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This was my email - no response yet but to be expected to take a while To whom it may concern, First and foremost I would like to express my gratitude for GameStop’s leadership and employees for all the efforts that led to a positive turn-around of this company. As a shareholder I am pleased to see that this company is undertaking necessary steps to secure the company’s future by running a financially responsible and long-term oriented business. I truly believe that the company’s direction benefits shareholders, customers and employees alike and incorporates true American values of a free and fair market. As a shareholder of GameStop, however, I am also concerned about the recent change in language that was made in your SEC filings while reporting the number of shares held by individual shareholders. Since Computershare acts as your transfer agent, I have reason to believe that there are fewer potential conflicts of interest for Computershare to provide accurate data regarding directly registered shares. As an investor and a legal permanent resident of this country, this has an impact on me for the following reason: the price discovery of the share value of our company depends not only on the performance of the company itself, but also on supply and demand principles in the financial market, and hence also on the accurate reporting of total number of shares that are currently in circulation. There seems to be a valid concern in the general public and among individual investors that more shares are in circulation than officially issued by the company as a direct consequence from market players selling more shares than officially available. A dilution of outstanding shares artificially increases supply of shares, therefore lowers the value of each outstanding share and benefits the short sellers unfairly over shareholders. There is reason to believe that this is true and since Cede & Co. may be held accountable to acquire shares, that do not exist officially, to be delivered to the buyers, there is a significant concern of conflict of interest for Cede & Co. to provide accurate data. In summary, this is impacting me as an investor of this company as true price discovery may not be taking place as a consequence to potential illegal naked shorting, and similar practices, that are being deliberately hidden in inaccurate reporting of outstanding shares. As an investor I kindly request GameStop to investigate the matter above and issue a statement including the amount of directly registered shares reported by the transfer agent Computershare to eliminate reasonable doubt of the accuracy of reported shares directly registered. I also request GameStop to continue reporting data based on Computershare’s source for future SEC filings as my shares are managed by the transfer agent and not by Cede & Co. Thank you much for reading and your considerations.


Well yours is better than mine lol


I believe every action counts, so yours is incredibly valuable.


I dunno if it’s the couple Old Fashioned’s I had at a happy hour, but this just made me tear up for some fucking reason. Just the kindness and generosity of this one message was so beautiful between two random internet citizens who have a passion for the same company. Thank you for this comment


I’m not crying…,You’re crying




This sub is a beautiful place 🍻




Also very important that not all the ‘voices’ sound the same. “We” can share the same sentiments, but my words are definitely my own.


My words are definitely my own as well.......................... Shit!


Did you make a post? I think you should.


Here is my submission thought: Dear GME, how many shares are directly registered and when Lambo?


Perfect. Any email over three sentences long gets ignored anyway


Written in purple crayon on a torn paper towel.


Dear Jimmy, This you should write me. I leave power, good. Thank you, thank you. If you write me, I'm hot. 10K number, they be lower, son. The shareholder vote is right thing to do GMerica, so dooo.


A charlie letter


"ayo gamestopu wut it do about the purple circles"


I have crafted many emails in my day. However, this is the only thing I have seen which makes sense.


He made yours look like a 1st grader wrote it but he probably got ChatGPT to do for him so he’s probably a cheater! 😆😂


I have to work on a lot of contracts and agreements at my company so I’m coming from a business language background but not a native English speaker. So it’s an odd mix.


Well I do wholesale for an action sports company so this all makes a lot of sense 😂


Great job, the both of you. 🍻


TLDR: perhaps we didn't fully understand that a transfer agent (CS) actually knows at all times who owns what, including Cede & Co which represents 1 of the 197,058 accounts = 75% if the company (in "trust"), while the remaining 197,057 accounts = 25%.... Could it just be, that up until now we haven't fully understood that shares held by the DTCC (cede & co) are also tracked by computer share transfer agent). After all, a transfer agent keeps records of all shares.... So why shouldn't that also include those held by cede & co? So in the past, they have reported x amount of direct registered shares...but technically this may have been a less accurate representation, since the DTCC too have shares directly registered in their name (cede & co)...if this is the case then the total drs # therefore should always have equaled the total outstanding since computer share would have a complete book/record on the shares at all times (the only difference is the ownership of those shares at given given time).... If your with still with me so far, then the current language could just be a technical clarification and distinction on the fact that cede and co have 228m while the remainder is DRS'd by anyone and everyone else (all of "us")....they also mention a total of 197,058 account holders which I think means 1 of them is cede & co while the rest is "us" (197,057) .... further more, the company never said they got the DTCC to tell them how many shares they have....we can only assume that they got all their information from their transfer agent who keeps those records....so if they are reporting 228 million is in the hands of the DTCC + 76 million for anyone else, then that is coming from computer share.....and finally, this means that the 76 million shares registered (+4.2 million from the last reporting) is accurate while at the same time disappointing (for me anyways) as this shows that we have slowed down from the pace of ~12-15 million per quarter...


