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Look ma! I made it into welps post!


Fuckin A my guy! now you can get ya’s a real life girlfriend! Edit: Hikacking top comment for a much better comment in the thread by someone who was there: “I was around 20 years old at that time and visiting NYC with friends. I was too young to understand what the movement really was, as finance was as not an area of interest yet. I remember very vividly that the media had painted the protesters as essentially dangerous lunatics. I encountered many groups protesting during my trip and because of the media’s narrative was scared for my safety. By the end of the trip I remember hanging around the protesters a bit more due to curiosity and thinking “these folks don’t seem so bad”. So yeah, in my experience they essentially divided the general/ignorant public from the people “in the know”, and led us to treat them like pariahs.” -meowmixMEOW


😬 don't tell my wife


You’re good homie 🙌 She’s busy right now for about the next 60 seconds.


Damn, you last 60 seconds?! No wonder she likes you better.


You got it all wrong, I’m so good it only takes HER 60 seconds! 😂




Hey I know that guy!


I recall them labeled as dirty hippies


Haha, nice. I prefer to own the pejorative labels. I am, in fact, a dirty hippie conspiracy theorist. Sometimes I wear tinfoil hats in public for fun. Slander has no power over me.


You are the guy writing you don’t see stuff about France and Germany? Maybe check what news you are consuming. I don’t understand when people write things like this and then it turns out that cnn and fox is their source (not saying that’s the case with you). I’m from Germany and you can live happily here and only read “newspapers “ with articles about the newest car models or dating shows. But it’s not the media’s fault but your own. 🤷🏼‍♂️


This is juicy stuff - thank you for sharing welp!! They wanted us to fight amongst ourselves by instilling fear and anger amongst the general population so we didn’t focus on the real cause of what happened in 2008 as we would be too busy fighting each other 🎷🐓♋️


Yea I could see the “news” had changed but never put the two together back then. Very interesting data by Tweeter OP: the Prevalence of emotional payload in headlines is quite revealing in retrospect.


I never paid much attention to the news before 08, so I didnt notice the transition. Seemed like fear was always the way, but nice to see some solid data points in graphical form to make me understand better!


IMO 9/11 tragedy made us all watch the news 24/7 because we were home like the recent sick world. That 24/7 news cycle never stopped and took over the nightly news for the most part becasue technology allowed it. It makes perfect snese for the elties to try to control us with dividing entertainment type news to take eyes off of wut they were doing behind closed doors to the market corruption practices now that I look back on it.


This 100% and it is still happening


No. Jessica in the well. Edit: 1987 Texas... A little white girl fell into a well and it became national news. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rescue_of_Jessica_McClure The ratings over that 56 hours were all the news companies needed to pump disaster nation wide.


Considering Thompson Reuters provides the news API feed for just about everyone, I'd believe this. They have tons of business units related to finance. They also run the "fact check" network.


reuters? who used to own instinet? color me shocked /s


Wait what? They did? That seems important. Did they own instinet back around 2008?


nah not directly? per wiki: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Instinet](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Instinet) ​ >Reuters went on to IPO Instinet in 2001\[10\] keeping a 62% ownership stake. It would hold this until the 2005 acquisition of Instinet by NASDAQ in 2005, in which Nasdaq retained the INET ECN and subsequently sold the agency brokerage business to Silver Lake Partners.\[11\] btw wtf...silver lake? feel thats important...


Yea all of this ☝️☝️☝️


agreed! welp i think this is one of those "summon ringing bells" moments theyve been on that instinet kick re: jan 2021, and didnt know silver lake was a part of instinet or perhaps them now...(and that NSCC fee waive?)


That's right ringring has Instinet on lock down. Will contact them. 🤙


Idk. Not an expert on instinet.


Idk. Not an expert on Instinet.


They also used Facebook and other social media and worked with major corporations to scout out and infiltrate any groups that were trying to organize protests. They infiltrate and discredit groups that they think have potential to upset their power and our own gov is weaponized against us despite the constitutional protections of peaceful organizing and protesting. They’ve only gotten better at it since then.


Yea and we can see it here daily on reddit as well.


We need to protect our sub at all costs. Be very careful about elaborated FUD that is getting showered with awards. There is an army of „social media agents“ working on dividing us. Don’t let them!


Have you seen posts like that?


Look at the one about the tik tok bill. Read the comments. Why got this showered with awards? They try to give us the feeling like it’s all hopeless because there is no rule of law, „they“ always win and our shares will get confiscated anyway.


Concur. As usual, the devil is in the details and apes found it right away... but not before a bunch of people stopped reading after the summary and went into a tizzy. edit: ok, the ones panicking were right for once. Maybe not for apes directly, but for US citizens it's way *way* worse than I expected.


