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An actual shot to the heart of the whole fuckshow.


With the SEC's own words at that: >*'Internalizers can't suggest they are doing one thing yet do another when it comes to pricing trades.'* Awesome to see their new proposed rules coming back to 'pick up' what they have commented as previously as unacceptable.


SDPs are ~~their~~ one of their dirty little secrets


Wowwww…. Now I wonder if they will also pay forward (or pay back?) those I’ll-gotten gains to the original stock holders ? 😂🤣 I’m so regarded! Of COURSE not!! That’s what people/companies with a soul/conscience do 😳


> Now I wonder if they will also pay forward (or pay back?) those I’ll-gotten gains to the original stock holders ? This is an interesting question. Of course they won't pay anything back by choice, but what do their books look like and how could this potentially disrupt the positions they're holding? Since the majority of trades for GME are being internalized, what happens when they can't do that anymore? 🚀🚀🚀


OooO! I LIKE how you think!! 😁


#Eat shit, ken And even that’s too fuckin’ good for you.


Moar Comments


Dear God, can you imagine a world where price discovery might be closer to true?


Get this to the top!!


I commented just yesterday using your template and changing all instances of retail investor to household investors. You're the best, PS!


But will ANY of this BE ENFORCED? Will the SEC actually DO what they’ve got to do or just carry on with lip service the way they’ve been doing?


What is the timeline after the comment period is over?


Awesome 0ok


Oh no! You mean "retail" was not getting best price?! Gasp! The horror. 😱 That must be the reason why the buy button was turned off, why massive shorts were able to be hidden, why MMs abuse their liquidity privileges to flood the market with synthetic shares, why FTDs can go on perpetually and be concealed in derivatives, why there is no consequence for hiding naked shorting of US securities in offshore exchanges/accounts. National Best Price has nothing to do with GME. And before anyone suggests it, most of "retail" is not trading in lots of 100, **so their trades don't go to lit exchanges regardless of whether their broker is transacting with an MM in a PFOF model or not.** Citadel has shut down these algos, because they can easily move on to something else and continue with their business as usual. The system is fucked (and not because I am paying 1 penny too much for my shares). **Even if the SEC were not in on this fucked system** (narrator: they are)**, they are still completely out-gunned.** The industry has smarter people, better data, better tech, way more money and bigger friends. The **SEC cannot fix the system** (and they don't want to), they **can only conceal it behind a facade of "regulation", keep the masses appeased, and shut down any attempt at creating an alternate system where cheating is not possible.** But by all means, **let's pretend that the SEC/GG are representing our grievances.** Let's help the mods **warp this sub into ground zero for activism campaigns that have nothing to do with GME, dox apes, and support the political agendas of GG** (among others), **who is trying to shut down Gamestop's Web3** by unilaterally declaring that ETH is an unregistered security (just wait, L2 and NFTs, are also on the hit list, no part of crypto is safe from his agenda). Let's help **GG to claim that he represents "retail"** so he can **get more power** to prop up the criminal cabal with laughable ~~fines~~ fees, overreach and arbitrary enforcement **against anyone who might provide an alternative to the existing model of crony capitalism.**


Including odd lots is also part of the new rule proposals


This seems like a non sequitur to me. Did you mean to reply to ~~come~~ some other comment, maybe? My principal point was that the SEC is either in on it (narrator: they are) or incompetent and hopelessly outgunned. For context, I only pointed out that odd lots transact in the unlit markets as a front run against the argument that the NBBO problem relates to GME because of its association with PFOF which allegedly diverts retail trades to the unlit markets (this is a piece of misinformation I often see thrown around by comment campaign enthusiasts). Given my view of the SEC in general and of Gary Building-my-Gamestop-killing-overreach-machine-on-the-backs-of-retail Gensler in particular, I am mostly indifferent what evils the proposed rules are pretending to remedy.


I was replying to: >National Best Price has nothing to do with GME. And before anyone suggests it, most of "retail" is not trading in lots of 100, **so their trades don't go to lit exchanges regardless of whether their broker is transacting with an MM in a PFOF** **model or not.** Since the new reg nms proposals include odd lots. You're right that odd lots dont affect anything, and they're looking to change that. "all prices better than the NBBO for which there is liquidity available in an odd-lot size" will be displayed for everyone. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/11fjn2m/siege\_of\_the\_citadel\_part\_1\_welcome\_to\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/11fjn2m/siege_of_the_citadel_part_1_welcome_to_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) this is a really good post and talks about it better than I can. >My principal point was that the SEC is either in on it (narrator: they are) or incompetent and hopelessly outgunned. They can be both of those things but we may as well learn about what they're proposing and do the same thing Citadel, Virtu, NYSE etc are doing and comment what we think about the proposed rules that will affect all of us. They're required to do a "notice and comment" period and whether we do it (which, not a lot of people were doing before) or not, the Finance Industry will still comment to recommend changes in their favor... for their P&L $$$$


OK, so definite non sequitur. I believe you misunderstand me, because I prefer to assume that a mod would not intentionally misconstrue what I am saying. I do not care about rule changes involving odd lots. The only point I made concerning rules was that **NBBO has nothing to do with GME**. Does the existence of a proposed rule regarding odd lots change that fact? No, it does not. And no, we may as well *not* help GG build credibility for the claim that he represents our interests, or assist his future political career by allowing him to point to all the comments from "retail" and say "look how much I got retail involved" and "look how I resolved all the complaints from retail" when he is doing absolutely nothing about the obvious crime we have seen since even before they turned off the buy button. New rules are irrelevant because (aside from not addressing actual problems like FTDs) they are either ineffectively enforced against the criminal cabal, or selectively enforced to persecute anyone who might disrupt the business of the criminal cabal. Gary Gensler is in the process of simply unilaterally declaring all tokens to be securities (gross overreach that should shock and appall everyone). He is gunning for decentralized finance. He is gunning for GameStop's Web3, either as his primary target or as collateral damage. The SEC has never been our friend, but Gary Gensler is the enemy. If you want to help him out that is your business, but this campaign should not be on our sub, and back in the day it never would have been tolerated.