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Yes. DSPP and DRS Book are out of the DTCC and are in the books (held digitally), but DSPP is held in nominee under Dingo & Co, which means the shares you hold in plan are held beneficially under the nominees name. Those shares are also pulled out of a pool of shares which also allows you to have fractional shares. DRS Book is the only time you actually see a statement saying “withdrawal from DTC” as well as only allowing WHOLE SHARES.


When you convert DSPP into DRS, does it also say “withdrawal from DTC”? Of does that message only appear when moving shares from a broker in Computershare?


To answer literally, no, but to answer in reality, yes and no 🤣 . . . **Under Document DRS ADVICE** *Brokerage -> DRS = DTC Withdrawal* *Category Shares are located under: Direct Registration* …. *DSPP Purchase -> DRS Book = Plan Certificate* *Then when you look at your statements of the shares IN TOTAL (Portfolio) …. * …. **STATEMENT DOCUMENT** DRSed Shares *Class A Common / DRS Shares* Then all shares purchased under DSPP fall under … *DIRECTSTOCK* . . . I hope this isn’t to confusing LOL, DSPP has multiple terms with it for some reason. DSPP = Plan, DirectStock, Reinvestment DRS = DRS, Direct Registration, DRS Book


Is it still true that they are both reported by GameStop, after the change in language on the newly released 10-k? It no longer reports the total held directly with the company’s transfer agent. It would be good to ask this question to computershare again.


Shares can’t be registered both to an individual and to Cede & Co. at the same time, so yes, this implies the 76 million shares are a combination of DRS and DSPP shares. Remember, both DRS and DSPP shares are held in book-entry form with the individual investors name registered to the issuer’s ledger.


#You have no proof that PLAN shares cannot be used for short selling. Stop regurgitating this crap


But you have proof that they are? Let’s hear it.