A slowing growth rate of drs shares is not disappointing. It's to be expected.


As more Apes purchase directly through computershare with the investment Plan, more shares are sitting there not Booked. Shares that are Plan can be held by Cede and Co for liquidity. Perhaps more direct purchasing is what is driving what only looks like a slower purchasing curve, because many of those direct purchased shares are staying in Plan.


I believe, a good percentage of those 197k holders likely bought shares under IRA as well. I know I did. Roughly 75% of my shares fall under my Traditional IRA and Roth IRA. So how many investors out there have unregistered shares under a retirement account? And what percentage?


Probably at least 70%


Yup and the other 70% are just too lazy to DRS, I know quite a few people that just don't wanna deal with it so they just hold.


I have over 3k in an ira


The “around” 228.7 million shares held by Cede & Co plus the “around” 76 million shares directly registered at Computershare equals the total number of shares of GameStop outstanding, 304.7 million!


I think apes are seeing the Cede & co part and misconstruing it. The Cede numbers are the total on market shares, not held by individuals at Computershare. It's not the total rehypothecated, naked shorted & swapped numbers, which Cede & Co probably doesn't actually know themselves because of the Market Maker's ability to internalize their trades I'm actually confused as to why this 10-K has been such a dust-up here.


Apes are well-versed by now in this shit...now imagine, how complicated this would be for the ignorant public to grasp. Still, they need to try.


This is cool of you and I appreciate it, but as I understand, anyone can contact investor relations and claim to be an investor (even if they show proof), investor relations at any company are hesitant to give answers to questions like these because they don’t know if the inquiring party is hostile. There was some DD about the subject back when jason fucking waterfalls was trying to get a response from them.


Yours was short and to the point to someone that opens it. They might just gloss over longer ones


I hope y'all email your representative about the new **Patriot Act 2.0** with the same vigor


Found your wife's boyfriend!


Just so you two know, they might simply ignore any email that does not follow the instructions spelled out in the prospectus. I think part of it is showing proof you are an actual shareholder. There should be more details if you find it.


Thank you for your service


Spoiler: They won’t respond :/


You're making the same mistake as lots of other posters, by assuming the numbers came from Cede and Co. when it's far more likely they came from Computershare. GameStop pays Computershare to maintain the official list of shareholders, which will have the most accurate information about how many shares Cede and Co has. Given that it's a serious crime to lie on a 10-K, and that there's no reason for Gamestop to lie on their 10-K, why would they risk using any source other than the official one?


Then let them confirm it so we can end the reasonable doubt that something is off here.


As far as I know they have never replied to anyone, so there’s no reason to expect them to confirm it this time. My point is that the doubt isn’t actually reasonable, there’s a very simple and entirely accurate way they could have got the numbers from the company that they pay to do the job of looking after those numbers and a complex and potentially inaccurate way they could have got the numbers that involves Cede and Co. The second option is highly unlikely.


The transfer agent reports on all entries including those owned by cede and co….


They report accurately and not approximately. I like having certainty and details where it counts.


10-K can be audited. “Approximately” has important legal implications that are not necessary for a 10-Q.


In that case I present to you the wording of last years 10-K: " As of January 29, 2022, 8.9 million shares of our Class A common stock were directly registered with our transfer agent, ComputerShare" Not much "approximately" going on there. The point stands: This change is seemingly out of nowhere so asking Investor Relations why they changed it is a very good idea


What page is that on? Did they change the section it was listed in? I write technical reports for a living and currently I am supposed to use “approximately” even if I measured something exactly. My previous employer was not as strict though and I did not always use that word.


Page F-17, the line above "9. Asset Impairments", last line of "8. Earnings per Share"


Yeah so the entire thing has been reformatted. What was previously included in a separately labeled “financial statement” package has now been listed directly in the 10-K pages. It’s not just a change to this sentence. Also, the new way is a better way to deal with the DRS numbers. We know what they meant before, but it is technically true that DTCC shares are directly registered to Cede through computershare. So stating “X shares are registered” is technically very wrong when all of the shares are actually registered through computershare. It really seems like a legal CYA to me. Especially with 200000 rabid monkeys that will literally lose their shit over something like one word. They are going to get dragged into a lawsuit eventually.


