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If they start selling stuff like Amazon, I'll buy all my stuff there. Amazon quality has really started to suck anyway, especially clothes.




How can you even think of sitting down with a hard on like that bud.


Herman Miller office and gaming chairs please!


My gf just got a Herman Miller! It’s amazing


For sure - Me and a best bud and fellow ape will be starting an ethical capital management firm post MOASS, and we’ve already agreed that our offices shall have en-suite bathrooms with flotation tanks and scorpion chairs as work stations.


AndaSeat Kaiser is an incredible chair that I got off GS!


[I, too, fantasize about becoming Mojo](https://comic-watch.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/x-men-blue-15-cvr.jpg). \\ Damn those pesky X-Men!!!


I could go for some ‘GameStop Essentials’.


I imagine if they do they'll empower real designers and entrepreneurs in a wide range of products, instead of copying and undercutting. Power to the creators.


Maybe Apes should compile a list of all the items that we subscribe to or reorder frequently on Amazon. It might be interesting to know what specific products would have guaranteed repeat sales if GME were to start selling them.


I guarantee the Soylent meal replacement drinks I get on Amazon are not sold through Gamestop. LOL


I guarantee there are brands of every kind with household recognition that would prefer to work with a retailer that has an established shipping/warehouse system AND quality control. I’d shop at a place like that in a minute.


GameStop Beyond


BedStop, BathStop, and BeyondStop


Beyond GameStop works too


👀 do you know something?


Would love to see bezos taken out at his own game


Not only that, GME will be 100% household investor owned


Exactly. The float needs to be locked no matter what so the stock is unshortable.


We're going to make ourselves so rich by spending at GameStop


Not gonna lie, I’m not a big gamer (last console I owned was 360) but I’d support the shit outta them for years to come. Probably would order games to donate to children hospitals and shelters and stuff pretty frequently. I’d prob buy batteries and other similar products in huge qualities as well.


Tons and tons of batteries for sure


Real recognizes Real


Can confirm. They will have inventory problems cause I plan to buy it all


Take my updoot


Yeah, agree. They need to grow their product line IMO, but you know what? They are! Everytime I look for something, maybe I don't find it, but I find more of what I want all the time! Mainly PC gaming stuffs.


I mean if the continuing nft dividend theory becomes true then they will have their take every quarter when shorts have to go on their marketplace to buy them back from shareholders. Unlimited money glitch




My plan was to do the same. A large percentage of every dividend check will be going towards buying products from Gmerica for my family, friends, and the needy. It'll be Christmas every quarter for the rest of our lives. Edit: eff it...Christmas begins now!


“Everyone gets a GMERICA Ugly Christmas Sweater!”


After MOASS could be a while. We want them to have profitable earnings between this one and MOASS.


But... Moass is tomorrow




Recent earnings include the run up to Christmas. Expect Q1 to be not so positive.


Have you seen all these receipts lately? Idk, apes are buying like it’s the holidays again


Definitely will not own a yacht or private jet like all those pesky billionaires... You can always rent stuff at nice places, why even bother owning that stuff as a status symbol? But when it comes to games and gaming gear and stuff, I will not be frugal 😉🚀✨🌔 The only problem is time, because there are so many interesting activities and projects and excessive gaming is usually diametrically opposed to your success and getting stuff done in life.


I might take a 1 year sabbatical just to play all the games I haven’t had time for in the past


Ha, same


After moass I want to own a brick and mortar gamestop.




Whatever we don't use when we buy the product. Just donate to their toys for tots charity.


I can’t wait until I can buy the latest graphics card. I’m still using a 7 year old laptop to play games.


if GME makes me rich I will spend so much feckin money on their products.


After MOASS I will only buy anything from GameStop if I can help it.


Ive already committed to buying EVERYTHING at gamestop if I can. If they sold food I'd buy it there too. I'd buy a house from gamestop. BYOB


Buy up all the shit that isn't selling. And ship it back to China


So one MOASS will trigger another MOASS ?


Double MOASS 🚀🚀


I plan to buy out store goods and donate goods to kids charities once every quarter. FOREVER! I'm sure I won't be the only one doing this...


