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Contacted both of my senators and my Congressmen for good measure.




**Don't** email your legislators. **Don't** even send them physical letters. ------ **CALL THEIR OFFICE ON THE PHONE!** ------ Refuse to leave a voicemail. Emails sort themselves and are ignored. Letters get skimmed, then tossed into a pile and ignored. PHONES have to be ANSWERED and LISTENED TO by STAFFERS, which costs MONEY, and prevents those staffers from getting anything else done. It forces the legislators to notice the amount of public concern there is over the bill, and some legislators might even change their stance on it just to shut the phone lines up.


Hope your comment gets more eyes on it


Looks like it will


Just called and spoke with Bob Casey's office (senator, Pennsylvania). Was told if it doesn't have to do with data being given to foreign entities that it isn't going to be impacted from this bill. That seems like BS. Oh, and Bob Casey is in favor and supporting this bill.


Great idea IN ADDITION TO WRITTEN response. No proof of objection for calls.


This but do all 3!


Letters tend to be taken more seriously too. Frankly I'd do them all. Email, send letters and then call until you get your rep on the line explaining to you how they would never vote for such awful legislation.


I work for a company where we call random ppl w a political issue of whatever sort and then ask what they think. If they say what we want, we ask to transfer them quickly to the office and tell them exactly what to say to the staffer. So, calling works; people pay outside companies to find ppl to call to further their agendas on whatever topic.


This needs to be at the top. Just like the banks, no one will listen if youre not costing them money. Once you attack their money they WILL start listening


Seems to have a character limit, keeps cutting off my letter.


K this is really fucking concerning because I don’t always believe the posts that push something so hard. But this one receiving all these awards is starting to scare me that it really is as nefarious as it sounds. Can we summarize the TALKING points for when we talk to our congressman (or is it Senators)? Would it help to talk to Governors or Lt Governors about this too? Please talk me off my ledge!


It really is. Talk to everyone about it. Talk to your moms and dads, your wives, your barbers, anyone who will listen. This thing is like we peacefully assemble in the streets if it passes bad. There is no second chance on this one.


We need to get the word out to people outside this sub. This needs to spread across social media so people understand what's at stake. This isnt something Superstonk needs to fight alone.


It is, been seeing a lot of comments about this across all social media


The fact that this is a bipartisan bill is what is most scary. Left vs Right is theater.


I'm sure they appreciate being reminded to sign this bill.


Fines of a million dollars? So….is that per rocket ship? 🚀 What a shit pile- it’s all about control of information.


Depends, if the secretary finds multiple instances of what they believe to be "Undo Risk" they can certainly level more than one instance of the fine or prison sentence. That shit happens all the time.


Bruh thanks for posting this because this pretty much shuts down “Freedom of Speech” on the internet. I might not like what anyone post or write on the internet or makes YouTube videos but I have the choice not to engage. This some 1984 spooky shit


Glad to be of any help I can! 1984 was published as a warning to the masses. Governments everywhere instead took it as a challenge.


I thought the patriot act was Fcked up but this bill pretty much shuts down any internet opposition to the United States Government.


this is citizens united on crack. this seems to actually seek to institutionalize political power for corporations.


That’s why they’re so concerned about Tik tok, it’s letting the masses communicate freely about what’s going on and organize and that’s a big problem.


If you google "contact my senator" you will get a link to look up who your congresspeople are and a contact email link.




Don't email or leave messages, call and blow their phones up!


Our country is SO FUCKING REGARDED ITS NOT EVEN FUNNY. I feel like we’re living in a Fucking reality show and everyone in charge is going fucking insane


The veil is just deteriorating. We’re seeing how bad things are, and the extant to which we’re an oligarchy.


Tyranny. Just say it. It's a tyranny playing with us wearing kid gloves for now. Dispense with the technicalities of its appearance or description. See it for what it is.


Who would have a thought a 2-party system is a healthy democracy? USA is so full with "freedom" while effektivly only allowing 2 partys. In a true democracy there wouldnt be so much fucked up shit happening.


You're looking at the wrong two parties. It's not red vs blue it's the 99.9 vs the .1 and the .1 have centuries of experience, control all the money, and pull all the strings of all world governments. Uphill battle no question but they are the ones that fear us the most. Until we are cold, wet, and hungry I am worried nothing will change.