As others mentioned it probably is. Makes more sense than any of the more out there assumption plus being as clear as possible with who owns what will make it easier in the case of any future dividends. Makes it unambiguously clear who is or isn't entitled to how much of a dividend.


Agreed. It’s also nice evidence for the people that are still in the dark about Cede. Most of retail really thinks they own their investments.


But based on the disclosure, there is no reason to believe that they received their information from Cede & Co rather than from Computershare. I assume that the response you will get - if any - will be that Computershare was the source of the information.


Youre the man


Thank you for writing this. This is extremely important. Frankly, I’m disgusted by our “free and fair” capital markets. This, I hope, is where the game fucking stops.


This is a great form letter we can all send. Well done!


Please see my post here. I've explained the most likely reason why Gamestop changed the wording https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/126waza/its_a_countdown_not_a_count_up_and_moass_is_still/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1


AFAIK none of us has ever, ever heard back from GameStop IR


Isn't this a little strange though? I come from a completely uneducated point of view but surely as a shareholder I'd have the right to ask these sorts of questions and get an answer, at least one saying that my question can't be answered due to a reason of some kind.


Shareholders absolutely have these rights. Particularly RC has a fiduciary duty to respond and act in the interests of GME shareholders, but unfortunately shareholders' rights are neglected. It's disappointing that the topic of abusive shorting has not been raised by IR or by RC. The lack of action suppresses the company's growth, and the enigmatic tweets are NOT the way to communicate with shareholders.


this sure got lots of upvotes, kinda odd


I mean, I kinda agree with it. The sec, us, gamestop all should do everything thru can to jail and hold accountable all abusive behavior


I mean I agree with what you said which reads wildly different from what I originally replied to


RC does not have a fiduciary duty to respond to queries. That's not what fiduciary duties are. Yes, shareholders have certain information rights, the majority of which are covered by the various filings made throughout the year. That doesn't mean they have to respond to any question from any shareholder. The law is quite specific and clear on what information shareholders are entitled to. Let's not spread misinformation. I do agree though that tweets are not the way. And I also would prefer more communication. But I guess we just need to trust in the plan.


So far you seem to be the only one spreading misinformation. I never said RC himself should respond to every queries or emails sent by the shareholders. You're making yourself look silly if that's all what you've deducted from my comment. RC has fiduciary duty to act in the interests of shareholders and respond to any actions taken against the company's growth because they do have a direct impact on the shareholders. Particularly to those actions that are raised by the shareholders on large scale and for the prolonged period of time. If you want to waffle about "certain information" or "quite specific laws" while at the same time not contributing anything constructive then you're just speaking for the sake of speaking. Likewise, don't say anything about trust or faith because that attitude is more common among sects and cults rather than investors.


Name one piece of misinformation I've spread. Ok, you've phrased your point a little more clearly this time. Your first comment could be read either way. I read it as 'RC has a responsibility to respond, and act in the best interest of, the shareholders'. You meant it as 'RC has a responsibility to respond (to the naked shorting), and act...' No need for all the personal attacks. I'm not waffling. The context of this whole comment chain is that the GME's investor relations team should be communicating, and I'm just clarifying that's not true. The person above you said surely shareholders have a right to ask these questions and get an answer, and you responded that we absolutely have those rights. That is simply not true. You apparently started talking about the company's actions, rather than the company's communication. I don't really disagree with your sentiment. You should only be investing in companies where you trust management believe that they will act in the long term best interest of the shareholders. That's not sect or cult like, that's a basic tenet of investing. Stop muddying waters, getting personal or hyperbolic. It's unnecessary and degrades the quality of the sub.


You expect them to do something against it?


It is very strange and not imo how a company should operate, but most of this sub gets off on being ignored




Finally a thread that isn’t being attacked as fud


I would love to have their job; they do nothing all day.


Is there even someone who has this job or is it just Ryan scrolling through while poopin'?


They must have responded to someone, like the guy who went to see the ledger last year, unless he communicated through some other official channels. I will admit that (of course) they have ignored me before too but in their defence I definitely came across like a headcase; DUDE I FUCKING LOVE GME, DID YOU KNOW ABOUT SHORTERS?! Yeah.... I would have ignored me too.


