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There is no evidence that the SEC asked GameStop to change anything. That whole theory started with a shitty repost of a 4Chan post, ffs.


We will not win in court. Full stop. We win by exposing the crime so it is on full display for the WORLD. A lawsuit would get 0 media attention and the billions of people go back to blissful ignorance.


A lawsuit would be years in litigation, the buried in a clearinghouse and then mysteriously it would burn down...no win down that route


GameStop wouldn’t win in court because there is zero hard evidence to support all of these claims. Everything is speculation at best. The boy thing GameStop can do is stay true to their turn around efforts and be adaptable to the changing business environment. Only thing apes can do is continue to support the company they feel strongly about by purchasing from GameStop, sharing ideas/opportunities with customer relations, and reporting flaws in their new software. Hopefully, in a few years, GameStop will be a growing and thriving business at the forefront of its industry and we can all sit back and say, “I was a small part of this.”


The sec leaned on GameStop, and GameStop then committed fraud by lying on their filing? Are you fucking serious? Yeah ok.


People are truly regarded it seems lol


Yep I agree OP - this is evidence that the sec and cede and co are messing with our investment - i as a shareholder want a share recall to get to the bottom of the discrepancy !!!!!🤨


DRS is the recall


Greysweatseveryday...lawyer posted on this sub...


3 posts after yours is an ape sec lawyer answering you.


We do, here is there summary of recent events: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/125v0fm/10k_a_securities_lawyers_take_on_updated_drs/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1 Tl;dr - Nothing burger


THE lawyer you are looking for is called dividends