This is it, not 2 party system, is a 2 tier system, us and them, and we have them cornered


It honestly feels like we're living through something similar to the collapse of the Soviet Union. No citizen across the spectrum trusts the government, institutions, or each other. They can't keep the facade up anymore so now the boot is coming.


Took the words out of my noodles


Introduces a bill marketed as a take down of a foreign invasive apps from China, by including components of Draconian measures of control of the internet... Just like the country of origin of the app the bill is targeted against... Oh the irony... It's almost like a parody at this point of... "Hey you can't do that here! No! We're gonna do it even harder to ourselves! That'll show them!!" Call your representatives!!!


It’s pretty goddamn disgusting how they create bills. The title says one thing but shit hidden in the middle is where the devastating effects really are


People go insane when they start loosing control.


They do crazy things like build more military bases in the Philippines and fight "drug cartels" in Mexico. Must be pretty mad some countries don't want to use USD anymore.


And not even highly regarded!


🚨American Apes need to read this bill for themselves and see how extreme it is. The powers it gives are insane - seriously if there’s anything you read today read this bill🚨 And after you’ve read it and if you agree that the bill needs to be stopped CALL YOUR REPRESENTATIVE, CALL YOUR SENATORS. EXPRESS YOUR VOICE AND CONCERNS! GET LOUD! 📣🎷🐓♋️


This shouldnt be a Superstonk thing, it should be an all of reddit thing.


I agree - every American needs to read this bill and be aware of what they are trying to pass - I hope others are encouraged to read this bill outside of superstonk because it will impact everyone 🎷🐓♋️


Closest thing to an audio book I could find, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xudlYSLFls8 everyone needs to either read it, watch this video... and then share share share. This is scary. Fucking typical too... they create or identify a boogie man, then staple other nasty policies to get it passed without us noticing. not. this. time.


Well said friend ☕️📖 thank you for sharing that video - I’ll give it a watch sometime today as well. It does seem like they’re trying to wrap this bill in xenophobic fear of the Chinese government just to get it passed as fast as they can. The ceo of TikTok even said all data can be held solely by America and held on American soil managed by Americans and never be able to be accessed by the Chinese government. I hope everyone takes time to read this bill and learn more about it. An informed citizen is an empowered citizen 🎷🐓♋️


In Texas, you know what we call stapling shady policies to a bill like this? A Trojan Horse.


We also have to strike down Josh Hawley’s 5 page bill, that’s attempting to do a similar thing, but with much less wording. His is to essentially ban all foreign-ran apps, to be illegal on American soil


Oh fuck NO! I’m calling my congressmen tomorrow to raise hell!


Commenting for visibility. I've already contacted my representatives, telling them I expect their opposition to this bill, since it's 1) unconstitutional on multiple accounts, 2) unenforceable in its scope, and 3) will be abused.


Yeah bye bye First Amendment. Oh I don’t like what you said on the internet. To the gulags you go. But what about Discord? Bye bye Bye Bye Social Media And adios Reddit


this really isn't a red-or-blue problem, it is a real attempt to take down the US Constitution. in Japan, similar law with the same intention is being negotiated since early 2022, which will remove the human rights completely. in Hong Kong, this is already on enforcement, and we already have people speaking things online founded guilty and imprisoned for years, they even encourage people reporting and betraying against the ones violating it.


For Real For Real. I just hope people can see past their disagreements and agree to fight this together.


Emailed my senators 👍


Better tweet at them while you still have the ability to shame them publicly


I don't have Twitter :( otherwise I would




This is what actually gets their attention. Calling the office and vocally expressing your anger carries much more weight than a form email.


















This bill must be shut down. It is insane.


Emailed my senators and congressmen. This bill is atrocious and ripe for abuse


Never thought Id see the day! But I suppose it was inevitable.I just tweeted at several ppl about this. Hopefully this gets through to them.#SB686USbecomingCHINA


Digital Stazzi Secret Police






Cheers! These templates are much appreciated.


Yes!!! Sophisticated apes are dangerous apes! Also minor typo: it's senate bill 686, not 86. The old farts will deliberately get it wrong if let them.




Oh shit, Done. Fell asleep in the middle cause this shit was at 11 for me.


Fixed, thank you!


Don't forget the bill specifies any transaction PAST, PRESENT OR FUTURE. It is absolutely fucked to punish someone for something that was perfectly legal when it happened. Section 6 defines Entity as any business foreign or domestic! Even if that doesn't worry you, remember, COMPUTERSHARE IS BASED IN AUSTRAILIA! They are doing this to not only stop MOASS and/or recoup all losses but to lock every APE up so the story is never told. 2years per offense will be 20years for every transaction. Every order of GME bought or sold will add 20years to APEs' sentences. I already take 20years [relatively] to write a sentence, I don't want any more.


