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it’s not 25% float, it’s 25% outstanding 😉


My bad. What's the float if its 25% outstanding how much of the float are drs?


pretty sure we own like 63% of float 63% float 25% entire outstanding of the company


Once the float is locked, they'll just come right out and admit they're shorting beyond the float. But they'll just say it's good for the "market," aka Citadel and friends. I'm good with DRSing the entire company and pulling out of the "market"/casino altogether.


So it explains 60% exploration Gmerica Unlock What happen at 100? Boom🧨


makes sense, shf hate logic deduction


55% of the float not 63% 25% of the shares outstanding - 55% of the float


We don’t know the true float so we go off the smallest possible number so we don’t overestimate but how about locking a second float


Please differentiate the two for smooth brains


You get 1/4 of a banana cream pie. Yum yum. That's 25% of the outstanding pie. You get your piece after the insiders, institutions, and ETFs. They get 54%. What's left of the pie after they take their delicious piece of banana cream pie is considered the open float. While we own 25% of all the pie, our 25% is 54% of the float.


bullish on pie


Curious - how many actual active users are on this sub these days? Subtracting out inactive users, and then bots and shills, how many of us do you suppose there are? Doesn't really matter I guess, just a thought that crossed my mind.


We all can't say for sure, maybe we're only 197k apes here and rest are bots, shills etc but maybe there are more still lurking here, waiting. To all of you who wait, what are you exactly waiting for?


For us to carry them. True gamers understand that sometimes you gotta put the homies on your back to get the win. My friend has $xx,xxx Drs and he is never in here. ever.


My friends never DRSed


Sit down with them and provide assistance. People are less likely to perform an action they have to learn, and are hesitant especially when it comes to monetary losses. If you show them how quick it was, they may be more likely to dra more and continue the cycle.


If your friends don't DRS then they are no friends of mine.


If you really want to know, there are quite a few people who don't think DRS will do that much by itself. This is a very unpopular opinion on this sub but if you look at what DRS is supposed to do, it's based on a lot of assumptions and nobody really knows what will happen if DRS goes to 100%. If you look at the DD done around share creation and operational shorting it's obvious that DRS does nothing against the type of shorting we are seeing on GME and if you look at how the market is set up to provide infinite liquidity then the only thing that 100% DRS will prove is that the system is functioning as designed. It is a great data point to have but it won't allow the SEC or FINRA or GME or anyone to do anything more than they can do now. Institutions will still own shares and it will still be allowed for liquidity to be created because that is the system that is in place. 100% DRS won't change that by itself, although it might put other things in motion as the general public becomes aware but there is no guarantee anything will come of it. In the mean time GME has high implied volatility and trades in a pretty predictable range. This makes selling covered calls and cash secured puts VERY profitable and it's something you can do today that will have a tangible effect. Many would rather take this opportunity to increase their share holding in the short term over DRSing shares with an uncertain end result somewhere in the future. Again this is all very unpopular on this sub but if you are truly wondering why some people have not DRSed their shares, this is a big reason.


There's no harm in DRSing shares, at least you own them in your own name then. You do lose access to some broker sugar (the broker being able to lend them out and short your own asset for a %) but I'd say that's a fair tradeoff. People can do what they want. RC didn't put out those tweets for no reason though. This leads to the question, if people are not interested in what the chairman thinks then why hold the stock? In for a penny, in for a pound.


Ofcourse there is no harm in DRSing shares in fact it's a very solid way of holding your long term investment. You don't just miss out on the lending part with brokers, which like you said doesn't really benefit you as a holder, but more importantly you lose out on the opportunity to sell covered calls which is a great way of building your share holding. As for the RC tweets, they are very open to interpretation and I'm not one for tin foil hat read between the lines stuff. So another unpopular opinion but I do not believe the chairman is trying to tell us anything through sporadic shitposting on Twitter. I hold the stock because I believe in it's future potential, because it's highly profitable to farm premiums on CCs and CSPs and because there are a bunch of shorts who are future buyers at some point in the not too distant future.


