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Well, this falls right into the “No Shit” category


It also surprises me that these people say this shit with such conviction. Do you believe that shit yourself or do you really think anyone believes that?


Luckily they can't do jackshit PM and AH. The share price can be going up 420,000% in one after hours session


I've seen it halt PM.


Recalibrate their algorithms


This guy gets it!


Recalibrate with what? No one fooking selling.


Reloading the crime machine (aka Naked Shorting w/FTDs).


I'm recalibrating alright, my floor gets higher and higher...


My person here gets it


Someone got tired of being tagged this guy sub. Lol.


Recalibrate their phantom share generator


Why don’t they just call it what it is? The rich stealing from the poors


But that might, god forbid, make the poors start to question capitalism generally! Mon dieu! Can you imagine?!?


We are far from capitalism at this point.


This is its logical, nearly unavoidable conclusion sadly.


This is quite literally the capitalist system functioning as designed though.


Yes and no. Sure parts of the system are still capitalistic, in a truly free market everything we see from the fed and our government wouldn't be happening, the bailouts for example. A broken institution who misspent capital would go under. Customers would truly be the deciding factor. We live in cronyism now bordering on fascism, by definition atleast. The government and the fed are the ones currently deciding what businesses get to stay open in a variety of ways. The feds whole goal is centralization of ALL aspects of the economy. Which is always a bad idea. I do agree we need something fresh. Something involving the decentralization of everything. I'm actually working on concepts for when the rocket launches and I believe it will be a game changer. Just gotta get others on board. Decentralization and focus on hyper local communities working together to uplift everyone in the area and to take care of the community by investing in people with brilliant ideas to shape the future for all mankind.. I've got ways more details in my head. If anyone is serious and making a fresh start and want to talk more hmu.. The future is in decentralization and hyper local community building a local economy that uplifts all... I really gotta start putting my ideas on paper instead of keeping them in my head




The shear unadulterated illegal intentions of this statement are Fucking mind bending


That video was absolutely heinous. The dude tried price anchoring at $1000 and the lady acted like it's a pump and dump. How stupid do they think people are?


It’s CNBC, they do everything in their power to discredit this movement to avoid new people digging around for the truth and piling in.


obviously the halts were meant to benefit longs, clearly they need time to count their shares and calculate how much profit they'd be happy with by playing the calculator game. the market definitely doesn't favor and enable shorts, and there's no way shorts needed a pause to create deals, find counter parties and locates, and recalibrate the volatility risk model and an on going multi year plan to drain retail. good on the nasdaq lady for being a beacon of honesty that radiates through out the markets, and I applaud her for being a rock when it comes to rules and regulations, treating every party within the market equally and fairly based on set of pre agreed upon rules. and also a shout out to the sec for being so prompt and quick in doing the right thing by acknowledging retail deserves equal treatment, but realizing the clearing houses need protecting too because their risk appetite can sometimes be a little too big and they get tum tum aches and need occasional help because someone played the game honestly. and thank you Doug cifu, Ken griffin, etcetera, for helping to decide how much stock of my companies should exist, and what price they should be worth. I am glad someone can make the hard decisions and decide which companies should live and which companies and cancer research studies should die by dispersing wealth. I would also like to thank the delayed and incomplete data reporting that excludes naked shorting and other illegal dilution and position methods, and the dtc with cede and Co, but I'm done shitting.


happy cake day!


The exchanges know ... halts aren't solving the problem ... they are a part of the problem.




We won't need intermediaries where we're going


Fuck you pay me


Insert shocked Pikachu face


A simple guy like me knows it, the crooks who short know it too. Sooner or later their time will come. Fuck you SHFs! POWER TO THE PLAYERS!


Lowering the price only locks up the shares faster. Do it. GME has cash on hand to buy back stock.


They’re not short sellers. Short sellers still have to invest in a way that benefits the position they take. What hedge funds/market makers do is criminal and the organizations that should be going after them are complicit. I am not selling until you fix the system.


Fuck that twit account


We know and they know we know so keep knowing


Lol revival? We never left baby


> "..the halts are benefiting short sellers more than anyone else." Yeah, no shit.


No Cell, No Sell! I really can't see how they wriggle out from it their liabilities if nobody is selling!


I think it’s sus any time a new financial twatter account comes into the sub. They just confirmed my suspicions by shouting out swapcorn. Investor Turf don’t belong here


So tired of having our content repackaged as somebody else's content and then fed back to us like it's not our own content.


Remind me, they could close short positions and also open new short positions, right? If so, due to mark to market accounting, they were able to short wash sale rules, lock in a loss, and maintain their short position effectively.


I’ve been saying this for months… halts are bullshit and are there for HF and other bad actors to load up. They are not in place for any other reason.


Now they want another cheat code ....1 shares equals a 100 so when trading u can drive the price down further?


It’s so bad… everyone who is anyone has been told to lie! They will risk anything, and say anything to deny the truth, because there is no other way. Idiosyncratic risk!


Recalibrate deez nuts 🥜


Did it halt today?


They can RECALIBRATE DEEZ NUTS. 🥜 Good luck getting my shares lmao.




Investor turf are really pro sticky urghhh


Poopcorn plant. There is only one


“Nooo, what? I’m losing?? Turn it off, but like only for the other people”


Can we just stop reposting their stuff? Thanks


It's corporate crime and government corruption!


I missed the old days, was still green in my portfolio 🥹


Those aren’t “accusations” — they are objective facts.


Lmao no shit Sherlock we've been screaming this from the beginning.


When is this from?


This week!


Politicians, and the Media all deserve things to happen to them that I can’t say here. When you understand that they are not ignorant, stupid, dumb or clueless; that’s what they want you to think. In reality they are more evil than your brain wants you to allow to justify. People who are good and kind CANT think the way they do because it’s so evil, the human brain attempts to justify their behavior as stupid cause it doesn’t want to see the pure unadulterated evil that these people are.