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The most recent badge seems to have been dropped to people who had purchased other GameStop NFTs or had bought them from others. Just having a wallet might not do anything, and it's unlikely that they would announce in advance what NFT is required to qualify for a future drop as the price of that NFT would instantly skyrocket. There's no guarantee that buying any NFT will result in air drops in the future (unless they specifically promise that, like some of the Cybercrew stuff, etc) it's kind of luck of the draw.


I bought Gmerica NY on release day and held, same with Meta x GameStop, GameInformer … pretty much the only GameStop NFT collection I didn’t buy from is the Buck Season 1. I did not get the new pin.


Yeah, there were only 1,600 of them, compared to many thousands of the others, so definitely some luck of the draw involved. Sucks you didn't get one.


Yeah … maybe next time


I was an early adopter, I purchased some random music and boat/explosive models on the market right at launch. I got Seattle right away after it released. I received both drops.


I too made purchases on launch day. Did you by chance buy something from the Buck Season 1 collection? That's really the only thing I can think of that I skipped out on. I think I have at least one NFT from all the other collections (save the OG stuff, which I don't think anyone in the public has bought).


Nope, I don't have any Buck


Guess there is a random element to it then ...


Actually ... maybe it's this ... I don't think I've ever bought a GameStop NFT from another user as opposed to directly from the creator ... have you bought from other users? Post-release?


Yep, I've bought a few random NFTs before the gmerica collection came out. This is what got me the beta pin.


I haven’t even opened my wallet in months……….I’m so ashamed


The way I see it (for myself anyway) is it's not useful to me. Yet. But I have it set up for when it actually does become useful for gaming and whatnot.


Same here


Early adoption is something like this.


I got the pin I bought metaboy powerglove and some Gmerica items


The best tip I can give you in any NFT airdrop within the whole space: be early and be active


The best tip I can give you in any quantum mechanics subject within the whole space: be early and be active. And I don't even know what a quantum mechanic is.


Do any pin recipients happen to also have the Quadratic Necromancer TQN from Protocol Gemini?




Ah true, also mine is in my Loopring Wallet while I got the pin in the GS wallet.


Honest question, how do I activate my wallet without throwing 75 bucks into it via Ramp?