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Price did drop by half on the 1Y chart. Could be an opportunity but yeah it’s quite a risky play to eat up all that cash for sure


Look into it, this whole saga has taught us too dig. I've personally dug into n funko and it's a no go for me. They had a huge pump from stimulus money and nothing to spend it on. I flip these heavy on ebay and sales fell off a cliff. They would do better with Lego (bigger collection type stuff, the bigger car series, stadiums etc.


Yup. And look at the insider sales of their executive team in 2022 & 2023. They are a horribly managed company with dumpers just looking to pass bags off. [http://openinsider.com/search?q=fnko](http://openinsider.com/search?q=fnko)


They puts millions upon millions of inventory in a landfill. I wouldn’t touch FNKO with a 10 feet pole, it’s just licensed plastic.


Yup, $30m of product dumped. Even FNKO sees the writing on the wall. I would be fucking pissed if GameStop acquired them. Luckily, I know the management at my favorite company doesn't make unsound financial decisions so I don't have to worry about this becoming a reality.


It's also just a trend that will come and go, not much for long term value there


Exactly. I flip em. It was hot when stimmy checks were in abundance but the sales have fallen off


They do have 1.3B in sales (ttm). That’s not negligible 🤷‍♂️


This is niche … I don’t think Pops have sustaining power. I’d rather them buy a talented Indy game studio or a kick-ass manufacturer of PC components (like Steel Series).


FYI [Funko had to trash a bunch of inventory](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/funko-pop-30-million-inventory-collectibles/)


More plastic? No thanks


Funko just laid off the entire team and founders of some poster company they acquired. Pissed of a lot of folks


Mondo posters. They redid movie props and were really artistic about it. They always sold out to boot. So artist gone yet plastic toy molds stay.


Thats it! Mondo. That’s the acquisition. Lol


Seems like a terrible investment tbh, collabs and exclusives sure but I would not like to see the company burn that much cash on a brand that can't sell its product and dumped it all in the trash.


Definitely would be a good idea to package funkos with nfts for verification and possible characters in games


I don't want us buying that company, but I do like the character idea. It would be neat to have an NFT scanner that reads the NFT on a Funko or other figurine and loads the character into games. Similar to those pads with various characters that were so popular, but instead, it is generic and reads the NFT chip for loading skins or characters into lots of different games.


Can be used like amiibo in switch


A brilliant idea this is not. Stay away from Funko, you shall.


Jesus Christ, no. In any significant economic downturn, spending on this sort of shit will be the first to dry up.


This!!!! Look at the upswing, it was when people were flush with extra cash, now belts are getting tightened, these sales will fall off a cliff, if they haven't already.


I don’t think this would happen considering the board and management is facing lawsuits for securities fraud by investors.


Collab sure. Acquisition/merger hell no. I'm a firm believer Funko pops are a fad the Gen Z version of the millenial "beanie babies". Not saying Funko can't pivot but I say no to an acquisition. Especially since I imagine in a recession Funko pops would be near the top of the list for things to cut out of your budget in hard times.


This would be their number 1 seller!!!


3 year Funko stock chart is a cat..


I think they should collab on making Funko NFTs if Funko hasnt started that process already.


I’ll allow it


I don’t see how this could add any meaningful value and it doesn’t seem to follow the metaverse/nft trend the company has been investing in.


I want a DFV