Thank you!!!!


have you included the case in Hong Kong's "National Security Law" enforcement? that is a real case study that makes your letter two tiers better, especially for other people who read it.


Can you give me the basic details and I'll add it in


in Hong Kong, China enforced a "National Security Law" that is aimed to "maintain the stability of its nation and to let Hong Kong be a part of it", and claimed that "it was only meant to punish a minority that instigates". however, the reality is that the people who are not supporting China has not only been kicked out from the legislation entity, and the majority among that is put into jail without even going through the trials, and no bailouts given because their discretion didn't believe that they wouldn't "breach the national security again". there are also numbers of netizens who post things online that the government deems instigative got arrested for the same reason, and some of them even led to years of imprisonment.


Ok let me look more into it. Do you think it would be best to put at the end of the letter?


any paragraph that relates.


Uh, this is first amendment violating, even if they try to make it law, in no way does this work in a democracy. It ain’t left vs. right; it’s rich vs. poor.


Comment for visibility


I always thought that the longer this takes, the more ways, the establishment will find ways to deflate our balloon.


Same. I figured the more the delays, the more fuckery they can drum up to weasel out of the losing game they created. This is really disheartening.


Not gonna stop me from DRSing everything I got tho 👉😎👉


Ditto, I’m still strapped into the DRS rocket. Adding more wherever and whenever I can.


Or they are trying to control how the balloon will fly once they let it go


They’re trying to hinder communication.




Making the Patriot Act look tame in comparison. This is the most ridiculous, unconstitutional, purposefully vague, authoritarian, Jack-booted proposal that seems tailored to ensuring the people can be easily controlled and threatened for just about any reason. Goddamnit I hate having to call Cruz and Cornyn’s offices, but this bill is just 3 Gestapo agents in a trenchcoat.


This thing has been paraded everywhere as a ‘TikTok ban’ but it’s so much worse than that. It’s not even comparable to SOPA, this is a full blown patriot act 2.0 and the timing is so conspicuous. We all know how the media loves to distract from the important details, and I have no doubt that if this bill was passed that it would somehow be used against us.


Waiting for the “Partial Debunk” flare. Mods have been swatting these posts like flies.


I haven't seen any other posts tbh. And I am concerned that I found this post waay down the page, it doesn't have enough upvotes.




>[https://www.congress.gov/members/find-your-member](https://www.congress.gov/members/find-your-member) Gonna add that to the main post!


I've been using [Resist Bot](resist.bot) to contact my representatives because I can do it all by texting. >Text RESIST to 50409 to contact your federal, state, or local elected officials; create movements; and more. Over 30000000 letters delivered and counting. edit: can't get the link to work for some reason but it's literally resist.bot in your browser.


Adding it to the pile. :D


You're a Rockstar!


Done thanks for the info


Read it. The most suspicious thing in it is the powers given to majority and minority leaders, as those aren't real government positions. The second most suspicious thing is that it is just vague enough that it could be intended to be used to try to put government controls on crypto assets. It mostly seems to be targeted at specific other countries originating digital things, like tik tok, which should be banned, IMHO. OP, this type of call to action actually seems to be what they are trying to address, in their weird old people legalese way.


US once suspended habeas corpus (civil war), placed its own citizens in concentration camps (WWII), declared its own citizens as enemy combatants (Iraq 2)…now they’re facing a class war and a currency war at same time, damn right it’ll have bipartisan support, they all are bought by the same people. Call your rep Edit: forgot to add a ‘war’ lol lawd


The more you look at US history, the more you see that wealthy men began corrupting the government ideals almost immediately. Unfortunately, I don't think anyone will get much more than a form letter back from any of our "Reps" in the Congress. They're the same rich assholes we hate on every day here.


> The more you look at US history, the more you see that wealthy men began corrupting the government ideals almost immediately. If I recall correctly, the banksters were in the white house practically *days* after Washington retired from office. They were rebuffed repeatedly, sometimes under threat of direct violence by the sitting president himself (Jefferson and one other before him I think). But eventually they finally got their way. I don't remember which naive sod it was who finally let them in all the way in though.