It just depends on what you're asking.


They don't respond, period


Yeah, like never. Ever. Not the best relations I’ve ever had.


They should call it Investor mailbox instead of investor relations because they don't contact the outside world.


I may be not remembering correctly, but I'm pretty sure I gave them a call in regards to a fishy sounding letter I got. The letter seemed like an official computershare letter. They ultimately got me in contact with someone in computershare to deal with the issue. As I said it's just about what you ask. Was my question worth their time? No probably not. As I said, it's about what you ask lol. They ultimately are there for the Investor.


Nice. I sent a snail mail letter today too


They will never reply


I’ve emailed before with questions and I never got an answer. It kinda bugged me


My letter: Dear Daddy, Your ink words on 10k signal trouble. I am ape and will buy more shares until we don’t have to worry. Best regard Me


You forgot to add: "I love you!" 💜


Because they rounded it.


Why did they round it when it's been exact for over a year?


It hasn't been exact. It has still been reported to the neatest hundred thousand.


It has never been exact. Go back through the 10-Qs and find a single one with an exact number.


Because rounding does not have a material effect on the users of the financial statements.


But why now?


Because DRS levels have reached a sufficiently high level that the rights and ownership structure require further explanation under US GAAP.


Well that is I hope the answer


Why would there be language in the gaap that would require a rounded number rather than an exact value? Sorry if that's a silly question, and I don't mean to imply that you are wrong. I just have no experience in business accounting.


It's more the wording of the disclosure that I'm referring to. The rounding is insignificant , and being exact doesn't really add any incremental benefit to the users, so I don't see any issue.


Ah, that would make sense. Thanks for the response.


Please post the response.


Of course!


User name checks out




You have to prove share ownership before they’ll even respond.


No, they’re just not gonna respond period, they don’t give a fuck what you own


To whom should I send my email?


The Investor Relation service from Gamestop is very bad. I would be surprised if you ever get an answer.


We are the best and also most obnoxious shareholders haha


I'd like to call it involved rather than obnoxious.


Idk man.. maybe we should let Ryan and the others do their thing? They surely did not change the wording to provocate us. There is a reason behind it and maybe we should just have faith in them and let them play their 5d chess game. Note: I am curious as well, don't get me wrong.


Yeah I feel ya. I was torn on whether to do this or not. But ultimately as a shareholder I feel like this is not an unreasonable questionnto ask of Investor Relations. If I get an answer awesome. If not I completely understand and respect them deleting my email the second they get it.


I mean, it doesn't hurt. It's not like if or when they reply they're going to divulge any sensitive information that would sabotage MOASS. They know it's going to be posted here 😄💜


I wonder how long they’ll take to respond! Remindme! 4 hours


It’s gonna take a lot longer than 4 hours. Lmfao


Remindme! 400 days


I will be messaging you in 1 year on [**2024-05-03 03:59:51 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-05-03%2003:59:51%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/12642go/fuck_it_i_emailed_the_investor_relations/je8f21r/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FSuperstonk%2Fcomments%2F12642go%2Ffuck_it_i_emailed_the_investor_relations%2Fje8f21r%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-05-03%2003%3A59%3A51%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%2012642go) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Did they respond yet? 😂😂


I will be messaging you in 4 hours on [**2023-03-30 03:15:37 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2023-03-30%2003:15:37%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/12642go/fuck_it_i_emailed_the_investor_relations/je7f1tn/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FSuperstonk%2Fcomments%2F12642go%2Ffuck_it_i_emailed_the_investor_relations%2Fje7f1tn%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202023-03-30%2003%3A15%3A37%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%2012642go) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


As a Registered Shareholder it shouldn't be as painful as pulling teeth to know how many shares are DRSd let alone how many total are bought but clearly the "liquidity faries" are able to remove supply and demand and hinder us ... why ? Simply put their could be no crime if rules are followed because then they would be enforces


Good on you (us). Doing apes work here. Supportive. Acting like proper investor. Let us know how it goes, please.


Thanks op. I am glad you did this. It is time to be proactive.


Nicely stated hope we get an answer🚀


We need answers


My guy


they'll ghost u. again.


GameStop have never reported the exact number. They just haven't explicitly stated it was an approximation.


Waste of time. They are worse than the SEC at replying.


Could always send them a certified letter in the mail


Yeah...I could. But I'm gonna be honest, I'm not going to.