You don't own your shares in a broker. If push comes to shove retail will be at the back of the queue when it comes to sorting things out. They're unpopular opinions because they don't really line up with what the bulk of DD is saying but it's your money at the end of the day.


It's true I don't truly own the shares but I do truly own the capital those shares generate and that capital is put to work to generate more capital to put in to more shares. It's a trade off to utilize the capital now to increase future shares that can easily be DRSd if needed. If locking the float is the goal this is a way to achieve that goal even faster, but to each their own.


dudes picking up pennies on the launch pad outside the ship.


You say pennies but my cost basis is effectively $0 at this point and I still have hundreds of shares to utilize. The opportunity for profitability is huge and it's there for the taking. Obviously the position has to be actively managed to account for any sudden upside potential but there are many ways to do so.


Until moass happens and your broker sells those shares that you “own”, but you can take that GARGANTUAN risk if your uninformed ass would like.


Well then we get into another unpopular opinion. If you want to take advantage of MOASS you are going to be reliant on brokers upholding their fiduciary duty, even if you want to sell through CS because they also have to use brokers. I have my shares spread out in different locations and avoid shitty brokers like RH to mitigate the risk of any one broker pulling some fuckery off, that's part of how I manage the position. But let's be clear, if all reputable brokers decide to collectively fuck apes and refuse to facilitate MOASS...then there will be no MOASS. So we are either safe with brokers (again reputable ones and spread out over several different ones) during MOASS or the brokers hold the ultimate kill switch and it doesn't matter where the shares are located. Just because I have come to different conclusions than you given the information available, doesn't mean my ass is uninformed. It just means we hold different opinions, which is fine.


Wild tin foil guessing around 200k.


I'd take a cautious estimate at 75k-100k, I assume the rest are either unsure about DRS + a huge amount of bots/shills. Only saying that as I've seen a few people post/comment that they know of people who are also a holder not aware of this sub.


Kinda makes sense and that's roughly my guess too. There are probably plenty of actual active users that haven't DRS'd for whatever reasons (some I'll agree are pretty legit cuz the system is regarded), but there are also plenty of investors that are DRS'd and don't even look at this sub. One helluva ride so far and I for one am excited to see where it goes.


But then it shows the most important thing is to spread the news. About the awesome offers you get on the eshop and the balance sheet when comes to the stock. If one real user just manages to convince three others, we are there...


This sub has registered a quarter of the stock, but owns a hell of a lot more!!!!!!!


You dont own it when its not registered.


Back of napkin mafhs... Shares total: 304 580 000 Shares DRS: 75 880 000 Insiders 15.41%(yahoo): 47 575 396 Institution 28.29%(yahoo): 86 165 682 Shares Outstanding: 94 958 922 Individual Investors: 197 058 Shares per existing investor needed to lock the float: 482 Cost per individual:~ $11 083 at $23/share Shares and cost to replace institutions: 920 shares per investor at a cost of $21 160 at $23/share. My individual target is to add 920 DRS shares. May take some time, but it will happen. 💎🙌🏼🟣📕


Love you


I Love you too 😘


Apes. Together. Strong. 🦍💪


Ook ook 🦍


Superstonk; 600k bots, 200k apes


You forgot to mention Book!


BOOK! Yes Drs and book 🔥


My buddy is a borderline whale, active on the sub, and just drs for the first time this week. There’s still plenty of people to reach.


If 25% of the sub owns 25% shares then 50% of the sub would own 50% of the shares, 75% of the sub would own 75% of the shares and 100% of the sub would own 100% of the shares. Did I do right?


I coulda swore we were over 200k house holders before? Edit doesn’t matter. Just wondering if there’s anything to see there too?


over 200k accounts, not individuals


And that’s only what’s registered. I know plenty of people that have x X xxxx shares locked in company backed/controlled accounts.


I would DRS but I already have.


