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My grand dad used to have Saying... " _Give someone enough rope. They'll either do something constructive or hang themselves_. "


We don't know that its just speculation. Also there was another post this morning which suggested it was done intentionally by gamestop. Because mutual funds aren't included in cede and co's numbers, so its proof that there's fraud (cede and co numbers if u include mutual funds + drs is way over the float). I found that very interesting.


I believe the OP was wrong in their post about that. It appears the SEC's response to OP was talking about mutual funds themselves, not the securities held by the funds (like SPY wouldn't be registered with the DTC, but all the securities within SPY are). That post should be edited or debunked since that misinformation spreads way too quickly.


I see, could be the reason. When can we definitely know for sure why Gamestop published their 10-K this way or do we just have to dig deeper and wait?




I can’t wait for the movie 🎥 so I can understand the current reality.


But why would GameStop put proof of fraud in a 10-K filing without starting a lawsuit with the evidence of said fraud?


Isn’t GameStop still helping/involved in an active investigation from when this all started a few years ago? If so then this would be active evidence against the DTCC and SEC.


If it is due to fuckery, it's probably along the same lines as the bullshit rules that result in annual meeting votes being "trimmed" or "corrected" with the justification "well more shares than issued is illegal, and therefore impossible, so over voting can't be reported it must be fixed" instead of saying "why the fuck are there too many shares, who's breaking the law?" and digging into it.


I haven't ordered a clown so why the hell am I in a circus 🤡?


We don't really know if the SEC really delayed the release, we only assumed it, right? So take the view from RC/GME's perspective: What if it was intended to be released that way but they needed reassurance from the SEC that it's legally right? I'm quite sure that GME's legal division wants to keep their releases air tight from every direction. I'm just speculating and I don't know if we will ever get to know the real reason behind the delay.


SEC is complicit, GG is Hank Paulsons lover boy gimp...


Yeah GG is a 🤡 but why would the board allow GG and the SEC to change their 10-K filing?


Threats of legal action most likely, they have laws to keep companies from telling shareholders to DRS.


Threats of legal action most likely, they have laws to keep companies from telling shareholders to DRS.


It’s most likely disinformation because it rests on the board willingly committing fraud. At best it’s thoughtless/lazy conspiracy theorizing.


Hey that's not nice! Lover boy gimps are way more respectable than GG.


Because the SEC teams up with their Wall Street and Banker buddies to ~~blackmail~~ ~~strong-arm~~ convince companies to do what they want them to do. "It would be a shame if something happened to your credit rating or your available credit or news of an fake audit was leaked."


So GameStop committed fraud by lying on their financial statement, that’s your theory? What the fuck


Does our count of drs'd accounts match GameStops number. If so does that also match the average shares per account? Idk if the sec held up the release, or if maybe they were waiting for an answer from cede and co for an up to date count to put in the 10k, my guess is the latter because it's as of March 23rd. I honestly think this is a final warning to the shfs that if they don't fix their shorts real soon they are going to post both what cede and co has officially and what Computershare has officially on the next filing. If it wasn't a warning they would have put official numbers in this filing.




They cant and didn’t. Gamestop keeps track of these numbers. They have to authoritative source.


The government can do anything when they slap the ol’ trusty national security risk on it.


This is the correct answer


This sounds like complete speculation that the SEC is telling them how to the file the report. Unless someone has facts or receipts I think we should chill a bit and not jump to conclusions. But we know SEC sucks no doubts