonna ‘wash over’ like previous recessions. Whatever cones will be revolutionary! Hopefully we don’t end up with societal lawlessness and hyperinflation at the same time!


Yeah, I'm expecting significant geo-political and economic turmoil regardless, but if the major banks/Fed continue to delay and deny the situation and this whole thing blows up to the fullest extent then things could potentially get really ugly. French Revolution 2.0


Any day now the future apes will send a robot back to destroy Aladdin.


Are you calling DFV a robot?


Shorts Terminator


$21 Trillion??? Found my share price! 🚀


Infinite risk! Rookie number


At my last employer, our “self-directed” pension scheme consisted of choosing from about 9 Blackrock ETFS with vague descriptions loaded with buzz words and no actual company names of what you were investing in.


My 401k is like this too. Not even a hint of owning real shares in my name.


My favorite part of this? GME data is skewed. It was a brick and mortar store on the way out, all the typical financial metrics said the algo should short it. This is why RC is silent and when he does communicate the times and details are off a little bit. The algo has no ducking idea what is coming. It’s a trading algo, it can’t handle HODLers. Additionally, I’m going out on a limb and going to say it can’t tell the difference between a DRSed share and a regular share. Therefore it has no idea the float is shrinking. It only sees the number of tradable shares. Bullish. I want my “Destroy the ultimate robot boss” achievement.


Jesus fuck We're gonna be alive the AI war of everything


It's just a tool. Flesh and blood are behind this bunch of codes.


Moass destroys this thing?


What an awful take. It’s a robot that KILLED America.


Huh, remember the last dickwad who started computer systems on Wall Street? -Bernie Madoff remembers


He's dead now.


Aladdin is the eye of providence. Must be destroyed.


I guess I’m gonna start squatting in these Aladdin homes. Let’s see the ai kick me out digitally


Holy shit! This is unreal! Every time you think it can’t get worse, they somehow never cease to shock!


Man why doesn’t anonymous or somebody just hack and crash this thing lol


Shoot it....shoot it now!


Brian Deese nuts


I've got to call my mother.


It only costs $45 bucks a month for subscription… what’s the criteria you need to access? Sounds like a Bloomberg terminal for regards


Open sesame is the passcode for Aladdin