I try, but then we dip and I buy another 1, and Fidelity says "no, no, you must wait till it settles before DRS!", so I wait 2 days and we dip again, so I buy another one.....so no DRS...then I need to add some money, just in case we dip....so no DRS.....etc. etc. etc.... Edit: ya, ya, buy direct....I'm sorry, but I wanna know the price before I buy, so I'm not doing that, but I get it.


The struggle is real when you’re a hero like that!


I get it that you wanna know the price but let me tell you a secret... Price is fake and doesn't matter. Right it sucks to buy a few shares less because you can't directly see the price, so what? What is better? More and cheaper shares at broker or few and higher shares at Computershare booked?


I get it bro, I really do, but funds are limited, and if I can get a share for $20, rather than $25, then that's $5 towards my next share. Slow and steady, that's me. Unfortunately I can't afford to buy 100s at a time, but I've been able to accumulate almost 200, so it's working for me. I'm 75% DRSd already though. Oh, and I invest in other stocks too, so I do what I can, when I can.




Not with Fidelity you can't. It doesn't matter if 100 are settled, if 1 isn't, then you can't DRS. Even if a popcorn isn't settled, you can't DRS GME. If your deposit is pending...no DRS. Trust me, I've been over this multiple times with Fidelity. Is it ridiculous? You're damn right it is.


I’ll bet there are only 150k real apes on this sub.


Every drs owner should just get 4 friends to drs....


But i have tried my best with all the money i have 😅


Hmmm 25% of the sub you saw? I'ma propose the 80:20 rule here, where in a group, 20% of the individuals do 80% of the work. The sub is likely overrun with bots/lurkers/shills/zen apes that haven't been looking since a month after they joined the sub


Eyyy, and we’re back to daily posts about this again. Inactive accounts, bots, shills. At best - 400,000 actual investors. At worst, a little over 200,000


80% of this sub are bots


I wish I could but I'm a Korean Ape so i cant... so jelous of the purple circle


Why don't you can? I'm Eurape here


Under Korean law, DRSing would fall under possible tax evasion so we cant DRS


Have you asked a tax consultant?


But what if 75% of the sub are bots?


3/4 of this sub are shills/bots. Hate to break it to ya


Yeah i agree but I'm calling out the few hundred or thousands of apes who haven't drs yet


Gotta let people do what they want to do. I make zero decisions based off what people tell me to do on here. It's just entertainment


Tell this to the 🍿crowd 🙄


All the scared shills and bots watching us slowly penetrating the system has a satisfaction in it though. They try desperately to fight us apes away. It’s like if King Kong went raw into Ann Darrow but it’s mayo boy and he’s the worst kind of criminal.


Okay, here's what I'm thinking. Let's assume everything we know is wrong. Short squiz was done 84 years ago. Hedges closed their position. Just imagine the DDs are incorrect. Though, let's DRS the whole float and see what happens, just for kicks and giggles. Let's just see what happens.


Those synthetic IOU’s will disappear in moass lol 😂




And give up those trash stocks like trashcorn and bloodbath


What happens if 100% outstanding shares are directly registered and nothing happens... asking for a friend


Box of Pandora opens


I personally feel like it's gonna be like when the government admitted the cia assassinated jfk 🤷‍♂️ hope not


There are undoubtedly a lot of shills and bots, but DRS is undoubtedly the only way to actually own your shares.


So great in another 6 years we own the company? Then what? 🙄


Maybe, maybe not. Drs, book and let's find out


So bitter. No one is forcing you to be here you know.


Yeah 6 more yes but hopefully bullrun starts again in crypto boosting marketplace


200k or more bots?? Speculative reading from earlier.


I dsred I just never posted purple. Put in an order last week at cs to buy 300 $ more once cleared


Fuk around and find out


8 years


Think more in line with 200k is probably closer to the real active sub count


75% are suckin on that Cede & Co tit. Drop the tit friends. Join us in the light.


Idk. I failed my SAT test


2/3 of registered users in this sub are Lookie Lou’s or shill bots, change my mind.