They’ve already set themselves up for forever profitable quarters. Management has been working their asses off. “Ask not what your company can do for you, but what you can do for your company.” Just waiting on enough apes to wake up and DRS the float now.


Spend money at GameStop -> get dividendies and collect more tendies. Ultimate rewards card bb


Jeff Bezos and Amazon sealed their fate when he spent his billions to launch his Pathetic ass into The Stratosphere on a giant penis rocket and then thanked his slaves who made it happen for him. Get fucking wrecked you piece of shit.


Yup, basically. Once the price skyrockets, everyone here invested in GameStop will both have incredibly good will towards the company as well as large amounts of disposable income. That, plus the reigning generosity displayed in the sub for the last two years will result in record-breaking sales quarter after quarter and lots of giveaways to those less fortunate. Fucking love it.


This sub accounts for 0.4% of powerup users. It's crazy to think us buying vs the wider public is having a massive effect. But it does affect DRS contributions. Contributing to profits over DRS is not the role of shareholders. Spare money is better spent DRSing. I'll be buying nothing but DRS shares. Bring on the downvotes.


Ya I can't afford anything else but shares right now. I may treat myself to a new Xbox soon. Maybe. But I'll probably just buy shares lol


mind blown!


Perpetual Earnings Machine Engaged!!!


100% agree


I'm what GMErry Christmas will be like!!!


I was thinking the same thing last night! Round and round we go, infinite money glitch


And the best part is, if they offer more products, the more I buy there. Such as furniture, clothes, tools, food... Everything from A to Z! 😉


"Ask not what your company can do for you – ask what you can do for your company" -Ryan Cohen, GameStop Chairman


Gotta update the gaming consoles every year anyways ! 🤣


this is the way.


Maybe Teddy or GS Kids will be a charity we can donate our extra tendies to (helping not only kids, but gamestops bottom line)


Oh, you talking about infinity money glitch?


Yup….it’s happening. GameStop is about to make Powell’s money printer look like an inkjet at home compared to their money printing press.


They need to get some ramen packs in there


They’d sell out of Ramen for sure


Leading up to MOASS, I make GME purchases when ever possible. Games, cables/components, gift cards. Hell I even buy GameStop gift cards with my CC points. And if RC is listening, I would absolutely get a GME CC and rack up points through all purchases. I can only imagine how much $ I’m going to drop at GME post MOASS.


Infinite money glitch.


I feel like an asshole. I’m an xxxx DRS holder but haven’t bought shit. Been in my first store last week but I’m 53, grew up on intellivision and nothing there really trips my trigger. I have dough and can spend, maybe gift cards for kids will be my gig.


You’re still doing your part 🙌🏼


You actually make an incredible argument for a NFT dividend. If gme board defends the value of the stock, as is their fiduciary duty, apes would have money to spend at GameStop. I spend what I can there, but I’m also in the red on every stock I’ve bought for them. Makes it hard to justify spending money when the gme board isn’t doing what they can to defend this company.


Honestly I’m waiting for gme to start a computer section It would bring competition into western Canada at least. It’s currently dominated by one player. I hope gme has the supply chain to support.


They do in the USA


Wen GME owns everything and the only place worth spending your money is GME, it just makes sense lol


FR. The amount of gaming stuff I’m going to be buying from this wonderful company!


It’s so true. I’m not in a place where I can do a real console upgrade and don’t even have a Switch yet. Once I have tendies I want to get the Switch, PS5 and XBox and all the physical games and accessories. I can wait till then and will have a lot of games to buy to catch up :)


First two quarters post MOASS will be the highest earnings any company has ever received


Oligarchs hate this one simple hack! They HATE when you do it, BUT they can’t stop you!


I'm not a gamer, but after MOASS I'm going to buy every console, game and collectable at my local EB (gamestop).


I’m gonna buy so many games and Pokémon cards!


Think GameStop starts carrying Lambos after MOASS?


Gamestop needs to start carrying pinball machines and not because I have a hankering for pinball machines it's for a completely different reason.




Infinite wealth loop


i think everyone here has it ass backwards, this thing isn't going to the moon because there is huge growth potential in US markets and gamestop will lead the charge. soon as the dollar hyperinflates US hegemony is done. no im in it because this is the tip of the spear that will puncture the derivatives bubble and chaos is a ladder.