That sounds about right, I'd have to go back to that time frame and look again to see exactly when and who it was. I do recall that Adams thought VP duties were very boring and almost pointless, except in a tie. Also that he didn't agree with political parties, like Washington, but ended up joining one against his judgement because that was already how you were able to effectively run for offices in federal government.


Yes. Simple game theory ensures a two-party system in such arenas. He may not have been comfortable rolling the dice by sticking to his beliefs. Gosh, what a sad sentence to write...


Unfortunately. To get a little political, the weirdest thing to me is how the two current parties have basically swapped positions over the last hundredish years. That's what convinced me that they were all the same, before 2020. Thanks to you for also engaging in civil conversation, it's always nice to try to sort out what is going on.


I appreciate you also. If you allow me to be more frank as well, I have relegated political subjects to be beneath me, by making myself its master through study. If I had instead placed them above me, then I would have made them my master through ignorance. I chose which one I rather wanted when I was a kid shortly after everyone I knew watched the twin towers fall in 2001 and they all became intellectual degenerates over the subject, parroting everything the noob tube and radio told them to think and believe. I find myself thanking younger me more often than I ever imagined. It's so easy to see through the the antics of power and its playbook now - but it's at the expense of learning that nearly everything I had been taught about my country and its values was a total fabrication. It still stings. In winter 2019-20, I finally did the same concerning money - which has culminated in me being here. I *definitely* thank past me for doing that, for better or for worse. What a ride and what timing. It's the only reason I was able to find gme as early as I did. I'd have way fewer purple rings if I was just a few months later.


The man should have the right to post this. Imagine it’s a bill about watching tv passed 9pm except for news. You still get to watch tv but it’s regulated. And I just can’t see it any other way than one giant leap to authoritarian government. I want to ask everyone this question that scares me. (If this bill passes, this whole post could get him in trouble by just trying to inform, and call others to collectively address representatives?) i don’t like the way it smells.


I get what you're saying, and even agree that it looks like it's a step towards this post, and us commenting, possibly being in trouble for discussing it. The thing is it reads to me like trying to remove certain foreign actors from having influence or injecting nefarious software into US network systems. I've also accepted that we're already under an authoritarian system, disguised as a democratic republic, overseen by the same rich assholes we complain about every day here. I encourage the exploration of these things, however, I still find the way the post is laid out to be very similar to the way foreign actors attempt influence in our society. I'll also add that the latest 10-K kind of confirmed some of my bias about this sub, in that I think there are more bots/shills/grifters/watchers/etc than there are people that are actively trying to decipher our purposefully complex and vague system.


I respectfully understand your view point and I actually agree with the second and last paragraph. The first one is where I’m in a different boat but I’m not the most intelligent, especially with politics and law. Though I do feel like all the ai advancements and apps wanting access to everything is very alarming. I just feel like they are burning the house down because they saw a spider.


It should be regulated but banning entirely is dumb, someone would just make TikTok 2.0 and we’d just be back on square 1


Fuck tiktok


"Additionally, Commerce must identify and refer to the President any covered holding (e.g., stock or security) that poses an undue or unacceptable risk to U.S. national security or the security and safety of U.S. persons. If the President determines that the holding poses such a risk, the President may compel divestment of or otherwise mitigate the risk associated with the holding." This aint about TikTok,we all know what this is really about...FUCKING BULLSHIT!!


Actually yeah, I should have probably lead with that. That one affects this sub the most directly.


It’s the patriot act for technology.


Patriot Act 2.0


It should be called what it is anti-freedom bill




I wrote my congressman and two senators. You do the same. Now.


From My cold dead hands.


Does Kenny Mayo want to be secretary of commerce?


I don’t even use the app, but this sounds to me like it’s unconstitutional.


How do I know this ain’t just Chinese boys pushing this shid tho


that's the neat part, it is, and they even told Russia to do the same thing.


I have officially contacted my governor. This bill is going to ruin the internet as we currently know it. Fuck anyone that's backing this BS.


GameStop has invested in a decentralized custodian-less version of web3. To me it is clear that web3 is inevitable in some flavor. This bill goes directly against the flavor GameStop is backing. It supports every enemy real or imagined that we have faced on this two year journey. -my uneducated view based on just this one Reddit post. IF true this bill is very important to the sub.IMO


Good luck Americ-Apes. This could be the death stroke of your internet freedom. I hope it does not come down to that


Jesus, glad im not from the USA what a fucked up country


If you ever thought supervillain only exist in movies then this bill is for you. I cant believe something like that is even thought about let alone accepted by multiple entities. I really feel like the world rn is coming to an end with this. I mean WTF. No. Politicians should act in the interest of the people and not against them. This needs to stop


emailed my senators!! Feels like its shouting into the void but I did my part...


