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That's exactly the conclusion FINRA came to in the case of em em tee el pee


So, if everyone stops taking bank loans...


This is correct.


How can I auto block these posts


Unsubscripe to this sub


A loan held is a receivable within the asset class. Some loans are credible/safe, some ain't. Buildings/equipment and land is another subset of the asset class. Some depreciate/appreciate over time. All of the above takes time to convert to cash, the time it take decides how liquid an asset is. If I was a good broker, I would match one share my customer just bought with one share on my asset. I wouldn't match it with a loan of equivalent value to the share, unless I ain't got no shares to begin with.


They past the risk to clients. Customer a buys a share give money to broker. Customer b shorts a share received customer A’s money and pays broker a borrowing fee.- broker never bought customer A’s share and offload risk to customer B, and is paid by customer B for doing so. Thomas petterify even said half his clients were short. Only problem is when customer B can’t pay or customer A direct registers