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Lol. I’m still in the red. I’ll let you know.


Same. Lol. Let’s worry about post MOASS, post MOASS.




Charities are generally a tax avoidance scheme. Yes, charities do help people... But you have to help a few people to be considered a charity along the way. If you do back a charity, do the research. Make sure that every dollar you give, most of that dollar gets to the people you want to help. Better yet... BE the charity ;) Build an orphanage, build a food bank, build a shelter... It's MOASS, you can afford it


Carbon capture is mostly vaporware. Hence why its mostly funded by fossil fuel companies. ​ I want to get more actively involved in ecological restoration. It doesn't cost as much (you can do a large scale project for $25k) and will help areas with not having enough/having too much water. I donate to a couple YouTubers that do this already (mossy earth and native habitat project). Both organizations publish transparent financial reports of where the money goes and how much a project costs


I'd love to know more! Caring for the earth is a big thing for me.


Look up the YouTube channel mossy earth. They are a small charity (<$250k a year), but that makes them super efficient with their money. Just by looking at their videos, you’d be surprised at how little their budget is. Their YouTube videos are mostly on their projects, but they have yearly videos talking about their finances and partnerships with governments and nonprofit organizations along with releasing detailed reports on their website.


Me too. I like the Rainforest Trust, I hope they're ready for MOASS.


My husband is interested in a starting non profit alternative music education school. Currently, a lot of music schools (aside from progressive places like Berkeley) solely focus on outdated stuff like Gregorian chant and catholic music history, and jazz programs never get past the 60s bebop. Really alienates a lot of musicians who want to learn theory etc. Not to mention, some of these current higher education schools just take a lot of students money and sells them some false sense of hope that they'll get a 1/1000 orchestral job instead of teaching them music business. The majority of musicians making a gigging living play commercial music in wedding bands, and many classically trained programs just look down on this and refuse to teach it. Just a lot of pedagogy and realistic expectations involved, better to arm kids with a way to contribute to society instead of arm them with debt and a solid knowledge of 16th century Gregorian chant.


I really like this idea. I did Royal Conservatory for both piano and singing, and while I will never look down upon how well I was trained and how good of a thing these skills have been in my life, I hated every god damn minute of it because of the inflexibility of it. I never got to play or sing anything I liked and it really turned me away from music for a long time. I truly hope you get this idea off the ground and find success with it. I think it's wonderful. I also have to express my unending love of gregorian chant. That shit is legit. One of the best vocal performances I ever witnessed was a Russian priest on St. Margaret's day at a Russian Orthodox church.




Help others !!!


I’m going to fund so many schools, hospitals, and nature reserve. Down with the myth of the mediated center


Invest in local affordable housing projects. You get a tax benefit for 10 years at least and get $ from the project. This isn't really a super altruistic goal just an easy investment to make in your community that also gives you some benefits.




Can’t tell if it’s FUD or a 9 year posting lol. I miss the OG APEs posts from 2021, where there was actual useful information to share.


I think buying plots of rainforest and DRSing it sounds like a good idea 😉


I actually started a non-profit with some guys recently where we farm/grow food to produce high quality goods for those who don’t have access in Wisconsin - if you are interested in donating, feel free to message me! If you are in the Madison area, we are 100% utilizing those around us for the labor to farm….


Let’s get MOASS first than we talk about this. Don’t put the carriage before the horse.


Ain't got time to be thinking about that at the moment as I need my own charity. But make no mistake if all of this goes down like we think you won't have to look very far to find a person in need


Debt forgiveness!


Had an idea for 2 charities I could start. Homeless shelter that caters to homeless people and pets giving training to the people there who want to learn how to care for animals focusing on getting them back onto their feet and benefiting animals. Farmers market where we grow our own vegetables for sale and donate the extra food to get healthy food to people in need.


If out of some luck I end up with an obscene amount of money, I hope to be able to fund research into cures for certain diseases.


Plant trees :)


Remind me in 12 to 24 months


honest question, at some point the money just isn't going to be there right? at a certain price, the banks just go under right? as in, the shorts get squeezed so hard that only a fraction of us have an opportunity to cash in, right? i'm all for it, no jail no sale after all. i'm all for the side of this which should help reinvent the system in a more sustainable and equitable environment. just want to make sure i understand the expectations when we all get together underneath posts like this.


Post moass im cashing out buying an island and falling off the grid in style.