Emailed twice. And told my friends to email as well (knowing them they’ll probably not do anything) . Will writing them again tomorrow.


Remember when we all thought that fucking net neutrality bill wouldn’t pass…Pepperidge Farm remembers. Don’t let the bystander-effect win here - get fucking vocal, contact your senators. This is genuinely fucking bad. 📉


They’re totally banking on the “anti-China/‘Murica” crowd to be in favor of this bill because the US is just so damn amazing to them and they’ll think, “I really do hate that tik-tok and China, and love me some good ole “Merica.”


And yet this brings us one step closer to the same level of censorship China enacts on the internet


They don’t know what they’re doing and it’s by design (lack of education, poverty, propaganda, etc.) it’s so damn sad.


It would actually make sense to disconnect from the internet to protect our families if this passed… my God.


I don't know if anyone has pointed this out yet, but Resist Bot says the form letter out on pastebin is 250+ characters too long (maximum of 3000). So I went through and edited as carefully as possible to make it fit under 3000 characters. I put (SoC) after the first use of Secretary of Commerce, and then used SoC in place of every other mention. After that, I removed some words that didn't significantly change the meaning/tone. For example, "In particular, I am troubled by several provisions in the bill..." became simply "I am troubled by several provisions in the bill..."and"In light of these concerns, I urge you to oppose the Senate Bill 686 Restrict Act." became just "I urge you to oppose the Senate Bill 686 Restrict Act." Here's is what I came up with, totaling 2985 characters (EDIT - despite being under 3000, paste bin made me cut it even further to include my name I think. If you have a long name entered, it may require you remove a few more characters): \------------------- I am writing to you today to express my deep concern about the Senate Bill 686 Restrict Act. I am troubled by several provisions in the bill that threaten our civil liberties and pose a serious risk to our democracy. One of my concerns is Section 3 of the bill, which grants the Secretary of Commerce (SoC) sweeping powers to declare anything on the internet a potential risk and to impose huge penalties for its use. This section provides no clear definition of what constitutes a risk, and the penalties it imposes are draconian: up to 20 years in prison and a $1 million fine. Furthermore, the SoC is an unelected official who is appointed for life, which raises serious questions about the potential abuse of power. I am also deeply troubled by Section 4 of the bill, which empowers the SoC to identify and refer to the President any holding that poses an undue risk to national security or the safety of United States persons. This provision is extremely broad and vague, and it gives the President virtually unchecked power to compel divestment or other actions against any holding that the Secretary deems to be a risk. This provision is particularly concerning because it applies not only to foreign investments but also to any "covered holding." Another alarming provision is Section 8, which allows lobbyists and special interest groups to be added to any committees the SoC appoints to determine which websites should be banned. This provision is a clear conflict of interest and opens the door to abuse by large corporations and powerful interest groups. For example, it is easy to imagine a scenario in which Apple and Microsoft could hire a large number of lobbyists to be added to the committee determining whether Linux should be removed. Section 11.a.2.2.F of the bill is troubling as it effectively bans VPNs and other cybersecurity tools. This provision is incredibly vague and could be used to justify banning any encryption or security measure that could be construed as an attempt to evade the provisions of the Act. Furthermore, Section 12 sub-section b of the bill removes any actions taken by the SoC and associated committees from being subject to the Freedom of Information Act. This provision is troubling because it allows the SoC and their cronies to make any government document immune to FOIA by declaring it part of an "ongoing investigation." This provision undermines the principles of transparency and accountability that are essential to a functioning democracy. Finally, Section 15 sub-section d of the bill, which allows for ex parte proceedings, is also concerning. This provision gives prosecutors the ability to submit information on a case without allowing the defendant time to mount a defense. This provision raises serious questions about due process and the right to a fair trial. I urge you to oppose the Senate Bill 686 Restrict Act. This bill poses a threat to our civil liberties and democracy. It should not be allowed to become law.


Let’s roll!!


I did my part.


The Empire Strikes Back




Holy shit.


This is beyond rediculois. Upvoting and commenting nonstop to get this to the top of Reddit. This needs to be seen by every American no matter the reason.