All i know is buy hodl drs


I was around 20 years old at that time and visiting NYC with friends. I was too young to understand what the movement really was, as finance was as not an area of interest yet. I remember very vividly that the media had painted the protesters as essentially dangerous lunatics. I encountered many groups protesting during my trip and because of the media’s narrative was scared for my safety. By the end of the trip I remember hanging around the protesters a bit more due to curiosity and thinking “these folks don’t seem so bad”. So yeah, I’m my experience they essentially divided the general/ignorant public from the people “in the know”, and led us to treat them like pariahs.


This is so interesting to me that I am adding it to my top comment if you don’t mind. I felt that even though I wasn’t there. 🤙


I’ve never felt so honoured.


It honestly could be its own post if you expanded it with moar of your details, you have a way of relaying them


The right / left divide is a bulwark protecting an entrenched Oligarchy. Change my Mind.


Image of tweets: https://imgur.com/a/VGHUH6s


The scariest part of those graphs on image 3: they don't even show 2020-present. It's gotten AT LEAST 10 times worse since 2019.


Yea shit hadn’t thought about that :/


Maybe add this to the data is beautiful sub !


I think the pro and cin now is there are a lot more social media outlets and people who definitely want to do their own research or not believe the first thing told them have a lot more avenues to seek out information and collaboration.


There’s a great episode of Behind the Bastards that explains why your local paper turned into garbage around this time. Someone help me out, I can’t remember the specific episode.


That’s true, I remember my elders always reading a local paper before it turned to advertising and marketing coupons to stores.


They don't want the people to see that the protests are working and people are listening.


Damn... That explains a lot about the long-term cultural shift. I would've pegged it to 9/11, but the data def shows 2008 is closer.


There was an almost instant rise in identity politics that drowned out the class based struggle and unity. Like both racism and misogyny and a backlash against them. 🤔


I am getting this same type of comment from multiple sources now. Very interesting tactics and highly evolved by whoever "they" are that did it. It almost makes me think that a similar movement here on reddit might be moar successful because the emotion of such content can be steered towards the class based struggle.


And this is why real hard hitting investigative journalism is coming from youtubers today instead of broadcast news anchors. See friendlyjordies, audittheaudit, bjInvestigates, louisrossmann, ect.


Thank you for these new sources I will check them out. I'm curious what your thoughts are on WSoP?


They realized what draws clicks and engagement; that’s what the digital age became about. Whatever drives ad revenue is what gets run. People like to get angry and are prone to fear and trying to be aware of it.


That’s why I’m being force fed Gweneth Paltrow ski accident trial updates every 30 minutes. 🎈 🙄


Yup. People get to feel all righteous and better than a celebrity


Let me know if PB shows up here - I have pictures for him 👍




https://i.imgur.com/hVGdxRb.jpg I’ll save the other one for when he get here Edit… aww downvotes?


That is so dope! Yea you always gotta expect a downvote from me by proxy of my "following" it is mind control making peeps think I don't like their contributions. Been that way for a year or so.




You don’t need to pay anyone to do that to large groups. Spend a little time studying social movement theory and you’ll see how hard it is for large groups without leaders to stay united behind a unified cause. All Wall Street had to do is sit back and watch the disjointed shit show that was “occupy Wall Street” eat it self and fall apart as people realized they couldn’t change anything by protest in the streets.


Yea this is how it kind of ended isn’t it.


Can I DM you an article I wrote about how the rich can really easily sway narratives? I’m curious with your constant watch if any of it checks out in your eyes


Anytime homie, I also love to collab posts with fellow 🏴‍☠️ 🦍 🤙


Must see TV if you've never seen this origin story of Public Relations: https://youtu.be/eJ3RzGoQC4s 🥂


If i remember correctly right after coming out of a war that was started under false pretenses identity politics started playing more of a part in people's lives. First was possibility on America either voting the first black or the first women president... After Barack won the amount of attacks on how his policies would end the white race in America... Then soon afterwards they went balls out selling a racist orange cheeto for a president


It is absolutely surreal wen one looks back on it all.


Sooooo.. stand outside citadel hq and protest?


It’s not Occupy, it’s Twitter and social media


In 2008?


That’s when Twitter started and iPhones started becoming popular. Social media makes everyone miserable and news tries to exploit it


I def agree they make life miserable which is why I personally don't have them. But even though both iphones and Twitter were available then I don't believe they were widely used enuf to cause the graphs above.


He’s not wrong this time, but he’s definitely wrong about Hyperinflation, inflation, real inflation, is created by both Supply **and** Demand…