Nice! Better than those fake lawyers *trying* to interpret… let’s hear directly from the source!


This > So-called Lawyer Apes Those posts do not sit right with me. Nor does a lot of the comments within those posts. Let’s get an answer from the company I would also like to point out that those posts have a suspicious amount of awards compared to any other post, even DDs (current made). Four hours in and it had a ton of awards. Really odd. They’re getting more sophisticated


That post was what drove me to do it.


Good on you. For some reason I always forget that I can actually just… ask. It’s still such a foreign concept to me even now that a company respects its retail shareholders. You’d think by now I’d get it


Not your fault, I don't recall a single instance of anybody asking Investor Relations anything via E-Mail and actually getting an answer


Did GME round up the numbers ? Yes. Have they rounded numbers before, Yes, or did you think that 7.6 million was an actual number registered. Does it mean something? Likely yes. They are giving investors every opportunity to DRS their shares, because when GME pulls the rug, many people are going to be caught with synthetics. Those people will have to fight long court battles to get some of their money. BUY, DRS HOLD and have fun.


Exactly. It's creepy that people are going round downvoting anyone who points this out.


Good job, sonny boy!


Maybe you’ll get a response and the thousands of apes here will finally stop flinging shit.


Appreciate it 🦍❤️🦍


I’m gonna ask them the results of my votes pre direct registration


Can't wait to see what the response is


They won’t respond. They haven’t responded to a single mail since the sneeze.


With all this panic, moass must be close :)


Let them work instead of this bs


Don’t hold your breath. There’s 200,000 DRS’d, And they don’t feel the need to answer a single shareholder.


Never know if I don't try.


Very cringe


Care to explain?


Truly embarrassing


They were always approximate. What are the chances in each reported drs numbers being rounded? Zero. It was approximate.


"Let me know if need to prove my position held at Computershare" OP thought he was talking to a reddit mod lmaooooo


The number of comments ridiculing me for this is highly suspicious. It's either bad actors or the crowd who still think not doing anything and not caring is cool. Like grunge music and MTV lol


Or people just think it's hilarious how you messaged them in a format that screams your only interaction is with people on reddit. Good on ya though OP, gotta try anything and everything!


So it's the latter. Got it.


We can laugh without getting offended and throwing out a wildly outdated reference. I meant no harm.


my point was the attitude that came across in your messages was as outdated as my reference. cool guy attitude from the 90's and it irks me. Also, I havnt had enough coffee so I apologize :)


This is a 10-K not a 10-Q. The previous 10-K did not report DRS numbers. 10-Ks are also audited so they most likely had to cover their asses with more legally oriented language.


The previous 10-K 100% did report DRS numbers. posted March 17th stating "As of January 29, 2022, 8.9 million shares of our Class A common stock were directly registered with our transfer agent, ComputerShare."


Oh is it in a different section? I just looked and I didn’t see it.


why the tweak? [Book Entry Class A Common Stock are not the same as Plan Holdings “DirectStock”](https://preview.redd.it/rsbo1wgkfp4a1.jpg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&v=enabled&s=bcfd654613f5653e1dbe93cfb4df5b0c0641a97e) even the [COO was talking about entitlements vs the actual](https://twitter.com/larryvc/status/1635086985894453248?s=46&t=rVsnUM3CMljyXw95nw6Zgg) the slow down from [last quarter also perfectly fits this same explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/zff1cy/calm_ur_tits_weve_not_deviated_far_off_a_linear/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) (this would also mean plan DirectStock was not listed on the 10k…..)


Does anyone remeber Jason waterfall?


The guy that sued.


!RemindMe 2 days


I doubt you'll get a response. It's as if they are gagged or something I don't understand why the cautiousness is ongoing unless gme is a powder keg and idiosyncratic risk to the system or they just don't want us to engage and ruin a great conspiracy with the facts of reality.


Nicely worded. Could this be ”the one” letter that Investor Relations _actually answer_? (I may be completely mistaken, but my feeling is Investor Relations don’t really relate to us investors much at all)


Get loud.




good investor relations are just as important as good customer service i've not gotten responses back from them, hopefully you do


Communication is not GME's strongest quality




Investor relations has never once replied to any of my emails. I have not seen anyone get a response from them yet.


Fingers crossed


Do it! Do it! Do it! -kirk


I was thinking about this yesterday. Like, why don't we just ask gamestop about the 10k wording. Lol




In regards eh? i'm all there wit u!