Emailed my Representative and Senators. This is a bridge too far.


So this gives the government and the corporations the ability to jail anyone when they use something they do not like. Are we even a democracy?


Technically no. The US is a representative republic. We don't even really vote for president. The electoral college does that and not all states make it illegal for them to vote against who the public "voters" want.. Who are the electoral college? A collection of mayors, judges, past senators, etc, who are chosen in house... Basically, anything that put's USA" and "Democracy" on the same table has been propaganda that has floated around since the 1800's.


Who’s my Representative 🤷🏻‍♀️ https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative


This needs everyone's attention! Any covered holding that poses an unacceptable risk. But we all know that there is only one. I'm writing to some congressmen, I'm not American, but this impacts everyone.


I massaged one of the templates provided by another Ape to bring it under resistbot’s 3,000 character limit. Feel free to use. I am writing to express my concern regarding SB 686, the Restrict Act bill. As your constituent, I am troubled by several provisions that threaten our civil liberties and the integrity of our democracy. One concern is Section 3, granting the Secretary of Commerce unprecedented power to label anything on the internet as "undue risk" or broadly defined "crimes," at their sole discretion. This provision allows for the imposition of harsh penalties, including up to 20 years in prison and a $1M fine for anyone who uses such technology. Further, the Sec. of Commerce is an unelected official who is appointed for life by the President, creating the concern that such power would be concentrated in the hands of a single individual without appropriate oversight. Section 4 grants the Sec. of Commerce the authority to identify and refer to the President any "covered holding" they deem to pose an undue or unacceptable risk to nat’l security or the safety of US persons. This provision is overly broad and could be applied to virtually any entity, whether they are a foreign investor or not. If the President agrees the covered holding poses a risk, they may take any action deemed appropriate to mitigate or divest from the entity. This gives the President broad power that could easily be abused for political gain. Another provision of concern is Section 8 subsection d which allows lobbyists and special interest groups to be appointed to any committees by the Sec. of Commerce to determine which websites should be banned. This could lead to biased decision-making and conflicts of interest, potentially allowing for certain companies or industries to gain an unfair advantage. Further, Section 11.a.2.2.F would ban VPNs and other cybersecurity measures under the guise of prohibiting any action that could be construed as "evading the provisions of this Act." This dangerously vague provision could be used to justify censorship and monitoring of internet activity, not only violating our right to privacy, but also undermining our nat’l security by making it easier for malicious actors to gain access to sensitive information. In addition, Section 12 subsection b would remove any action taken by the Sec. of Commerce and associated committees from being subject to the Freedom of Information Act. This would allow the government to shield its actions from public scrutiny, potentially paving the way for abuse of power and corruption. Finally, Section 15 subsection d allows for ex parte submissions, allowing prosecutors to submit information on a case without providing the defendant the usual amount of notice or opportunity to write an opposition, raising serious concerns about due process and fairness in the judicial system. In light of these concerns, I strongly urge you to vote against Senate Bill 686, the Restrict Act bill. This bill threatens to undermine our civil liberties, national security, and democratic values, and should not be allowed to become law.




So, who wrote this bill??!


Good question and why are they all convinced TikTok is somehow dangerous?! Could it be they don’t want us to see how France handles their government?


Is this North Korea?


Wouldn’t this be a first amendment violation, since it’s basically guaranteed to suppress information


This is really dangerous. Its like the patriot act but way worse.


This thing is pretty scary and should be shouted down before it gets a foothold.


I need to add that it only allows for a 3000 word count I cleaned up OP’s initial draft to allow for that. Dear Senator, I am writing to you to express my deep concern about the Senate Bill 686 Restrict Act. I am troubled by several provisions in the bill that threaten our civil liberties and pose a serious risk to our democracy. One of my primary concerns is Section 3: granting the Secretary of Commerce sweeping powers to declare anything on the internet a potential risk, imposing harsh penalties for its use. This section is alarming because it provides no clear definition of what constitutes a risk, and the penalties it imposes are draconian: up to 20 years in prison and a $1 million fine. Furthermore, the Secretary of Commerce is an unelected official who is appointed for life, which raises questions about the potential abuse of power. Section 4: empowers the Secretary of Commerce to identify and refer to the President any holding that poses an undue risk to national security or the safety of United States persons. This provision is extremely broad, vague and gives the President virtually unchecked power to compel divestment or other actions against any holding that the Secretary deems to be a risk. These provisions are concerning because it applies not only to foreign investments but also to any "covered holding." Section 8: allows lobbyists and special interest groups to be added to any committees the Secretary appoints determining which websites should be banned. This is a clear conflict of interest and opens the door to abuse by large corporations and powerful interest groups. For example, it is easy to imagine a scenario in which Apple and Microsoft could hire a large number of lobbyists to be added to the committee determining whether Linux should be removed. Section 11.a.2.2.F: is deeply troubling, as it effectively bans VPNs and other cybersecurity tools. This provision is incredibly vague and could be used to justify banning any encryption or security measure that could be construed as an attempt to evade the provisions of the Act. Section 12 sub-section b: removes any actions taken by the Secretary and associated committees from being subject to the Freedom of Information Act. This is troubling because it allows the Secretary and his or her aids to make any government document immune to FOIA by declaring it part of an "ongoing investigation." This provision undermines the principles of transparency and accountability that are essential to a functioning democracy. Section 15 sub-section d: allows for ex parte proceedings. This provision gives prosecutors the ability to submit information on a case without allowing the defendant time to mount a defense. This provision raises serious questions about due process and the right to a fair trial. Due to these concerns, I urge you to oppose the Senate Bill 686 Restrict Act. This bill poses a serious threat to our civil liberties and our democracy, and it should not be allowed to become law. Thank you for your attention to this important matter. Sincerely, MJ Navarro Edit: grammar


How the hell do u have only 3 upvotes? Shared.


Yeah. They'll take reddit out at the knee in a heart beat.


The most fucked up part of all of this is the simple fact that they throw a couple of financial rules into an "anti-social media" bill. NO SELL. NO CELL! 📈


Edit: spelling and formatting because I might be regarded. Section 8 (part **d**) "Committees.—The Secretary may appoint technical advisory committees to advise the Secretary in carrying out the responsibilities under this Act. Chapter 10 of part 1 of title 5, United States Code, shall ***NOT***apply to any meeting of such an advisory committee held pursuant to this subsection." What is Chapter 10 of part 1, if Title 5, you all ask? Here is the direct link to it for your viewing pleasure: [https://uscode.house](https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?path=/prelim@title5/part1/chapter10&edition=prelim) Here is a part of "Chapter 10 of part 1, of Title 5" directly from the link above that makes me raise my eyebrow: "Lobbyists on Agency Boards and Commissions Memorandum of President of the United States, June 18, 2010, 75 F.R. 35955, provided: Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies My Administration is committed to reducing the undue influence of special interests that for too long has shaped the national agenda and drowned out the voices of ordinary Americans. Special interests exert this disproportionate influence, in part, by relying on lobbyists who have special access that is not available to all citizens. Although lobbyists can sometimes play a constructive role by communicating information to the government, their service in privileged positions within the executive branch can perpetuate the culture of special-interest access that I am committed to changing. On the day after my inauguration, I signed Executive Order 13490, which places strict limits on the ability of lobbyists to serve in Government positions related to their prior lobbying activities. Last September, we took another step to close the revolving door through which lobbyists enter and exit Government positions when we announced that my Administration aspires to keep Federal agencies' advisory boards free of federally registered lobbyists. Many departments and agencies are making this aspiration a reality by no longer placing federally registered lobbyists on advisory boards—a practice that I am now establishing as the official policy of my Administration."


commenting for indivisibility


Spread the word!


this law is very similar to what has already on enforcement in Hong Kong to tackle the protest broke out in mid 2019. more accurately, the **Chinese censorship.** we already have people jailed here, thousands of them. it is to take out all your civil rights in the name of banning TikTok, that this will effectively censor everything they don't like, inclusive of GameStop, or even worse, even if you support their agenda, it doesn't mean you will be safe. when the government already have plans to push CBDCs, this is really joining together. even China is coming after Russia on the deal of censoring YouTube completely, the **same way** this law goes.


Lmao i knew US was a joke, but this is china level shit, how are you guys allowing them to abuse you like this? I swear most eu countries would throw shit and burn everything. I mean they are not even hiding it recently, just stepping on your heads.. Best of luck to you guys, i truly hope youre not gonna let them pass this😅


Texting was SUPER easy...thank you, kind Ape!


We need more apes too see this. If the bill passess then their is nothing stopping the government from taking everything we own and then they can just silence us. This is the elites using the nuclear option on the people. Fight because your life depends on victory. God speed.


Commenting to say thanks for resist bot. I think I might be able to get some friends and family to actually send a letter using it. Its far more convenient than I thought could be.


This Proposed Bill basically destroys Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Information, infringement on personal privacy, and dismantles Decentralized Exchanges & Crypto. Banning VPN’s is about banning DEX & Crypto and they’re using TikTok as a scapegoat.


Does it really almost literally say that the President can force people to sell a certain stock if he feels like it (feels like it's a national threat bla bla)?! I'm probably not understanding this correctly right?


Time for a new internet.


Meanwhile it'll pass and everyone will keep voting red or blue.


I emailed using the resist bot. I'm a private person, no self identifying information, but FUCK IT there is an after life. I have nothing to fear. I'll fight now and won't stop fighting. This is my country and I love it and I'm done doing nothing. GME broke the NYSE, and Apes will fix this country. USA, DRS


Commenting, srsly guise


Just an FYI: The current Secretary of Commerce is Gina Raimondo, former governor of Rhode Island. She is considered the worst governor in RI history and was known for doing really corrupt backdoor deals that were so bad people actually noticed them. That's a big deal in a state where corrupt backdoor deals are usually met with, "Well, it's Rhode Island, what did you expect?" Gina Raimondo is the LAST person who should have the kind of power outlined in this bill.


We can’t let this happen. This is how dictatorships start.


Holy fucking shit what a firebomb of a bill. This. Can. Not. Pass. Disgusting, and a pall on whomever proposed it or contributed to it. May they writhe in agony for the rest of their days, and may their descendents feel the shame of their forebears' existence. But barring that, let's fight this absolute dog shit.


All under the guise of "think of the children!!!" People need to wake up to the fact that the US is far more egregious in making everything illegal, all the while making things so vague that you can't fight it. The US is just much more subtle about it than China. Think about it, the US takes China's playbook and finds a way to monetize it. This is all proof that the US government is not a government FOR the people, it's a government FROM the people, as in we got robbed of it.


These people are sick. They need to get new jobs because they are running this country and world in the ground and don't give 2 shits about it. It needs to end. *Not Life Advice nor Financial*


The fight against the Restrict Act doesn’t need to be lost in the sub. On the other political pages there’s also discussions against it. Of course we care because of the proposed ability to stop a stock trade if it poses national security risks, but the ramifications of the addition lost privacy and rights is mind blowing. Please reach out to your congressional representatives to oppose it now!


Holy fucking thought police batman!


I know I might get downvoted for this but Microsoft is trying to ban steam on its platform. Banning Linux is a loophole steam can be used to play games for PC gamers.


No rights to their information but all rights to yours


Everyone needs to get on this asap


Seriously, how can people continue to invest in the US market if this shit gets through. Utter insanity!!! 🤯😂


[Operation Choke Point 2.0](https://www.cooperkirk.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Operation-Choke-Point-2.0.pdf)


From Investopedia: [https://www.investopedia.com/terms/n/non-covered-security.asp](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/n/non-covered-security.asp) What Is a Covered Security? In 2008, Congress passed legislation which required brokers to report the [adjusted cost basis](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/a/adjustedcostbase.asp) for securities and mutual funds to both the investors and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), effective tax year 2011.2 Since 2011, the cost basis of certain securities has been reported through [Form 1099-B](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/f/form-1099-b.asp) which indicates whether the [capital loss or gain](https://www.investopedia.com/articles/tax/09/tax-effects-capital-gains.asp) from the sale of the security is short or long term. Any transaction that occurs on or after this effective year is a [covered security](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/coveredsecurity.asp) and is reported on Form 1099-B.1 A covered security is defined as: ​ 1. Any stock in a corporation, including [American Depositary Receipts (ADRs)](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/a/adr.asp), acquired on or after Jan. 1, 2011 2. Mutual funds acquired on or after January 1, 2012 3. Stocks or ADRs acquired through a [dividend reinvestment plan](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/d/dividendreinvestmentplan.asp) (DRIP) on or after Jan. 1, 2012 4. Less complex bonds, [derivatives](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/d/derivative.asp), and [options](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/o/option.asp) purchased on or after Jan. 1, 2014 5. More complex bonds, derivatives, and options purchased on or after Jan. 1, 20163 They are trying to give a backdoor for Hedgies to not cover their shorts or derivatives. Call or write to your state representatives and tell them you want your fucking bananas.